Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Moon ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title; Blood Moon
Author; BabyClown
Rating; R (blood, gore and later limes and lemmons)
Parings; 1x2 3x4 5x6
Disclaimer; Don't own the G-boys... nor do I own any vampire term used in the fic. I’ve borrowed it from White Wolfs Vampire the Masquerade RPG system. The title is mine...I think...
AN; Lost of hugs to my beta Oni-mon for finding the story interesting and pointing out plot bunnies and other wierd stuff that didn't make sense to anyone else but me.

Blood Moon, chapter 1.

The constant drip of water on his face woke Heero up from his oblivion. Growling low in his throat he rolled over onto his side, getting away from the dripping water. It was pitch black around him and he couldn’t see a thing except from a faint less dark area in front of him. He could hear the sound of light rain coming from beyond the darkness but other than that it was eerily quiet.
Memories from the wolf attack flooded back into his brain and he could almost hear the screams from his class mates as they were ripped to pieces by razor sharp fangs. And then there was that woman who had most likely saved his life. Who was she? He shuddered as he remembered how she had bitten his neck and how good it had felt. Now that his memory was on the roll there were a few bits that he didn’t know where came from. Like the feeling of the most gut wrenching hunger he had ever felt and then the feeling of sinking his teeth into the warm flesh of a deer, hungrily sucking out every last drop of blood in the animal. The astonishment as he realised that he could see perfectly in the dark as if it was a clear sunny day, spotting a rabbit and how it had hopped over to him like the most natural thing in the world. It confused him, as these memories were jumbled and somewhat hazy and he couldn’t remember actually having done such things. Like seeing clearly in the dark, he couldn’t do it now, so perhaps it had been a dream. But that didn’t sit well with him either, it just didn’t feel like it had been a dream, nightmare or otherwise.
Groaning, Heero rolled over onto his stomach and hit his head against the smooth rocky surface several times. He was utterly confused, with no idea where he was, what had happened or what had become of his classmates. Annoying as they had been he hadn’t wished them dead. With a long sigh, he got onto his hands and feet and crawled over to the less dark area, carefully feeling his way, not really fancying hitting his head on something hard. Moments later his fingers encountered something that felt like a thick, leafy bush, luckily thorn less as far as he could tell. As he felt through the branches, more light spilled inn and encouraged by those small rays of night light Heero managed to push them partly aside, creating an opening large enough for him to squeeze through.
Light early summer rain greeted him as he stood and stretched out the kinks in his back. It was then he noticed that there was something wrong with his hands. He wasn’t able to stretch out his fingers completely and as he looked down at them a chill of dread ran down his spine. The fingers were indeed different yet the same looking as before. Only they were slightly crooked and the nails were no longer short and round, but about an inch long, thick and bearing the resemblance of a mixture between a dogs claws and that of a cat. Wide eyed, Heero stared at his hands and nails, trying to come up with a logical answer as to why they looked like they did.
“Wolfs claws in my opinion.” Came a soft, somewhat muffled voice from his right. Startled Heero jumped around to see the woman from the cabin standing just a foot away from him. Pulling down the scarf that covered her nose and mouth, she gave him a crooked smile, her yellow eyes shining with an eerie reddish hue.
“I think I was luckier, I woke up with yellow eyes. Easier to explain than your hands.” She said. “So I see you’ve survived, congrats.”
Heero blinked, finding the young woman’s words to have no meaning to him what so ever.
“What the hell are you talking about? Of course I survived, you killed the wolf, remember? And who are you?” he demanded, starting to feel a bit ticked off.
“My name is Tiili, and for your other questions, yes I killed the wolf, although it wasn’t a wolf. It was a lupine cub high on wolfsbane as were the rest of the wolves. And surviving…” her voice trailed off and she shrugged. “Only the strongest survive our method of embrace.”
Heero looked at her as if she’d grown an extra head. Lupine cubs and embrace? It all sounded like a cheesy vampire novel, like the stuff that the goth people around his school spent all their time reading and fantasising about. Shaking his head he looked back down at his hands, a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“What are you talking about? Only the strongest survives?” he asked the knot in his belly clenching. The woman, Tiili, nodded.
