Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking Point ❯ Chapter 14 : The Others ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Finally the long awaited chapter of breaking point everyone wanted me to post,

I have decided to the release of this chapter will celebrate my F in physics!

Enjoy and I hope to have this story finished in 2 months

Breaking Point : The Others


The perfect solider has returned, what will become of the others?


Chapter 14


Quatre whimpered as Heero pressed the knife closer towards his throat.

"Heero let Quatre go" Duo spoke firm but gently, as if you would talk to a child.

Trowas eyes widened as he sucked in a breath, Duo tried again.

"Baby let Quatre go." No success Heero only tightened his hold. Stepping forward Duo held his hands up and whispered soft comforting words. Heeros hold began to falter.

"That's it Heero just give me the knife, yeah I'm here, just give me the knife."

Steel eyes glazed over and the knife fell from the ex-soldiers hands. As the cold metal hit the floor Duo and Trowa rushed into action.

Grabbing heeros shoulders Duo flung him and pinned him to the ground straddling him while trowa tossed the knife away from the events taking place in the kitchen.

"Let me go!" Heero struggled against Duo. Swinging his legs around he was able to knock duo off of him and scampered away.

Duo ran after him.

Helping quatre to his feet Trowa tried to evaluate the damage. Running the tips of his fingers over the blondes face Trowa found only minor bruising and a burn like mark on quatres neck.

"Are you alright?" he asked in a gentle tone.

Quatre nodded, his eyes told a different story. Trowa found fear, confusion and emotional pain within them.

"We have to help heero" quatre whispered weakly. Trowa shook his head

"You need to rest, Duo and I will handle heero."


"Heero come back here!" Duo was in a full out-right run, tailing heero. The two lovers were sprinting across the front yard of the Winner estate.

Using his natural agility Duo leaped over brushes and various gardens hoping to cut the ex-solider off.

Duos violet eyes took on a slant as he quickly approached the slowing figure. Bursting with a jolt of energy and speed Duo took off and came up behind heero.

Surprised Heero turned around only to be tackled and brought to the ground. Wrestling each other Duo gained the upper hand and pinned his emotional lover down.

Heero screamed and withered under him. Duo felt drained but held fast. The screaming and shouting continued until sobs ripped from heeros hoarse throat.

As he calmed duo ran his right hand along the Japanese boys face, soothing him as much as he could, whispering words of love and protection.

Tears drying Duo spoke:

"Heero? Are you ok?" heero shook his head and whimpered.


"Yeah, baby, it's me. If I let you up do you promise not to run?" Duo spoke gentle but firm.

Heero nodded and Duo slowly got off this lover and helped Heero to his feet. Guiding him back to the main house.

"Baby you have got SOME explaining to do."


As duo and heero entered they found quatre arguing with trowa.

"Trowa! I'm not made of glass!" the blonde exclaimed, "I need to figure out what is happening!"

"Kat, calm down this-" but trowa was interrupted

"Yes please calm down" Duo spoke firmly and seriously. He then placed Heero on the couch, and quatre began to fuss over the well being of his would be killer. Duo motioned for Trowa to follow. But Trowa was worried what would happen if he left. But the look in Duo's eyes told him it was serious.


Green eyes narrowed, "Duo please explain to me how one minute heero can be so docile then turn back into a cold blooded killer"

Duo winced at the anger in Trowas voice.

"I got a call earlier today, It was Wufei" trowa looked surprised.

"Heres the quick summary- It turns out wufei and a couple of preventers were playin' around some old oz base, the found a system- umm and activated it"

Trowa glaze did not waver

"What system duo?"

"It was the main- the main- control center to the zero system." Trowas eyes widen and he stepped back with his right foot.

"You don't mean-"

"Its exactly like I mean, those old scientists invented it when they were captured, it's the main computer, there is something else."

Trowa crossed his arms, "and that would be"

Duo flinched and shifted his weight, "There are three "in-put" consoles- but wufei says it only requires 2 to run"

"What the hell are you talking about"

"It all makes sense now..." Duo took a breath, "Remember what heero said about being the only one left" Trowa nodded

"Their were only three to master the system." Duo paused, "Heero-Zechs-and-"

"No!" Trowa shouted he knew was coming next

"and Quatre" Trowa growled.

"Zechs is dead, heero is- is- no longer stable, and quatre-"

"Shut Up" trowa grabbed him and held Duo up against the wall, Duo did not waver, his eyes became dangerous.

"Quatre is defective- and our only key"


"Heero? Are you feeling better?" Quatre asked as he applied another cool rag to the other boys forehead.

"Quatre- I'm sorry- I had no control"

"Hush now" Quatres voice was gentle. "I know that wasn't you- it was something else"

Heero nodded, "Quatre?"

"Yes Heero", the blonde gave a weak smile.

"Memories trigger it." Quatre stopped his patting gesture.

"What?" a strong hand enveloped his wrist.

"Memories, it uses your memories to activate." Eyes locked. "That's how it got me- its been trying to active quatre-" suddenly heeros voice deepened "but something's wrong with you."


"Yes you, but don't worry. I'll fix it." A sneer spread across heeros tanned face. Before quatre could call out a hand enveloped his mouth.

"You and me are the only ones left, I will not fail because of some malfunctioning equipment- I'll simply fix it.



oooo I know the chapter was not really worth the wait but I hope to get better
