Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blissful Death ❯ Altercation ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thanks for the reviews!!
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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi!, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
Previously: “I’ll call you and let you know. Good evening,” Heero said before heading out of the building. Duo ran after him to give some smart remark, but stopped when Heero seemed to have vanished. “This is so weird,” Duo said heading back over to his friends, who had already started walking down the street.
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Chapter 3
“This is an injustice!! Why do I have to share a room with Maxwell!!” Wufei ranted.
“Because Quat and Tro want to be alone. It’s not like I’m thrilled with the arrangement either Wuffers!!” Duo ranted.
The pilots only had enough money with them at the moment to get two rooms at the Shades Inn. Trowa and Quatre agreed to be ‘room-mates’, and of course this caused Wufei and Duo to room together, which neither took well.
“Well this wouldn’t have happened if Yuy had just let us stay at his place like we used to!” Wufei yelled.
“Dude! When we stay at Heero’s we all stay in the same room! We would still be rooming together!!” Duo shouted.
“Yes but I wouldn’t have to be alone with you!” Wufei said pointing at him.
“Look Quatre can go to the bank tomorrow, and get enough for us all to have our own rooms! So your just gonna have to pull your head out of your ass for one evening! Can you handle that Wuffers!” Duo growled.
“Ha! I know why your angry! Because Heero invited his two buddies from the club over and not us!” Wufei shouted.
“What does that have to do with anything!” Duo yelled.
“It has everything to do with your being an asshole!” Wufei ranted.
“This coming from a man who chases me around with a fucking katana almost every day!” Duo shouted.
“Hey you people shut up! Other people are trying to sleep!” some people from the room next to them shouted.
“Fuck off!” Duo and Wufei roared.
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̶ 0;So explain the situation to me again?” Heero asked.
“Another group of vampires just arrived and they’ve been moving in on others territory and doing as they please,” Devlin stated.
They were currently at an abandoned warehouse, that had been set up as a surveillance location. It kept tabs on all the surrounding area’s to make sure other vampires weren’t getting to wild.
“Well they better not set a foot in our territory or I might just feel obligated to rip them apart,” Angelo said.
“Well lets track them down and explain the rules,” Heero sighed, but smirked.
“Oh goodie a fight,” Devlin chuckled.
“Well we better hurry before sunlight,” Angelo said checking the clock.
It was currently 2:30 in the morning.
“Well the sun will be up in...about four and a half hours so we better make this quick,” Heero said.
“Not to quick I’ve really been bored lately,” Devlin pouted.
“Well if there as unorganized as they seem, it will be boring anyway...I got it lets ‘explain’ the rules, and then go bar hopping!” Angelo said.
“Sounds like a plan,” Heero said standing from his seat beside the monitors.
“Well they were last seen down by Joe’s liquor store,” Angelo said.
“We’re taking my car!” Devlin cheered.
“Only if I drive. I’m sorry but you and a viper don’t mix well,” Angelo said.
Heero laughed at the glare Angelo received for that comment.
“Well fuck you to Angel,” Devlin said flipping off his lover.
“Lets go morons,” Heero chuckled heading out the door.
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“ Wufei?” Duo whispered.
“Huh?” Wufei answered.
“Are you asleep?” Duo asked.
“No, I’m asleep Maxwell,” Wufei said sarcastically.
“What do you thinks going on with Heero?” Duo asked.
“I haven’t a clue in hell! This is Yuy your asking about? Have any of us ever known what’s going on with him,” Wufei answered.
“Well I have a feeling something more fucked up than usual is going on,” Duo said seriously.
“Look Maxwell we’ll go check on Yuy tomorrow afternoon if it will make you feel better,” Wufei growled.
“Thanks Woofie!” Duo chirped.
“Goodnight Maxwell,” Wufei snapped.
“Wuffers?” Duo asked.
“What!” Wufei growled.
“I wuv you!” Duo cooed.
“Go to sleep you braided idiot!” Wufei wailed.
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̶ 0;This is so stupid,” Devlin said.
They were now walking around in a grave yard.
“These guys are already dead, and they think running around in a graveyard is fun? The must be fledglings,” Angelo commented.
“Well so much for a fun evening of bar fights, and bar hopping,” Heero sighed.
“Dude I’m older then most of the people who have died here,” Angelo said looking at tomb stones.
“Geezer,” Heero commented.
“Infant,” Angelo countered.
“Hey there they are!” Devlin said pointing at a crypt in the center of the cemetery.
