Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Valentine ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bloody Valentine: Part Two

Wufei panted heavily from his position behind a backyard child's clubhouse. He held his breath as an overweight officer shone a flashlight in his direction in search of the young man who had robbed the liquor drive thru. Wufei's agile figure could obviously sprint much quicker then the larger cops, but he had to leave most of the beer that he had acquired behind in order to outrun them.

He reached upwards to the clubhouse platform and gracefully swung his body upwards before silently disappearing through the small wooden door. Peering out through the small window, he noticed that the cop was advancing on him. He pressed his body against the interior wall, blending in with the shadows due to his black clothing and loose black hair. A shaking hand gripped the pistol in his back pocket and aimed it towards the cut wooden window. He could easily pierce the nearest cop's skull, he was close enough and Wufei had perfect aim. But after thoughts made him stay his finger. There were two more cops, farther behind, but they would be able to trace the direction of the shot by the other officer's wound and the sound of the shot.

Wufei slid out onto the platform again and grasped an overhanging branch. He silently scrambled up and to the inner middle of the tree. Another branch, conveniently placed, ensured that the police wouldn't be able to see him. The nearest one shone his flashlight into the leaves of the trees, unable to find any movement but that of a scrambling squirrel. Minutes passed into what seemed like infinite eternity before the police decided that the boy wasn't there. Wufei had been getting stiff in his still position and had developed a painful cramp in his bent knee. He slipped down from his branch and landed silently in catlike crouch at the base. Running the opposite direction of the police, he continued for blocks, blindly searching for a sign of his location. His eyes scanned the surrounding houses for familiarity and stopped upon the house across the street. Recognizing the two shapes in the window, he went closer for another look.

His heart sank as he watched the two boys' bodied rocking together in synchronized movement. That was _his_ Duo, the boy he had loved for what felt like centuries, the boy he had trying to get for himself for four years. He knew that Duo was sexually involved with Heero, the two practically lived together, but it was not a scene he wanted to witness. However, he kept his eyes glues to the image, watching as Duo screamed his lover's name and let go of his grasp of coherency.

//Damn Heero, the little bitch. What the hell do you got to make Duo love you?//

Suddenly, he heard engines a block or two away. Shit. It was probably the cops, with reinforcements to find him quicker.

Wufei crept to the porch, not caring that he was interrupting the boy's lovemaking, and rapped on the door. Minutes later, two steel eyes appeared in the small window. The door creaked open, revealing a very flushed and sweaty Heero, blanket wrapped around his waist and hair messier than usual.

"Hello Wufei," he said with a puzzled look.

"Hi Heero. Could you do me a huge favor and let me in?"

Heero gave a short nod and backed up from the doorway, allowing Wufei entrance space. Duo appeared in the entrance hallway wearing very baggy black pants and hair falling down like a curtain around his body. Wufei struggled to withhold a moan at the sight.

//Oh god, he's _gorgeous_ with his hair down.//

Duo's cheeks reddened when he saw Wufei notice his unbound hair.

"Hey Wu, what's going on?"

"Uhm..," he stalled looking guilty.

"Wufei.... what did you do?"

"You can go in here to talk," Heero commented, opening a door to his right, "I'll be right back."

The two seated themselves on a black leather couch and Duo began to rebraid his hair.

"Sorry you saw it down, not many people have..." he began.

"Why are you sorry? It's beautiful... I mean... it looks nice that way," he blushed.

"What did you do?" Duo asked, avoiding the compliment.

"Stole a twelve pack from the drive thru... " he muttered.


"I ran out. I had no cash. I need my beer," he said calmly as he retracted his only remaining can and flipped the top.

"Dammit Wufei!" Duo burst, "Are you so addicted to that shit that you'll do anything for it? You could have asked me for money, you know!" Duo's hand collided with the arm that held Wufei's beer, sending the can flying against the wall.

"Duo! That was my last one!" Wufei yelled as the liquid soaked the carpet. Heero appeared in the doorway, now dressed in a black t-shirt and red sweatpants.

"Sorry about the mess, Hee-chan, I'll clean it up" Duo commented and disappeared into the hallway. Heero nodded and turned to Wufei.

"I want you to stay the night here," he said eyeing him, "you can sleep on those pillows on the couch, and there are blankets under the cushions. And don't try to sneak out, I'll know if you do."