Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Death ❯ Dark Encounter ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hello! Here’s another fic from me to you!!
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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi!, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
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Chapter 1
Heero walked down the dark streets of colony L1. He was dressed in his usual attire consisting of blue jeans, a green tank top, and a blue jean jacket. It was cold outside, but he didn’t care, he felt completely numb. The war had ended four years ago and he still felt he had no purpose. He was twenty years old now and still kept up his perfect soldier walls. Duo and the rest of the pilots had given up on him a long time ago. Heero still showed no emotion to anyone. Not to the other pilots who still came to visit every now and then, not to Relena who he had abandoned a long time ago. He stopped in front of a bar titled Pandora’s Box. Tonight was his last night so he figured ‘What the hell I might as well get drunk,’ he thought as he entered the bar. He had finally decided to kill his self. If his life had no purpose then there was no point in keeping it. He sat down at the nearly empty bar and waited for the bartender to come over.
“What’ll it be?” the tender asked.
“Just give me a bottle of vodka, and a glass,” Heero responded in his usual monotone.
The bartender looked at him for a moment, before shrugging and setting a large bottle of vodka and glass on the counter. Heero threw a fifty down on the counter and tossed back a glass of vodka. The liquid was warm and was more comforting than hot chocolate or coffee. His mind drifted to the gun on his night stand and the letter left to the pilots and Relena saying sorry if they were sad that he was gone, and that it didn’t bother him if they weren’t. He tossed back glass after glass until the bottle was empty.
“Give me another bottle of vodka to go,” Heero stated flatly.
Heero tossed the bartender another fifty, picked up the bottle and left. He staggered down the dark roads and into an alley where he topped off the vodka and smashed the bottle. He took in his surroundings and realized he didn’t know where he was.
“Where the fuck am I?” He asked aloud.
He took another step going deeper into the alley and fell into a mud puddle.
“Shit!” He cursed and for no reason started to laugh.
He never laughed, but being drunk, and falling into a mud puddle seemed to hilarious not to laugh.
“If Duo could see me now,” he laughed.
He stood up and turned to go out of the alley, but a pale hand reached out of the night and grabbed his throat. Heero was dragged to the very back of the alley and flung into the brick wall behind him. Heero only saw darkness in front of him as he slowly stood up clutching the brick wall for support. Then he was pinned against the wall by a cold hand harshly pressing against his throat.
“You think ending your life will stop your suffering?” a feminine voice asked.
Heero couldn’t answer he couldn’t even breath. The force this woman had him pinned under was not natural and despite his effort he could not get away. The woman pulled his jacket off one of his arms and pulled the tank top strap off as well. Then Heero could feel lips kiss and lick the spot where his neck and shoulder met.
“What the fuck is going on!” he yelled.
Heero tried once again to struggle free, but was stopped by a hand pulling his hair making his head tilt to the side. Heero stopped all movement, and cried out, as he felt two sharp objects pierce the flesh the woman had just moments ago kissed. It hurt like hell, but at the same time was growing increasingly pleasurable. The hand in his hair moved to the back of his neck, and pulled him into the arms of this woman, who refused to release him. Heero felt his body go cold, and limp. He grew extremely tired, and his eyes fluttered closed as the woman dropped him to the ground. Heero opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped when something warm hit his tongue. The warm liquid tasted metallic and salty. His eyes shot open as he recognized the taste. Heero closed his mouth and tried to move, but a forceful punch to the stomach caused him to open his mouth and gasp for air. The woman shoved her wrist into his mouth and blood poured down his throat. Heero suddenly wanted more, for what reason he didn’t know. He sunk his teeth into the woman’s wrist and gulped down several swallows. When he realized what he was doing, he let go and pulled away. His body was shaking and pain shot through his chest. The dark world danced in front of his eyes and he screamed in agony before sinking into darkness.
One year later…
“Duo why are you walking so slow?” Quatre asked.
Trowa, Wufei, and Quatre stared at him waiting for an answer.
“Why do we keep coming to see him when we aren’t welcome?” Duo asked.
