Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Cat's Paw ❯ Chapter Four: the amazing coma boy ( Chapter 4 )
Thank you to Heather, Emily Hato, Erica, Kerridwen, Ace, Fallen, Shaman Dani of the Flamingos (love the name), Si-Poo, and Wyn G. Aarden for reviewing.
Cat's Paw 04
"... so then Sister Mary Thomas made me put it back where I found it. She always did have this thing against mice. I mean, what was the big deal? I was lonely! I wanted a friend! Was one stupid mouse too much to ask?" I pause and look to Heero for affirmation. Naturally, it doesn't come. He's still in a coma.
Sleeping Beauty he is not. His mouth has fallen open and a thin line of drool is making its way down his cheek. I'm slightly revolted, but am more amused than anything else. I'm also very tempted to procure him a bib from the nursery upstairs. Maybe one with a cute little ducky on it. Ducks like water. Rubber ducky, you're the one. You make spittle, so much fun...
*Beeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeeep*
"You know, buddy," I tell him in a loud whisper, "if you don't wake up soon, they're gonna start to shit bricks. You've been here for three days now. After four and they start to get a wee bit antsy."
He continues to breathe evenly, the heart monitor beeping at a steady pace. I sigh, bored, and contemplate using his mouth for target practice. If I wad up some scraps of paper from my puzzle books, I could get a good game of oral basketball going... or maybe not. I can see the headline now: COMA PATIENT CHOKES TO DEATH ON MAD LIBS. __(noun)__ STILL SEARCHING FOR ___(adjective)___ KILLER.
I'm getting really curious how he wound up here. I mean, obviously he was in a car wreck, but how did it happen? Why are the nurses constantly checking up on him? Are they afraid he'll wake up and run away? Why have I seen so many cops in the hallway since he arrived? What was up with that odd, nocturnal room inspection? What was going on? No one I ask will tell me and the source of all my frustration remains annoyingly unconscious. I can't wait for him to wake up so I can pump him for information.
*Beeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeeep*
I sigh. "At least you're a good listener. If it wasn't for you and Quatre I'd go insane. The nurses are just pathetic. Five minutes here, ten minutes there. You can barely get a conversation going! And all they want to talk about is bodily fluids and bowel movements. That's not exactly stimulating intellectual debate."
*Beeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeep* *Beeeeeeep*
"You said it, Heero. 'Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck' about sums it up."
*Beeeeeeep* *Beeeeeeep* *Beeeeeeep*
"Now, that was uncalled for! That was downright obscene! Say it again."
*Beeeep* *Beeeep* *Beeeep*
"Want to do some Mad Libs, Heero? With a vocabulary like that, we're bound to come up with some really good ones! How about 'My First Day of School?' Or maybe 'a Trip to the Zoo?'"
*Beeeep* *Beeeep* *Beeeep*
"Man, I am waaay too easy to entertain."
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
Is it just my imagination or are the beeps speeding up?
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
No, they're definitely getting faster and shorter. Shit. I fumble for my call box. I repeatedly hit the red button, the one with the little silhouette of a woman on it.
"Nurse! Nuuuuurse!" I bellow as loudly as I can. "NUUUUURRRRRSSSSSE!"
"What is it, Duo?" A tall brunette stalks into the room, her ponytail flopping down her broad back. "I swear, if this is another plea for attention-"
"His beeping changed." I cut her off, gesturing towards Heero's bed. "I thought you might like to know."
She appears startled and quickly moves to Heero's side. I watch as she takes his vitals, an amazed expression appearing on her plain face. She hustles back to the door and calls into the hall, "Page Dr. Merino immediately!" She then returns to Heero, fluttering anxiously around him like some sort of deranged insect.
"You might want to get a pitcher of water. He's gonna be thirsty when he wakes up," I say helpfully. "Trust me, I know."
The nurse -Tania, her nametag says- shoots me an irritated look. "Duo, mask."
