Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Childhood Reborn ❯ Heero's Untrained Eye ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After the OZ interrogation, Cache Du Monde made sure that they kept their eyes even more sharp. They had had a few scuffles in the past with rogue soldiers wanting to take over the village as their own little base, but Jacinda and her villagers had bravely fought them to the death. They would send the bodies down the stream in hopes they would be picked up and sent home to their rightful families. Of course all evidence of them being attacked by the village was immediately altered by Dr. Ridge to make it appear to be created by natural elements, be it animal or weather and the like. Thankfully, OZ attacks had become much less frequent now that their focus was mainly on the Mobile Suits piloted by the mysterious pilots.
While some fear that the two soldiers would indeed report the village and send more to interrogate, Jacinda knew better. They were rookies, probably out on their first assignment. Trieze probably just wanted to cover all his tracks and would probably not even look at the report. Bard had watched them for an entire day and into the early evening listening in on their conversations (which was just one call back to base on their findings) and felt that the village was once again spared from harm.
So later on that evening it was friendly banter once more at Jacinda's dinner table with her, Siero, Bastian and their Gundam pilot guest. The conversation of course kept going back to Jacinda's flirtatious way of tricking the soldiers. However, Trowa was especially quiet that evening and it was troubling her.
“Alright Trowa.” She said. “Spit it out, I know something is bothering you no matter how hard you try to disguise it.”
“It's nothing.” Trowa answered. “I'm just…tired.”
Jacinda looked at him concernedly.
“Are you feeling alright sweetheart?” She asked walking over to him. She brushed his uni-brow from his forehead and gently and placed her hand on it checking for a temperature. At first Trowa wanted to throw her hand off, but the soft warmth it gave him prevented that.
“Mmm…you're a little warm.” She said. “But it could very well just be some slight exhaustion from the day's events. You guys were in that barricade for quite awhile and it can get stuffy.”
“I'm fine.” He said as she took her hand away. Secretly, on the inside, he was feeling a bit anxious. With OZ soldiers being in the area he feared that his new canine friend might have met an undeserving fate.
“You should go upstairs and lie down.” Jacinda said. “In fact all of us should probably retire a bit early. It's been quite a trying day. I'll bring up some tea.”
“Can I stay with them Mama?” Bastian asked not liking the fact that there was an early bedtime that seemed to be coming. They had barely finished dessert after all.
“If you think you are getting out of your bath tonight mister, forget it!” Jacinda said as she began clearing the table. “Why don't we handle that first and if you're good we'll see.”
“Okay boys, upstairs!” She said to the pilots. “And don't even try to argue with me.”
Indeed the pilots were quite tired from the day and we are not feeling so up to par what with their injuries still healing and the stress that had accompanied them and gladly trudged up the stairs with Bastian at their heels.
“Bastian you better be ready for your bath by the time I get up there!” She yelled to him.
Siero laughed.
“Got quite brood?” He said.
Jacinda chuckled. “I'll admit the house is a lot livelier. I mean Bastian alone makes it insane, but with five teenaged boys to add it…well it's quite active.”
Siero smiled.
“You really care about them don't you?” He said. “Those pilots.”
Jacinda nodded as she put the water on to boil.
“Absolutely.” She said. “For them to be here with us has been a great gift. I know the time will come when we will have to say good-bye because lord knows I won't be able to keep them here no matter how much I wished it so. Those Gundams I can tell are their lives and the fight for peace their ultimate goal. It'll be sad, but I do hope that they do see this village as a second home and will come back to us one day.”
Siero put a hand on Jacinda's shoulder as she began preparing the tea to send to the boys.
“But something is troubling you.” He said. “I know it…I can see it in you Jacinda.”
Jacinda sighed. It was true. She was still quite plagued over Duo. What about him kept nagging at her? For all intents and purposes her main goal should have been figuring out more about Heero. That name alone had a familiar sound to it, but alas it was Duo. What was it about him that had her so intrigued and somewhat anxious?
