Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ bLoOd dReaMs ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: bLoOd dReaMs
Author: Katerina Shinigami, Shi-chan (
Some fics located at:,
http://www.homestead. com/Celerial2/Fanfic_Epilepsy.html,
Otherwise: yes, please tell me.
Category: AU, vampires, occult, dark, shounen ai
Rating: Pg-R
Pairings: R+2, eventually 1+2
Warnings: vampires, blood, visions, fighting
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is for fun and enjoyment, no money is being made. Please don't sue me, as I am poor.
Feedback: Yes please. All flames received will be used to light the fire under my ass and get me to write more fics that are against your liking, so there.

bLoOd dReaMs
-+ pROlOgUe +-

The blonde girl stared after the blue-eyed boy fallen to earth. Her name was Relena, Relena Dorilan, and there was more to her than met the eye.

"What's you name?" She asked the wind.

'Heero Yuy,' it whispered back to her.

A slow smile crawled across Relena's face. "So, you have come after me, have you? Well, I will not let you have me... the Blood Dream must be fulfilled."


Duo awoke from his dream with a start, fist clenched against his chest. His heart beat rapidly, irratically against it's cage, struggling to burst through the prison of bone and flesh.

'...the Blood Dream must be fulfilled...'

The girl's voice echoed in his mind, chilling despite the warm tone.

"Duo?" his mother's voice called up the stairs, breaking the spell the dream held over the braided boy. "Duo, it's time to get up!"


Heero Yuy cursed himself as he sped down the highway in his stolen ambulance. How could he have let the opportunity pass? Why hadn't he killed the beast there, on the empty beach?

Easy, because he had not been sure it was her until she'd touched him to tell him she'd called an ambulance.

Her touch, that icy touch tainted with blood, had sent chills coursing through the young Hunter. She was his kin, his prey... a powerful vampire halfling with dark intent oozing out her every pour.

"I will kill you," Heero promised. "You will not succeed in your dark purpose. The Blood Dreams must never be fulfilled."