Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking Point ❯ Je t'aime, mon petit ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7 : Je t'aime, mon petit / I love you my little one

Quatres baby blue eyes opened wide as he awoke. / where am I ? / he quietly mused Sitting up he realized he was in his own bed, / I must have fallen asleep during the movie /. Trowa still lay asleep peacefully next to quatres small frame. Gently moving his hand though trowas long bang he whispered words of love quietly so not to wake his tall lover.

Softly laying back down quatre stared at the white ceiling, many thoughts raced though his fragile mind set. His face darkened

/ I wish I could explain what is going on / quatre shifted so that he was now facing trowa. Wrapping his slim arm around the French boys tanned waist he sighed / what does this all mean? / quatre debated with himself for quite some time. The voices, the demands, the pleads, the blood, the salty tears, and the innocents he slain whirled abstractly in his mind. Making sense of the situation was not an option open to him currently. Just the pleading in the back of his mind that forced him to act.

/ I wish I could tell him what I think and what this all means / quatre lend in and placed a chased kiss on trowas fore head. Trowas eyes fluttered open with piecing emerald green and he blessed quatre with a small smile:

"Bonjour mon évangelique / hello my angel" trowa kept smiling but processed to gently rub his hand up an down quatre side.

"amoureux de matin / morning lover" quatre greeted trowa

"vous avez bien dormi / did you sleep well?" asked trowa with concern. Quatre nodded and pulled himself into a sitting position, trowa followed suit.

"Je t'aime, mon petit / I love you, my small one" trowa hugged quatre and the two shared a passionate kiss. Quatre smiled but grew serious.

"Trowa peut je vous demander quelque chose / Trowa may I ask you something ?"

"quelque chose bébé / anything baby" trowa pulled quatre into his lap and gave the blonde a reassuring smile.

"Trowa I want to talk to you about that night, " quatre paused and lower his gaze. Trowas brow creased but his face softened.

" What is it quatre? You can tell me" quatre hugged trowa and held tight. In response trowa brought his long arms around the blonde angel and gently held him.

"I've been thinking about what it all means- I don't want to upset you trowa, I want to well I want umm" trowa gave quatre time to collect his thoughts while rubbing soothing circles on the smaller boy back. Quatre let out his pent up breath and began again.

" I want to tell you trowa , I really do but I can't, its like a block is set up in my mind." Trowa gently rocked his angel while whispering smoothing words.

"Quatre, I'm not going to force you to tell me, I know its difficult to talk to someone about personal things, expectably friends and family can be the hardest. I won't judge you for it," trowa paused and pulled quatre tighter into their embrace, "but I have taken matters into my own hands for your own good."

/ for my own good? / quatre was confused, what did that mean! What was going on? Was trowa planning or worst had already planed something.

"Listen don't worry about it ok, just relax." Trowa relaxed his hold on quatre and quatre did the same. Sliding his callused hands under quatre night shirt he slipped it over his lovers head and discarded it unceremoniously to the bedroom floor. Taking both of the blondes arms trowa gently guided him down to the bed and gently flipped him on to his stomach.

"Trowa?" The quatre asked in surprise

"shhhh relax little one" trowa said, quatre felt trowas weight leave the bed then shuffling sounds.

"trowa what are you doing?" quatre tried to sit up but trowa returned and placed one hand on his back.

"l'ange de silence, ne s'inquiètent pas juste détendent / hush angel, don't worry just relax" quatre stopped moving and placed his head in a more comfortable position. Now facing trowa the blue-eyed ex-pilot sighed. Trowa had removed his night shirt and was rubbing his hands together.

Trowa smiled when he saw quatre looking at him, "le petit détendent et apprécient / little one relax and enjoy" quatre nodded and closed his eyes. Two large warm hands came in contact with his back. Oil slick -quatre relaxed when he learned what trowa was doing, Trowa chugged softly but keep rubbing the pale skin beneath his hands. Reaching the shoulders trowa felt the more than week old knots stiffen, he frowned this was going to hurt.

" Quatre your shoulders are stiff and I'm going to work the knots outs, its going to hurt at first but I promise it will feel better soon." Quatre nodded but kept his eyes closed. Trowa went to work. Whimpers and gasps escaped quatres small frame, it broke trowas heart to hear quatre in pain but he couldn't stop not. After several painful minutes trowa felt the muscles give way and quatre let out a content sigh. Trowa kept rubbing and probing the soft skin and after he was sure quatre was asleep did he stop.

Standing up he left for the bathroom were he washed the remaining massage oil off. Entering the bedroom he found quatre had changed position and was now laying on his side his back facing him. Walking over he ruffled the golden locks of quatres soft hair and then processed to get dress.

They had an appointment to keep.

*~*~*~*~ Later ~*~*~*~*

Down stairs at the breakfast table two protective men sat drinking coffee and munching on pastries.

" Trowa you made the appointment right?" duo asked between bites of his bagel. Trowa nodded and looked down at his coffee. Picking it up he brought it to his lips and took a sip.

" Duo thank you for coming, I really appreciate your help in this matter" duo nodded as trowa cut off and began to sip his coffee again.

They continued to eat in comfortable silence till heero entered the room. Clad only in a pair of broken-in jeans and a tight white tank top heero came to duos side ignoring every thing else in his path.

"Morning baby, you slept in late, you feel better?" duo asked his voice placed a hint of concern when he spoke the last of his statement. Heero pulled the oak chair next to duo out and sat down with a thump.

"hm" was his only response. Duos eyes darken, heero never acted his way unless some thing was wrong.

"heero what's the matter?" heero brought his head up and faced duo

"do you have any pain killers?" duo knit his brow in concern the nodded

" yeah baby up stairs, I'll go get you some. You look pale ya feel sick" heero shock his head but he really felt like vomiting all over the neat table.

" I just have a head ach-" more like a hammer bashing his skull in / is this what Zeus felt when Athena tried to break though his head?/ Duo got up from the table and placed a hand on heeros shoulder,

" be back in a minute guys" heero slumped forward and his head hit the oak table with a bang.

"please hurry" heero gave a desperate plead, duo let out shocked expression an ran *like a bat out of hell* up stairs. Returning moments later only to find the scene had changed little. Heeros head still remained on the table and trowa held a vacate stare.

" here baby take these" heero looked up and took the two white pills from duos hand and grabbed the cold coffee in front of him. Popping the pills into his mouth he then took a swig of the stale coffee. Sighing he closed his eyes, then blinking he stood up and walked over to the love seat in the heavily decorated living room.

"I'm just going to take a nap" with that he curdled up and tried to fall asleep.

Duo held in a sigh- / what the hell!/ shacking his head he turned to trowa.

" Hey tro- its 2:44" he said while checking his watch " what time you have top go?" trowa looked up and rose from the table.

" I need to get kat ready now, we have to be there at 3:20" trowa said while leaving the room.

"ok see ya later , and trowa", trowa turned around " tell quatre to relax its going to be fine" trowa nodded but he knew it was going to be anything but fine.


so what do you think?

Man band camp is killing me >.<

It studs the creative juices at times

So what are you waiting for leave me a response!

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