“It's…complicated.” She said to Siero. “But knowing you, you will nag the hell out of me till I tell you so there's no point in keeping it to myself. It's Duo.”
“Yeah, what about him?”
“He just…I don't know…there is something I can't put my finger on about him. It's nothing bad…at least I don't believe so. I just feel like there is something about him that seems so…familiar. Like...I should know him somehow.”
“How so?”
“And there lies the question.”
Siero thought for a moment as Jacinda poured the tea into the cups.
“Well…do you think you might have met him during your Alliance days?”
Jacinda shook her head.
“If I did…he was barely a tot and I didn't work with too many kids back then except when I began my midwife training, but that was after I left. I joined the Alliance when I was the age he is now. My medical training began not too long after that. I mean I had patients come in and out, but they were mostly OZ soldiers.”
“Yeah but you also had done experiments too as well.”
Jacinda snorted.
“Reluctantly of course, but I would remember someone like him. Something tells me he would put up one hell of a fight if a needle came anywhere near him. That was one part of my training I'd very much like to forget.”
“Not even during the days of that horrible plague that had been going around L2?”
Jacinda shook her head as she placed the cups on a tray.
“We weren't allowed to touch those that were wracked with the disease for fear of contamination. Medication had been sent out, but only to the private doctors of the elite. Those that were of lower class of course died quickly because they were basically ousted on the colony…most died in the streets…including dozens upon dozens of children….those bastards.”
Siero shrugged.
“I don't know what to tell you Jacinda.” He said. “But you should probably look into it and soon before it starts to really bother you.
“I will.” Jacinda answered as she started to ascend the stairs.
The next day Jacinda ordered the Gundam pilots to take it easy. No working on their suits for today and the next. Of course she was met with protests, but Jacinda held her ground and surprisingly Quatre was on her side.
“We should rest in order to get our strength back up.” He said. “Besides, we owe it to Jacinda and her villagers for protecting us from OZ that day and we should listen to them…at least just this once.”
Jacinda chuckled and one by one the hardened looks of the pilots softened.
“Come on guys.” She said. “I just don't want you getting sick or hurt again. I know you want to fix your suits, but at the same time you will delay the progress if you're laid up again. And if you really are bored then you can help the village with some of the light tasks. But you are under no obligation too…I want you to also enjoy yourselves while you are here.
“But what can we do?” Wufei asked as he and the boys began helping clean the kitchen from breakfast.
Jacinda smiled at him.
“Anything you want.” She said. “Except work on your mobile suits! That's the one order I am giving and if I catch you over there I will drag you back here myself. But other than that…just have fun!
“Alright a day off!” Duo yelled happily. As much as he loved his Deathscythe, nothing beat a good day of relaxation.
Quatre too was grinning thinking of all the things he could to help Jacinda and her villagers that day, so he and Duo already had run outside to greet the day.
However, Heero, Wufei, and Trowa however remained silent unsure of what to do. They really just wanted to keep working on their Gundams and keep their eyes on OZ. Jacinda could see the reluctance in their eyes.
“Come here you three.” She said to them huddling them to the door. She opened it and showed them the beautiful landscape.
“There's a world outside of mobile suits and OZ.” She said to them quietly. “A world you should be enjoying right now instead of being soldiers in a war. I know you guys have your own reasons for what you are doing, but don't forget that life is something to be enjoyed. I can't imagine what has been taken from you, but I can promise you this. While you are here, you are free and I want you to enjoy it as much as you can before you go back out there into the blood and horror.”
Free? Did they even really know what that word really meant?
She smiled at their somewhat confused faces. It was probably the first time they hadn't had really any orders to follow except to just be…well…teenagers…themselves…not spies.
“Come on.” Jacinda said motioning them. “Let's go out for a bit in my garden.”
She led the boys over to the back of the house where a vast garden full of flowers, vegetables, and fruit were growing.