“Only the strongest are picked for the embrace and even then we are sometimes forced to kill those who couldn’t handle it. I had been looking for a childe for some years, unable to find someone who was strong enough in both mind and body to hold my interest for longer than a month. You however caught my interest the moment you arrived to Chicago.” She smiled softly and shook the water out of her hair. “Now for the big secret I promised to tell you back at the cabin. I’m a vampire, more specifically a gangrel. The world is full of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, wraiths, mages, mummies and other mythological creatures. The reason that they still are mythological is that we work hard to keep it that way, although some thinks otherwise.” She said, looking intently at Heero with yellow eyes that shone eerily red. A bark like laughter fell from his lips as she stopped talking.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” he laughed. “That’s the most absurd story I’ve ever heard.” Tiili just looked at him with that crooked smile on her lips.
“Tell me then Heero, where is you heart beat?” she asked softly. Heero blinked and tried to find his pulse on his wrist. He soon gave up as his nails made it difficult for him to get a good feel, so he opted for pressing his palm over his heart and holding his breath to keep his chest as still as possible. Moments ticked by as he with a growing fear tried to locate his heart beat and after a couple of minute’s search he had to face the fact that it was gone.
“Can’t find it, can you?” Tiili asked softly.
“No, it’s not that. It’s there, I know it!” Heero answered hotly, giving her an angry glare.
“You’re a vampire Heero. What more proof than that your heart beat is gone are you going to need? Can you usually hold your breath for over two minutes without fighting the urge to breathe the last thirty seconds and with out gasping like a fish on land afterwards?” she asked. “Because you used over two minutes in looking for your beat and all the time you kept your breath.”
Realisation hit Heero like a freight train going eighty miles an hour. He had been holding his breath for a long time without getting the desperate need to breathe and his heart beat was still missing even though he knew that it should have by now been beating hard and fast out of fear of what the woman had told him. Casting a look over at her he noticed that she was grinning broadly at him, long pointed fangs gleaming white in the dull night light. Quickly he ran his tongue over his own teeth, somewhat relieved that he couldn’t feel any fangs, all his teeth seemingly normal in size.
“Say I believe your story then. How can I be a vampire if I don’t have any fangs?” he asked, hoping against all hope that she’d tell him what he wanted to hear. That he wasn’t a vampire and that it was all a bad joke.
“Mine doesn’t retract like other vampires fangs do. It’s a quirk in our blood that makes us look more and more like our totem animal every time we loose our temper, or as we say, goes into a frenzy. Like your hands.” Tiili explained softly. “It’s nothing we can control, we can only try and keep it to a minimum by trying our hardest to keep our temper in check.”
Heart having sunken down into the pit of his stomach in disappointment Heero chewed on his bottom lip. He didn’t want to believe a word of what she was saying, but it all seemed too weird and in some twisted way it made sense. The hazy memories that he’d earlier dismissed as dreams seemed clearer. He had killed that deer because it smelled of blood and he’d been so hungry he hadn’t been able to think about anything else than the sweet nectar pulsing through it. And the blood had been the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted. Even now as he thought about it he could feel a faint tingling in his gums and a strange yearning for the warm red liquid. Shaking his head, he pushed away the strange feelings, sending drops of water flying from his soaked bangs.
“Listen Heero, I know it’s a bit much to take in right now, and I’ll explain it all and answer the questions I know you’ll gonna ask me as good as I can, but we have to split. There’s a lupine pack moving this way and I don’t feel like facing them right now.” Tiili said, cutting Heero’s train of thought short.
“Why’s that? You killed the werewolf who attacked me.” Heero looked at her in bewilderment, not understanding why she was so twitchy about the wolves, seeing as she didn’t have any problems with them back at the cabin.
