Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gundam Wing and its characters don't belong to me in any way shape or form.
The latest installment of Blood Stone…and I think this story is finally coming to a close. One or two more chapters should wrap this up, hopefully. ^_^
I know the wait has been long, so for you still with me, I thank you greatly.
Hope you like this.
Heero could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise in irritation at Dorothy's presence beside him. Both were riding their separate horses, but the Queen's cousin had kept her horse particularly close to his own, and her insistent chatter and questions had slowly been driving him to the brink. Still he kept his temper in check, now was not the time to go against their ally-no matter how much he still distrusted them.
“So is it true what they say about your father, my lord? He took a human lover after the death of your mother? I find it funny how the apple falls not so far from the tree, though something has always stumped me. If wolves die at the loss of their mate, how is it your father lived so long?”
A low growl was in his voice, despite him keeping his calm demeanor. “It's not as simple as that, and one who seems to have no heart would not understand the complexity which makes up the heart of my kind.” Heero kicked the flank of his horse riding further ahead, leaving an exasperated and miffed Dorothy behind.
“How dare he…that beast!”
“My lord has shown you more patience then most, Lady Dorothy.”
She turned to see it was the tawny haired man speaking.
“As far as your question goes, you must remember that our hearts are part human as well as wolf. Yes, our late leader did in fact lose his first chosen mate, however, if, within a year's time they find another to fill the void that was left then their will and purpose maintain. So, before you ask of our Lady Relena, she was, in fact the one who kept our departed lord alive by the fact, that her late mother, was so endeared to him. He made a vow to protect the child of his lover and that oath alone made it possible.”
“Then was your present lord, not enough to keep him alive?”
A mild smirk formed on Trowa's lips and he reached out to smooth the blonde's hair, drawing her to him until they were a breath apart. His voice was low and sensually deep.
“Male wolves are very passionate about their females. In essence it is our females that truly sustain us and without them we truly would die…physically as well as in spirit. For a sensual and passionate female, despite race, to have a werewolf for a lover is to experience a heated lust that is more than what is purely on the carnal plane. It's been described as being able to leave one breathless and weak-kneed, wet and needy for more.”
With her breath caught in her throat, Dorothy felt hot and faint and extremely turned on. “H, how…interesting.”
Then just as quick as he had pulled her close he released her and shoved himself away as if nothing had happened
`Tis a pity, my lady you don't fit the bill of the right type of woman.”
Then, as did Heero, he rode ahead with a cursing blonde lady screaming at his back. When he did catch up to Heero, Trowa let out the chuckle he had been holding in.
“Did you think me too cruel, my lord?”
“When it comes to cruelty I'm sure we've nothing on her and her cousin.”
Trowa then suddenly sobered, his own mind wondering back to their current situation.
“Forgive my forwardness, but was not the man we're going to fight the very man that your father called a friend?”
A scowl could be seen on Heero's face as he replied.
“Yes, I had met him a few times when I was younger…he seemed nice, but he was human and my mother hated the fact that my father kept human company. She shaped my view of humans more than anyone. Still I doubted my mother's words, until the day came when my father took a human lover. Then all humans became my enemies. My father would have died honorably, but instead he chose to live on without my mother and with a non-lupine at that.”
“So you feel he had no choice in the matter?”
Heero's brows knitted together with agitation at his comrade.
“What exactly are you getting at? Just say it.”
Trowa cleared his throat and straightened his posture.
“Very well, if my lord wishes me to be bold…”
With a smirk and an amused snort, Heero amused his friend.
“As if my wishes ever stopped you...”
The tawny haired male couldn't help but smile a little himself, though his voice was most serious.
“Your father could no more control his heart than you can control yours…towards Relena. So in essence you have damned him and all humans for the sin which you are committing. Quite hypocritical isn't it?”
“Since when have you become a defender of Relena and humans in general, Trowa?”
“My lord I've never hated humans, distrusted yes, but hate, no. Though siding with this Queen has left me reevaluating my position. Is her word to be taken as truth or are we merely aiding her in taking down an innocent man? You're father, though traitorous in one way, was not a shallow or cruel man. If he were to befriend a human such as this King Milliardo, could that man be the monster which Mariemeia makes him out to be?”
“I am not sure what type of man his highness is but, survival of our clan takes precedence over him and his intentions.”
“Of course, sir, but, do you not think that if his family were an ally to your father and considered dear friends that he would not be more than willing to help our clan with the problems they face?”
“I will not accept a human's pity.”
