Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Lightening ❯ Blue Lightening ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AC 196
Once the solar panels had swung and light flooded over the rooftops, Duo slipped back inside the skylight and pulled it shut. He dragged out the duffle and rummaged around for soap and shampoo, remembering to grab Quatre's towel and his hairbrush at the last minute. The shower controls poised no mystery to someone who had piloted a Gundam, and he was soon massaging shampoo through his long hair and hoping that a flushed toilet elsewhere in the house would not boil him alive or freeze him to death.
The phone rang as he was brushing his hair, making him jump and fall instinctively into a crouch. His knee screamed in protest, and the muscles in his thighs weren't too happy with him either. After a second, he guessed that it was Rosemary, calling him about breakfast.
“Good morning, Duo!”
“Good morning.”
“I hope I didn't wake you?”
“No, no, I was awake.”
“Good. I thought it was your shower but I wasn't positive.”
“That was mine.”
“Well, I was wondering what you would like for breakfast. Do you like eggs?”
“I eat pretty much anything.”
“No favorites?”
Duo tried to think, but he usually just ate ration bars, leftovers or toast for breakfast, and he had the feeling that she wanted something more than that. “Surprise me?”
“All right then, come down in about 15 minutes.”
“Sure. Thank you.”
“It's no problem! See you soon!”
Duo set the phone on the hook by the door, and then resumed brushing his hair. His knee was throbbing, and he knew that he'd have to dig out his painkillers if he wanted to hide the injury from Rosemary.
Breakfast turned out to be porridge and toast. Rosemary smiled at his disgruntled expression.
“It's not what you think. Try a spoonful.”
Duo shrugged and sat down. The porridge was.... faintly brown? And it had little lumps in it. What the? Oh well, it couldn't be worse than moldy bread or ration bars.
Rosemary laughed at the dumbfounded expression that crossed his face after he took a bite. “There's cinnamon, dried fruit and honey in that,” she told him.
“It's great!”
“Dig in. What do you like on your toast?”
Duo paused in his scooping. “Um… I've never really had much but strawberry jam on toast.”
“Ever had blackcurrant?”
Duo shook his head. “Nope.”
“Well, I shall have to remedy that. There are many things that go well with toast, and strawberry jam is merely one of them.”
Duo nodded, and turned back to his porridge, watching out of the corner of his eye as she placed slices of bread in the toaster.
“What did you plan on doing today?”
“Errands, mostly. I need to get a computer. I thought I might visit the scrap yards, see if any old friends are hanging around. Is there anything you'd like me to get for you?”
“If you see any rugs that are in fairly good condition, I'm trying to replace some worn ones. And if you could get me some light bulbs, please. Get receipts if you can, and I'll deduct it from your rent.”
“All right. Light bulbs and rugs. 40? 60?”
“40, if you can.”
“Sure. Is there anything that needs doing around the house?”
“The sink in room 4 is leaky.”
“I'll take a look at it before I go.”
“Thank you, Duo.”
“It's no problem.”
“Were you planning on looking for a job?”
“Well, I've sort of already got one, but I need the computer.”
Rosemary smiled. “Am I allowed to ask what?”
“I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.” He waited a beat, and then they both laughed. “Actually, I'm a consultant. Or going to be.”
“All right.”
“Do you have a toolkit?”
It hadn't been a lie. Preventers would be ecstatic to have a Gundam Pilot's take on things, and he was fairly sure that they would like to keep tabs on him. Being in regular contact with them would save him from being tailed by the `good guys'. He was paranoid enough already. Also, he could count on Preventers to keep his whereabouts discreet.
As he used a spanner (wrench, for you Americans) to tighten the pipes under the leaky sink, he wondered if there was a Preventers branch in L2 yet, or if they just had a representative in the local police station.
Rosemary smiled at him when he finished. “Will you be back for lunch?”
“I don't think so.”
“Is seven all right? And do you have any preferences?”
“Seven is fine, and I don't really mind.”
“All right. Have fun while you're out.”
“Thanks! Take care, see you later!”
The air outside was moist; it looked like he had just missed a shower. Duo stuffed his hands into the pockets of his leather jacked and walked off in search of a computer store. It shouldn't be too hard to find one, he just had to walk rimwards, towards the richer area of town.
As he looked around the electronics store, Duo immediately decided that he wouldn't buy one of the so called `package deals' if the store owner offered him money. Instead, he headed to the spare parts section, and began picking hardware off of the shelves. The store clerks tried to hover, but a few well placed glares sent them scurrying off. Hm, looks like Heero had taught him something after all.
His arms full of computer parts and cabling, Duo walked to the main desk, and smiled at the attendant. “Hi. I need a case, monitor, keyboard and mouse. And can I leave this stuff here while I get them?”
“Um, certainly, Sir. The external hardware is closer to the entrance, to your left.”
“Thank you very much.”
