Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bonds of Love ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's Notes: This is a fusion with the book: So Worthy My Love by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. While there will be no text reproduced here, the story line will follow the book's almost exactly, any changes made not too drastic.
Category: Yaoi, AU, Gundam Wing, fusion with a book
Pairings: 1x2, vague hints at 3x4/3+4, 5+2
Warnings: shonen ai, minor limish, hints of minor angst
Author: Arigatomina

Bonds of Love

Part 12

"I would be honored if you would accompany me then," Wufei said, his dark eyes taking in the boy before him.

"You want me to meet your mother?" He tried not to let his uncertainty show, but the invitation was pushing things a bit too fast. "I'm not sure that would be...appropriate," Duo murmured.

"Not at all. Heero and I often visit her. And I am certain she would enjoy meeting you."

Duo gave a slight smile, glancing to where Heero sat at the head of the table. The man was staring at him, and he looked away quickly, the perplexing expression bothering him. As he'd predicted, Wufei had indeed shown up despite the storm, and the man had stayed for a few days until the weather had cleared some. Now, he was preparing for his departure, and Duo realized he'd be stuck with Heero for company. With the black-haired man, he'd been able to ignore Heero for the most part, to pretend he didn't feel that intense gaze following him around.

Wufei was speaking again, and Duo concentrated on him, being extremely attentive as he tried to turn his mind from the other man. But it was so hard, especially since every time he glanced at him, those cobalt eyes were on him. Sometimes Heero seemed puzzled, or thoughtful, even questioning when he glanced at the man, but he was always watching him. Duo simply couldn't ignore him, although he acted as if he didn't notice, and it was with low spirits that he saw Wufei to the door.

"I should be back in about a week," Wufei said softly, raising Duo's hand to his lips. He smirked at the fact that this still managed to embarrass the boy, even though he'd made it a habit. "I look forward to our trip. Heero." Nodding to his friend, he took his leave.

Duo stared at the closed door for nearly a minute, his back straight as that gaze continued to bore into him. The silence that filled the large room was grating on his ears, and his eyes lit up when the door moved as Trowa and Quatre entered. He rarely saw the two of them anymore, and he was grateful that they'd chosen to come in. "Trowa," he said brightly, smiling at the tall man and ignoring the surprise on his face. "I'm so glad to see you. I have a favor to ask."

Aware of Heero's presence a foot or so behind him, Duo's eyes narrowed a bit. Neither of them had spoken of the incident on the day of Wufei's arrival, but he remembered it now. "I hope it isn't any trouble, but I need a lock for that door behind my tapestry." Trowa looked over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised, and Duo followed his gaze, staring at Heero. It was infuriating, but the tall man didn't agree until his friend gave a sharp nod. "Thank you."

* * *

The room was so empty, and Heero's eyes traveled to the empty chair at his right as he'd returned to the table. It took a minute or so before he recognized the feeling, and he stood slowly. He'd grown accustomed to the boy's presence, and he admitted to being a bit lonely without him there. True, Duo hadn't spoken to him in days, too caught up in their visitor, but the boy's voice had been enough. The fact that he could watch him had also kept him occupied. But now, his absence seemed wrong, and he slowly crossed the room to the stairs as he made up his mind to seek the boy out.

Leaning in the open doorway, Heero's eyes glinted as he watched Duo, the boy seated in the chair before the dresser. The long fall of hair was pulled over one shoulder as he combed it and Heero admired it, taking in the coppery tints from the fire. Trowa turned, noticing him, and he nodded to the man, grateful when both he and Quatre stepped toward him. The lock was in place, he saw, and the fire had been stirred well.

Nothing would have pleased him more than to throw the man out, but Duo bit his tongue, his hand rough as he combed his hair quickly. He reminded himself that it was Heero's home and not his, and he didn't so much as glance up when the man entered the room, the door left open behind him. While he was careful not to make eye contact, he saw Heero cross the room, and he nearly sneered when the man sat down in the soft chair Trowa had placed before the fire. Obviously, he planned to continue the staring until he talked to him. But Duo had no intention of doing that, and he kept his silence stubbornly, ignoring the man.