“Because he’s your best friend, and we all know he has emotions waiting to be dug out,” Quatre replied.
Everyone nodded and Duo smiled.
“Well then let’s go,” Duo said.
They arrived at Heero’s apartment only to discover he wasn’t home.
“Well now what?” Wufei asked.
They were all disappointed their friend wasn’t there.
“Let’s go to club chaos!” Duo shouted.
They all agreed that they would come back later. It was nine at night so the night was young. They walked into the club and sat down at the bar. Everyone ordered a beer and listened to the loud music. Laser lights danced across the floor, and sea of people. As Duo looked around the dance floor he noticed a large group of both women and men starring and smiling at something. Being curious Duo turned to look and his jaw hit the floor.
“Heero!” Duo shouted in astonishment.
The others turned to see Heero out on the dance floor sandwiched between two other men. Both of the men were slightly taller than Heero. The one on his right had long almost white blond hair reaching down to his lower back, pulled into a lose pony tail, and ice blue eyes. He was attired in a blue tank top, and black leather pants. The man on his left had long black hair reaching down to his lower back, pulled back in a half braid whit the rest flowing freely, and crimson red eyes. He was attired in a red tank top and black leather pants. Heero was attired in a white dress shirt with the first three buttons undone, black leather pants, that looked as though they’d been painted on, and a dangling black cross hung from his left ear. When the music stopped and started a new song Heero excused himself from the two men, and headed towards the bar. He stopped in his tracks as he noticed Duo, Quatre, Wufei, and Trowa starring at him wide eyed and jaws dropped. He smirked and continued towards the bar. The way he walked was graceful yet predatory and every woman, along with a generous amount of males turned their heads in his direction.
“Hey guys! Long time no see,” Heero said smoothly.
“What the hell happened to you!” Duo shouted.
Heero laughed, and smiled, which made all the pilots fall out of their seats.
“I had a run in with an extraordinary woman,” Heero said.
Duo caught a flash of pain cross Heero’s features, and decided not to ask. Quatre was about to speak when a young woman with long black hair, and green eyes walked up to Heero. She was well shaped, and was eyeing Heero like a tiger ready to strike. Duo felt a stab of jealousy, and stepped up to Heero.
“Wanna dance buddy?” Duo asked.
“You sure you can keep up?” Heero asked.
“What are friends for?” Duo chuckled.
Duo smiled to himself when he noticed the woman walking away with a disappointed look on her face. A song came on that was fast beat but had a smooth rhythm. He snaked an arm around Heero’s waist and pulled him into the sea of people.
“Well I guess we were right about Heero. People can change and I can’t wait to meet the woman he was talking about, she must be one hell of a lady,” Wufei said.
“Yea, but don’t you think it odd that a woman caused this change in him but he seems to be preferring male dance partners?” Trowa asked.
“He could be bi,” Quatre stated.
On the dance floor Heero felt the heat flowing off of Duo and onto him. He heard Duo’s heart beating rapidly, and looked down at Duo’s neck eyeing the beautiful veins on it. Heero felt his fangs start to descend, and quickly backed away from Duo. He pulled on a pair of shades that had been dangling from his back pocket, covering his now intense crimson eyes. He quickly turned and wove his way through the crowed of people like silk, heading for the back entrance. Duo seeing where Heero was heading started pushing his way through the crowd of people. The rest of the pilots, who had noticed Heero fleeing the club, soon joined him. Heero burst through the back door, and felt the cool night air crash over him. He needed to feed and soon.
“Hey Heero!” Duo called.
Heero whirled around and started backing away.
“Well it was really nice seeing all of you again, but I gotta run! We really should do this again some time soon! See ya around!” Heero called as he ran off into the night.
“Is it just me or is Yuy acting really weird?” Wufei asked.
“No he is definitely acting strange,” Duo said.