Duo peered at the rows of monitors, before selecting a plain flat screen one. He also picked the dullest case, keyboard and mouse he could see. If the computer looked crap on the outside, people would assume that it was crap. He grabbed a few disks of software on his way back to the till, and a stack of disks.
The attendant looked at him in surprise, but rung up all his purchases without a fuss. Duo paid with his `OZ funds' account, scribbling down his fake signature with a flourish. “Can I get this sent to my apartment?”
“Certainly, sir. May I have the address?”
Duo rattled it off, repeated it, smiled disarmingly and walked out of the door. He could practically hear the sigh of relief as he left.
Terrorising shop workers aside, Duo had things to do. Well, one thing. A visit. A visit he really didn't want to make, but he refused to be scared to go anywhere. Taboo areas were not good things if you were being chased. So Duo took a deep breath, tossed his braid over his shoulder so that it landed with a solid `thunk!' on his back and began to walk hubwards, towards what had once been called `Maxwell Church'.
There were people wandering the streets, but not many. It wasn't all that early… Duo realised with a start that he didn't know what day of the week it was. He paused by a newspaper stand to check. Friday. Friday night… that was always a good night.
Wait a minute… was he planning on going back?
Duo thought carefully, and realised that he was. That he had to. There were old ghosts to be put to rest before he could make L2 his home again. He'd have to go shopping after his …visiting. None of his clothes would do if he went clubbing… hm. Actually, those new jeans hugged his arse nicely, and he hadn't had a chance to wear the dragon shirt yet. Make-up and jewellery, however. He'd need some of that. Silver, because gold was just tacky.
Duo lifted his eyes to the end of the street, and chocked back a gasp. The burnt out wreck had gone. In its place was a little garden, what looked like an extension of Sister Helen's. The statue of Mary was still there, surrounded by fire-scarred masonry. And the cross, Father Maxwell's pride and joy was still there. Benches lined the remnants of the old carved flagstones that led to it.
Slowly, Duo walked towards it, half expecting it to disappear like some sort of mirage. Some of the larger pieces of wreckage were still there, as a testimony to what had happened, but even those were wreathed in leaves and flowers. He ended up standing before the cross, with his hands clasped to his chest, exactly the way he had used to while repenting.
It still towered over him, even if he was sure that it was a little bit smaller.
A rustling in the bushes caused him to drop warily into a fighting stance, this time favoring his knee. After a few seconds, an old lady trotted out, shears in one hand and a bucket full of dead flowers and weeds in the other. The ex-pilot relaxed and stood up again.
“Oh! I didn't expect anyone to be here this time o' day!”
“No, no, no, my dear, don't be sorry. This garden is for everyone.” She peered at him. “Are you new here?”
Duo shook his head. “I've been away for a long time.”
She tutted at him. “Well, I expect your version of a long time and mine are different. Did you know that this used to be a church?”
“Oh.” She paused a minute. “Maybe it was a pretty long time you were away then.”
Duo smiled at her, then turned to look up at the cross. He was not expecting her to shriek and grab for his braid.
“What the-?!”
“Duo! You're Duo, aren't you! You're back! Where have you been, young man? You just vanished! Into thin air! Do you still sing?”
Stupefied, Duo blinked at her. “Excuse me?”
“Oh never mind. You're all right, that's what matters. And so grown up! I almost didn't recognise you, if it hadn't been for that braid of yours.”
As she continued to talk at him, Duo wondered if living in this area was such a great idea after all. At least when he had visited the scrap yards during the war, they had been the ones on the other side, and no-one had known him.
Speaking of scrap yards, he had wanted to visit sweepers. Now, how to end this conversation? She looked like she was set in to talk and reminisce for the duration.
At first glance, the yards seemed deserted. A closer look revealed men perched in various piles of scrap, relaxing and eating lunch. The shuttles back to his area left every ten minutes, so he could stay as long as he wanted. The express was on the hour, but he wasn't too fussed with time.
The trouble with scrap yards, Duo reflected, after having to ask directions for the third time, was that they were all mazes. Finding one person, or one group in a sea of scrap metal and spare parts was defiantly not his favorite past time.
Luckily, he was recognised at the gate, and someone send off for Howard.
“Hey there, Duo! I didn't know you were coming back here!”
“Here is home,” Duo said simply, accepting a hug. Howard was decked out in a neon yellow, green and pink shirt with what looked like palm trees and fish on it. His trademark sunglasses were perched, as always, on his nose.
“Too damn right! Where are you holed up?”
“Found me a little apartment over a hotel. The landlady recognises me from when I was little.”
Howard smiled, genuinely happy for him, and asked him no questions. Duo felt himself relaxing into the companionable atmosphere, and grinned back.
“Want some coffee, kid?”
“Sure. And don't call me kid.”
“I'm old enough to be your granddad; I can call you anything I like!”