“Those were cubs and high as a kite to boot. I usually manage to stay on their good side but right now their out for the blood of the kindred that killed one of their cubs, and I’m not even by a long shot strong enough to take down a pack of elder lupines.” She answered while searching the dense forest below them.
“Vampire, it’s the term for vampire.” Came the distracted answer. “We’ve been here too long. Time for you to test your stamina.” And with that she fished out a cell phone from her pocket and started to run towards the forest. For a split second Heero looked confusedly after her before he managed to get his feet working and running after her.

As they ran through the forest Heero was amazed that Tiili managed to talk as well as run without sounding out of breath or tripping over twigs and roots. Then he remembered that she didn’t have to breathe other than to talk, nor did he even if he was. It was all so surreal and thinking about it just made it worse as he tripped over a slippery root, catching his footing just in time to keep him self from sprawling face first in the dirt. Shaking his head to clear his mind he concentrated on where he was running and trying to keep up with Tiili who where ahead of him.
After what seem like half the night they finally reached the end of the forest and a paved road. Tiili was looking up and down the road, pushing her long and uneven bangs away from her face. Looking back at him she gave him a once over and seeing the slight pained look on his brow it looked like she came up with a decision.
“You can sit down and rest. Our ride should be here soon.” She said, indicating with a hand that he should take a seat by the road. With a groan of relief Heero sank down into the wet ground thankful that he didn’t have to run anymore as his leg muscles was complaining loudly and starting to cramp up. The light early summer rain had picked up and it was now pouring down, giving Heero the feeling of being soaked to the bone, but strangely enough he wasn’t cold even though he should have been freezing by now. That brought up a bunch of questions and seeing as they didn’t have anything to do but wait he decided it was just a good time as any to ask.
“Why is it that by all the laws of medicine I should be freezing and bordering on hypothermia by now and yet I’m not?” he asked.
“Huh? Oh, that.” Tiili turned towards him looking a bit confused for a second before she realised what it was he’d asked her. “Kindred, vampires, don’t have the same body temperature as mortals do. It’s in fact room temperature and can change by how much blood there is in your body and if you are making a conscious effort to keep it up to the normal temperature that the mortals have. We don’t feel the cold unless it’s really cold, like winter in Antarctica or something. The same goes for heat.”
Heero nodded, showing that he had understood at least something of what she had told him, although he felt compelled to ask about what he hadn’t, figuring that it was in his own best interest to know as much as he could.
“What do you mean by making a conscious effort to keep up the body temperature?”
“Well, you have to concentrate on making the blood in your body circulate inside your skin, thus warming it. It’s a waste of blood if you ask me, unless you have to do it to keep the mortals from suspecting anything, then it’s a necessarily evil.” She said with a shrug before she tilted her head as if she was listening for something. A large grin was slowly spreading on her lips and she walked over to where Heero was sitting, offering a hand to help him up.
“Taxi’s here.” She grinned and he turned his head in time to see a pair of head lights from a car coming around the turn in the road. Getting to his feet, Heero tried to brush off some of the wet dirt from his bike shorts and a soft snicker from his companion reached his ears. Giving the young woman a dark glare that only made her lips twitch even more he decided that his shorts were a lost cause and turned his attention to the dark SUV that had just stopped in front of them. There weren’t really that much to notice, the glasses were tinted and it looked fairly new, all in all quite nondescript save for the windows.
“Here, put this around you. Wufei is going to have a hissy fit if you sit in the seats and get them all muddy and wet.” Tiili said handling him a heavy woollen blanket and a wink. Blinking he noticed that she had already draped one over her own shoulders, and thought it was just as well that he did so to. He didn’t want to anger their driver and the blanket might be able to dry him a little. Once seated in the car he chanced a look at the driver, curious as to whom it was and if he looked something like Tiili. He didn’t know if he was disappointed or relieved that the driver seemed perfectly normal. Clean Asian features, young, raven black hair pulled back in a tight pony tail and a slight scowl marring the handsome face.
“Wufei, meet Heero Yuy, my childe. Heero, meet Chang Wufei, my scourge.” Tiili said cheerfully as Wufei turned the car around and headed back the way he’d come.
