Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

GW and its characters do not belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency Bandai etc. etc.

The latest installment of Blood Stone.

Not much is happening here and is basically filler, leading up to the next chapter which should have more action and interaction of the Heero/Relena kind.

No real warnings on this particular chapter, I just hope you guys don't find it so dull.




Relena's delicate, thin fingers glided over the soft red material, the sheen of it seeming to change colors with her very touch. Out of the gowns she had looked at, that day, she decided that this was her most favorite, and due to the extra coins she had been receiving, the price was no problem for her to manage. She ignored the envious glare from Patricia and turned to the storeowner.

"I'll take this one please."

"Ah, I see that you must be attending the Captain's birthday party at the castle in two days."

"Oh, she's the main attraction, I assure you." The other girl snidely remarked, placing beside Relena's dark dress, one of lesser quality, in green.

"A color that befits you I see Patricia, and may I say you wear it well."

A small humph came from the shorter blonde as she dug in her own coin purse. The wolf girl suppressed her laughter knowing she had gotten another one up on her so-called friend. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a little girl simply staring up at her with innocent wonder. A smile graced her face as she knelt down to her eye level. "Such a pretty little girl. What's your name?"

"None of your business!" Relena's glance shot upward as she rose to face the woman who spoke to her, assuming correctly that she was the girl's mother. Holding her daughter possessively by the hand she spoke to her. "Come along now, Amelia, and I don't ever want to see you go around the likes of these, these, dirty creatures."

For a moment Relena wondered if the woman had sensed she had been with wolves, before Patricia's smart tone corrected her. "You act surprised by what she said? We're whores Relena. The worst thing a woman can become."

"I don't understand. We provide a service for money, like any other business would?"

"Oh honey." Patricia patted Relena's head. "For such an experienced girl you can sure be stupid."

With her lips twisted in confusion the wolf girl watched the other blonde walk away. Even among my own kind, I find a way to be an outcast…humans. Will I ever understand them?


"I know, your lordship, that you may not fully trust myself, or my cousin, but I assure you, that Queen Mariemeia's proposal will only benefit your people."

"Wait here, while I discuss things with my council."

"Of course, your lordship." Dorothy cleared her throat and shifted somewhat uncomfortably on the fur mat that she sat on inside of the dank cave. Werewolves are such filthy creatures, she told herself, even as a sweet smile was spread across her face.

Once outside in the now morning light, and away from hearing distance of the human woman and her men, Heero gathered with those he had chosen as his advisers.

"Whatever illness that has stricken the animals for the last few months, has caused their numbers to dwindle quite rapidly. And even when we do find live food, it often is showing the onset signs of the sickness."

"Quatre has a point, my lord." Spoke Trowa. "This disease has caused most of our wild prey to die off. If it lasts any longer, then it's only a matter of time before our people will begin to starve."

And they're offering us a certain percentage of their cattle and sheep every month. Beef and mutton, how often do we ever get to eat such delicacies?"

Heero nodded at Wufei's words. "Your point is valid, but a pact with humans is what cost my father his life, not to mention these are the very same people whose hands my father died at."

"Not really, when you think about it." Duo threw in. "If your father had not made a pact with the other human clan, then this human clan would not have been forced to kill him. So indirectly it is the people of King Milliardo's country who slew your father and my uncle. This is the prefect chance at revenge, is it not? As far as I see it, Queen Mariemei's enemy is our enemy. Assist her in defeating them and not only will our people be well fed for life, but we can take our revenge as well."

Heero's eyes closed, his gut instinct telling him that neither, Dorothy or her cousin could be trusted while his pride told him that he did not want to have to rely on humans, for anything. But he had more to worry about than his own pride. The future welfare of his people lay on his shoulders, and he would not let them suffer anymore then they had too. And besides, it would give him the chance to avenge his father.

He turned around silently and returned to the cave, where a now standing Dorothy addressed him. "What is it you've decided, my lord?"

"We will accept your offer. In exchange for food and the chance to avenge my father, me and my people will assist you in bringing about the downfall of the Cinq Kingdom."

"My gracious thanks to you, my lord and I know that my cousin, the queen will be so pleased to hear of you joining us." A sly smile crept across Dorothy's face as she plucked from her skirt pocket an off white scroll, tied with blood red ribbon. "This is the treaty my queen has purposed, if you wish to review it, however, she has requested that you come to the castle to sign it, to make it official of course."

Scowling a bit, Heero agreed. "I'll go. Trowa and Wufei, you come with me. Duo, I leave the trust of the people to you in my absence. Quatre will remain here to assist you if necessary."

"Very well, then." The blonde woman's smile never leaving her face. "Then I'll wait outside while you prepare for the journey."

"Not necessary. We can leave immediately. When one is a werewolf one learns to travel lightly."

"Of course, forgive my ignorance." Stupid wolves, Dorothy added mentally. Barbaric and smelly…I cannot wait until we're done using them, then we will exterminate them all. For my cousin only needs to have her alchemist alter the bacteria that has killed their food supply to their own biology. Then, once Milliardo and the werewolves are finished off, there will be no one left to ever threaten the rule of Mariemeia.


Mariemeia sat in relative silence beside the crib of her newly born son. She stared at the sleeping babe and had found herself starting to stroke the soft blonde curls of hair. "You are such a pretty child, I must admit, it's a pity that I can bring myself to care for you no more than any of my other pawns." A smirk came to her lips when she saw the infant's tiny mouth sour in a frown. "Now, now, don't blame me for my parenting skills, blame your grandfather, you want to know about cold parents, the stories I could tell you…enter." She spoke, loud and clear, her chamber door opening to allow the entrance of one of her various servants.

"A messenger has come back from your cousin's party. It seems the wolf lord has agreed to the treaty and is accompanying Lady Dorothy to the castle as we speak."

"Thank you…you may leave now." She gazed down at her son again, this time her smirk wide and evil. "Seems all of plans will soon come to a head, darling, and you will be one of the major keys to opening the door that will fulfill all of my dreams."


"It has to be a lie…I just don't see how it's possible for Mariemeia to have a son by me. Hell, the only time she allowed me to touch her was on our wedding night, and then maybe a handful of times after that, probably so I wouldn't grow suspicious of her."

Milliardo looked over at his physician noticing a slight scowl on her face, he swallowed hard and averted his eyes to the floor. "I apologize, I should not be talking about such things in front of you…I mean, if it's any consolation, those moments were nothing memorable, I mean, well…" Lucrezia's light laughter stopped him dead in mid-sentence.

"You are simply overreacting. I'm not upset. You were her husband, you had your husbandly duties, besides that, you're a man, and men tend to have a hard time when their brains get into confrontations with their heads over who is in control." She giggled again seeing him blink, while processing his words. A smile formed on his lips and he chuckled a little, pulling her into a hug.

"How is it you put up with me?"

As her lips turned up into her own wry smile, she caught his gaze with hers. "'Tis part of my position as royal physician."

He dipped his head down, giving her a quick peck on her lips, before pressing her body to his once again. "And when this mess is figured out, then, you shall take a different position. That of my queen, this I promise you."

She whispered his name her arms curling around his body even tighter. "And I promise to be here for you, no matter what may come."