Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bound Bonded and Betrayed ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G'boys, I just borrow them from time to time to play with and return them a whole lot happier, ne?
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Sap, angst, bondage, slavery, Yaoi, Lemon, lime, het, violence, dark, fluff, AU, OOC.
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 1xR, 2xR
Summary: Heero is the eldest son of the King of Colonia. His 21st birthday is approaching and as tradition dictates his betrothed is soon to arrive. However he is also bound by tradition to select his own personal slave. The events that unfold lead him down a path that not only tests his sanity but his humanity and love as well.
Author's Note: This fic was started back in 2004 and has languished on my hard drive ever since, only sporadically being added to when I have the time (and the muse the inclination) . Updates will be far between, but rest assured, it will be finished. Feed back is most welcome as are honest critiques. Flames will be dealt with as I deal with all flames - with sarcasm.
Commenced July 2004 - published January 2008
"Bound, Bonded and Betrayed"
January. 2008 ShenLong
Chapter 4
The morning came all too soon for Duo. The soft rays of the sun pierced through the small window of the room, drawing him to full wakefulness. He stretched and yawned, thinking about the duties ahead and then froze. He wasn't on the hard, dirt floor of the shed but in a soft, warm bed. The Hessian sacking, usually his only form of covering, had been replaced by soft, warm blankets. Suddenly the memories of the preceding day came flooding back. At first he thought it had all been a dream, the rescue from his cold, cruel master, the gentle cleansing at the hands of the sweet blonde, his wounds being treated by the nice lady; but a glance around his surroundings confirmed it was all real.
He peeked across the room to see Quatre still asleep and a small twinge of fear ran down his spine as he realized that he didn't know what to do, what his duties were to be, should he be up and about? Would his master be angry with him and beat him for still lying abed when the sun had broken the horizon? Unsure of where he stood in the mix of things with his new master, he hunched back down in the bed. If he was going to be punished for not attending to his duties, he might as well enjoy the little bit of comfort he had for a while longer.
A short amount of time elapsed and then Duo noted the blonde was beginning to stir. Aqua eyes fluttered open accompanied by a yawn.
Blinking and rubbing his eyes, Quatre stared across the room smiling at the lump under the blankets and remembering his fellow slave. "Good morning, Duo," he said quietly and was rewarded when the chestnut head poked out. The smile however died on Quatre's lips when he witnessed the look in those violet eyes. In a flash, Quatre was out of his bed and across the room to kneel beside the other slave's bed.
"Duo? What's wrong? Why are you scared?"
Duo's gaze found Quatre's as his hand snaked out to grasp Quatre's. "The master... He will be angry with me."
Quatre looked confused. "Why? Why would the master be angry with you?"
"The sun has risen and I should be about my duties. The master will be angry with me for my laziness."
It dawned on Quatre just what Duo meant and he gently ran his fingers through Duo's bangs, pushing them away from his sweet face. "No, Duo. The master will not be angry with you. Listen to me. The master wishes for me to take you to him after breakfast, then he will speak with you and inform you of your duties. It's quite acceptable for you to remain in your bed if your master has not requested for you to do anything before breakfast."
"He won't punish me?"
"No, Duo, he won't punish you; you haven't done anything wrong. The master, while firm and demands respect, is a fair man. He does not believe in mistreating his slaves."
Duo seemed to relax a little with those words.
"Come, let us rise and perform our ablutions, then I will take us for breakfast and have Sally check your wounds." Quatre stood and stretched, waiting for Duo to join him. He led the new slave back to the bathing chamber and filled a small bowl with water, setting it carefully upon the stone shelving. Then he fetched a couple of chamber pots and handed one to Duo. "Usually I take one into the room at night; it can get a little chilly if you need to go in the middle of the night."
Duo flushed a little as he took the pot. His bladder was rather full and he had wondered about where he would go to relieve himself. It hadn't been a problem with his previous masters as he'd simply stepped outside the shed he and the other slaves shared and watered the trees; but here...
Well, at least that was one problem solved. After relieving himself, Quatre showed him where to empty the pot, then they washed and returned to the bed chamber.
Quatre fished around amongst his clothing, finding something for both himself and Duo to wear. Duo was once again overwhelmed as he felt the softness of the fabrics. Quatre had given him a pair of satiny blue pants and a matching blue vest. "Prince Heero will no doubt arrange for your own wardrobe to be made up as soon as possible," the blonde said as he turned to dress.
"Thank you." Duo's eyes shone. He began to relax a little more and quickly donned the clothes.