“And what do you care of your pride? After today you will have no more say in what happens within the clan. In fact you will be living as a human with a human.”
Heero shoved his guilt away, changing the subject, getting down to what he knew Trowa was really getting at.
“Are you saying that we should consider betraying our previous ally?”

”I think such a course should be considered, my lord. Upon further investigation, that is.”
With those words Heero leapt from his horse, landing onto the ground in his wolf form. He turned back to Trowa with most serious eyes.
“Tell Lady Dorothy that I will scout ahead.”
Trowa's lips curled in a side-smile as he watched his Lord disappear into the distance.
“As you say, my lord, as you say.”
Her horse had been running since early morning, and as much as she hated it, Relena knew she had to allow the animal to rest if she didn't want to have to foot it the rest of the way on her own. She had come across a small clearing near a creek where she sat down stretching a bit herself realizing how much of a break she had needed as well. Leaning against a tree she adjusted herself into a comfortable position, staring down at the large book in her hands, its silken ribbons beckoning her to untie them so she could open it.
Curiosity won out as she hastily undid the ties, exposing the first page to her eyes. The blonde girl shook her head in disbelief at the painted picture seemingly staring back at her. It was as if Relena was looking in a mirror. The woman's eyes were the same shade of blue and her hair the same color of gold, interwoven within it a tiara of white diamonds and glistening sapphires.
This is the first day of the journal of my new life. The first caption on the opposite page read.
It is not as if I didn't know that the man I married was quite odd, but I did not expect him to be so cold. Last night was our wedding night, and while I was nervous and quite naïve he did little to calm my fears or ease my pains as I have read so many a man have done for their ladies. Girlish fantasies, I suppose, but then what does an old man know of girlish fantasies. Then there is my step-daughter Mariemeia. She loathes me and resents me no matter how kind and understanding I try to be with her. I fear she is too much like her father. I only pray that if one day, I have a child, she will not influenced by the vile that runs through the veins of those two.
“Mariemeia is my half-sister…then my mother was the late Queen of Romafel. Please tell me this is a cruel joke, how can I share blood with such a monster? There has to be another explanation.”
Relena continued to read on, desperate to find out more.
My brother, Milliardo, before I left, told me of the tragic death of Odin's mate. She was a beautiful wolf indeed, with eyes of blue that showed her emotions, despite how she tried to hide them. I know she did not care for our friendships with her husband, but still I thought her beautiful and her son, oh how he favored her right down to her dark hair. I know he mistrusts us just as much as she, but last month I caught him looking at me, and when I turned to face him I smiled and though I know he would deny it, I saw him blush as he hid behind his cold stare and stern expression. Oh, little Heero, you are too precious. I am sure you miss your mother dearly. My heart weeps for you.
“Heero and Odin? Does that mean my mother knew…was she...?”
Relena snapped the book closed as quickly as she had opened it, denial being her first instinct, though as questions began to plague her mind she found herself opening the journal again flipping ahead several pages in search of the answers.
One year. One year I have been here in Romefel and in that year, I have been miserable. My only happiness has been the arrival of my daughter last week, though I know Denkim was hoping for a son. He would have surely have beat me for my transgression, but I was fortunate enough that he passed out from much too drink before he could raise a fist to me. I never thought in my entire life I could hate anyone, but my husband, I loathe to the very depths of my soul.
I must not think of him at this moment for now I have my little girl to focus on. My little Relena, is such a beautiful child and I am so relieved she resembles my person…it makes me feel not so alone. She is truly one of my blessings, but still as my heart is filled with love for her, it pines away for another love that is dear to me. Whether it was born from our shared loneliness, or close friendship I do not know, but shortly after I had conceived Relena, Odin came to me.
He told me he had a message from my brother, since it seems communications between us had broken down, no thanks to the ogre I am married to. He said that Milliardo missed me and wished me well. He said that he had felt miserable himself for ever committing me to marry the King of Romafel. I told Odin I did not blame my brother, for if I had truly protested he would have granted me release from the contract. I informed him of my pregnancy which was two months along…Odin wished me well.
Our contact should have ended there, but as I stared into his golden eyes, I saw such pain and want. He was not the wolf or the man, I had remembered him being. No he was far from it. His shoulders slumped and his spirit was faint, so much like a man many years his age. I knew it was from the hardship of him losing his mate, for my brother had told me of their strong bonds. I knew he was dying.
