Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ But Une, I Want A Baby! ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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**Another short chapter - Sorry!**

But Une, I Want A Baby - Chapter 4

Une looked at Treize. They were both in bed and he was asleep. It was 6:30 in the morning and Une had little over two hours sleep all night. She couldn't get to sleep because she couldn't stop thinking.

As she sat up in bed, leant against the headboard and pulled the rose-red silk sheets up to her chest she recalled yesterday.


"Are you sure?" Une asked the lower ranking OZ soldier via the vid-com.

"Yes, ma'am!" The soldier replied shakily. There wasn't a person, higher or lower rank, that didn't fear Une's fiery temper even if they were behind the Video-Communication System.

"And there are no fully qualified soldiers for Space Battle?"

"I'm afraid not ma'am. Not since Nichol took over from Noin's Space Battle Simulation class. Zechs and his Tallgeese would've been a possibility but in his situation I'm unsure whether he'd want to leave Earth so soon after his daughter being born…"

"Right, I see…So Nichol isn't up to the job now, is he?"

"…" The soldier panicked and dared not answer fearing what ever he said to be the wrong thing. If he said Nichol was up to the job, she would counter him with the lack of space battle soldiers. And if he said Nichol wasn't up to the job then he'd be shouted at and practically saying that Une's promotion of Nichol was wrong. Hobson's Choice (No real choice).

Seeing that the soldier wouldn't answer, insubordination, fear or otherwise, she continued. "Get me Nichol and his students, I will lead the battle in space to quell the colonist's rebellion. And I will need seventy space Taurus' ready for departure for space at precisely eight hundred hours tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Then she closed the Vid-Com link to prepare a plan of action.

~*Hours after that*~

"Look Lady, I just don't think you should go!" Said Treize. Treize and Une were in formers office. Une came in a while ago to tell Treize about the Space Rebellion, the lack of adequately trained soldiers and her role as their battle leader.

"Treize, someone has to see to this disturbance. Rumour has it that there's a new Gundam from the L3 colonies. I've got to get things back to normal and find out whether this Gundam actually exists."

"Lady, I'm sure it's just a silly rumour, please don't go. I have a bad feeling about this. I don't want you to get hurt." Treize said genuinely concerned, he did love her through and through.

"Treize, I've got to go. I have years of space battle experience. If I can't lead them, then who can?" Une asked.

"I can!"

`Wow! He must really not want me to go. But tough, I gotta go.' "No, Treize if anything does happen to you I wouldn't forgive myself, who would lead OZ then? You stay here and I'll go tomorrow morning."

She saluted and left. She had to leave before she changed her mind.

"…And I'll never forgive myself if anything happened to you…" Treize whispered too late for Une to hear, as she'd already shut the door behind her.

~*End Flashback*~

Luckily Une was able to convince Zechs to join the battle, but Une was fed-up of thinking so she glanced at Treize and got washed and dressed for today's mission. `And maybe grab a nice juicy cheese and bacon with brown sauce sandwich, mmmmmm that sounds nice'. She kissed Treize, who was still asleep, on the head before she left.

A/N: Sorry this part took so long, I just didn't know how to carry on. In the next chapter it's more than likely I'll do a Zechs x Noin Lemon. What do you think? Shall I do one?

Please Review, and tell me what you think should happen. I love reviews!!!