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Heero ran through the back alley’s, until he was sure Duo and the others hadn’t followed him. He leaned back against the cold brick wall and removed his shades, before looking around. His eyes glowed brightly as he searched around for an appropriate meal. There was an abundance of people out tonight, but Heero only searched for certain types of prey. He would only feed on people with no one to worry about them. He wouldn’t kill them, only drain them to a point a family member, or friend would notice something was wrong. He would erase the victims’ mind after he was finished feeding, so he or she wouldn’t blab about it, and wouldn’t go crazy. The vampire race wasn’t known to really exist, and if he wanted to leave his prey alive he would have to be cautious. Heero focused his telepathic ability to scan the people in the area’s minds. He found his victim only four blocks over. A young women by the name of Nattily. She was in her mid twenty’s, with blond hair, and honey brown eyes. Her family had disowned her after she sought out a career in professional kick boxing. She hadn’t made any friends, because she was to focused on her goal. So she was the perfect pray for the evening. Heero walked over the four blocks to see Nattily just stepping out of a local gym. He followed her for a few moments until she stepped into an alley to take a short cut to her apartment.
Nattily stopped and whirled around when she thought she heard footsteps behind her. Once she was satisfied that no one was there, she turned back around only to bump into Heero. “Sorry for this,” Heero murmured to her. He spun her around until her back was against his chest. One of his arms locked around her waist, while the other tilted her head to the side. “What the hell are you doing!” Nattily screamed while trying to brake the Heero’s hold. “You better save your lung power for breathing,” Heero growled before sinking his fangs into the joint where neck and shoulder met. Nattily was about to let out a shriek, but it died in her throat when Heero bit down harder on her neck in warning. ‘Stay quiet, and this won’t turn any more painful than it has to,’ Heero mentally told her. Vampires could summon up visions to distract their prey from any pain, but it made their blood lust harder to control, and Heero was to far gone to try summoning a distraction. It was either a little pain or death, he figured the girl would want to live. Just because she had no one now, didn’t mean she couldn’t find someone for the future. Warmth spread through his body as he continued to drink from Nattily. He felt her body going limp, so he took one more swallow before licking the wounds on her neck making them heal completely. He swept Nattily up into his arms and took her to her apartment. He laid her on her bed and placed his palm over her eyes. He erased his visit from her mind, and left silently without looking back.
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A/N: That’s it for chapter 1! Please review and tell me what you think!!
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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi!, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
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Chapter 1
Heero walked down the dark streets of colony L1. He was dressed in his usual attire consisting of blue jeans, a green tank top, and a blue jean jacket. It was cold outside, but he didn’t care, he felt completely numb. The war had ended four years ago and he still felt he had no purpose. He was twenty years old now and still kept up his perfect soldier walls. Duo and the rest of the pilots had given up on him a long time ago. Heero still showed no emotion to anyone. Not to the other pilots who still came to visit every now and then, not to Relena who he had abandoned a long time ago. He stopped in front of a bar titled Pandora’s Box. Tonight was his last night so he figured ‘What the hell I might as well get drunk,’ he thought as he entered the bar. He had finally decided to kill his self. If his life had no purpose then there was no point in keeping it. He sat down at the nearly empty bar and waited for the bartender to come over.
“What’ll it be?” the tender asked.
“Just give me a bottle of vodka, and a glass,” Heero responded in his usual monotone.
The bartender looked at him for a moment, before shrugging and setting a large bottle of vodka and glass on the counter. Heero threw a fifty down on the counter and tossed back a glass of vodka. The liquid was warm and was more comforting than hot chocolate or coffee. His mind drifted to the gun on his night stand and the letter left to the pilots and Relena saying sorry if they were sad that he was gone, and that it didn’t bother him if they weren’t. He tossed back glass after glass until the bottle was empty.
“Give me another bottle of vodka to go,” Heero stated flatly.
Heero tossed the bartender another fifty, picked up the bottle and left. He staggered down the dark roads and into an alley where he topped off the vodka and smashed the bottle. He took in his surroundings and realized he didn’t know where he was.
“Where the fuck am I?” He asked aloud.
He took another step going deeper into the alley and fell into a mud puddle.
“Shit!” He cursed and for no reason started to laugh.
He never laughed, but being drunk, and falling into a mud puddle seemed to hilarious not to laugh.
“If Duo could see me now,” he laughed.
