Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Butterfly: Black Wings ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Butterfly: Black Wings

By: Banshee Puppet

Chapter Six: I did it for You

There is a lonely silence that only outer space can fathom. Dying, Wufei figured, must be like that. The world was in slow motion. 'Am I alive?' he wondered as Catherine's eyes flooded and she launched herself at him, sobbing.

'I thought you were going to die!' she thought at him. 'Don't scare me like that, never ever scare me like that!'

It was still filtering through his brain; Lin Pao was dead and he'd been in love with Meiran, and Naone, as she hollered at the dark-haired man kneeling on the ground with quivering hands, "Drix! How could you?! I'll never, ever forgive you!" was obviously in love with Lin.

"Arima, I…" but Drix didn't bother finishing his original thought, he just laughed. "I did it for you."

People do strange things for love. If Wufei had thought that to be true before, it was as certain as breathing was now. He wrapped his only useable arm around Catherine. 'I'm sorry,' he thought, 'but nothing has changed. I will still go to any length to protect you.'

"You're a total jerk," she told him.

"Yeah," he returned quietly. "You've always known that. I won't change."

Trowa could only blink in confusion as Catherine muttered, "Yeah. Pisses me off."

He jumped when Quatre's voice came from behind him suddenly and he said, "let's give them a few minutes."

Trowa turned abruptly to find a somewhat battered Zechs helping Drix to his feet. "Mission accomplished," he stated.

"Yeah, same here," Trowa said. "…I think."

Quatre laughed. "I'll explain later," he told Trowa. "Anyway, it's useless to get in the way of real love right?"

"I…guess so." But it was still difficult for Trowa to fathom what those two could possibly have in common. Regardless, with only one more look over his shoulder as they left, he followed the others out of the room after cuffing Naone. She didn't resist. She had no reason left for fighting.

Catherine finally lifted her head.

"You're going to leave again, aren't you? You're going to fly away from me again," she asked.


"But why?"

"Because I love you more than anything else," he told her point blank.

Catherine laughed. She couldn't believe how ridiculously funny it all seemed suddenly. "I see, so that's the reason. Then let's just stay like this for a little longer, a minute will be enough for now."


'Because if you think this is over,' Catherine thought, 'if you think this settles it, then you're in for one hell of a wake-up call, Chang Wufei. You're totally dreaming. I won't let go.'


Okay I lied, one short chapter and THEN the epilogue…*tries to go type epilogue in…six minutes*