“Mmm…now that it is nearing summer, the tomatoes will be coming in nice and ripe!” Jacinda said as she examined a tomato plant. “And there will be plenty of fresh berries too. In fact I think my strawberry bushes are ready to be picked.”
Jacinda walked over to a large bush covered with the red fruit. Pulling one off the bush she inspected, sniffed, and smiled.
“Perfect.” She said. “And the perfect project for you guys. Come here.”
Heero, Trowa, and Wufei came over.
“It appears the berries on these few bushes are ready to be picked. Now it's up to you, but you can take a basket and begin picking the berries. If you want to do something else that's fine too, just giving you one of many options to occupy yourselves. I have to do some weeding in the flower garden as well as check on some of the vegetables.”
“I can do that!” Heero said abruptly. “If it's no trouble.”
Jacinda smiled.
“Absolutely not.” She said. “Trowa, Wufei, is there something else you'd like to do as well?”
Trowa shrugged.
“I could pick some strawberries I guess.” He said. “If you are going to need them.”
“I suppose I can check on those vegetables.” Wufei said.
Jacinda smiled.
“Excellent!” She said. “The tools and baskets are inside. Just let me go get them! Feel free to look around here while I'm gone.”
And away she went quickly smiling. The walls were crumbling, she could feel it.
For a good part of the morning Heero, Trowa, Wufei and Jacinda were hard at work in the garden. Trowa made sure to pick the ripest berries including a few he ate himself, while Wufei picked the freshest ears of corn for that evening's dinner. Heero and Jacinda went about the busy task of weeding the flower beds.
While each boy looked upon their task dutifully, Jacinda could see they were enjoying it. Especially when a beautiful gold and black butterfly decided to land on Heero's nose and then park itself on his thick head of hair.
“It seems you have made a little friend there Heero.” Jacinda said laughing.
Heero just grunted and blushed, but didn't have the heart to push it away for some reason. Jacinda could see a tiny smile turn the corners of his mouth.
Just then the sounds of loud laughter and the patter of small footsteps on a dirt road drew their attention. They all went to see what was going on.
“I gonna get you Duo!” A small girl yelled.
“Gotta catch me first!”
“I found Quatre Hester!” Bastian yelled to his little friend.
“Oh no!” Quatre yelled. “I'm in trouble now.”
It was quite a sight to see. A large group of children were playing a game of chase with Duo and Quatre. Quatre of course was caught by Bastian and Hester who held onto his waist like no tomorrow while Duo was immediately pinned down on the ground and being tickled mercilessly.
“I've got my hands full at the moment!” Quatre said happily as he proceeded to tickle Bastian and Hester.
The group of four approached them watching the scene.
“And what's going on over here?” Jacinda asked laughing.
“We're playing with Quatre and Duo Mama!” Bastian said as he ran over to Jacinda.
“I can see that.” She said her heart swelling over the sight of the two Gundam pilots who were treating the children so well. Duo had gotten up and was holding one child on his back and another one upside down in one arm. Quatre was holding Hester and twirling her around gently.
“Don't be too rough on them now!” Jacinda warned.
“Don't worry Jacinda we know how fragile kids are!” Duo yelled from the sea of children.
“I was actually talking to the children sweetie.” She said as the two pilots approached them.
“Duo, Quatre play some more!” Bastian urged.
“In a sec kiddo.” Duo said. “Let me catch my breath first.”
“What have you guys been up to?” Quatre asked the three pilots by Jacinda.
“In Jacinda's garden.” Wufei answered. “Being helpful guests!”
Jacinda shook her head, her critical Wufei.
“You all are being helpful.” Jacinda said before any retort could come from Duo. “You're doing exactly what you should be doing today…just enjoying yourselves.”
Heero couldn't help but feel warm as Duo had approached him with such a wide grin and covered in dust from playing in the road with the children. The sight had been quite…well…interesting.
“Hey Heero, what's that on your head!” Duo pointed out as she approached the pilot.