Quatre was pleased to see some of the frightened look disappearing from those expressive violet eyes. "Let me brush your hair?" he asked quietly.
Duo nodded his assent and sat on the bed, secretly enjoying the attentions of the blonde slave. As Quatre brushed his hair and re-braided it so Duo found a little courage and began to ask some questions. "What is the master like?"
Quatre paused for a moment a little stunned that Duo was willing to talk. "Prince Heero? Let me see. All I can tell you is what I have observed of him. I haven't had a great deal to do with him as I belong to his younger brother, Prince Trowa."
"What I can tell you is that he's the heir to the throne of Colonia, he's a quiet, reserved person, but is also a fair and just man. He will make an excellent king when he ascends to the throne."
Duo chewed over that information. He didn't remember a great deal about the events that had led to his change in ownership. Part of him was eager to meet his new master, but his experiences with his slavery warned him to be wary.
Tying off the braid, Quatre laid down the hairbrush. "It's time for breakfast, Duo. We will find out your duties afterwards when Prince Heero speaks with you. Come." The blonde stood and held out his hand. Duo took it.
"Where are we going?" Last night they'd had dinner in the room. Somehow he assumed that breakfast would be a repeat.
"We're going to the kitchens to eat with the other slaves. Usually we take our meals with our masters, but when our masters are busy we eat in the kitchens, sometimes our rooms. Dinner was brought to us last night due to the different circumstances. I didn't think you'd be up to eating with the others."
"You've already met Sally the healer and Hilde one of the kitchen girls, now you will get to meet the rest of the staff."
Duo obediently followed Quatre, his heart was thumping in his chest and a knot of fear settled in his stomach. They entered the warm kitchen and Duo was warmly made welcome. He wondered why he had even thought to be afraid.
Quatre led him over to the large table and motioned for him to sit, taking the seat next to him. Duo watched the activity surrounding him from under his bangs. A dark haired woman bustled around assisted by the dark girl he'd met the previous evening. A long haired blonde also lent a hand in carrying the heavily laden plates to the table. Once there was a plate set in front of every chair the bustle of the kitchen slowed and everyone took their seats. When they were all seated Quatre took it upon himself to introduce Duo to them all. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Prince Heero's new slave, Duo." All eyes turned to the long haired man and Duo wished he could slide under the table.
"Duo, this is Noin, the cook," Quatre said as he indicated the dark haired woman who had been bustling around when they had arrived. Quatre continued on. "Hilde you met last night, she's a kitchen maid."
The young dark girl smiled at him.
"This is Dorothy," Quatre nodded to the long haired blonde girl. "She's also a kitchen maid as well as Queen Une's parlor maid. Cathy here is also a parlor maid."
A young girl with brown curls gave him a grin.
"There are a few other staff, which you will meet later. Now, eat your breakfast."
Duo looked at the plate in front of him and his mouth began to water. / Was all this food for him? / He caught the look of Noin watching him out of the corner of his eye and felt himself flush.
"You look like you need fattening up," she said to him and fixed him with her gaze. "If you get hungry in between meals you just call in here to the kitchen and I'll give you something to nibble on. You look half starved, poor child."
Duo blushed even more and doing his best to look inconspicuous turned his attention back to his plate, a plate that was piled high with thick slices of ham, a couple of eggs, fried tomatoes and mushrooms. All jockeyed for position with a couple of thick slices of bread. Then Duo had another problem. How to eat it all without showing his lack of manners. He cautiously picked up his utensils and with one eye on Quatre he did his best to mimic the blonde.
As the first bite passed his lips, his eyes closed in bliss. Never had he tasted such wonderful food. It didn't take long for him to get over his shyness due to lack of manners and get stuck into his breakfast. Eagerly he pushed forkful after forkful into his mouth, chewing and swallowing with a dedication that fascinated Quatre who was watching the new slave from the corner of his eye, an amused expression on his face.
Noin was also watching. "Duo, I think you should slow down a little, you'll give yourself indigestion."
Duo paused and stared at the cook, a frightened look appeared in his eyes before he lowered them and cringed slightly.
Noin looked alarmed. "Duo? Are you all right?"
Quatre turned to the young slave and raised his hand to place it on Duo's arm and reassure the man, but Duo flinched away, expecting a blow. Realizing his error Quatre spoke softly and with tenderness. "I'm not going to punish you, Duo. No one is. The food is yours and won't be taken away from you. You can eat as much as you like. Noin is only concerned that you might make yourself ill by eating so fast."
