Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Candy At It's Best ❯ Candy At It's Best ( Prologue )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Candy at its Best
Author: Topaz Kat
Ratings: Cute
Pairings: None
Duo yawned and stretched out his cramped body from behind his desk. He cracked his neck and took a look around the office, wondering when Wufei and Sally would come back from the meeting.
He looked at the candy dish on his desk; Sally had bought a set for the four ex-pilots who now worked with her. On Wufei's, Trowa's, and Heero's desks there was an identical little bowl that looked as if it had been based off of a lily.
They each had their own special candy in them too. In Duo's dish there were a bunch of hard chocolates and toffees, some of his favorite candy. Trowa's little dish had a bunch of the special party mints that he effectively ignored unless Sally mentioned that they were getting stale. And Wufei's had several green tea candies that Duo tried to steal on a regular basis.
Duo heard a banging sound and looked over at Heero. The Japanese youth had his hands up over his face and was trying to calm his shaking. Sally recently banned him from the coffee and he was having a hard time adjusting to not having any. He hurriedly unwrapped one of the candies that sat in his dish and popped it into his mouth. That had been the fifth time Duo had seen him do so in the last hour.
He couldn't help but compare Heero's caffeine withdrawal to when Hilde had quit smoking. Heero was far more irritable and tired during the day. Duo jumped in surprise when Heero banged his fist on the desk and started seething.
"You know something Heero," he began. "I think Sally was right to ban you from the coffee; you're too aggressive."
"Shut up Duo." Another candy went into his mouth.
Duo walked over and picked up one of the candies and looked at it. "What are these Heero?"
"Coming to what?"
"No baka. The brand is called Coming. They're lemon drops with vitamin C."
"Well, I suppose if you're going to be coming you might as well do it in lemon." [1]
As Duo walked away, Heero looked puzzled. He couldn't understand why Trowa was laughing so hard.
[1] Quote from the guy who runs "Engrish" on the net. "Coming" is a real candy in Japan, and from what I've heard, they're not too bad.
Author: Topaz Kat
Ratings: Cute
Pairings: None
Duo yawned and stretched out his cramped body from behind his desk. He cracked his neck and took a look around the office, wondering when Wufei and Sally would come back from the meeting.
He looked at the candy dish on his desk; Sally had bought a set for the four ex-pilots who now worked with her. On Wufei's, Trowa's, and Heero's desks there was an identical little bowl that looked as if it had been based off of a lily.
They each had their own special candy in them too. In Duo's dish there were a bunch of hard chocolates and toffees, some of his favorite candy. Trowa's little dish had a bunch of the special party mints that he effectively ignored unless Sally mentioned that they were getting stale. And Wufei's had several green tea candies that Duo tried to steal on a regular basis.
Duo heard a banging sound and looked over at Heero. The Japanese youth had his hands up over his face and was trying to calm his shaking. Sally recently banned him from the coffee and he was having a hard time adjusting to not having any. He hurriedly unwrapped one of the candies that sat in his dish and popped it into his mouth. That had been the fifth time Duo had seen him do so in the last hour.
He couldn't help but compare Heero's caffeine withdrawal to when Hilde had quit smoking. Heero was far more irritable and tired during the day. Duo jumped in surprise when Heero banged his fist on the desk and started seething.
"You know something Heero," he began. "I think Sally was right to ban you from the coffee; you're too aggressive."
"Shut up Duo." Another candy went into his mouth.
Duo walked over and picked up one of the candies and looked at it. "What are these Heero?"
"Coming to what?"
"No baka. The brand is called Coming. They're lemon drops with vitamin C."
"Well, I suppose if you're going to be coming you might as well do it in lemon." [1]
As Duo walked away, Heero looked puzzled. He couldn't understand why Trowa was laughing so hard.
[1] Quote from the guy who runs "Engrish" on the net. "Coming" is a real candy in Japan, and from what I've heard, they're not too bad.