Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Fetish ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's notes: Okay, I'm just going to do a little explaining regarding some comments on the last part I posted of this fic. Any who aren't interested, feel free to skip to the part. Now then, I want to say that the version of Gundam Wing that I watched was in english, so I don't know about the subtle differences in the Japanese version. For this reason, I generally assume the series took place in different countries and not Japan. So, I also assumed that the pilots were speaking a language known to all, maybe some sort of international language that is understood around the world and on the colonies, english or japanese or whatever. For my fics, I usually have it be english since that is my language. Going on this assumption, I take the pilots to all know this accepted language on top of their native tongues. That's why I had Duo not knowing japanese in the last part. On another note, it has been brought to my attention that my use of the word 'decimate' is off. I appreciate being told, and I don't mind telling the true definition of the word that I was given and looked up. It means to kill one in ten, meaning it's appropriate when speaking of more than one person, a group, and not to be used when referring to a single person. Well, I was going to change the word, but I've decided to keep it. After all, it *is* used as dialog and proper grammar rules can be left aside when you have someone speaking. Also, I like the word and it's definition. You decimate a flight of mobile suits by destroying nearly all of them, but not all. Well, as you'll see in this part, that's pretty much what's going to be done to Flinn. Also, when I used the thesaurus to check it on my (old an out-dated) computer all I got was destroy and such, so this word is my best bet. Anyway, thanks for having the patience to hear me out, I just wanted to address these two comments since I'm going to keep the fic as is and I didn't want them to think I didn't hear and appreciate them. Okay, on to the fic.
Warnings: slight angst, shonen ai
Category: Yaoi, TWT: timeline-what-timeline
Pairings: 1+2 at present, will be 1x2, assumed 3x4
Author: Arigatomina

Blood Fetish

Part 7

It seemed luck was on their side as the four boys found their target *not* in bed as they had feared, but awake and alone in his living-room. They had already been given a break as Duo had received a solitary mission, the danger involved minimal enough for any fears they had to be alleviated. As soon as he had left, they'd moved on their own mission. The house was large, but it was a mile away from the nearest city and the country side was only spotted with homes, making their approach easy to hide. Wufei and Quatre had pointed out the man's bedroom, warning that he slept with his wife, his two children being in a room down the hall. As it was upstairs, they'd left Heero to scale the tree that was conveniently close enough for a view inside. They had been worried about how they would separate the man from his mate, but he hadn't been in his bed, the woman sleeping deeply.

No, he was seated on the couch, as they soon found by circling the house and peering in through the windows. Picking the lock on the backdoor was a simple thing, and Heero and Trowa moved in, the other two taking up positions near the stairs, watchful for anyone who might wake up. Since they had no intention of rousing the house's other occupants, Trowa was equipped with a dart-gun, the dart carefully prepared to put the man asleep. And it did, as he hadn't even turned to notice their presence before the dart hit him in the back of the neck and he slumped forward. The cup he'd been drinking from fell quietly to the carpet as he hit the coffee table with a soft thump, and the two boys took him, Trowa hoisting him over a shoulder as Heero bent to clean up the spilled liquid. There would be no evidence left of what had happened, and he set the cup carefully on the table, leaving the front door unlocked as they exited the house as quietly as they'd come.

It was really too simple, but none of them felt like complaining, Wufei and Trowa staying in the back of the van to make sure the man didn't wake too early. As it was, Quatre drove them to their destination, and Heero watched the boy. Since it had been the blonde who'd shown the most reluctance over the retaliation, they'd left the details of their revenge to him. This had proven to be quite a shock as the Arabian pilot displayed a dark side, his plans violent enough to satisfy even Heero. Still, Heero wasn't sure if the blonde boy was going to be able to handle what they had planned, so he was watching for any signs of hesitation. The blonde boy's eyes were narrowed, however, and as far as Heero could tell, the fury and determination on the boy's face were whole-hearted.

Driving a few miles over the speed-limit, Quatre watched the dark trees slip by him as his mind dwelled in dark thoughts. He knew the others were wary of hurting him, and he remembered Trowa's gentle words as the tall boy had asked if he was truly determined to be a part of their revenge. But he was, and he knew he wouldn't be satisfied until he had seen the man pay. Yes, he had been put off by the discovery that the man had children, and he couldn't forget how badly his father's death had hurt him, but neither could he forget what type of man Flinn was. To think that those two boys should remain in the hands of such a deranged man was unbearable. So when his three friends had given him the decision as to how the man should be punished, he'd been gratified. While Trowa had been obvious in his shock, Quatre knew his tall lover wouldn't think any less of him if he felt the need to mete out an appropriate revenge. And as he'd said, he knew just the place for the man.