“You just keep on telling yourself that.”
Duo got off of the shuttle a stop early, so that he could wander past the shops as he walked back to his apartment. He decided to buy from the street vendors, rather than wade through the shops. It was an effort to remember that he had money, and so didn't need to steal anything anymore.
He decided to go for understated, a simple silver chain around one wrist, and a black sweatband around the other - it hid the handcuff scars. He got one ear pierced, sending a silent apology up to Sister Helen as he did so, and decided that the plain pewter stud would do until it healed. Maybe he could fashion an earring out of Gundanium, Howard probably still had some of Deathscythe's spare parts.
Sister Helen's cross was silver already.
He saw a shop selling light bulbs, and slipped in to get a pack for Rosemary. The sales girl, a pretty slip of a thing in her late teens, tried flirting with him. The effort made him smile, but he complimented her on her eyes and walked out leaving her blushing. Duo suddenly realised that he had forgotten to ask Howard about rugs. Oh well, he could ask next visit, he supposed.
He slipped into the hotel foyer, and decided to head for Rosemary's basement first. It was 6.45; maybe he could help with the end of dinner or something.
“Duo! There you are. Feel like setting the table?”
“All right. Here are your light bulbs.”
“Oh, thank you! The plates are in there, cutlery in the drawer above.”
“What are we having?”
“Spaghetti bolognaise, so put out spoons too.”
Duo did as he was told, wondering all the while what spaghetti bolognaise actually was. Spaghetti was the long round stuff that Quatre liked, right? And as for bolognaise… it didn't sound English. The smell in the kitchen was wonderful, however.
Almost as soon as he was finished laying the table, Rosemary was carrying pots to it and asking him to grab a serving spoon from the counter.
Bolognaise turned out to be some sort of meat and tomato sauce that smelt divine. Duo watched carefully as Rosemary twirled strands of spaghetti around her fork, keeping them on the prongs by using her spoon as a pivot. He copied her, and found that the concoction tasted as good as it smelt.
“Do you like it?” Rosemary asked him.
“It's really good. I don't think I've ever had this before.”
“Never had spaghetti bolognaise? You poor, poor, deprived child.”
Duo smiled at her, and twirled himself another mouthful. “Well, I have now.”
“Have you got any plans for this evening?”
“I was going to go unpack a little, and then maybe go out and see if I could meet any new friends. My computer isn't arriving until tomorrow, so I can't do any work.
“You be careful.”
“I will.”
Once he was back in the privacy of his own room, Duo started to get ready. He undid his hair and brushed it out, before separating two sections at the front, and then braiding the rest, stopping about half way down his back. The two front sections he braided for a few turns, and then tied off, leaving the rest to spill down his shoulders.
He pulled off his t-shirt, deciding to wear just the dragon shirt, as it would be hot in the club. He was already wearing his boots and jeans, so he headed into the bathroom to apply the make-up he had bought.
Ten minutes later he was locking the door, eyes lined in dark purple and a sprinkle of glitter on his upper lids. He had a tube of cherry lipbalm in his jacket pocket, which he applied while making his way down the stairs.
Blue Lightening was not too far away. He headed for the blue searchlights, instinctively staying in the shadows and hugging the walls while maintaining a casual, confident stride. He hoped that everyone would get the message and leave him alone. If they didn't… well, it wasn't like he was unarmed.
He didn't recognise the bouncers, but one of the workers walking up and down the line waved him in almost immediately. A wave of sound hit him as he entered, the deep bass shaking the floor. A mess of bodies gyrated near the stage, which was currently occupied by a trio of dancers. Scantily clad bodies swung around poles, and the bar had been extended. There were three bartenders now, but Duo could see the large silhouette of a man who could only be Mickey. It looked like the club had been extended too, there was now room for tables as well as a dance floor. Duo went to the bar, and the girl serving smiled at him.
“Hey gorgeous!” she shouted over the music. “What can I get you?”
“Vodka and coke!” Duo shouted back, deciding to start off light. It probably wouldn't be a good thing to have a drunk terrorist raging in a L2 club. Bad for business. The barmaid, a tall brunette with a lightening strike drawn down one cheek, passed him his drink and swept the credits he offered her into the till. She handed him his change, and immediately turned to the next customer.
Duo sauntered towards the tables, hoping to find an empty seat. He froze and his gaze snapped to the stage as the club went dark and spotlights highlighted the blue curtains. A jaunty drumbeat sounded into the sudden silence. Then a guitar riff wove through the smoky air, quickly followed by… a trumpet? Simultaneously, the curtains were swept aside, and a slim figure with long blond hair stepped onto the stage. A male voice, gorgeously husky, started to sing.
“Man it's a hot one, like seven inches from the midday sun…”
Violet eyes opened wide.
(A/N: Kudos to anyone who can tell me whose hairstyle Duo's is based on!)