Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency Bandai etc. etc.

Here's the latest chapter of Blood Stone. Not the best chapter by any means, or the most action packed, but I'm pretty sure it'll lead up to something bigger.

I've no idea how this will be perceived, I'm not to sure I'm even really happy with it, but it's what came to me as I was typing, maybe my life and mood as of now is a contributing factor. Then again maybe it's not so bad and I'm just paranoid because it's been so long since I've written anything at all.

Who knows, but if you feel brave enough then venture forth I hope ya like it well enough and aren't too disappointed.




"I'm sorry, miss but there's no work to be found here."

"But I've traveled for quite awhile now and you're the last place in the village. I'm willing to do anything…learn any trade. And if you'd just get your nose out of your book and look up at me, you'll see I'm quite strong."

With an irritated sigh, the skeletal looking old man lifted his eyes towards the young blonde girl, who from her days of travel, appeared quite grimy and un-kept, with even the furs that she wore were tinged with soil and reeking of sweat. "All I see is a filthy little wench who looks like she crawled out of wolf's den." He adjusted his wire-rimmed spectacles on his face looking over her once more. "Then again, you've a nice shape and surprisingly good teeth and washed up, you probably have quite a pretty face. Tell me girl, are you a virgin?"

A small gasp escaped her as her eyes widened a little from shock at the question. "Um, no, but what relevance does that have?"

"You sure as hell don't sound like you have experience with that question."

"But this is an inn; I know you must have barmaids."

"Barmaids, whores, here they're the same thing. If you're willing to serve the grog to men and then spread your legs for any of 'em who wish it, along with splitting half of your profits with me, well then you have a job here. "

Relena's brow creased as her confusion turned to understanding. Selling sex for money did not seem disgusting to her, for having been raised by wolves she had not been instilled with the morals or self-consciousness of most humans, and besides, even in her clan it was common for many to share partners and the like until they had chosen for themselves an eternal mate. But, having heard stories within her clan about greedy humans, she knew of currency and how important such a thing was to her survival in the human world.

"I get to keep half of my profits? Then, yes sir, if you wish to have me then I will be in your employ."

Rising from his seat outside of his business he opened the door, allowing Relena to go ahead of him, while calling for a girl named Patricia. A voluptuous woman, with large brown eyes and even darker hair approached them.

"So you've brought me another one, eh?" She spoke with a laugh in her voice as her leering gaze scanned over the form of the wolf girl before her. "Well, I have to say this is the filthiest creature you've ever brought me, but." Patricia took a tangled lock of Relena's hair between her fingers, "I'll see what I can do with her. Come here, sweetie. Let's take you up stairs and start picking away at that dirt."

Nodding her head in submission Relena scurried up the stairs, passing a few other girls, whose eyes seemed to have been fixed on her since her entrance.


It had taken an entire week of rest, care and good food, but by the end of that week King Milliardo Peacecraft was once again, on his feet, still a little weak, but not so much so that he couldn't walk out onto the balcony to enjoy the cool breeze and clear sunset. Joining him was Lady Lucrezia Noin, who had always been his friend, briefly had been his lover, and more recently his savior and nursemaid. Though if the truth were to be known, he would remember her most as his friend and lover, a relationship he had wished to rekindle once again. He had set in motion the proceedings to divorce himself from his loveless and fruitless marriage to Mariemeia, and though at the time he had been upset having no heir yet, he was now grateful that he and his soon to be former wife had not born a child together. He shuttered somewhat at the thought of what a witch of a mother the Queen of Romafel would have made.

Catching his chills, the woman beside him gently grasped his arm, as if she were readying herself to have to catch him if he fainted, but feeling his hand placed upon hers and seeing him shake his head, she knew that he was okay, at least physically. Emotionally, well, who knows how it would affect anyone, knowing that the person you had called your spouse had been all along trying to murder you.

"I'm sorry, my lord, a man as kind as yourself should have never had to go through such an ordeal, with such a loathsome woman. She is truly a vile person."

"My council thinks that she should suffer repercussions, but, she, well, she is what she is, and even though the thought of her sickens me, somehow I cannot hate her, or blame her. To be as strong of a woman as she is having to subject herself and her kingdom to another, especially a man…" He tried to laugh off his statement with a mild chuckle. "I must sound insane."

Lucrezia smiled warmly up at him, her dark blue eyes sparkling with unshed tears. She lightly tightened her grip on his arm before snuggling her face into his shoulder. "No, my lord, you do not sound insane. If you did not speak as you just did, then I know for a fact you were no longer my Milliardo. That somehow she had tainted your forgiving spirit, your loving soul and your kind heart. And, I am so glad of it." She released a contented sigh as she felt the warmth of his palm, smooth down her cheek, as he opened his arms to her, curling her into his embrace. He then bestowed on top of her head a chaste kiss, before murmuring into her hair.

"When my divorce is final and after an appropriate amount of time, will you consent to become my new queen, Lucrezia? It would give me great honor and be even more of a great pleasure."

She un-tucked her head from under his chin to look up at him, her own palm now smoothing down his cheek as he looked down, gazing back at her. "It would be an honor and a pleasure even more so for me, my lord."

"You are the only woman who could ever make me happy." The blonde male managed to breath out before being silenced by the pressure of her lips to his.