* * *

Flinn didn't struggle much when he finally woke, but that was more due to how tightly he'd been bound than any passive tendencies. Waking to find the barrel of a large handgun an inch from his face also worked to subdue his need to fight. He recognized the tall boy holding the weapon immediately, and to say he was frightened would have been a blatant understatement. No time was spent wondering what was going to happen to him, as he was certain his death was eminent. Rather, his mind was consumed with the need to find out how the pilots had escaped. He found himself in the back of a van, and it had been the sound of the doors opening that had roused him. Now, he could plainly see the four boys who'd been in the interrogation room, and he didn't fail to note the lack of a fifth. It had been that boy's death that had sent him running from the room, and he'd been terrified as to what his superiors would do if they found out he'd killed the boy without getting any answers. In fact, he wasn't supposed to kill any of them, and that had been why he'd fled, needing to think before he could come up with a believable story. Then, the boys had somehow managed to escape, and his story had been easy since they'd taken their fallen comrade with them.

Trowa climbed out of the van slowly, keeping his gun in plain sight as Wufei shoved the man toward the open door. A glance to Heero revealed that the Japanese pilot wasn't happy with the lack of fear on their captive's face, and Trowa looked back to the man.

"How did you escape?" Flinn asked, ignoring the pained expression on the blonde boy's face as he stared at the one holding the gun. He didn't care if his question infuriated them, he was certain nothing he said would make them any more ready to kill him, so it didn't matter if he prodded them. "I've never been able to figure it out."

Turning to where Heero's form was barely visible in the dim light, Quatre was vaguely grateful to his cold thoughts. He was certain the boy would have hit the man if he'd heard the impertinent query and they didn't need any screams outside. While it wasn't likely that anyone would hear them, the graveyard wasn't *that* far from the city, and they weren't taking any chances. But Heero hadn't heard, as the dark-haired boy was working on the release to the crypt Quatre had found. A tiny sprinkle of humor reached him as the blonde boy remembered his friends' shocked appearances when he'd told them where he wanted to take the man. If it hadn't been for his love of history, he never would have known about this particular cemetery, and the crypt had come to him without much thought. He knew the marble was thick enough to muffle any screams, and his new, morbid sense of justice grinned at the prospect as his gaze returned to the man.

Wufei's eyes glinted as he gave the man a shove out of the van, the Lieutenant not moving quickly enough to satisfy him. He too, had been caught off guard by Quatre's suggestion, but he liked it, it was appropriate that their revenge take place in something resembling the cell they'd been in before. Holding tight to the ropes tied around the man's arms, Wufei smirked as he and Trowa kept Flinn from falling, Quatre bending to cut loose the man's legs. They weren't worried that he might kick them or try to run, but Trowa had insisted they bind him on the ride, explaining that the man would be more aware of his helplessness that way. The Chinese pilot was impressed by the cruel sides his friends were showing, and his need for justice applauded them.

"Come on, it's not like it would hurt anything to tell me," Flinn continued, looking down at the boy cutting him loose. "I'm also curious as to how you found me, but I guess you aren't going to answer *that* question."

"You would do well to keep silent," Quatre said, his soft voice sending a slight shiver down Trowa's back as the tall boy felt a need to move back. The blonde didn't look up until he'd finished, and his normally expressive eyes were hard and cold as he stared at the man. "You're just going to make me angry, and I'm already furious."

Trowa prodded the man, glancing at Quatre as the boy turned his back and led the way to where Heero waited. He was acquainted with that side of the blonde boy, and it still made him uncomfortable, even if it was appropriate at the moment. "Go."

Flinn did as he was ordered, but he glanced at the two boys holding his arms, smirking as he used humor to hide his growing fear. No one ever knew he was frightened if he could help it, and now he was warned in advance, so he made certain the gundam pilots weren't aware. "So you brought me to a cemetery? That's original, I suppose this is to repay me for killing your friend, right?"

