Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Boys in Chains ❯ Tears melted in Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Quarte lost his two wet lines of tears as they melted into the rain. His white clothes were soaked through to the bone, showing every last miserable inch of him perfectly, flesh beaten red by the rain and hail of the latest violent lashing of storms. Zechs, his love, had betrayed him. Quarte had loved him, comforted him as Treize continued to treat him like an animal and Zechs thanks was to sell him over to the two most ruthless and perverted men of the Earth and Colonies. Quarte sat on a hard stone bench and continued to cry into the rain, his lover's eyes burrowing into his back as some nameless, faceless person came to take him away.

Duo Maxwell and his master, Heero Yuy waited impatiently in the white-walled foyer for the new plaything to arrive. Heero stroked his slave's long braid, Duo whispering a twisted sound of pleasure at his master's unexpected gentle touch.

"What's my present like?" Duo chirped. Heero sighed, his cold face expressionless, one thing he loved and hated about his favorite was that he talked too much. His voice was softer than usual.

"A beautiful golden-haired Apollo." Heero was a man of few words and less than a man inclined to great poetry. However the young man, if you could call him that, boy was more like it, made the words flow freely from his lips. Oh yes, Zechs could not resist when Heero had offered him away out of his agreement with Treize, the price was merely his concubine, one could always find another. The doorbell rang, a long low tolling, suprising both men. Excitedly leaping to his feet, Duo ran for his present. Heero gave him a scolding look, caught his braid and slapped him sharply. Heero was not a kind master, the stroking of Duo's hair was the most he had ever known. Duo ignored the gesture of dominance and crouched on his hands and knees, waiting impatiently and wiggling his rump in anticipation. Quarte shivered and craned his neck from side to side, his wet hair stuck slick to his face, trying to escape the large blue bow tied a bit too tightly around his neck, wrists and flaccid cock. He was crying too, shaking and sobbing, no matter how hard he tried to stop. Zechs had kissed him goodbye and held him all the night before. It didn't help, Quarte still felt hurt and betrayed. He didn't know how long he would live, if he would even see the sun again or even Zechs. He would never forgive him however much he still loved the man, the man who sold him for his reward of freedom from Treize. Heero opened the door to look down at the present for his favorite. The pathetic youth on the doorstep looked like an abandoned puppy. Heero looked around for the person who had dropped him off, as arranged, he wasn't there. Without ceremony Heero grabbed the quivering, wet sex toy by the bow and dragged him roughly into the house. Duo nearly screamed with glee as his plaything was dropped at his fee. Quarte fell limply and was crying loudly now, making Heero seeth with quiet anger and Duo nervous. Duo knew far too well what Heero did to the people who showed any sign of weakness at all. Duo shrugged, oh well, this pet will learn it's place. Duo crawled over him and turned Quarte on his back, stroking the boy's pale faintly muscled chest. Quarte was appalled at what he saw. The man bending over him was of a seemingly happy, almost care-free nature, with a long chestnut braid, sloppy bangs and large violet eyes. The other, standing just inside his vision was a harsh, quiet young man, a stare colder than the eyes of death and a look even more vicious.

"Shhh, little one." Duo shushed and bent down to kiss one corner of his mouth. Quarte shied away, only to be stopped by Heero's boot.

"You like your present, whore?"

"Oh, greatly Daddy." Duo said, his voice dripping sweetly as he sat up. Quarte felt a wrenching wave of sickness.

"Then I think you need to give it up. This one really needs help. Oh well." Heero smiled. "This is your relaxation hun."