Scared violet eyes turned towards the blonde. Quatre smiled. "It's okay. Eat up, only not quite so fast, otherwise if you do get sick, Sally will give you some of her nasty tasting medicine and I'm sure you wouldn't like that."
Duo looked a little apprehensive but picked up his utensils and began to eat again, a little slower this time. He darted looks out from underneath his bangs whilst keeping his head lowered and noticed the curious looks the others were giving him. He chose to remain silent and concentrate on his meal. He missed the sympathetic look Noin gave him.
With Quatre's words, Noin began to understand a little about the new slave. It was obvious he'd been mistreated, but to what extent she didn't know. She made a note to speak with Quatre about it when she got the chance, but for now she would see to it that the long haired slave got a large helping at every meal and snacks in-between.
Once the meal was finished, Quatre led Duo out of the kitchen and along a series of hallways, stopping outside a large oak door. He knocked and waited to be given permission to enter. "These are Sally's chambers. If ever you are not feeling well come here and she will make you better."
Permission was given for entry and Quatre opened the door, Duo right behind him.
"I have brought Duo, Prince Heero's new slave for you to check, Sally."
"Ahh." The kindly healer approached. "How are you feeling this morning, Duo?"
Duo kept his head bowed. "Very well thank you, ma'am."
"That's good to hear. Did you sleep well?"
"Good. Let's have a look at those wounds shall we? Please remove your shirt."
Duo did as requested while the healer fetched some of her remedies from the large bench by the far wall. As he removed the borrowed garment he glanced around the room. Three of the four walls were covered with shelving packed with jars, bottles and containers of things Duo didn't even want to think about.
Sally returned and placed a couple of jars upon the table. She lifted the braid of hair and draped it over Duo's shoulder then bent to her task of examining and redressing his wounds. His pants were next to be removed and the welts attended to. Once Sally was satisfied, he redressed himself while Sally handed Quatre one of the jars of ointment.
"As I thought the wounds are healing fine, he should be okay within a couple of days. After he bathes I want you to reapply this ointment. Keep doing it for another four days. All should be well by then."
Quatre nodded.
"If you're not sure about the healing or if anything happens send for me immediately."
"Thank you, Sally."
"My pleasure. Good luck, Duo."
"Thank you." Duo was only too happy to follow Quatre out of the healer's chambers and back into the castle halls.
"I'll take this ointment back to our chambers and then I will take you to your master."
Duo felt the knot of fear begin to form once more in his gut. He followed Quatre, trying to take note of where he was in the castle. "I'll never find my way around here," he mumbled.
Quatre laughed. "Yes, you will. It's not really all that big once you get used to it. The castle is pretty much set in a square. The West Wing is the staff section. That's where we all have our chambers, the slaves, the maids, all the staff for the castle. The North Wing is the family wing. That's where the King and his Queen and our master's rooms are located; also the library, workout rooms, family gathering rooms and the like. The East Wing is for guests. It also houses the grand ballroom, dining room and throne room. There's also the conference room where the King meets with his advisory and the heads of the various lands owned by the kingdom. The South Wing contains the entrance to the castle and the military barracks. Also the dungeons are found in the towers that flank the south walls. The family only uses the grand ballroom and dining room for state occasions. Usually they entertain, eat etcetera in the more intimate rooms of the family wing. The King's study is also there." By this stage they had reached their room and Quatre entered, placing the jar of ointment on the top of the chest. "The family bathing chambers are also in the West Wing, although the family accesses them from their own private corridors. I will give you a tour of the place at a later stage, but now we need to meet your master and find out what your duties will be." Quatre turned and once more headed out into the corridor, his step sure.
Duo followed, his feet were still sore but he paid them no heed. A slave didn't show pain, it only led to more pain. As they traversed the corridors of the castle Duo did his best to note where he was. Despite Quatre's insistence that the castle wasn't all that hard to navigate, Duo still found himself doubting he would ever learn his way around.
It wasn't long before Quatre stopped outside a large oak door similar to Sally's one but this one bore the symbol of an eagle carved into the wood.
"These are Prince Heero's chambers, your new master. Prince Trowa's chambers are just along the corridor a way. As I said before, Prince Trowa is my master."
Duo couldn't help but notice how the blonde's voice and eyes softened when he spoke of his master. Idly Duo wondered if he would ever become as fond of his master as Quatre appeared to be of his.
"Remember your place, Duo. You are a slave and I know you will have had some training in respect."
Duo nodded. In all honesty he was terrified of meeting his new master; and curious. He knew the future of his life was on the other side of that door. He could only hope it wouldn't be any worse than his past existence.
