Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Camp Kaboomy ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Camp Kaboomy
Disclaimers: I don't own GW or any of its characters (large or chibi sized)
But this idea is the result of dreaming about Chibis every night for the past month
So I guess the idea (not the chibis) does belong to me.
(Pity about the chibis though. . . ::eyes chibi Quatre like he was candy::.)
Warnings: . . . insanity. Pure insanity.
Comments and Criticisms are welcomed, but please don't be nasty about them.
I am the self-nominated Queen of Sap.
(I rule the world!)
::Darkangel2y taps Weissangel24 on the shoulder and whispers to her::
Timeline: AU A.C 186 the Gundam pilots are chibis (aka little kids) Gundams never existed
They never were pilots.
A/N Thanks to
Darkangel2Y who sat with me in the library
hour upon hour waiting for me to finally finish this.
To Free Skylark for helping me come up with Quatre's father's name.
You two are the best!
Osama Winner glared at the video tape on his desk. With a deep, troubled sigh, he steepled his fingers and leaned back into his leather chair. Slender arms of alabaster skin slipped around his neck as a head of spun gold leaned close to his ear.
"Another death threat, My Love?"
"It's nothing for you to worry about, Catherine." Osama's curt response dismissed as he took the tape and shoved it into his desk drawer.
"I worry about our children, Osama." His wife countered, pushing away from her husband, and circling to the front of the man's desk. "I'm worried about our son! These are not random occurrences, nor should they be taken lightly!"
"Don't get hysterical." He snapped, "I have taken precautions necessary to protect my family."
"Shoving the problem into the back of a desk drawer is not going to make it go away." The blonde woman seethed, "Neither will it protect the children! Have you already forgotten about Iria?"
"Of course not!" Osama's bellowed, slamming his fists against his desk.
"Must we lose our other four daughters?" Catherine implored her pain reflecting in her crystalline eyes. "How long before they target Quatre?"
"I pray that you know what you're doing, because at this moment I doubt even Allah knows what's going on in your head!"
"Mama?" A meek voice called from the doorway.
The adults turned, accessing the intruder.
"Quatre, love, what are you doing out of bed?" The blonde woman asked, gathering the small child into her arms.
"I had a bad dream. . ." The boy mumbled, rubbing at his eye with the back of his tiny hand.
"A dream?" Catherine questioned, smoothing back her son's platinum bangs. "What was it about?"
The blonde thought for a moment, "It was dark. . . an' scary. . . Loud noises an' lots of crying. . ." The child shuddered as he buried his face into his mother's shoulder.
Catherine cast a worried glance towards her husband before forcing a smile onto her face. "It's alright now, Angel." She soothed, "You know dreams can't hurt you."
Stiffling a yawn, the boy stuck his thumb into his mouth and nodded sleepily.
"Catherine, don't baby him." Osama growled, taking out a bottle of scotch and a shot glass. "Just send him to bed."
"Osama, you are so heartless." The blonde hissed as she rocked her son. "Have you at least told Rashid about the tape?"
"Woman, I told you I would handle it!"
"Mama. . .?" Quatre whispered, capturing his mother's attention once more.
"Yes, Dear?"
"I'm thirsty."
"Hmmm." She smiled thoughtfully, "How about warmed milk before you go back to sleep?"
"Yes, please." The boy nodded before yawning again.
"Catherine. . ."
"Oh, stuff it, Osama!" She snapped as she sauntered out the door. "You want to deal with our safety yourself? Fine. But you butt out when it comes to the children."
"Mama?" The boy blinked as Catherine set him on the counter's edge. "Why is father angry?"
The woman sighed, as she heated a saucer of milk on the stove. "You felt it?"
"Is that bad?"
"No, Dear. . . It's just. . . hard to explain right now." She smiled at the boy, "You're still so young."
"I'm six an' a half!" the boy protested, his lower lip forming a quivering pout.
"Put that lip away!" Catherine chided, bopping the child's nose, as she poured the saucer into a mug before handing it to him. "Being young is one of the best things in the universe!"
"Most definitely! When you're young, you get to play with your toys, get hugs when your scared, drink warmed milk with your mother. . .lots of things!"
"But I'm still little! Bekah an' Rachel keep making fun."
"That's just part of being a brother. It doesn't matter if you're big or little."
"Hmmm. . ."
"Drink you milk, Sweetie, it's getting late."
"Yes, Mama." Quatre beamed as he obediently sipped at his mug.
"Quatre, you know that I love you very, very much?" Catherine asked as she smoothed back the boy's hair.
The child blinked confused before breaking into a wide grin. "Yes, Mama!" He threw his arms around her neck, "I love you too, Mam-AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
To be continued. . .
A/N I think I qualify as certifiably EVIL!
Wonderful Cliffies!
::dodges the thrown tomatoes from readers::
Yes, yes, I know Cliffies suck when you are the reader.
(I understand, I hate reading them too)
But it's so fun picking on you when you're the writer and making you all
::Breaks into maniacal evil laugh::
::chokes and starts to gag::
Huh? What was I doing?
Oh, yeah. . .
Please review and I'll update soon.
Thank you.