He wanted to hit the man, but Wufei's control was better than that and he contented himself with what was to come, keeping his hold on the man's arm light. "You're mistaken," he said, his voice smooth as the man turned to look at him. He smirked as he saw Heero frown. "We aren't repaying you for killing him, be grateful we aren't. That would be much more painful for you."

"Why are you talking to him?" Heero glared, his tightly clenched fists visible as he stepped to the side of the crypt's door. They were taking too much time, he was more than ready to start.

"He's full of questions," Wufei answered, not bothered by the boy's fury as it wasn't directed at him. "He thinks we're paying him back for killing Duo. And he wants to know how we escaped."

"Hn." There was no reason to tell the man, and he couldn't understand why Wufei would waste his time listening to Flinn's talk. He took a step forward and took the bag Quatre held, carrying it inside as his flashlight illuminated the small chamber. There was only on coffin to be seen, and it was sealed well, the cement platform it sat on making a nice table as Heero took out the battery powered lights. Setting one in each of the four corners, he nodded when the man was pushed inside, frowning at the open doorway. "Are we going to be able to shut that without getting locked in here?" he asked, glancing to Quatre since that boy seemed to know the most about the crypt.

"Yes, there's a safety on the door just in case someone gets shut inside," the blonde boy nodded, his pale blue-green eyes glinting as he glanced around the marble chamber, pausing for a moment on the coffin. "I wish I could have found one that wasn't occupied, but they don't make these any more, not often at least."

"This is fine." Leaving Wufei to escort the man in, Trowa stepped to Quatre, his green eyes searching the boy's impassive face carefully. He leaned a bit closer to the boy so the others wouldn't hear him as they remained outside the door. "Quatre, are you sure you want to do this? I know you love Duo, but this is going to be very bad. You know that."

"Trowa." The blonde boy shook his head, giving a tiny smile before his face hardened again. "He deserves it. I'm fine, besides, this was mostly *my* idea. It's okay, Trowa, really."

The tall boy gave a sharp nod, then entered the door, helping Quatre pull it closed and flinching, just a bit, when the heavy piece slit shut. He knew the boy was certain they'd be able to get out again, but he couldn't help a tiny sliver of discomfort as he smelled the stale air. They wouldn't want to stay there too long, and he turned to where the man now stood in the center of the room, his eyes narrowing. He could see that Heero had set things up, and he felt irritation that they didn't have a hook to hang the man on. Still, he couldn't argue too much as the man's eyes were now showing white around them, his fear evidently becoming harder to hide.

The man was still standing, and Wufei stepped back, taking up position a few feet behind him as he glanced at Heero. "He's tall," he murmured, nodding to Flinn.

"Yes," Quatre agreed, his eyes glinting as he looked at the black-haired pilot. "Rather inconvenient."

Without further warning, Wufei stepped forward and kicked the man in the back of the knees, sending him down with a surprised cry. Flinn remained on his hands and knees, then Trowa pulled on his hair, raising him till he was on his knees alone. With bright eyes, he slapped the man on both cheeks, knowing it wouldn't hurt as much as a punch, but repaying like with like. A light hand fell on his shoulder, and he moved aside as Quatre nodded to him, the blonde boy staring into the man's wary eyes before punching him in the face.

It felt good, but the blonde boy didn't linger as he moved back, the ache in his knuckles soothed by the sight of blood from the man's nose. "I understand you like a good show," the boy said softly, as he kept the man's gaze on him. "We do too."

Licking his lips as he tasted his blood, Flinn smirked suddenly. "That's good, I hope I don't disappoint you."

"No worry of that," Heero said, his cobalt eyes narrowed as he moved in front of the man. The other three held the man still as he gripped Flinn's chin, opening his mouth. Those eyes were very wide now, and they centered on the small knife the Japanese boy held, the sharp blade glinting. "You like the taste of blood, how about your own?" The man let out a sharp cry as the blade cut a line through his tongue, and Heero bent forward, his teeth closing on the man's bottom lip. Ripping it, he slowly leaned back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he eyed the blood that ran down the man's chin. "Won't be getting any more smart remarks out of *that* mouth, eh?" he whispered, his voice soft as he stared at the man.

The man was struggling now, and Heero handed the knife to Wufei as the boy cut through the ropes, leaving only the handcuffs that held Flinn's hands behind his back. It was obvious that the man had been ready for bed, as he was wearing a thin white tee-shirt, and Wufei gripped the knife as he glanced at Trowa.