Quatre knocked.
"Enter," the deep voice from within replied.
Taking a deep breath, Duo followed Quatre inside to meet with his fate.
The carpet was rich and soft beneath his sore feet and he allowed himself a moment to appreciate the luxury of it. He kept his head bowed, darting glances from underneath his bangs, taking in the opulence of the room. He followed Quatre to the center of the room and dropped to his knees, arms behind his back and head bowed in supplication.
"Master Heero, I have brought your new slave to you as requested," Quatre's voice was soft.
Duo was aware of the man sitting in a large chair by the crackling fire just a few feet away. His heart beat faster in his chest and he tried to swallow the lump of fear that forced its way to his throat.
"Thank you, Quatre."
The voice was thick and deep. Duo didn't remember a whole lot of the previous day, but that voice, it struck a chord inside and caused his breath to quicken. He felt, rather than saw the Prince rise to his feet and cross the distance between them. He kept his head bowed though, unwilling to risk any punishment to his still sore and healing body.
The elegant boots stopped just in Duo's line of vision and then that deep voice spoke again.
"You had best be going to your master now, Quatre, I have kept you from my brother long enough. Please pass on my thanks to him for allowing me to utilize your services with the new slave."
"As you wish, Master Heero. Will you require my services again today?"
"Please, I would be grateful if you would stop by later, say mid afternoon and take Duo back to your quarters."
"Yes, Master Heero. Thank you." Quatre bowed as he stood and then left.
Duo found himself all alone with his new master.
"Why do you tremble? I have not hurt you."
Duo couldn't help himself and lowered his head even more afraid to speak in case of retribution. A finger pressed under his chin, forcing Duo's head to rise.
"Open your eyes and look at me," came the command.
Duo did as he was told, opening his eyes slowly. His breath caught in his throat as he got his first proper look at his new master. He was simply stunning. Dark chocolate brown hair tumbled over the face; full lips, defined cheek bones and deep blue eyes looked back at him. Duo could read fairness, confidence and kindness in the depths of those eyes, but he could also tell from the lines of the face that this was a man who demanded respect.
"Tell me, do I frighten you?"
Duo swallowed. "A little, Master."
An amused smile passed over Heero's face. "You have no need to fear me. I am not a cruel person and I will not punish you when no wrong has been committed." Heero took a moment to appraise the slave. His hand drifted to the thick braid of hair. Carefully he lifted it up, feeling the weight of it, caressed the end between his fingers. "Quatre did this?" he asked.
"Yes, Master," Duo whispered, unsure if it would cause his master anger.
"Practical," Heero murmured, then added. "There will be times when I would have you wear your hair loose."
"As you wish, Master."
Taking note of his slave's clothing Heero's brow furrowed. "Stand up."
Duo obeyed immediately wincing as he drew himself up, then dropping his gaze.
"These are Quatre's clothes?"
"Yes, Master."
"Hmmm. I will have the tailor attend you this afternoon. He will measure you and make you new clothing." Heero studied the slave a little more. "Has the healer attended you?"
"Yes, Master."
"Good. Remove your clothing."
Duo's eyes widened and his mouth opened. "I beg your pardon, Master." He cringed as he realized he'd just questioned his master when he had no right to, surely the punishment would come now. But none did.
"I said, remove your clothing. I wish to see your wounds and make sure they have been attended to." Heero knew he should reprimand the slave for his slip but seeing the cringe of fear he let it pass. He wanted the slave to trust him, care for him like Quatre did for his brother, not fear him. It wouldn't be easy but it should be possible.
Understanding penetrated Duo's mind and he quickly began to strip, carefully placing the discarded garments to one side. When he was completely nude he stood, head bowed with his hands covering his groin and trying to keep the heat from his cheeks.
Heero noticed the modesty and it brought a smile to his face. At least the slave still had spirit. That was good. Heero wanted a slave that while obedient to him, still retained an inner fire. He moved quickly behind the slave and lifting the rope of hair out of the way, he began his inspection of the slave's wounds. His brow furrowed as he noted the damage inflicted upon the creamy skin. There were scars, healing wounds and a myriad of different colored bruises. Gently Heero's fingers wandered over the flesh, feeling the slave jump then shiver and tremble under his fingers. He ignored the reaction, more intent on studying the damage. He worked over the back and down to Duo's buttocks and thighs. He was pleased to note that the skin was less marked.
"Lift your feet."