“Oh my, what a pretty butterfly!” Quatre exclaimed noticing it right away.
“Heero, Trowa, and Wufei had been helping me tend to the garden. That butterfly decided Heero's hair was the perfect resting spot.”
“I'll say.” Duo answered. He was now standing so close to Heero that he could smell him. It was a mix of sweat, earth, and Heero, quite an enticing scent. The two suddenly found themselves staring at one another slightly while the butterfly just flexed its wings lightly on Heero's head.
“Trowa your lips are deep red!” Quatre suddenly pointed out and approached them. “Are you bleeding?”
Quatre immediately touched his friend's lips and Trowa felt himself flinch nervously.
Jacinda smiled.
“Trowa picked some good strawberries.” Jacinda said. “And helped himself to some which is perfectly acceptable. After all they are healthy for you!”
Trowa just blushed. Quatre meanwhile had been taken in by the sweet scent of the strawberries as well as Trowa and found himself turning a few shades of pink.
“Let's play!” Bastian yelled suddenly grabbing Duo's hand and pulling him away. “You guys too!”
“Of course!” Quatre said coming out of his slight trance. “You too Trowa, why don't you show the kids some of the tricks you did in the circus!”
“Go on you guys!” Jacinda urged. “The garden is pretty much done for the day anyway and I have a patient I need to see. We got new life coming in a month or two!”
“Duo getting beaten up by young children.” Wufei said with a snicker. “Wouldn't miss that for the world.”
And off he went with Trowa at his side. Meanwhile Heero just stayed behind.
“Why don't you go join them Heero?” Jacinda said. “You don't have to do anymore work.”
Heero really didn't know what he could do next. Jacinda then realized that the boy was so used to taking orders that deciding for himself was probably a difficult thing. It was always about the missions as she had learned in the Alliance.
“Okay then.” Jacinda said. “Would you like to be my assistant then while I go check on my patient? Don't worry you don't have to look at gross female stuff, I promise. And you know what…I think you'll enjoy it. Go inside and get cleaned up.”
Heero raised his eyebrows, but did as was told.
Ten minutes later they were walking down the dirt path, arms full of medical supplies.
“You are about to meet a very sweet woman, Heero.” Jacinda said as they approached a small house. “She's Alyse Mavro. She and her husband Roan are having their first baby. They just married last year.”
“Hmph.” Heero said as Jacinda knocked on the door.
“It's open!” A pleasant voice answered.
Jacinda opened the door and they stepped inside. Immediately Heero's eyes was on the woman standing in the kitchen happily getting some tea ready. She was heavily pregnant.
“Alyse, didn't I tell you to stay off your feet as much as you can!” Jacinda scolded.
“Nice to see you too Ms. Jacinda!” Alyse answered. She was a tall woman with blonde hair that was half pulled up. The rest swept across her shoulders. She was wearing a comfortable day dress that matched her bright blue eyes.
“I'll give the proper greetings when you go on upstairs and into that bed!” Jacinda said. “And I have an assistant with me if you don't mind?”
Alyse saw the boy standing next to her.
“Oh is this one of those pilots I heard was staying at your house.” She said. “My, he's so young, but such a handsome boy.”
Heero just diverted his eyes to the floor.
“He's not one to talk much.” Jacinda said happily. “His name is Heero and yes he is one of those pilots, but don't change the subject! Let's check out you and your baby first!”
“Yes, yes I know.” Alyse said as she walked into another room. “Ms. Jacinda doesn't like me working on my feet too much Heero. But she doesn't know what it's like to spend most of your day staring at the ceiling, or at this big belly! When you do get married and become pregnant Ms. Jacinda I will be on your case about it!”
Jacinda scowled.
“Please don't curse me!” Jacinda pleaded as Alyse lay down on the bed. “I've already got a three year old. That's enough for me!”
“It's quite an experience.” Alyse said. “A good one too.”
Jacinda pulled out her supplies as Heero placed them next to her.