I mutter, but pull Sucky back over my mouth. I hate to admit it, but he does help. Especially when you've just been shouting loud enough to raise the dead. Stupid pneumonia, I grouse inwardly. Stupid lungs.
"You can relax, you know," I tell Tania around the mask. "It's not like he's gonna just suddenly open his eyes and scream, 'I'm Awake!!!' It's bound to take a while."
She closes her eyes, visibly straining for patience. I really don't mean to bother the staff, but sometimes I can't help myself. I know at times I drive them bonkers. Quatre has told me that my frustration, boredom, and agitation are normal byproducts of an extended illness. If that was true, you'd think the nurses would be used to dealing with snotty children, but apparently they make an exception for me. A few select nurses have quite obviously taken offense to my person. Tania is among their ranks. I'm thinking of starting my own fan club.
"Want to play Scrabble?" I offer politely. "I'm in the middle of a game, but we can start a new one." I play a lot of Scrabble. Just call me Mr. Excitement.
"Board games are not in my job description," she sniffs.
"No, but making your patients comfortable is," Dr. Merino says, choosing that ideal moment to walk into the room. Tania flushes and I grin.
"Hi, Jim!" I wave at the friendly pediatrician. We go way back. He was the one who first diagnosed me with leukemia, nearly six years ago. He's this giant teddy bear of a man, looking strong, intimidating but extremely huggable all at once. I think this is why he relates so well to children. He's such an awesome doctor. Nothing upsets him. Nothing. He's just such a straightforward, decent, friendly, down-to-earth person that if you suddenly started spewing green vile and speaking in foreign tongues, he'd merely sigh and check the Yellow Pages for the nearest exorcist.
"Hey, Duo! Kudos on wearing the mask!" He chuckles, leaning over Heero's bed.
"Yeah, well, I heard they were in this season," I return. "Nice tie, by the way. Where'd you manage to find one that looks like a camel?"
"That, my friend, is a secret that will go with me to the grave." I watch as he scribbles illegibly on Heero's chart.
"Meaning it was a present," I challenge.
"Meaning I found it in the back of my closet and don't know where the heck it came from or how long it's been there." He finishes his examination and turns to Nurse Tania. "I'd say it'll be about an hour before he awakens. Keep an eye on his vitals and monitors. Let me know if he shows signs of consciousness sooner. I'd stay myself, but I have a very sick little missy down the hall who needs some attention. Page me as soon as he's awake. And," he shoots me a glance, "you have more than enough time for a game or two of Scrabble." He hands Tania the chart and starts towards the door. "Don't underestimate the kid. He's a vicious player. Steals all the triple word squares." He exits into the hall, beginning to whistle a cheery show tune.
Tania and I eye one another across the room. "I won't tell him we didn't play if you don't," I offer.
"Deal," she says, pulling up a chair by the window. She begins her vigil over the amazing Coma Boy and I return to my solitary game.
B H J O Q X Z. My letters are awful. Swell.
It's nearly an hour later when things start to get interesting. Heero is definitely waking up. He's starting to twitch a little and is breathing much faster. His eyes are even fluttering a little. But that isn't what makes me take notice.
A police detective has entered the room.
I look up to see a tall, too-thin man in a nondescript leather jacket and jeans walk in. He's wearing sunglasses, even inside, and he has the stupidest hairstyle I've ever seen on a man. You know how Veronica Lake, that old movie star, used to have hair that fell completely across one of her eyes? That's what this guy had, only his weird-o bangs are the longest part of his hair. They flop directly over half his face and I wonder if he's missing an eye beneath the hair and glasses.
Maybe he was a model before he was a cop. That would explain the anorexic appearance and the bizarre hair. Perhaps if I ask veeerrry nicely, he'll agree to be in the premiere issue of "the Fashionable Intern." I'll put his spread opposite Quatre's. "Memorable Hospital Visits: 101." Or "So You Lost an Eye: Regain Depth Perception in 7 Easy Steps."
Yeah, so my sense of humor borders on sick. Still, I keep myself entertained.
