Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stone ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency Bandai etc. etc.




At top speed, Heero, Wufei and Trowa ran towards the grounds where the other wolves had been, but finding they had gone. The trio followed their scented trail towards the castle of Romafel, finding upon their arrival that the human squad had indeed gotten the king and was riding off towards Cinq. However, the soldiers of Romefel were not far behind and catching up rather quickly. They ignored the clash of thunder and the darkening skies signaling to them that a storm was approaching.

As fast as the lightening that lit up the sky, Heero and the other two joined their clan attacking the enemy soldiers, tearing out guts, throats and hearts. They strewn the organs everywhere, along with various limbs that had been ripped completely off of the bodies themselves, proving the rumor true that one attacked by a werewolf would never live to tell of it. Bruised, cut and bleeding, Heero lifted his head as high as his wolf form allowed scanning the area for his father, who he saw not far ahead charging upon a soldier. Just as the wolf lord was sinking his teeth into the man's throat another human came up from behind, his sword pointed to the ground held by a fist the lunged downward. A flash of light and a roar of thunder seemed to shake the earth, illuminating the scene in a most horrific and ghastly manner.

It was as if the world had stopped and restarted again in slow motion as Heero's eyes took in the sight of the long, sharp blade piercing through the spine of his father, one whom the young wolf had always thought of to be strong, fearless and invincible. He called out to the old wolf as he sprang forward on his torn up paws, springing up in the air only to land back down upon the human whom just slain his father's back. He sunk his fangs right into the jugular and pulled back, killing him instantly as he flipped the body down into the dirt. He held the man for several seconds refusing to let ago, even as the first drops of rain hit his furry canine brow, blending the human's blood into his dark coat.

He then found himself having taken human shape as he cradled his dying father in his arms, tears running down his face as he pleaded for him not to leave. Odin half opened his yellow eyes and whispered to his son with his dying breath. His eyes then grew dark even as his body transformed into the shape of the species that had killed him, human. When werewolves died they would revert back to their human bodies, for legend had said that werewolves had simply been a clan of humans that had dared wage war against wolves, the children of Bayden, the pagan wolf god. Captured and subdued the band had then been cursed to mix their blood with the very blood of those they had sworn to kill, thus not only giving them the attributes of wolves, but also enslaving them and their descendents forever into servitude under Bayden himself. Though unlike their full-blooded brothers they would not receive his protection but be forced to fend for themselves against the very hardships and prejudices that they themselves had inflicted onto his direct offspring.

Brow furrowed and eyes intense, the new leader of Blood Stone took in the elder wolf's final words not knowing if he could fulfill the last request just given to him. He slowly felt his senses returning to him as he noticed that the sounds of battle had now ceased and all was quiet, they had won. Heero's vision was still blurred by tears as he looked up at those of his people who still lived, their heads bowed in mourning even as their own sobs broke through the brief silence. Saying nothing, the young wolf lord rose to his feet, gently hoisting his father's body over his shoulders. Several of his brothers picked up the other dead bodies and did the same as the survivors began to make their way back to their home through the now muddy ground.


"But why can't we go back, they're dying for us!"

The commanding officer replied in a stern tone. "The battle is over. There is nothing we can do for them. So please Lady Lucrezia, worry yourself no more on the matter."

"There has to be something…they're suppose to be our allies." The female doctor glared coldly as she spoke to the man out of the back of the wagon where she rode with an unconscious Milliardo. She blinked her eyes as the captain of the guards leered back at her just as coldly.

"Allies? I could care less about those accursed creatures." The captain of the guards sneered as he kicked the flanks of his horse setting it into a trot forward to take his place ahead of his guard.

"And humans think werewolves are heartless creatures." Her voice was hushed as she spoke, turning back to tend to Milliardo as his body shook from a sudden attack of coughing. She placed a cold compress on his forehead even as she smoothed the sweat soaked bangs from his temples, her body jumping just a bit from the sound of distant thunder.


Securing her fur cape covering over her shoulders Relena made her way over the border that set Blood Stone separate from the human world. She did not dare to look knowing that if she did, the tears she had been successfully holding back would fall and her resolve to leave might waver causing her to return. She shook her head to regain her composure, her feet taking her farther away from the only home she had ever known, even though she could not seem to feel them move upon the earth. She rested her hand on the small dagger that hung from a leather strap around her upper left thigh knowing it would come in handy when she needed to hunt for food, or fend off any strangers with ill intent toward her. She knew not where she was really going, though she did remember hearing others say that there was a castle to the south but how far she was unsure. All I have is time from here on out anyway. Father, I'm sorry, if only you could understand, then again I don't even understand. Am I running Duo? Well, damn you, and your opinions. I will live only by my own convictions from now on, be they brave or cowardly I will be true to myself, though who I am I still am unsure.