“Your scourge?” Wufei asked, sounding a bit offended. “I’m not under your jurisdiction, but the Prince, just as you are your self.”
“Details, Chang, details.” Tiili smiled, turning around in her seat to look at Heero. She gave him a bright smile, fangs and all. “Got any more questions? We got some time before we get to my haven.”
Heero frowned, yes he had questions, they were currently fighting amongst them selves over which ones that were going to be asked first and new ones kept popping up. He had no clue about were to even start. Biting his lower lip he randomly picked a question and hoped that the other ones didn’t get too miffed.
“What happened at the cottage? Why did the werewolves, the lupines, attack us?”
Tiili sighed and ran a hand through her bangs. “Honestly I don’t know why the lupines attacked the cottage. All I know is that it was a pack of cubs high on wolfsbane and out for a good time. I guess you can look at it like a bunch of drunken teenagers who find it funny to bully everyone smaller than them selves.”
Heero nodded, he could understand what she said although he couldn’t understand why it had happened, and it didn’t sound like Tiili did either, which seemed like some kind of comfort.
“What about my classmates?”
“Ah, well you know what happened to some of them.” She gave him a soft look. “The others I managed to keep safe. I called the Prince once I’d gotten you out and someplace safe and he made sure that the injured ones got to a hospital and the rest home safely. That is after they had gotten their memories modified. It would be dangerous for them if they remembered it all.”
“What do you mean? Got their memories modified and who is this prince you’re talking about?” he looked at her somewhat shocked.
“Some kindred have the ability to influence and alter a person’s mind. It’s mostly those of clan Ventrue who posses these powers and some of clan Tremere, but there are some kindred of the other clans who can as well. Don’t worry, they won’t know that their memories have been modified and they are better without knowing. And as for the Prince, he is the one that rules the city. Don’t get me wrong Heero, he makes sure that all the kindred in the city stay in line so that the mortals don’t know we’re here.” She smiled softly. There was a snort from Wufei and Tiili turned her head and gave him a quizzical look. “Something you want to add Chang?”
“Now that you mention it, yes. Kindred society is just as complex as the mortal one. The Prince is someone who has enough power to hold a domain over the entire city, codify the laws and make sure that the traditions are upheld. He is the judge in disputes and makes sure the peace is upheld. His main concern is keeping the Masquerade intact and the city safe.” Wufei said, glancing at Heero in the rear-view mirror. “He governs the city together with the city’s primogens.”
“Traditions, masquerade, primogens?” Heero asked feeling utterly confused and marvelling about why he hadn’t gotten a headache yet. He usually got one when he was this confused.
“Gods! Haven’t you told your childe anything Tiili?” Wufei snorted. Tiili’s upper lip curled slightly and she gave the Chinese driver a nasty glare. “For your information Chang, I have been busy trying to convince my stubborn childe that he is a vamp while trying to keep the fucking werewolves off our back. I contacted him sooner that I had planned cause the shit-heads are on the war path, I’m low on blood and don’t fancy shredding you OR my childe cause of some stuck up Brujah couldn’t keep his imaginary superiority to him self!” she snapped, her whole demeanour changing to closely resemble that of a cornered beast. Heero bit his lower lip, not comfortable at all with the tense atmosphere that had appeared in the car. Wufei was gripping the steering wheel so hard that it creaked dangerously under his hands before he slowly loosened his grip on it.
“A primogen is considered the head of their clan in the city they harbour the position. They act as a council for the Prince and as overseers of their clans. Each of the seven clans of the Camarilla has a primogen. You are of clan Gangrel and your primogen would then be Tyrell. The masquerade is just what it sounds like. We mask our selves so that the mortals don’t know we are amongst them. Like a wolf in a sheep’s clothes, blending in with the herd. It is also the first and most important of the Traditions. You do not want to tell a mortal of what you are as in the moment you do so you have condemned your self to death.” Wufei said, his voice softer and more neutral as if he didn’t want to push Tiili’s agitation further.