"Sir," Tania rises uncertainly from her chair. "You can't be in here, sir. These aren't visiting hours."
The man whips a badge out of his pocket and flashes it in front of her eyes. "Detective Barton. I have a few questions for this boy, here." Barton comes to a stop at the foot of Heero's bed. "My sources said he was waking up. It appears they weren't mistaken."
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to speak to a minor unsupervised," Tania begins, but Barton cuts her off. I'm starting to like him. Anyone who jerks Tania around is a friend of mine. Megalomaniac bitch. I lean back into my pillows, watching the power struggle that is unfolding before my eyes. This is the best diversion I've had in weeks. I sense that the answers to my questions about Heero will soon be resolved, if I can only play my cards correctly.
"This boy is a primary witness in a criminal investigation we're executing. My superiors would appreciate it if an officer were with him as soon as he regains coherency. He might say something relevant to our case. This is not open for discussion." The detective plants himself firmly in the chair Tania has just vacated.
"I'm afraid I have to consult with the doctors about this," Tania sputters. "I don't think this is allowed."
"Actually, it is," I pipe up. I never can keep my mouth shut. I pull Sucky down around my neck and inform them of Heero's rights -or lack thereof. "It's completely legal. Just ask Dr. Merino." Barton's attention snaps to me when I speak. I grin at him and give a little wave. "Hi." I guess my presence has just registered on his cop radar. I wonder if I've been in his bang-induced blind spot.
He turns to Tania. "I want him out of here."
"Hey," I protest. "I was here first! If anyone should have to leave, it should be him!" Yeah, especially since if I leave I won't be able to eavesdrop on your investigation!
Barton stares at me blankly. "That would... complicate things."
"Well, I'm not going anywhere! This is my room, my bed, and furthermore, it's time for my nap!" I inform him, folding my arms across my ribs. "So you can just take your tin foil badge and your mirrored sunglasses and leave, mister!" And then, at the height of my originality: "This isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way! Special orders do upset us!"
Aggressive much? Me? I might want answers, but I'm not going to just lie down at this man's feet and present my throat... although I do have to admit that I'm about as intimidating as a broken Popsicle stick. Sadly, the Popsicle stick would probably be more dangerous, too. Be still, evil one, or I'll lodge a splinter in your knee cap! What am I going to do? Halt, evil one, before I sprawl in your path and cause you to trip! Desist, evil one, or I'll sic Drippy the Catheter on you! Surrender, evil one, lest I be forced to bombard you with a barrage of Scrabble tiles!
To his credit, Barton doesn't laugh in my face. In fact, his expression hardly changes at all as he turns to Tania. "Either sedate him or remove him from this room. Refuse to do so and I'll charge you with the obstruction of justice and impeding an investigation."
Real friendly guy. I wish Dr. Merino would hurry up and get here. This is getting old real fast. I mean, who does he think he is, just charging in here all do-what-I-say? It's one thing when he bosses Tania around. With me, it's completely different! You can't just bust into my room, order me around, and kick me out! I refuse to retreat, dammit! I have not yet begun to fight!
I've been watching too much History Channel.
"Look," I say hostilely. "I'll take a nice little nap and then no one has to go anywhere, right? It's almost time for my meds, anyway and they always make me sleepy. I'll go to La La land and you can ask your little questions, okay?" I neglect to mention the fact that, while the drugs do make me woozy, I can fight to stay awake pretty successfully when I want to. That's on a need to know basis and if he wasn't willing to sharing info, I wasn't about to, either.
Barton looks toward Tania. She offers, "He does usually fall asleep shortly afterwards."
He nods. "If that's okay with his doctors, that sounds satisfactory to me."
Dr. Merino chooses that moment to arrive. "Ah, Detective Barton. You return and so promptly! I'm sorry I didn't warn you of his coming, Tania. That was an oversight on my part."
The two men shake hands and Tania makes a hasty exit.
"I've allowed the boy to stay if he's medicated," Barton informs Dr. Merino. "Is that agreeable?"