Her thoughts stopped, as did her movements as she felt a cold chill run down her spine and an overwhelming sense of dread began to stir in her gut. She looked up at the darkening sky as the warm breeze whipped her hair violently around her face. A storm is beginning to brew. Funny, a storm has never made me feel so unsettled before, maybe something is wrongno it's nothing, simply my imagination. The clan is no longer my problem; my family, Heero and father are no longer important to me. Her convictions may have sounded more convincing to her if it had not been for the hot tears that rolled down her cheek of her hung down head, causing the droplets to plop quietly onto the ground. Dark clouds then began to roll above covering up the blue as the heavens opened its jaws with a mighty roar of thunder. And so the girl treaded on even as the light rain began to mix with her tears until one would never be able to tell which was one or the other.


"My plans are ruined! How could you let them escape?" The man whom the young queen scolded instinctively flinched away expecting for her highness to give him an open handed smack across the cheek, which in fact she did.

He fell to his knees, his forehead touching the marbled floors as he begged and pleaded for forgiveness, blaming their loss on the fault of the werewolves.

"Werewolves? Werewolves?" Mariemeia sneered coldly. "I don't care what the excuse! You have failed me and so you shall be punished! Guards take him down to the dungeon and instruct the dungeon master to give this man no mercy."

"But their leader…we managed to kill him!"

"And how does that help me? Get this filth away from my sight now."

Whimpering and bawling, as would a newborn babe, the man continued to beg for forgiveness as he was harshly drug away, all the while receiving from his queen nothing more than a cold, heartless glare. Once he had been removed, her cousin then entered, her hands clasped together and her head bowed in respect.

Mariemeia sat down on her throne. "Oh please cousin, you've nothing to fear from me, though J ,I think is going to get a more than a brutal lashing."

Raising her head, Dorothy approached her cousin only to sit back down at her feet. "And, what of the werewolves?"

"Truth be told, I've never given them much thought, in fact they helped me out so to speak long ago." She ignored the questioning look Dorothy gave her and continued. "I never realized that Cinq had aligned themselves with their kind, but knowing that fact now any action to go against them would be futile I'm afraid."

Dorothy's slender hand covered her mouth, though it did not contain her giggle. "But, did not that man just say their leader was dead? So in fact, won't their tribe be in a bit of an uneasy state?"

Her blue eyes narrowing and her pale brow furrowing, Mariemeia looked down at her cousin. "What is it you're getting at?"

"Well, it is said that many werewolves have a dislike for humans and I'm sure that many will blame their leader's death on the fact that he was killed by one, while protecting one."

"Divide and conquer…how brilliantly devious of you, dear cousin. Summon a messenger right away. I think it is about time we have a conference with whoever it may be that is now their leader."

With a faint, amused sigh, Dorothy rose and bowed her exit. "As you wish, m'lady. It shall be done."


Heero made his way through the woods even as the cold harsh rain pelted against his human flesh. He had left his father's body in the care of those that would prepare it for burial and was now thinking only of reaching the spot where he had told Relena to wait for him. Feelings of anger, remorse, guilt and uncertainty battled within his body; anger towards humans for taking his father from him, remorse for the loss of his father and then guilt over the fact that he had been unable to save him and uncertainty about where that would leave his relationship with Relena and fulfilling his father's final request to always look after her and protect.

But how father? I have grown up hating humans, even more so now since they took you from me. You expect me to be able to view my sister differently? To not think that she is capable of the same? You told me before you died to look after her and protect her and trust my feelings to tell me how to do just that. What did you mean? I hate her existence yet I do not wish to exist without her.

"Relena!" He called her name out loudly as he made his way behind the falls to the cave, only to find it cold and empty. His eyes scanned the small area in disbelief that she had not done as he had told her to do. Fear ripped through him as instinct told him that this time she was truly gone. He curled his fists in anger as he stormed out of the cave. "Are all of you human females this stubborn…this aggravating! To hell with you then! Just never dare step one foot back into Blood Stone or you will regret it! This I swear to you Relena! I wish to never look at you again!"

He then sunk down onto his knees, tears taking over his body again as he his screams turned into sobs of agony and a deep sense of loss. Not only for the loss of his father, but now, also for the loss of the woman he loved, Relena.