“It’s a damn good idea too Heero, keep up the masquerade cause if you don’t you’re toast.” Tiili muttered from her seat. Heero glanced over at her and noticed that she seemed much calmer now and just plain grumpy. He decided that it was probably best if he just sat still, listened to what Wufei said and then ask what questions he would have after the Chinese vampire were done talking.
“Okay, I’ll remember that.” He said and Wufei nodded, taking his cue as to continue.
“The second Tradition is Domain. The prince holds the entire city as his domain but there are places in the city that other kindred holds as their own. When you are in someone else’s domain you are to respect the owner just as you would respect someone who had invited you into their home. You do not challenge the word of the domain’s owner and you are free to do as you wish inside your domain as long as it doesn’t go against the Traditions. The third Tradition is Progeny. You’ll need the permission of the Prince in order to sire a childe. If you don’t then both you and you’re childe will die. The fourth Tradition is Accounting, you are responsible for your childe’s actions until he is presented for the Prince and the Primogen. The fifth is Hospitality. Respect another kindred’s domain and when you enter a new city, present your self to the Prince of the city. It is just polite to do so. The last Tradition is Destruction. You are not allowed to kill another kindred unless a blood hunt has been called and only the Prince and the primogen are allowed to call a blood hunt. There are off course exceptions to this rule, if you happen to stumble upon a Sabbath vampire then you are free to kill him without asking the Prince for permission.” Wufei finished, glancing at Heero in the rear view mirror.
“Sabbath, Camarilla?” Heero asked. “Why is it that we are free to kill a Sabbath vampire?”
“The Sabbath holds a different policy than the Camarilla.” Tiili answered. “They believe that the mortals are nothing more than cattle and don’t care much for secrecy. A bunch of ass-wipes that thinks it’s funny to scare the living daylight out of the mortals with nothing more important to do than raging a war on the rest of us. Basically, the Camarilla are the good guys and the Sabbath are the bad guys.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. Heero raised an eyebrow, not really believing in the concept of good and bad guys, but as Tiili had said that was the basic gist of it. But all of this information hadn’t been enough to answer all of his questions. There were still a bunch of them buzzing around in his brain, jumping up and down trying to get his attention.
“Okay, but how do you kill a vampire? Garlic? Holy water?” He couldn’t help but ask. Tiili laughed and shook her head.
“No Heero, garlic have no effect what so ever and holy water doesn’t work unless the one having blessed it truly believes in god, and there aren’t many of those around so you don’t have to worry. Crosses don’t work unless you were afraid of them when you were alive and even then they don’t harm you. We also treat damage differently but a shotgun to the head will still kill you.” Tiili said just as her cell phone beeped. Fishing it out of her pocket she flipped the lid up and read the text message. Seconds later she groaned and put the phone back.
“Step on it Chang. A pack of idiots are thrashing the circus and Tyrell don’t want Trowa to end up in a vacuum bag.” She said, a grim look growing on her face. Wufei nodded and Heero felt how the car sped up, gently pressing him back into his seat.
“Listen up Heero.” Tiili said, her voice firm. “Crash course in how to survive a Sabbath attack. I don’t want you to enter close combat with them until you know what you are capable of, so dodge what ever you can. They tend to be fast buggers so keep your distance. You know how to use a gun?” Heero blinked, then frowned.
“Yes I know how..”
“Good, Wufei got a stash in the back, pick what you feel most comfortable with and make sure you have enough ammo to go around.” She continued, interrupting him before he could finish his sentence. “Keep your wits about you, what you are going to see won’t be pretty or normal by any standards. Expect the unexpected and then add some more. If you thought the attack on the cabin was bad then this might turn out to be worse. Get what I’m saying?” she asked, turning her head to look him in the eyes, her yellow irises hard.