The good doctor looks surprised. "It might be best if we simply moved him for a time..."
"Not happening!" I interrupt. "I'm too tired, too pissy, and hurting too damn much to go sit in the common room for hours on end. I just want to stay here, in my nice quiet room with my nice soft bed and my nice happy clown poster and sleep."
Dr. Merino eyes me warily. "Duo, mask," he chides.
"Is there a reason why I can't have one of those tubey things like a normal person?" I whine before I yank Sucky into place.
"You get too many nosebleeds," my doctor says. He turns to Barton. "I'm sorry. He only gets like this when he's tired and in pain. Moving him would not be advisable. Would you mind if he did remain here? His medication should be arriving shortly..."
Thanks, Jim. Talk about me like I'm not here. I don't mind. Not at all. I sink back into my pillows -which are rapidly becoming flat- and glower at the world in general. Just mark me down as inanimate. Sure. I'm not here. I don't exist. I don't need anything. Nope. Not me. I don't want a pillow-fluff or to be tucked in or hugged or something. I'll just lay here, dying, while you all carry on around me. Sounds good to me. I'll just lay here with my tangled blankets and my sweaty sheets and die. I'll rot here next to my mysterious roommate whom no one will tell me anything about. I'll smell real great, too. Maybe even take out a job as an air freshener in the afterlife. Dual Freshening Action.
The detective waves a hand dismissively. "No, no. We'd already reached the same compromise. It's fine."
"Well, then," the doctor smiles. "Now we just have to wait for our boys here to trade states of awareness." They exchange looks. Barton moves back to his chair and Dr. Merino moves towards my bed. He starts putting away my game of Scrabble.
"I wasn't done with that," I snap. He ignores me and packs everything away in the box, placing it with the rest of my crap. I make sure to keep the frown on my face the whole time.
He comes to stand over me and sighs. "Are you comfortable down there? Your pillows are looking a little limp."
"What do you care?" I mutter, but I say it so he can't hear. That's one thing Sucky's good for. He makes a great censor for sarcastic comments. Better than Heero's profanity preventative heart monitor.
Dr. Merino sighs again and tries to pull my blankets up from where they're rumpled around my waist. I keep my arms cross against my ribs, preventing the blankets from being moved. He tugs gently on my wrist, trying to uncross them, but I snap at him.
"Don't pull on my arm! I value it!"
Jim lets go of my wrist and instead holds his hand against my forehead. He frowns and takes my vitals, recording them on my chart. I do my best to keep sulking. Around that time Tania shows back up with a new IV bag and a cup of pills. I chug the pills while she switches the bags. Within minutes the world is getting hazy...
I'm doing the best I can to stay awake, but it's getting increasingly harder. It takes all my concentration just to catch a few snippets of conversation. I may have overestimated my magical medication resistant powers.
"...okay, son. the Winner Medical... in a coma... days now...."
"... I okay?"
"...leg and arm. Your ribs..."
"... my father?!"
"...bad news...father...killed...only you..."
"Oh, God."
"... be okay...know it's hard... we'll help..."
"Who's he?"
"... Barton. He... talk to you... it's okay?"
"...don't wanna."
"....don't have to... might be best.... over with..."
"...ahead, Barton."
"... in the car with you?"
"Just... and me."
"... no one else was ...?"
"...looking for at the time?"
"... didn't tell me..."
" you remember..."
"...all blurry... can't..."
"How did it... what made you..."
"...something... swerved... can't..."
"... steering malfunction? How did..."
"...don't know..."
"... were you going? ... come from?"
"...can't... don't know..."
"...enough for now... later..."
"...but I'm not..."
"... said enough!... bad shape.... shock..."
My concentration frays and I can hear no more.
-end chapter four-
*shakes head* Please just go along with Heero's sudden awakening. It is Heero, after all.
Thank you for understanding that this fic is not meant to make light of cancer. That is not my intent at all and believe me when I say I understand the gravity of the illness. It is not merely fiction-fodder in my eyes.