Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Eyed Angel ❯ Winner Tragedy ( Prologue )
Blue Eyed Angel
By: Sard
Quatre Raberba Winner was not born into a rich home, but even under the harsh conditions he was happy. The house he was born in was nice and big. It had a nursery and two bedrooms (a master and regular) three bathrooms, and large living room. It was a wonderful house to bring a nice big family into.
Quatre, though young, was very talented. Not physically but mentally. He was the most intelligent child amongst his generation. He would complete math problems in his head that were very complex for a boy his age, was an excellent writer, and had very neat handwriting. By the time he started school he was far ahead of his classmates.
But most the time he would come home with a note attached to his jacket saying that he was in fight at school and his face would be red from anger.
The children did not find him talented. Instead they hated him and teased him. They made fun of him for the way he looked. He had long musty blonde hair that was tangled around his ears all the time and swallows his brows. He looked like a girl. He had gigantic light blue eyes that nearly filled his head and look glossy like he was about to cry any minute all the time. He had thick eyelashes that made him look like he was either fuelled the rumors that he was a girl or he was wearing mascara.
He was an easy target for childish predators who liked to claim he was both a girl and he was wearing eye make-up and he was about to cry any minute.
He stood out. He was different. It's not good to stand out or be different.
He tried thinking of ways to cover the way he looked. He took baby powder and spread it over his finger and combed them through his eyelashes hoping it would make them lighter and not so horrid looking. But it got in his eyes and made them more watery. He tried wearing a hat to school but it blew away in the wind as if it were fate.
Accepting it did not stop the kids from making fun of him. It only numbed the pain till he got to school. Soon, he started making a defense to keep him from reacting to their comments. He would smile if he was called a girl, or pretend he didn't hear them call him gay, or faggot (how little kids know these words is beyond me but they do and they use them).
When Quatre was five years old his mother and father were blessed with a baby girl. Quatre took the invasion of the new infant very harshly. He didn't need to share his home life with his family and put up with the kids at school.
He wouldn't share toys, he wouldn't share pets, he wouldn't share space, and he wouldn't even share air! It wasn't fair. The house was his sanctuary not hers.
His parents sat him down and had a long preach about how his sister looked up to him. How she will repeat what he does. That he shouldn't act like the bullies on the playground, but try to be different like he was. To not become what he hated like so many people do.
So he accepted her company after patience and practice.
The years went by. Both children were so beautiful now. Especially Quatre who was always out of the ordinary. His hair was tamed over the years and was like silky, fluffy pillow on his head instead of "goldy-locks". His eyes weren't so big anymore but instead were just as sharp in features.
Rue, Quatre's sister, had white hair and claimed she would grow it down to her feet, but ended up cutting it to her shoulders the next week. Amongst her classmates, unlike Quatre, she was very popular and invited twenty or thirty friends to stay over at the house almost every day. Quatre had friends he would see but not like his little sister who would stay at someone's house every other night.
Rue looked like Quatre. But it's okay for a girl to look like a girl. So she didn't have the same problems he did.
When Quatre started Junior High his world fell apart. Just when he thought he could finally handle the harsh treatment of his peers the children were starting to get crueler and were very touchy. Quatre was so different that any little thing he did to step out of place the children would take him very seriously and very personally. It felt like minding his business would insult them deeply.
Just when he thought he could finally handle it.
Quatre was so well known by the time seventh grade started that he couldn't mind his own business if he tried. Everybody wanted to scar him deeply.
His parents had another baby. He prayed for a little brother but was given a new sister. Well, Rue was excited, at least she enjoyed the new baby's company much more then he did. The house used to be his sanctuary. Now he had to share it again. Now his room is his sanctuary, but it is much smaller than the house.
He was nearly expelled from school for getting into a fistfight… the harsh reality of it was that he didn't start it and didn't finish it. He was beaten at school for throwing his mouth off at someone who had thrown an open milk carton at him in lunch and it exploded over his food and his clothes. He tried to lay low, he tried to keep quite, but taking it in and bottling it up only hurt him more. The fight was in the cafeteria, and everybody knew about it. School was harder than ever.