“Hai.” Heero answered, feeling strangely detached. He blamed it on the training he’d gotten from his father who was a marine and had run the house like a military operation. Tiili had laid out the specs of the ‘mission’ and made his part in it clear. Stay in the back and keep him self alive. Didn’t sound too difficult. He watched wide eyed as Tiili flipped open the glove compartment, revealing a build in cooler filled with blood packs. Grabbing a few of the plastic bags she tore it open with her teeth, drinking the contents in one go and grimacing at the taste. Obviously cold blood wasn’t all that when it came to taste.

The sound of gunfire could be heard even before they arrived at the scene. Wufei barked that Heero should climb into the back and get his guns before it was too late and just as he had crawled back over the back seats Wufei hit the breaks, sending him flying into the back of Tiili’s seat. Not that she noticed, she was already out of the door, sprinting towards the large circus tent. Heero could hear the petrified screams from people inside it as he ran after the two vampires, the pair of Glock 22’ he had chosen adding a comfortable weight in his hands. Inside the tent mayhem and chaos was having a field day. A woman dressed in a pair of pale crème dress pants, high heels and fluffy blue sweater was fighting in front of a petrified crowd of families with a large sword, her movements slightly blurry as she parried the attacks of a couple of rugged looking vampires. Raising his arm, Heero took aim and shoot one of them twice through the head, the vampire turning to dust as the second bullet hit home. A grunt from behind him made him turn in time to see a large tiger tear into the throat of another vamp and he dimly registered the woman shouting at him to take cover under the stands and provide cover fire. Nodding he ran towards the stands, jumping over a couple of dead and mutilated bodies and catching a glimpse of a guy getting hauled out from his hiding place and getting his arm ripped off. Once under the stands he got a better view of what was going on. Five Sabbath vampires were fighting with Tiili, Wufei and a boy he hadn’t seen before. The boy was fast but it was nothing compared to Tiili and Wufei, their attacks was so fast he barely managed to see them all. Tiili’s hands had grown five inches long claws and she was tearing one of the vampires apart bit by bit, Wufei was fighting with his bare bands, his kicks and punches sending his opponents flying several feet in the air upon contact. The auburn haired boy had claws as well, although not as long as Tiili’s and he was flanked by a large lion and another tiger who fought viciously by his side. Heero’s cover fire seemed to help the boy and his companions. Someone else was shooting from under the stands, but Heero didn’t have time to check it out as the bench over his head gave out with a crash and a half naked guy with bones sticking out of his upper arms and legs landed next to him, lips curled into a nasty fanged grin. He didn’t have time to dodge or fire at the creature before it attacked, a long crocked blade slashing upwards over his chest, leaving a large painful gash. Crying out in both surprise and pain he threw him self backwards and emptying both his guns into the vampire’s chest, hardly registering that it had turned to dust before his guns clicked empty. Panting he rolled over and onto his knees, expelling the empty clips and fishing out the spare ones he’d tucked into the waist band of his shorts. Once he’d reloaded the Glock’s he noticed that the fight was over, the only sounds in the tent was those of crying children and the occasional growls from the two tigers and the lion. Climbing out from under the stands he walked over to his sire, wanting to get a better look at the other boy. Said boy was absently scratching the tiger behind its ear, his long bangs obscuring Heero’s view of his face. He was dressed in a pair of washed out and torn jeans and a dark green tee. Grey stripes like those of the tiger standing beside him adorned his fore arms. As Heero stopped beside Tiili he was greeted by a calm, deep emerald green gaze and a slight smile.
“Heero, meet Trowa.” Tiili said casually as she checked out her own injuries. Trowa gave Heero a nod to go along with the slight smile and Heero nodded in return curious of the boy.
“Welcome to the circus. The show has been cancelled due to unforeseen events, perhaps you would like to come back some other time and see it as it should be? Without the Sabbath interfering in it.” Trowa said softly, mirth dancing in his green eyes. Heero couldn’t help but smile at the comment, the boy seemed to have some humour.
The blond woman in the crème pair of pants had walked over to them and was talking to Tiili and a blonde boy with large ocean blue eyes, jeans and a purple form-fitted button down shirt.