He stood up and turned to go out of the alley, but a pale hand reached out of the night and grabbed his throat. Heero was dragged to the very back of the alley and flung into the brick wall behind him. Heero only saw darkness in front of him as he slowly stood up clutching the brick wall for support. Then he was pinned against the wall by a cold hand harshly pressing against his throat.
“You think ending your life will stop your suffering?” a feminine voice asked.
Heero couldn’t answer he couldn’t even breath. The force this woman had him pinned under was not natural and despite his effort he could not get away. The woman pulled his jacket off one of his arms and pulled the tank top strap off as well. Then Heero could feel lips kiss and lick the spot where his neck and shoulder met.
“What the fuck is going on!” he yelled.
Heero tried once again to struggle free, but was stopped by a hand pulling his hair making his head tilt to the side. Heero stopped all movement, and cried out, as he felt two sharp objects pierce the flesh the woman had just moments ago kissed. It hurt like hell, but at the same time was growing increasingly pleasurable. The hand in his hair moved to the back of his neck, and pulled him into the arms of this woman, who refused to release him. Heero felt his body go cold, and limp. He grew extremely tired, and his eyes fluttered closed as the woman dropped him to the ground. Heero opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped when something warm hit his tongue. The warm liquid tasted metallic and salty. His eyes shot open as he recognized the taste. Heero closed his mouth and tried to move, but a forceful punch to the stomach caused him to open his mouth and gasp for air. The woman shoved her wrist into his mouth and blood poured down his throat. Heero suddenly wanted more, for what reason he didn’t know. He sunk his teeth into the woman’s wrist and gulped down several swallows. When he realized what he was doing, he let go and pulled away. His body was shaking and pain shot through his chest. The dark world danced in front of his eyes and he screamed in agony before sinking into darkness.
One year later…
“Duo why are you walking so slow?” Quatre asked.
Trowa, Wufei, and Quatre stared at him waiting for an answer.
“Why do we keep coming to see him when we aren’t welcome?” Duo asked.
“Because he’s your best friend, and we all know he has emotions waiting to be dug out,” Quatre replied.
Everyone nodded and Duo smiled.
“Well then let’s go,” Duo said.
They arrived at Heero’s apartment only to discover he wasn’t home.
“Well now what?” Wufei asked.
They were all disappointed their friend wasn’t there.
“Let’s go to club chaos!” Duo shouted.
They all agreed that they would come back later. It was nine at night so the night was young. They walked into the club and sat down at the bar. Everyone ordered a beer and listened to the loud music. Laser lights danced across the floor, and sea of people. As Duo looked around the dance floor he noticed a large group of both women and men starring and smiling at something. Being curious Duo turned to look and his jaw hit the floor.
“Heero!” Duo shouted in astonishment.
The others turned to see Heero out on the dance floor sandwiched between two other men. Both of the men were slightly taller than Heero. The one on his right had long almost white blond hair reaching down to his lower back, pulled into a lose pony tail, and ice blue eyes. He was attired in a blue tank top, and black leather pants. The man on his left had long black hair reaching down to his lower back, pulled back in a half braid whit the rest flowing freely, and crimson red eyes. He was attired in a red tank top and black leather pants. Heero was attired in a white dress shirt with the first three buttons undone, black leather pants, that looked as though they’d been painted on, and a dangling black cross hung from his left ear. When the music stopped and started a new song Heero excused himself from the two men, and headed towards the bar. He stopped in his tracks as he noticed Duo, Quatre, Wufei, and Trowa starring at him wide eyed and jaws dropped. He smirked and continued towards the bar. The way he walked was graceful yet predatory and every woman, along with a generous amount of males turned their heads in his direction.
“Hey guys! Long time no see,” Heero said smoothly.
“What the hell happened to you!” Duo shouted.
Heero laughed, and smiled, which made all the pilots fall out of their seats.
“I had a run in with an extraordinary woman,” Heero said.
Duo caught a flash of pain cross Heero’s features, and decided not to ask. Quatre was about to speak when a young woman with long black hair, and green eyes walked up to Heero. She was well shaped, and was eyeing Heero like a tiger ready to strike. Duo felt a stab of jealousy, and stepped up to Heero.