"Don't move your head," the tall boy said smoothly, remembering the man's words to Duo. He accepted the knife from his black-haired friend, and his eyes glinted as he cut through the man's shirt, making certain to press deeper as he passed over Flinn's arm. Pulling the cloth away, he nodded at the thin line where the flesh had been cut, shrugging as he turned the man to look at him. "I won't lick it, but it's the thought that counts, right?" Flinn stared at him in dawning realization, and Trowa smirked as he knew the man understood what they were doing. It was revenge, and they'd give him everything he'd given Duo, and maybe a bit more. Seeing Quatre pull a small cloth from the bag, he held the man's head as the blonde boy pushed it into the man's mouth, making sure it touched the ripped lip and tongue. "That's salt," Trowa said, nearly smirking at the way the man choked and struggled to spit it out. "Still think it's worth it?"

The man had finally gotten the salt-saturated cloth out of his mouth by the time Heero stepped behind him, and he jerked when the boy cut a long stripe down his back, his shoulder's hunching as Trowa and Wufei held him still.

With the man's neck exposed, Heero pressed the knife down, drawing a line from the man's hairline down to his waist-band. "You'll have to keep your head up if you want me to stay only on your back." The man gave a muffled groan, but Heero noticed that he brought his head up all the same. "Much better," he murmured. Cutting the man, his grip on the knife tightened as he kept careful count, using his memory to place each line in the correct location. It wasn't long before the man's back was a mesh of bloody cuts, and Heero nodded as he leaned back a bit, tilting his wrist to overlap some of them.

He was screaming, and as much as it disgusted him, Quatre felt a perverse rush of pleasure as the man's eyes were closed, his face a masterpiece of misery. It was obvious that Heero wasn't going to hesitate at all, and he looked to his friend, noting the focused look in those cobalt eyes. He knew if he counted, he would find the same number of cuts on Duo's back, and his heart cried at the thought, his fury raging as he glared at Flinn, relishing the man's hoarse sobs. The man's head had fallen, and Quatre nodded when Heero moved to work on the exposed neck, noting that unlike Duo, the man raised his head again with a tortured scream.

Counting, Heero stepped back slowly, his eyes moving over the man's shaking body as he slowly sighed. A glance to his friends showed that Wufei was watching him carefully and he raised an eyebrow.

"May I?" Wufei asked, his own eyebrow raising as he nodded to the man's back. Heero didn't seem sure what he wanted, but the boy stepped aside, his eyes widening when Wufei pressed a hand roughly against Flinn. With an arm around the man's waist, he rubbed his hand over the cuts, then he smeared the blood on both hands. Cobalt eyes glinted brightly and Wufei smirked as he circled the kneeling Lieutenant. "Open your eyes," he said, waiting until he looked at him before holding out his blood covered hands. "This is you." His smirk disappeared as he smeared the blood on the man's face, but he enjoyed the pained expression and noted that the man did close his eyes. Obviously, the man didn't enjoy his own blood as much as he did the blood of others. "What's wrong?" Wufei asked, his disgust tainting his mocking tone. "Didn't you say there was something about it? It's the life of man, remember? And this is *your* life."

Flinn didn't look up as he gasped, tears mingling with the blood on his cheeks. Any pity Wufei might have felt was crushed, however, as he thought of his friend. Duo hadn't cried, and the man's weakness was an insult to him. Looking at Trowa, he nodded to the man's bowed head, seeing that it jerked when Heero cut a slice of the now-exposed neck, but it didn't rise. The green-eyed boy understood the unspoken message and took Wufei's place.

Meeting Heero's gaze over the man's shoulder, Trowa's eyes narrowed and he pulled the man's head up by his hair, smirking when he didn't open his eyes. It was with intense satisfaction, that he gripped the man's chin, slapping him again, roughly on each wet cheek. "I know you're awake," he said, shoving the man's head to the side. The man must have known what he was going to do, because the muscles in his shoulder tensed before Trowa had even lowered his head. This didn't stop him from biting the man viciously in the corner of his shoulder and neck, and Trowa spat out the man's blood as he stepped back and glanced at Quatre. The blonde boy's eyes were filled with hate, and he nodded sharply. Without further incentive, Trowa buried his fist in the man's stomach, noting that he would have crumpled if Wufei and Heero hadn't held his arms.