“This shouldn’t take long there’s only three,” Heero snorted.
“And by the weak ora there giving off, I was indeed right about them being fledglings,” Angelo said walking up to the crypt.
“Hey fellas we got company!” a short vampire with a bad haircut sang.
“Hey there sex god how’s it flying?” a toller vampire with green hair said sauntering over to Devlin.
“Hey buddy! That’s my sex god if you don’t mind,” Angelo said wrapping an arm around Devlin’s waist in a very possessive manner.
“Sorry gramps! Maybe the younger of your group would be interested,” the third vampire with spiked up white hair said eyeing Heero.
“Look, you guys have been trespassing on other vampires territory’s, and we thought it best to warn you to ask permission first,” Heero said glaring at the white haired vampire.
“It’s not like they can kill us for stepping on there ground,” the one with the bad haircut replied.
“Oh there are ways to kill a vampire especially one as weak as yourself,” Angelo said with a smirk.
“Fuck you pops,” the one with the green hair snapped.
“Careful pissing off an elder is not wise,” Devlin said.
“Well lets see what you got,” the one with white hair said cockily.
Angelo’s eyes glowed and the one with white hair found himself floating in the air before sailing through it into a large angle tomb stone.
“Damn this is going to be quick,” Devlin commented stepping up to the one with the bad hair cut.
The vampire with the bad haircut pulled out a little knife and charged at Devlin. Devlin sidestepped and kicked the guy in the back of the head. Heero just walked over to the one with green hair and smirked at him.
“What are you so cocky about! You don’t seem to be much older than me,” the green haired one hissed.
Suddenly Heero was behind the green haired vampire. He kicked the back of his knee making him kneel, and promptly snapped the other vampires neck.
“Too slow,” Heero chuckled.
The other two vampires ran over and picked up there buddy.
“We’ll be back fucker’s,” they shouted while running off.
“Hopefully with permission next time,” Angelo called.
“That was so damn boring,” Devlin drawled.
“Well lets go bar hopping!” Angelo cheered.
Heero just chuckled and shook his head.
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A/N: Another chapter is finished! Please review people! Not many are reviewing and that makes me sad!! So you! :points: click and review!!
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Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not own gundam wing or any of it’s characters, so please refrain from suing me...thank you.
Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, yaoi!, violence...the usual.
Summary: Heero, fed up with having no further purpose, plans to commit suicide until an encounter with a dark figure, changes his plans.
Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.
Previously: “I’ll call you and let you know. Good evening,” Heero said before heading out of the building. Duo ran after him to give some smart remark, but stopped when Heero seemed to have vanished. “This is so weird,” Duo said heading back over to his friends, who had already started walking down the street.
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Chapter 3
“This is an injustice!! Why do I have to share a room with Maxwell!!” Wufei ranted.
“Because Quat and Tro want to be alone. It’s not like I’m thrilled with the arrangement either Wuffers!!” Duo ranted.
The pilots only had enough money with them at the moment to get two rooms at the Shades Inn. Trowa and Quatre agreed to be ‘room-mates’, and of course this caused Wufei and Duo to room together, which neither took well.
“Well this wouldn’t have happened if Yuy had just let us stay at his place like we used to!” Wufei yelled.
“Dude! When we stay at Heero’s we all stay in the same room! We would still be rooming together!!” Duo shouted.
“Yes but I wouldn’t have to be alone with you!” Wufei said pointing at him.
“Look Quatre can go to the bank tomorrow, and get enough for us all to have our own rooms! So your just gonna have to pull your head out of your ass for one evening! Can you handle that Wuffers!” Duo growled.
“Ha! I know why your angry! Because Heero invited his two buddies from the club over and not us!” Wufei shouted.
“What does that have to do with anything!” Duo yelled.
“It has everything to do with your being an asshole!” Wufei ranted.
“This coming from a man who chases me around with a fucking katana almost every day!” Duo shouted.
“Hey you people shut up! Other people are trying to sleep!” some people from the room next to them shouted.
“Fuck off!” Duo and Wufei roared.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
̶ 0;So explain the situation to me again?” Heero asked.
“Another group of vampires just arrived and they’ve been moving in on others territory and doing as they please,” Devlin stated.
They were currently at an abandoned warehouse, that had been set up as a surveillance location. It kept tabs on all the surrounding area’s to make sure other vampires weren’t getting to wild.
“Well they better not set a foot in our territory or I might just feel obligated to rip them apart,” Angelo said.