Quatre stood out. Everybody knew and hated him, he no longer had the same friends he had in his old school but instead ate with people who didn't mind his company. The day of the fight, even the people he was once friends with fed him to the principal. He didn't tell anyone whom he fought with and they were not punished like he was. To the other children he was a coward because they thought he was afraid he would be beaten again. But Quatre just wanted to pretend it didn't happen and continued to mind his own business and watch his steps like he did before. He didn't want to let anything break out again, everything had to stay inside and never come out.
It wasn't till high school, two years later that he was able to live the humiliation of the fight down. When he started ninth grade and his first year as a freshman he was actually pleased to find that talking trash and criticizing other kids was considered childish here. The top dogs in Junior High had a rude awakening when they found out now they were just "fish" (a popular nickname for freshmen). Quatre felt like floating when he found that the upperclassmen bullied the same people who once picked on him and it was even more enlightening to find that it had taken some of their confidence.
Quatre was completely at peace when he started High School. He had spent so many years practicing how to keep to himself and watch his steps and his back that the upperclassmen thought he was one of them but was new in school. Quatre was intelligent and dignified and the older kids found him much more tolerable than his peers. While other freshman tried to use their Junior High tactics to become friends with the upperclassmen they were only denied and found annoying while Quatre's quiet exterior was accept.
High school was the best thing that could happen to him.
One day, he had a visit from the police in the middle of passing period at school. They took him to the hospital telling him his parents had been robbed and the thief had murdered them.
He held back his fear and tears long enough to get out of school. Though when everybody saw him they spread the word that he had his gotten into another fight. It even spread to the upperclassman but thankfully the upperclassmen hardly ever listened to the lowerclassmen or Quatre would have lost their respect as well. Some older kids who saw get taken away were curious but also courteous when he showed in his face he did not want to tell him.
His sisters were there at the hospital. Pearl, who was now almost two years old, was unaware of why she was there but was apparently crying because she was surrounded by strangers and could not find her mommy amongst the crowd. Rue was crying and screaming at the top of her lungs when she saw her big brother approach "THEY'RE DEAD! THEY'RE DEAD, QUATRE! MOM AND DAD ARE DEAD!" Her face was pale underneath all the red that swelled from her tears and she nearly knocked Quatre down when she ran over to hug him. Quatre found the lump his throat to hard to swallow; it was thick from fear and grief. He kept thinking, "What are we going to do now? What are going to do now?" but he couldn't bring himself to ask it out loud. Once he realized this was reality he just wanted things to stop, shut-up and stay still so he could have time to recover his voice.
Three hours after they arrived, one of the doctors brought them McDonalds for lunch but none of the three siblings felt like eating. Not even Pearl who was unaware her parents were frozen in the morgue. Quatre tired to get his sisters to eat but knew they were feeling as empty as he was. They were still crying, especially Rue and his lump didn't go away. He ate two French fries but found it impossible to continue.
When night was coming around a woman in a business suit approached the three in private. Her name was Sally Po and she told them that the Department of Child Care had searched and found that the Winners did not have any close family that had enough financial income to take care of three kids and they had not prepare any godparents. So, the three siblings were given the chance to stay the night in their own house with this stranger until they could sort out a foster family for them to live with. They said they would do their best to find them a family that would take in all three of them if it was possible.
Quatre couldn't hold it in anymore. He lost his parents, soon he'd loose home and now he found he was in danger of loosing his sisters. Just when he thought he could take it he began to cry harder than Rue could ever cry. Ms. Po the Social Worker led him to a private room with its own bathroom where he could cry alone, in private and without shame.
After a few hours he returned, his face was still pink from tears but he managed to wash up. He took Ms. Po aside and asked her privately if there was any possible way on he could care for his sisters as their guardian and stay in the house. He realized it was going to be rough but she said she would do anything she could to keep their family together.
She fought for him in court and after a long debate Quatre could have custody of his sisters if he got a job in the next month that would provide him with enough income to take care of his sisters. He would also have to put up with constant checks from the Ms. Po to see if he is doing a good job.
So began the end of their former lives. Quatre's first year of High School had started with a very cruel awakening.