My heart broke as I saw him turn to leave, and out of my own anguish I grabbed for him and held him tight to me, refusing to let go. I remember I began to cry as did he and somehow, among the ache and solitude we found each other. The love we made that night may not have been the most gentle but it was intense and passionate and real and as the sun rose to part the darkness I saw him in the light and it was if he was a new being, stronger and more vital. He smiled and vowed to me his loyalty and devotion. I never knew one could fall in love so easily, as we did that night.
I know our affair will not stop with this first night. I only pray that we can contain this secret from his Majesty.
“That Queen bastard Mariemeia!”
Relena yelled out as she rose to her feet and dashed to her horse. The red-headed she-devil had lied, no doubt knowing all along whom she was the moment she arrived at the castle. She was bent on destroying the Cinq Kingdom and the wolves along with it.
“Please, Heero, hold on and don't start the battle yet…we can't let this bitch win!”
Milliardo stood at the outer skirts of his base camp, surveying the area of land that would give his army the best strategic point for victory. Though he was not a man experienced in battle he had been trained for it and knew how to handle a blade well, and he also could sense when his enemy was around him.
“I know you've been there a while observing me, wolf. Why don't you come out, either form is fine, since I'm assuming you came here to only speak with me.”
Heero emerged from the shallow glade, now in his human form throwing the King mentally off balance somewhat though you would never have known it.
“So the son of Odin has become grown, has he?”
“And I, your Majesty would have thought you to have aged more.”
“Sharp-tongued I see. I must say your father was much more diplomatic. None-the-less, let's cut to the quick shall we, I assume you are distrusting your new mistress?”
“No one is master or mistress over me and I'm not here simply because I trust you more.”
“It's information that you seek? I can reassure you, the ill will between the two kingdoms is purely on the side of Mariemeia. That vile woman, if you can even call her a woman. It sickens me to think I ever shared a bed with her.”
The wolf lord could not help but shudder himself at the very thought of having to lay with the Queen for even though she was a beautiful woman, her very aura was ugly and nauseating. Rather than sympathize, however, Heero kept to the task at hand.
“I am not in alliance with the Queen of Romafell because of those reason, it is simply that my clan has fallen on hard times and she offered us relief if we were to side with her.”
“Are you looking for a counter offer? If you needed assistance you could have simply come to me and I would offer aide with no strings attached. Your father and I were very dear friends so despite how you and I felt toward one another I would not have turned you away.”
“I would never have begged to you.”
“I never would have put you into such a position where you had too. Never-the-less, you do know that the Queen will betray you in the end, even if you claim victory for her. She is a murderer, cold and bitter. That Medusa, if she can condemn a woman and her innocent child to death than she is capable of anything.
“You speak of your sister and her daughter.”
“How do you know any of it?”
Heero turned away slightly, his thoughts reflecting back to Relena, he hoped that she was well, for if the Queen harmed her in anyway, she would suffer a wrath that would make her wish she had never been born.
“I've no time to go into the full story, but your niece, is alive. She was taken into our clan by my father and raised among us.”
Milliardo knitted his brows, slightly confused. “Why would he…? I never saw him again after your mother's death…I thought he had…”

The dark-haired wolf-man snarled somewhat.
“He became your sister's lover and upon her death he vowed to protect her daughter and hide her so she would not befall the same fate as her mother.”
The king took a step back, swallowing hard to try and contain his emotions.
“Is…is she safe and well.”
“For the time being I do not think the Queen will harm her.”
The blonde man sobered somewhat.

“Considering how you and your mother felt towards humans that must have been very difficult for you.”
Heero turned back to face the king, his own mood now somber.
“Yes, it was. My entire life I grew up resenting her. Her life was not easy…we tormented her greatly, but then…”
“You fell in love with her.”
Heero looked away, somewhat embarrassed that the king was reading him so easily.
“I did. In fact, I am to betray my very clan to be with her. We wolves are foolish creatures.”
Nodding in agreement, Milliardo sighed.
“If staying true to your emotions is foolish then we humans are just as naïve.”
Both men then happened to look at one another, both sets of eyes, serious and sincere.
“Then perhaps, King, we are more alike then I ever wished to believe.”
“So what does your heart say now, great wolf lord? Do you still plan to carry out this battle?”
“I have no quarrel with you, Relena is all that matters to me…and my clan, I must make sure they will be taken care of before I leave.”
The King of Cinq approached the Wolf King extending his hand, which Heero accepted.
“Then, my fine lupine friend…let us feed Mariemeia back her own wretched vile.”