Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ ChibiGWAdventures ❯ The Fight ( Chapter 2 )
The Chibi G.W. Adventures Ch.3&4
Thank you for reviewing my last chapters. If you haven't read the first 2 chapters, you should so you know what's going on.
Disclaimers: the normal disclaimers apply here so you know I don't own any of the characters or shows.
Note: The characters are slightly OOC. No Relena bashing in this one. Sorry if you feel that I am picking on Quatra too much, but he fills that part soooo perfectly (he's my favorite character too J)!
Chapter 3
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C.D.: "The God of Death will come out the winner!"
C.Q.: "Rashide! … Listen, psst, sspt, ss, sspss, pst, pstt. Got it? Good."
C.D.: "Awe you cheating Katwa?"
C.Q.: "No I'm not, liew!"
Beep, beep, beeeep!
C.H.: "Hmmmm … Another mission. Mission accepted." And with that he started typing away at his mini-laptop. "Doctow J is coming. He will die."
C.T.: "Why?"
C.H.: "He sent me to kintewgawten."
C.Q.: "Stop talking! This chaptew is about a fight!"
C.D: "Let's go to the pawk now."
Everyone piles into a chibi mobile suit carrier and flies to a battle arena.
C.T: "Woah! Wewe'd you get that Katwa?"
C.Q.: "The Magwanauts just built it." And with that C. Quatra climbed into one of the chibi suits. "I'll use this one."
C.D.: "No using C.Zewo, Katwa!"
C.Q.: "I make the wules, so I can too!"
C.D.: "No!"
C.Q.: "Yes and I'll blast you with a paint ball!"
C.D.: "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
C.Q.: "No cannons, we use paint." Everyone with the exception of C.Quatra has a big sweatdrop on the side of their heads and then falls over. (C.Quatra shrugs than reboards the suit and heads off to the arena.)
C.D.: "Hey! Wait up!"
Suddenly, the lights turn on and Rashide's voice starts talking over the loud speaker.
Rashide: "This is going to be a one on one match. No cheating and what ever Master Quatra says is right."
At that time both of the chibis start to attack each other. It is almost a dead even tie at first, with paintballs hitting everything but their targets. After about 5 minutes the zero system starts to kick in.
Rashide: (obviously looking and sounding bored)"He fires, he misses. Almost got him. Wow! Master Quatra hit him in the hand to knock the scythe away! Hey, wait a minute where did all the other chibis go?"
Cuts to a scene where C.Heero is setting up bombs on the C.Deathscythe H.'s side. Then another cut brings us to another scenery. This one has C.Wufie meditating and C.Trowa pacing back and forth. Yet another cut brings us back to the fight.
The C.Zero has a great advantage and the once black C.Deathscythe H. is now turning pink.
C.Q.: "Ahahahahahahaha! Die Duo!" Just as he said this, his scanner picked up a force moving towards the arena. "… Huh? …"
Dr.J: "You stupid chibis. Your not supposed to fight when you're hiding! Now, you two sit in the corner and shut up!"
C.Q. gets out of Zero and slowly walks to the corner, whimpering all the way. C.D. is knocked out due to the battle and does not move.
C.H.: "Pay back time." All of a sudden mini explosions of slime explode around Dr. J. "Ahahahahahaha! Ahaha! Ahahahahah!"
Dr.J: "Shut up and do the training course 100 times, NOW!!"
C.H.: "…hmmm…"
Dr.J: "This was a new lab coat too. At least he knows how to detonate things."
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Ok, this was not much of a fight but I'm not that great battle scenes. Please tell me what you think. Don't forget to review. I am trying to incorporate your suggestions, so if you sent one, it will show up in a future chapter. Thanks to those who review. See you! (Review Please!)