The slave did as he was told lifting first his left and then his right foot. His master made an annoyed sound deep in his throat when he saw the state of the slave's feet. Heero moved to the front of the slave, eyes wandering over the face with its downcast eyes, pleased to note that the face had been spared the beatings endured by the rest of the body. His gaze traveled over the slender throat, rough, red and chafed from the ill fitting collar that Quatre had removed. Next he took in the muscular chest, some bruising and scarring was there, but not as much as what the back bore. "Put your hands by your side," Heero commanded.
Duo obeyed and closed his eyes. He didn't know why he was feeling so embarrassed. After all Quatre had bathed him last night and this man was his master, he owned his body and his life; but Duo's soul and spirit were his own.
Heero's eyes continued their journey over his slave's body, the bruising and scarring was less again over the abdomen and upper thighs. Heero couldn't help but pause to stare intently at the slave's groin. Despite the damage inflicted on the slave's body, Duo was still a very desirable and good looking man. Heero was hesitant to use the word beautiful. Handsome definitely. Soft brown curls graced the young slave's groin, the flaccid penis resting over a nice sac and Heero found himself warming with the sight. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had to explain to his slave his new duties, what was expected of him. He wondered if Duo had any idea exactly what duties were expected of a personal slave. While Heero would be married in a few short weeks and expected to produce an heir, he knew in his own heart that regardless of how good looking his bride and future Queen was, she would never have the beauty of the slave before him. "You may dress then come by the fire." Heero said the words quietly but firmly and while his slave retrieved his clothes Heero lifted a box from the mantle above the fireplace then sat in the large chair, box resting in his lap.
Duo was relieved to be able to get dressed. The close scrutiny of his tortured body had made him uncomfortable, but when his master had inspected the front of his body, for some unknown reason Duo felt himself grow hot. It wasn't all due to embarrassment, but Duo couldn't figure out what else had caused his discomfort. Having dressed completely he moved across the room and knelt beside his master's chair curious as to what lay in the box his master held.
"Look at me."Duo slowly raised his eyes to his master's face.
"I have a gift for you." Heero opened the box and removed the contents. Shutting the lid he placed the objects on top and returned his attention to Duo. "As you are now my personal slave you will wear my adornments. That will also inform others whom you belong to and as such you are to be left alone." Heero picked up the gold collar and passed it to Duo to look at. "This will be your new collar; however, I will not put it on you until your neck has healed sufficiently."
Duo took the collar and studied it. The gold sparkled in the firelight, rich and radiant. Its circumference was studded with diamonds and sapphires and the inside trimmed with soft fur. Gently Duo caressed it. He'd never seen anything so beautiful; and it was his collar. "It's beautiful, master. I will be honored to wear it."
Duo lifted the collar to his neck, about to put it on when his master's hand stopped him. "No, Duo. Not until your neck has healed sufficiently. Maybe in a few days."
Duo looked from the collar to his master and back to the collar. "Thank you, Master. No one has ever cared about my comfort before." Duo felt a lump in his throat at his new master's obvious care and concern for him. Maybe, maybe he could let himself hope a little that this place would be better than the others.
Heero took the collar from his slave and ran his finger over Duo's cheek. "I told you, Duo, I will not hurt you. I am a fair and just master. I expect obedience and fulfillment of my wishes from my slaves, also loyalty and trust." Heero's eyes fixated on his slave. "The first two I know you will give me but the other two will need to be earned."
Duo processed the words, understanding what his master was saying. Obedience and submission to his master he could give, no doubt about that, but loyalty and trust... Yes, they were something that would come, given time.
"I do not believe in undue punishment. I do not believe in beating slaves, however, that does not mean I won't apply discipline should the need arise."
Duo looked up sharply.
"I prefer to discipline my slaves in other ways, non violent ways." Heero left the statement hanging in the air, not deliberating any further and Duo knew better than to ask what his master meant. He'd file that away and ask Quatre about it later.
Heero reached into the box again. This time he brought out what looked like four bracelets. Duo looked curiously at them. "Give me your wrists."
Duo complied and Heero snapped the amulets on his wrists, one on each of them. "Now your ankles." The other two were placed just above the ankle. Duo inspected them closely. They were the same as the collar only broader. Gold bands around two inches in width and encircled with diamonds and sapphires, the inside trimmed with fur.
"You will wear them at all times. Only remove them to bathe. The same will apply to your collar once I fit it to your neck."
Duo looked again at the bracelets that adorned his pale skin. "Thank you, Master, they are beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you."
Duo looked up in shock as his master spoke. His master's hand reached out and caressed his cheek. Then his master did something totally unexpected.
His master kissed him.