He hadn't forgiven him. It was evident, but Heero wasn't bothered too much. To him, it had been lenient of him to spare the boy the entire pail of icy water, and his mind didn't quite take in the fact that he might owe the boy for having invaded his privacy. Yes, he'd been in his bath, but Heero had been sleeping. The angry silence was actually easy to take, and he closed his eyes, images of the boy seated across from him flying through his mind. While he didn't particularly want the boy angry with him, he was content, especially since he was in Duo's room and he'd yet to be yelled at.

It was infuriating, and Duo simply couldn't believe the man had actually fallen asleep in his room. Being dismissed was bad enough, but the thought that Heero took him so lightly he felt comfortable sleeping there was maddening. There was also the problem that with him in the room, he couldn't exactly go to sleep himself. Instead, he was stuck waiting for Heero to wake up, and he crossed the room angrily, snatching the fire poker as he shoved the logs around in hopes that the noise would rouse the intruder. The man didn't so much as flinch, and it was spite that made him sweep the man's feet away from where he'd stretched them close to the fire. It proved to wake him quickly.

He was on his feet immediately, and Heero's hand moved to his waist, clenching when he found that he didn't have his sword. Then he took in his location, and his eyes narrowed at the violet ones sparking at him. "Did you need something?" he asked, his voice emotionless. It was pure luck that he hadn't worn his sword, and he was cold at the thought of what might have happened if he had worn it. "You should take more care. It is obvious you need discipline in your life."

"A firm that what you're saying?" Duo's voice dropped, and his eyes narrowed for a moment before his face smoothed suddenly. Stepping forward, he laid a light hand on the man's chest, blinking his lashes as he looked down. "You sound angry with me, Heero. I need discipline? Is that what you want? To hit me?" He schooled his features, wariness shining when he looked up.

The husky voice sent tingles down his spine, but Heero flinched at the boy's question, shaking his head. "Duo...I...wouldn't. I'd never hurt you." He blinked in shock when a surprisingly strong fist buried itself in his stomach and he stumbled back a step.

"No?!" Duo cried, all pretenses dropped as he let his fury blaze forward. "You think I'm not hurt? I'm not some unfeeling thing you can play with, Heero." All of the humiliation he'd suffered rose to clench in his chest, and he gritted his teeth. "I've been kidnapped, thrown in a trunk--a *trunk* Heero! You drag me out to this God-forsaken place and keep me here for no reason. Do you have any idea what will happen when I go back to England? You've ruined my name. My *father's* name!" He gasped suddenly, biting back the burn that tried to close his throat. "I...should be looking for him," he said slowly, his voice dropping as his anger left him. "Not trapped here."

Heero was staring at him, eyes wide, and he sighed. "Would you please leave, now? I," Duo sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes as he turned his back on the man. "I just want to sleep. I'm so sick of these games." He could hear light steps, and he glanced back when silence came. The doorway was empty, and his own steps drug when he went to it, shutting the door with another sigh.

* * *

It was strange, but by the time Heero returned, Duo actually felt worse about his explosion the night before than he had about any of his pranks. He'd had plenty of time to think about it, as sleep had eluded him despite his exhaustion, and he'd decided that while his anger was justified, it wasn't aimed at the right person. Yes, Heero had been behind his kidnapping, and when people heard who had taken him, he would be considered ruined, but the man hadn't done it on purpose. He had a right to be angry; he just couldn't point fingers. It had been a mistake. The only thing Heero had done was to keep him in the castle after learning who he was and while this still made him mad, he was beginning to believe the man. From what Wufei had told him, the ocean really did have large quantities of ice that made voyages extremely deadly.

He nearly ran down the stairs when he heard the sound of horses, and he couldn't help the smile that graced his lips. Heero had been gone when he'd woken, and Duo was coming to terms with the fact that he felt lonely without him there. While he was worried that Heero might be angry, the fear couldn't keep his steps from being rapid. Then he opened the door, and he halted abruptly, suddenly understanding why he'd heard multiple horses. The man was there, his tall black horse standing near the stable, but there was also a cart drawn by two other horses, and Duo blinked at the three men and the woman who slowly climbed down.