“So this is your childe?” the blonde woman asked Tiili giving Heero a once over. “Figured you’d go for the strong, dark and Asian type, although I thought you like them bleached blonde.” She continued and Heero didn’t know if he should feel insulted or not, but Tiili just grinned widely at the woman.
“And you like them innocent and delicate. At least Quatre isn’t an eight year old.” She replied, sticking her tongue out at the woman who just smiled before she turned to face Heero again.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Crystal and I’m the Keeper of Elysium in this city.” She said pleasantly, holding out her hand. Taking it, Heero gave it a firm grip before presenting him self.
“So Heero, tell me, how do you find your existence to be so far? It is hard to adjust to the change, but just give it time and I’m sure Tiili will answer all your question about your new life situation.” Heero gave her a guarded look, the woman seemed a bit formal for his liking. She had a classic rich look, her blonde hair put up in a French twist that now was slightly rumpled but she still managed to make it look like it was intentional. Even the blood splatter on her looked like it had been placed there by a designer.
“It has been enlightening.” Heero answered dryly earning him self a laugh from the others.
“Well I’d hope so.” Tiili grinned. “I never knew that childes asked this much. My sire waited six months before he turned up and then he just said; hi, guess what, I’m your sire and you’re a vampire, see you around.” She said, sounding bitter. Quatre gave her a sympathetic look and a soft smile.
“Thank you for the help with the cover fire Heero.” The blonde teen smiled. “And I’m glad to see that you didn’t suffer anything else than a scratch from that bag of spiky bits that were out to get you.”
“Oh, yeah that.” Heero said, looking down at the gash in his chest. His tank was bloody but not as much as he had expected from such a wound. It puzzled him, but then again this had been a night full of surprises and the lack of bleeding from his wound was most likely to be chalked up to yet another surprise. He guessed it was one of the perks of being a vampire. Looking up at his sire he noticed that most of her injuries had been healed, only a few were left and they were slowly and steadily healing. Sighing he hoped that his next question didn’t sound too stupid.
“How come you heal so fast Tiili?” Tiili looked over at him, an apologetic smile on her lips.
“Well, you need to concentrate on making you skin and flesh grow back together. And you heal during the day when you’re asleep.” She said as she pulled up Heero’s tank to take a good look at the wound. “Doesn’t look too bad.” She muttered softly before she stepped back and gave him a pat on his shoulder. “Now try to concentrate.”
Heero looked down at his chest again and tried to visualise how his flesh and skin would melt together, thus healing the wound. It was harder than he though and after a few moments he was starting to feel frustrated. Nothing was happening, the gash was still there although it had stopped bleeding. Clenching his jaws he doubled his efforts, willing the wound to heal and after a few long moments he could feel the muscles in his chest melting together and the skin growing back to cover the muscles. It was an utterly bizarre feeling and it got even more so when he looked down at his chest and found only smooth skin without the slightest hint of ever having been broken.
“I could get used to this.” He smirked, quite satisfied with himself. He had actually done something that wasn’t supposed to be possible. And by being able to do so he could finally accept what Tiili had been telling him the entire evening, that he was a vampire.
“That’s just a fragment of what you can do.” Trowa said. “I’m sure that the next time I’ll see you, you’ll have mastered what ever Tiili have had the time to show you. She’s an excellent teacher.”
“Just don’t ask her to take you camping.” Quatre grinned.
“Why not?”
“Crystal did one time and she wasn’t all that happy about it when she realised that camping with Tiili meant werewolves, sleeping in caves and gypsies.” Quatre snickered. “My sire is a lady of comfort.” He added, still giggling softly. Heero thought he understood, the woman did seem like it.
“Sorry to butt in guys, but I’ve been ordered to take Tro here home.” Tiili smiled, ruffling Trowa’s hair. “Heero, why don’t you help Trowa load his kitties while I finish up in here. I’m leaving Wufei in charge with the clean up since I have to take you two home.” She smiled as she gave the large lion a hug.
“C’mon Heero.” Trowa smirked. “My truck is just behind the tent.”

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