After some effort, Relena had managed to squirm her way out from under the man, who had literally passed out on top of her after having his pleasure. She scurried to her feet, pulling on her robe as quick as she could not even giving a final glance to the man she was leaving behind as she left the room to make her way down the hall to the bath. Passing the other rooms she could hear grunts and noises of various levels and tones. After having worked in the "inn" for a week, the young girl had come to one conclusion. Whether they were human or werewolf, all males were animals when it came to sex.

Her silent bashing of men came to an end as, when she opened up the door to the washroom, she heard her boss. "You have ten minutes. Captain Vaclav has requested you. Room eight is available.

She pulled the gaps of her robe tighter as she acknowledged her employer. "Yes, tell the captain I'll be available in ten minutes."

She ducked in the door before more could be said and within seconds she had poured some water into a shallow basin and had soaped and drenched a thick rag, immediately scrubbing down her body as quickly and as thoroughly as she could in the time frame she had. Catching her reflection in a small cracked mirror she was thankful her hair had for the most part stayed in tact, the pins still holding the curls in place. Without drying her body she yanked a random gown out of chest and slipped it on her body, taking a deep breath as she pulled at the front strings that shrank her waist, while jutting out her chest. Never have she been so uncomfortable in her entire life she thought to herself as she sprayed her body with perfume. After, she tossed the rag on the floor and the dirty water out the window, she dried the bowel, setting it in its place. Taking a final look at herself she figured she was in good enough shape and left the room to go down and greet Captain Vaclav, who just happened to be the captain of the guards of Romafel's army.

He had been her first client and since then had returned every night, asking specifically for her, which had made Patricia, his usual regular very jealous and resentful. For a new girl to be requested numerous times not just by the captain, but by other men as well would gain a favored position with the owner of the inn, not to mention an extra bonus of money.

"Captain Vaclav…" She greeted him with false charm and excitement, even as she curled her arms around him, nuzzling her nose in the crook of his neck. He may have been captain of Romefel's military, but he still was not the tallest of men.

"How's my Relena been?"

"I'm perfect now, that my favorite gentleman caller has arrived." She tapped his chin and winked at him as she pulled away and began leading him up the stairs to room number eight.


Mariemeia sat at her vanity, gazing at her pale complexion that contrasted drastically with her dark red hair. She huffed somewhat, quite irritated at the slow manner in which her servants were fussing over every detail of her as they readied her for bed.

"Get out all of you!" She screamed as she sprang to her feet, smacking the girl closest to her with her brush. The maidservant stifled her outcry and cupped her cheek bowing continuously as did the others until they were all the way out the door, leaving their queen alone.

Pacing back and forth the ruler of Romafel nervously twisted the scarf she held in her hands. "Stupid fools. Worthless vermin, I should just have them all jailed in the dungeons." She finally did stop her stride long enough to look outside the window, noticing the half crescent moon. "I hope your journey is going well, dear cousin. Return swiftly to me, and in good health. For I cannot seem to rest a bit until I know all has gone well and our plan will be set into motion."

Just then she heard a knock on the door and J's voice asking for entrance. Granting it to him she turned to face him as he entered the room.

"How is everything going, my dear wizard? Is the woman still in good health?"

"She is doing superbly, your highness." He bowed slightly his open hand over his heart. "And, if I dare say so myself, the specimen is coming along quite nicely for me never having attempted anything of the like before. Thanks to my many books of magic and alchemy, I've managed to quicken the span of normal gestation, and soon your son will arrive into this world."

"And there will be no mistake that the child will be the son of myself and the king."

"Guaranteed, your majesty, the woman is only the carrier of the child, in fact, if all goes well, your son shall be an almost exact duplicate of the king. After the birth, the woman's throat will of course be slit, so that there will be no witnesses."

Nodding a little the queen clasped her hands and looked dead on into the eyes of her alchemist. "Yes, if any witness were to divulge my plans…well," She smiled too sweetly as she sighed her warning and changed the direction of her sentence. "Make no mistake, J, the kingdom of Cinq will be mine, one way, or another."


Heero sat in the darkest shadows of his den, his elbows resting on his bent knees, as did his chin upon his clasped fists. With a scowl set in his features and in silence, he stared straight ahead into nothing, not even moving when he heard the soft footfalls of his cousin entering the cave.

"You've been brooding like this all week now, I never thought you'd be like this over your father. All you and he ever did was argue, over runt. I guess it's a good thing you threw her out. Though she was good for a few tumbles in the field."

Her name was Relena, you bastard! He wanted to yell at Duo, but kept his outburst in, only rising hastily, so quick and threatening that his cousin physically flinched and took a step back from him.

"Whoa. Didn't know you were so touchy on the subject."

With a loud snort the new leader of Blood Stone crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "As you said, throwing her out was a good thing. It's something that should have been done a long time ago." He found himself nearly choking on his own lie, though he quickly caught himself before he fumbled too much; Duo didn't seem to notice. "Did you need something?"

"Um, well, Heero," The other man stammered as he nervously scratched the back of his head. "I know humans aren't your favorite breed of beast, but, there's some human female just outside the boarder. She looks real fancy and is accompanied by a few soldiers. Says she wishes to speak with you, something about a treaty?"

"Treaty? We've no war with anyone, what the hell, human females, I swear." Growling Heero began to make his way out of the dwelling. "I may as well see what the bitch wants."

Duo shrugged and chuckled, following close behind. "May as well. I mean if we don't like what she has to say we can always just rip her throat out."