"You won't have to worry about that," Heero was saying to Trowa, "the two of you deserve some free time. The carpenters should be able to finish all of the repairs, and since I own this castle now, it may as well be fixed up."

"But a new stable, isn't that a bit much?" Quatre shook his head, frowning at the thought of how much it would cost. "Heero, do you have the funds for this?"

"Don't worry." Heero dismounted, nodding as Trowa immediately took the horse. His eyes were on the boy who stood in the doorway, and he stopped suddenly, turning a bit as he looked back. "And Trowa? The first thing they're going to do is fix the room on the third floor. I don't like you two staying out here."

"Thank you," Trowa smirked. If truth be told, he hadn't minded that much since they had more privacy in the room adjourning the stable. But it was a kind gesture.


"What is this?" Duo asked when Heero reached him. He was confused by the easy expression on the man's face.

"Carpenters," Heero said, taking in those wide eyes. The boy didn't seem to be holding any of his anger from before, and he nodded as the woman climbed out of the cart and walked toward them. "Duo, this is Darla, she's going to be doing the cleaning now."

The woman nodded, her brown eyes moving between them. "Sirs."

Duo blinked in surprise and he barely noticed the strong arm that prodded him into the castle. Heero stepped a few feet from the woman, and Duo leaned towards him quickly, his expression worried. "Heero, how did you afford this?"

"Wufei gave me an advance," Heero replied. "He seems to have faith that I will be reinstated in the Queen's good graces, despite my current status as a traitor. Don't worry, Duo, I have faith myself."

"Pardon me, Lord," Darla said swiftly, her demeanor respectful as she remained a polite step away. "I would like to start my duties immediately." Heero nodded, and she turned to Duo, her eyes sweeping over him quickly. "When will you and Mister Yuy require your dinner?"

"Duo Maxwell," Heero said sharply. The back he had his hand touching had stiffened at the mistake, and he nodded to the woman. "And we generally eat at four. You may room near the kitchen, you'll see the Chef in there and he can explain things to you."

"Yes Lord," Darla said. Her eyes moved to Duo, and she smirked suddenly. She understood very well, and the boy's wide eyes told her she'd guessed correctly. He was the man's mistress, despite his male gender, and her smirk widened as she eyed him with contempt. "I'll go now."

Heero blinked in surprise when Duo suddenly turned, and the boy was half-way up the stairs before he caught up. Duo stopped when his hand touched his shoulder, but he had to turn him forcibly. "Duo?" He could see the hurt visible in those expressive eyes, and he frowned in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"You don't know?" Duo asked, his voice dropping as he glared at the man. Then his anger evaporated. "Don't you know what she thinks of me, Heero? She thinks I'm your whore...and I don't blame her." His fingers curved around the edge of his shirt, despondent. "Look at me. I can't stand these rags. There's no way I can go on that trip with you and Wufei. I do have pride, Heero..."

He was worried about what the black-haired man thought of him, Heero was certain of it, and his eyes narrowed. The boy's hurt bothered him, but not as much as it would have if it had been only about the woman's behavior. "You bought clothing, that much shouldn't be a problem. And I'll speak to Darla."

"No," Duo said quickly, flushing as he shook his head. "That'll just make it worse. Don't worry about it, Heero."

"Well, this should cheer you up, your clothing has been finished." The boy's face lit up, and Heero gave a slight smile. "It should be here in an hour."

"Oh. Thank you!" Duo grinned, turning suddenly and he had almost run up the stairs before he remembered his manners. "I'm going to get my room ready. This is great."

* * *

He wasn't thinking clearly, that much was obvious. For some reason, he seemed to think Heero's having hired so much help was an attempt to make him feel better, and Duo couldn't help but feel warm towards the man. The fact that they hadn't spoken a single harsh word made it difficult to remember why he wasn't supposed to like the man. And he found himself involving in a dangerous habit, for reasons he didn't really understand. Still, for the second night in a row, he found himself standing in front of the tapestry, and his fingers trailed down a dark blue swirl, feeling the thick cloth.