“Wanna dance buddy?” Duo asked.
“You sure you can keep up?” Heero asked.
“What are friends for?” Duo chuckled.
Duo smiled to himself when he noticed the woman walking away with a disappointed look on her face. A song came on that was fast beat but had a smooth rhythm. He snaked an arm around Heero’s waist and pulled him into the sea of people.
“Well I guess we were right about Heero. People can change and I can’t wait to meet the woman he was talking about, she must be one hell of a lady,” Wufei said.
“Yea, but don’t you think it odd that a woman caused this change in him but he seems to be preferring male dance partners?” Trowa asked.
“He could be bi,” Quatre stated.
On the dance floor Heero felt the heat flowing off of Duo and onto him. He heard Duo’s heart beating rapidly, and looked down at Duo’s neck eyeing the beautiful veins on it. Heero felt his fangs start to descend, and quickly backed away from Duo. He pulled on a pair of shades that had been dangling from his back pocket, covering his now intense crimson eyes. He quickly turned and wove his way through the crowed of people like silk, heading for the back entrance. Duo seeing where Heero was heading started pushing his way through the crowd of people. The rest of the pilots, who had noticed Heero fleeing the club, soon joined him. Heero burst through the back door, and felt the cool night air crash over him. He needed to feed and soon.
“Hey Heero!” Duo called.
Heero whirled around and started backing away.
“Well it was really nice seeing all of you again, but I gotta run! We really should do this again some time soon! See ya around!” Heero called as he ran off into the night.
“Is it just me or is Yuy acting really weird?” Wufei asked.
“No he is definitely acting strange,” Duo said.
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Heero ran through the back alley’s, until he was sure Duo and the others hadn’t followed him. He leaned back against the cold brick wall and removed his shades, before looking around. His eyes glowed brightly as he searched around for an appropriate meal. There was an abundance of people out tonight, but Heero only searched for certain types of prey. He would only feed on people with no one to worry about them. He wouldn’t kill them, only drain them to a point a family member, or friend would notice something was wrong. He would erase the victims’ mind after he was finished feeding, so he or she wouldn’t blab about it, and wouldn’t go crazy. The vampire race wasn’t known to really exist, and if he wanted to leave his prey alive he would have to be cautious. Heero focused his telepathic ability to scan the people in the area’s minds. He found his victim only four blocks over. A young women by the name of Nattily. She was in her mid twenty’s, with blond hair, and honey brown eyes. Her family had disowned her after she sought out a career in professional kick boxing. She hadn’t made any friends, because she was to focused on her goal. So she was the perfect pray for the evening. Heero walked over the four blocks to see Nattily just stepping out of a local gym. He followed her for a few moments until she stepped into an alley to take a short cut to her apartment.
Nattily stopped and whirled around when she thought she heard footsteps behind her. Once she was satisfied that no one was there, she turned back around only to bump into Heero. “Sorry for this,” Heero murmured to her. He spun her around until her back was against his chest. One of his arms locked around her waist, while the other tilted her head to the side. “What the hell are you doing!” Nattily screamed while trying to brake the Heero’s hold. “You better save your lung power for breathing,” Heero growled before sinking his fangs into the joint where neck and shoulder met. Nattily was about to let out a shriek, but it died in her throat when Heero bit down harder on her neck in warning. ‘Stay quiet, and this won’t turn any more painful than it has to,’ Heero mentally told her. Vampires could summon up visions to distract their prey from any pain, but it made their blood lust harder to control, and Heero was to far gone to try summoning a distraction. It was either a little pain or death, he figured the girl would want to live. Just because she had no one now, didn’t mean she couldn’t find someone for the future. Warmth spread through his body as he continued to drink from Nattily. He felt her body going limp, so he took one more swallow before licking the wounds on her neck making them heal completely. He swept Nattily up into his arms and took her to her apartment. He laid her on her bed and placed his palm over her eyes. He erased his visit from her mind, and left silently without looking back.
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A/N: That’s it for chapter 1! Please review and tell me what you think!!
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