Moving behind the man again, Heero cut a deep line through the man's neck and back, watching the blood with satisfaction. He didn't give the man a chance to do more than scream before repeating the move, again making certain he cut deeper than the previous marks. Pale blue-green eyes met him and he paused, the knife lifted as he waited.

"This is where you beg," Quatre said softly, his voice void of any angry tones as he watched the man's bowed head. "This is where you beg us to stop, before we kill you."

"Please..." The man lifted his head, turning it painfully as he sought out the pale boy, his own eyes bright with tears. "I'm begging you," he cried, gasping when Heero pulled on his hair.

"No," the Japanese boy said, making certain his tone was mocking as he cut the man again. "Isn't that what you said to me?"

"I'm sorry! God! Please stop!" Flinn had closed his eyes in preparation for another cut, and he fell to the cold floor as he was suddenly released. Slowly, he pushed his head up, staring in disbelief when he saw that the boys had moved away from him.

"Hai," Heero whispered, wiping the knife on the remains of the man's shirt before letting the cloth fall to the floor. "But only because *you* stopped. You may have done it only because you thought him dead, but you *did* stop before you killed him."


"Duo's alive," Quatre smiled, glancing over as he retrieved the lights. "Of course, in an hour or so you may wish he wasn't since that's the only reason we're letting you live."

The man seemed confused, and Trowa smirked as he opened the door. "You see, we aren't going to kill you, not yet. We'll let you bleed to death, Duo nearly did, so it's fitting."


It was obvious that Flinn didn't realize what they had planned for him, and Wufei paused as he waited with Heero, letting the other two boys leave the crypt. "Yes, he's fine now. You wondered how we escaped? Duo let us out. But no one's going to let *you* out."

"You're going to die in here," Heero said, his voice emotionless as he slowly closed the door, the man's dawning realization evident by his panicked scream. With the door closed, he watched as Quatre broke the release. He could barely hear the muffled screams, and he was satisfied as they sounded far away, knowing no one would hear them. "Are you certain this will hold?"

"Oh yes," the blonde boy said, his voice quiet as he stepped back from the crypt. "Not only is the inside release now jammed, but I doubt if it could be opened from the outside. At least, not without something to cut or break the door down. No, he's not getting out, now or ever."


* * *

When they reached the safehouse, the four boys were each feeling a coldness at what they'd done. Each had deemed it necessary and deserved, but while they were soldiers, the simple horror of their act was still a bit much to handle. Stepping through the front door, Quatre and Trowa headed for their room, the other two moving more slowly. They had cleaned up before returning, not wanting Duo to see any evidence of what had transpired, but it seemed their efforts were for in vain as the long-haired boy was no where to be found.

Moving alone, Heero went to the room he shared with Duo, sitting lightly at his desk as he sighed. Everything was finished, yet he felt as if there was something left undone and this thought lingered until his eyes fell upon the empty bed near the window. His thoughts moved over the boy, and he frowned. While it had given them the opportunity to get revenge, he hadn't liked the fact that Duo was now taking missions again. Still, the boy was recovered enough, and the mission hadn't sounded difficult. He'd taken worse ones in the past and Heero knew the American had managed to pull them off without more than a few bruises. But it was different now, he worried that the boy would be hurt and his faith in the pilot's abilities aside, his worries plagued him.

He'd left his laptop on, and he turned to it when a sharp beeping sounded, his fingers flying over the keys as he called up the message. Then his eyes narrowed in growing fury as he saw that it was a request for back-up. When he'd left, the long-haired pilot had assured them that the mission was easy, saying it wouldn't be any trouble at all. Obviously, this wasn't the case, and Heero jumped up, running to Quatre and Trowa's door and pounding on it. //He said he never lies,// he thought furiously, explaining the situation to the two boys who opened the door. //And then he lies to *me*. If there's so much as a scrape on him, I'll kill him!//

* * *
Well, what do you think of the revenge? I thought it could have been meaner, but I tried to stick to what he did to Duo as much as possible, accentuating the fact that the others remember *exactly* what he did to Duo. My other ideas involved much more gruesome things and I just didn't want Quatre doing them, I happen to like him untainted and I think him participating in something as disgusting as what I was thinking would be a bit too much. So I stuck with repaying him for what he did by doing the same to him. What do you think? Next and *last* part....coming soon. Sap and lemon! Yeah! ^__^