For minutes, he hesitated, then his hand moved the tapestry aside, undoing the lock with habitual ease. He walked down the dark corridor, no candle needed as he didn't want to announce his presence, and he had the turns memorized already. It wasn't long before he was opening the door on the other side, and once again he gave a silent thanks that Heero didn't lock his side.

The man's room looked considerably better than it had so few weeks before, and Duo gave a slow smile as he ran his hand over the silk curtains surrounding Heero's bed. It never ceased to amaze him, how luxurious the man's room and bed was, and his eyes moved over the sleeping man. Heero's dark hair looked soft on the pillow and his fingers tingled with a need to touch it, his eyes moving over those dark eyelashes. He was so pretty, and Duo couldn't seem to help the pull, the need to take him in. The first night, he'd come out of curiosity, but now, he knew he came because he couldn't resist the opportunity to study the man who confused him so often. It was with a long, yet silent sigh that he turned away. Then a strong hand gripped his wrist and he jumped with a gasp.

" ice water this time?" Heero murmured, his lashes parting a bit so his dark eyes glinted up at the boy. Duo was staring at him, and he suddenly jerked on the wrist he held, pulling him down as his arms moved around the boy's waist. "Sneaking into my room at night..."

"Heero...I..." Flushing furiously, Duo moved fitfully against the man, his body very aware of the one under him. Then his breath caught as Heero's arms tightened until their faces were inches apart and his eyes closed when soft lips touched his.

Hands smoothing over Duo's back, he buried one in the thick hair as he pulled the boy until he lay on him. Heero didn't really bother to think as the mouth opened to him and his tongue swept inside, brushing Duo's. The boy's hands were on his chest, and Heero moved his lips to the side slowly, kissing the soft cheek before tilting his head as he tasted Duo's neck. One hand curved so his fingers could touch the buttoned shirt and he undid the first ones, his tongue rubbing the exposed skin as a thick sigh reached his ear. His body surged when Duo licked his ear and he was spurred on by the boy's passion as he wasn't being fought at all.

Sensations ran through him, and Duo gasped again as the man was kissing his chest, his teeth tugging lightly on Heero's earlobe. It was the sound of wood falling in the fire so close to the bed that made his eyes open and he froze suddenly. His shirt was half undone, and he was lying on top of Heero. He didn't want to stop, didn't want to care what would happen if he stayed, but his body was tensing on its own.

Heero's eyes snapped open when Duo pulled back abruptly, and he didn't move for a minute as the boy stood beside his bed. Then he saw the horror in the boy's violet eyes and he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, getting to his feet as Duo suddenly turned and bolted for the secret pathway. "Duo."

He ran, stumbling over the stairs in the dark, and his heart was racing in his chest, his breath ragged. Hitting the door to his room, Duo shoved through, shutting it behind him and leaning against it as he cursed himself. There was no excuse he could think of, and he knew much better than to try and blame his own actions on Heero. He'd been the one to come into the man's room, and he hadn't argued with what they'd almost done. His hands shook as he buttoned his shirt, and he gasped when a light sound brushed the door behind him.

"Duo, let me in." Heero's voice was soft, and he ran his hand over the door, not wanting to push it open. He wanted the boy to open it for him. "Duo?"

"Go away," Duo said roughly, his own shame surging through him. "I'm sorry."

"You can't do that," Heero cursed, his body still aching from the fleeting moment. "I need you, Duo."

The blunt words made his body react, and Duo flushed, leaning his forehead against the door. "Heero...I can't."

"What would you have me do?" Heero asked, his voice low as he slowly backed away. "Find someone else?" Even as the words left his mouth, he knew it would be impossible. But he was so frustrated, and his hands curled into fists as he turned away.

"No," Duo whispered, closing his eyes. "I just can't do that. I can't shame myself like this." There wasn't an answer, and he ducked his head, turning away as he moved to his solitary bed.

* * *