“Well lets track them down and explain the rules,” Heero sighed, but smirked.
“Oh goodie a fight,” Devlin chuckled.
“Well we better hurry before sunlight,” Angelo said checking the clock.
It was currently 2:30 in the morning.
“Well the sun will be up in...about four and a half hours so we better make this quick,” Heero said.
“Not to quick I’ve really been bored lately,” Devlin pouted.
“Well if there as unorganized as they seem, it will be boring anyway...I got it lets ‘explain’ the rules, and then go bar hopping!” Angelo said.
“Sounds like a plan,” Heero said standing from his seat beside the monitors.
“Well they were last seen down by Joe’s liquor store,” Angelo said.
“We’re taking my car!” Devlin cheered.
“Only if I drive. I’m sorry but you and a viper don’t mix well,” Angelo said.
Heero laughed at the glare Angelo received for that comment.
“Well fuck you to Angel,” Devlin said flipping off his lover.
“Lets go morons,” Heero chuckled heading out the door.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“ Wufei?” Duo whispered.
“Huh?” Wufei answered.
“Are you asleep?” Duo asked.
“No, I’m asleep Maxwell,” Wufei said sarcastically.
“What do you thinks going on with Heero?” Duo asked.
“I haven’t a clue in hell! This is Yuy your asking about? Have any of us ever known what’s going on with him,” Wufei answered.
“Well I have a feeling something more fucked up than usual is going on,” Duo said seriously.
“Look Maxwell we’ll go check on Yuy tomorrow afternoon if it will make you feel better,” Wufei growled.
“Thanks Woofie!” Duo chirped.
“Goodnight Maxwell,” Wufei snapped.
“Wuffers?” Duo asked.
“What!” Wufei growled.
“I wuv you!” Duo cooed.
“Go to sleep you braided idiot!” Wufei wailed.
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̶ 0;This is so stupid,” Devlin said.
They were now walking around in a grave yard.
“These guys are already dead, and they think running around in a graveyard is fun? The must be fledglings,” Angelo commented.
“Well so much for a fun evening of bar fights, and bar hopping,” Heero sighed.
“Dude I’m older then most of the people who have died here,” Angelo said looking at tomb stones.
“Geezer,” Heero commented.
“Infant,” Angelo countered.
“Hey there they are!” Devlin said pointing at a crypt in the center of the cemetery.
“This shouldn’t take long there’s only three,” Heero snorted.
“And by the weak ora there giving off, I was indeed right about them being fledglings,” Angelo said walking up to the crypt.
“Hey fellas we got company!” a short vampire with a bad haircut sang.
“Hey there sex god how’s it flying?” a toller vampire with green hair said sauntering over to Devlin.
“Hey buddy! That’s my sex god if you don’t mind,” Angelo said wrapping an arm around Devlin’s waist in a very possessive manner.
“Sorry gramps! Maybe the younger of your group would be interested,” the third vampire with spiked up white hair said eyeing Heero.
“Look, you guys have been trespassing on other vampires territory’s, and we thought it best to warn you to ask permission first,” Heero said glaring at the white haired vampire.
“It’s not like they can kill us for stepping on there ground,” the one with the bad haircut replied.
“Oh there are ways to kill a vampire especially one as weak as yourself,” Angelo said with a smirk.
“Fuck you pops,” the one with the green hair snapped.
“Careful pissing off an elder is not wise,” Devlin said.
“Well lets see what you got,” the one with white hair said cockily.
Angelo’s eyes glowed and the one with white hair found himself floating in the air before sailing through it into a large angle tomb stone.
“Damn this is going to be quick,” Devlin commented stepping up to the one with the bad hair cut.
The vampire with the bad haircut pulled out a little knife and charged at Devlin. Devlin sidestepped and kicked the guy in the back of the head. Heero just walked over to the one with green hair and smirked at him.
“What are you so cocky about! You don’t seem to be much older than me,” the green haired one hissed.
Suddenly Heero was behind the green haired vampire. He kicked the back of his knee making him kneel, and promptly snapped the other vampires neck.
“Too slow,” Heero chuckled.
The other two vampires ran over and picked up there buddy.
“We’ll be back fucker’s,” they shouted while running off.
“Hopefully with permission next time,” Angelo called.
“That was so damn boring,” Devlin drawled.
“Well lets go bar hopping!” Angelo cheered.
Heero just chuckled and shook his head.
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A/N: Another chapter is finished! Please review people! Not many are reviewing and that makes me sad!! So you! :points: click and review!!
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