Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Catch Me ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: I sure don't own or have any rights to this series..
WAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sucks don't it!

Catch Me by gethmane8


"Are you sure about this, Lena? It's dangerous!" Hilde whispered to her best friend over the phone. It was late at night, almost midnight and her boyfriend was sound asleep in their bedroom.
She was crouched down in the kitchen floor, having dragged the living room phone all the way in.

"Yes. If I don't do this I'm going to have a nervous breakdown, Hilde." the voice answered back.

"Okay, but you know what everyone's going to assume. They're going to think you've run off or your having an affair." Hilde said, checking over her shoulder to see if Duo was still sleeping.

"I don't care anymore. And you actually have to be dating someone before it's considered an affair." Relena sighed.

"What about Heero?" Hilde asked, stifling a yawn.

It got quiet on the other end. "There is no Heero."

"Oh, Lena. Please reconsider. I-" Hilde begged .

"I'll call you when I get there. I'll be fine, don't worry. I've left everyone notes."

"Tell Chris he better take good care of you or he won't just have to answer to your brother. I have contacts, you know."

Relena laughed. "Down tiger! We'll be fine. And you don't have any contacts! Who do think you are, a mobster?"

"There are many things you don't know about me, missy. Seriously, take care. Call me!" Hilde said, lowering her voice even more.

"I will. Bye." And the phone line went dead.

Hilde sat there and worried. People were going to be royally pissed and concerned. The Vice Foreign Minister was officially AWOL and with another man. She knew Duo's reaction to her participation wouldn't be pretty, but she would stand up for her friend. And maybe this would bring him.


Relena and her traveling companion boarded their shuttle to parts unknown. A small part of her felt she was wrong to abandon her duties, while a much bigger part said it was either her or them. She was still a young girl and her life was passing her by. She was on the verge of total break down but no one cared as long as she did her job. She was a tool, a trained monkey for the masses.

"I'm tired of putting everyone's needs before my own." Relena sighed, pulling off a scarf over her head.

Chris put his arms around her and let her lean against him. "Lena, the time for guilt is passed. You may never get another opportunity again. So are you with me?"

"God, yes." Relena said, with a relieved smile.

This was a break from it all. She may have been running away like a spoiled, irresponsible child, but it was a choice she didn't think she'd regret.

"I promise to take good care of you. And now on you'll just plane old Lena Davenport. A young lady with a remarkable resemblance to the VFM. And who traveling with quite a sexy beast of a man!" Chris smirked.

That sent Relena into a fit of giggles, which Chris soon joined in.

"Why couldn't I have met you years ago? You're perfect for my self esteem. And might I say, yours is quite healthy." Relena remarked, smiling.

He was as handsome as he bragged to be. At 6'4, he towered over her, but he never intimidated. Blonde hair (bleached) and sapphire blue eyes, he was a literal hunk of a man and he knew it. He was truly beautiful for a man...but no Heero. *Don't think of him! Ever!*

"Of course it is. I'm me. Now get that frown off your face and enjoy my pleasant company." he teased, tickling her under her chin.

"Heh, stop it! Okay, I'm ready for my adventure." she laughed again.

"Good. You and I are going to have the time of our lives, Lena. And don't you forget it." Chris said, giving her his trademark grin. He smiled in such a way, his teeth sparkled. *I promise to make this a special time for us, Relena and maybe help you find some happiness without him.*

Anyone interested in more? And is anyone asking how the hell this Chris guy is? Please let me know if you liked. I'm still working out the kinks in this. But just want to say I'm all HY/RP.
Review and give me some thoughts. C-ya!