“One that I am not ready for.” Jacinda said. “Okay Heero, you can go in the next room if you like. I am going to do some examinations on Alyse that I don't think you'd quite like to be a part of if you catch my drift.”
Heero didn't need any more urging then that as he nodded and walked out of the room.
“There's some tea and cookies in the kitchen Heero!” Alyse yelled. “Feel free to help yourself!”
“Thank you.” Heero said quietly.
Alyse laughed.
“Such a timid boy.” She said.
Jacinda chuckled.
“Yeah, but he's good kid.”
Fifteen minutes later Jacinda yelled for Heero that it was safe to come back upstairs. He was met with quite a sight. Jacinda was examining Alyse's now bare belly, her shirt thankfully covered everything above that and her pants, everything below.
“Okay.” Jacinda said as she took a measuring tape. “Let's see how big this baby is shall we!”
Heero meanwhile hid in the corner, Alyse noticed.
“Oh Heero!” She said extending her hand. “It's alright, come here! No need to be shy!”
Heero wasn't sure, but slowly walked over.
“Don't worry Heero, nothing freaky here!” Jacinda said with a smile. “Just be thankful you're not a woman.”
Heero said nothing as he walked to Alyse's side while Jacinda once again measure Alyse's belly.
“Okay…it looks like we've got a good 7 and half inches on this munchkin which is normal for 21 weeks.”
“Well that explains why I can't see my feet anymore!” Alyse winked to Heero.
And judging by the weight you have put on and the week you are in he or she is just nearing a pound. Don't be surprised if you pack on a little more weight as you near the birthdate.”
“Lucky me.”
“Okay, let's check the baby's heart rate shall we?” Jacinda said as she grabbed a portable fetal monitor.
Alyse took Heero's hand.
“Oh you are going to love this Heero.” Alyse said. “You get to hear my baby's heart beat. It's such a beautiful sound.”
Heero just stood there surprised that the woman had grabbed his hand, but she stared up at him with such joy he didn't have the heart to push her away.
Jacinda set up the monitor and within moments the quick, shallow, thump was echoing throughout the room and Heero's eyes widened.
“ that it…the heart beat?” He asked.
Jacinda grinned.
“It sure is kiddo.” She said. “And by the sound of it, a good strong one.”
Heero was speechless while Alyse wiped her eyes.
“I can't help it!” She said as Jacinda handed her a tissue. “Every time I hear that little heart I get all misty eyed!”
“Well then prepare the heavy duty tissues then because I am bringing out the portable ultra sound. Heero you will be the fourth person to witness how this baby looks inside the womb!”
“I'm sorry?”
Jacinda giggled.
“You'll see.”
“My husband saw it and the first time he did, he cried!” Alyse said. “Don't worry, it's not anything icky.”
Heero watched as Jacinda spread some cold gel on Alyse's large belly, then took a small monitor that was attached to a large microphone shaped device. After setting up, Jacinda turned on the monitor and began moving the device around Alyse's belly.
“I don't see anything.” Heero said. “It's all gray and black.”
“Yeah Jacinda!” Alyse exclaimed. “Hurry it up!”
“Hey, it's not my fault your baby wants to play Houdini!” She said. “AH There you are!”
Immediately a large blob came on screen.
“Oh…it's my little one!” Alyse said, tears immediately bubbling in her eyes.
“Little my ass!” Jacinda said. “Your baby is quite bigger than the last time we had it up on the screen!”
Heero just cocked his head.
“I still don't see anything.” He said.
“Ah, but you have the untrained eye in this department Heero!” Jacinda said. “Come here.”
Heero came over and Jacinda showed him the screen.
“It's is a little fuzzy because we are using such old equipment, but it is still just as good.” She took Heero's hand and used it as a pointer.
“See right here is the baby's head!” She said. “And there is its little nose, eyes, and mouth. It's showing off for us today!”
Heero watched the screen as Jacinda guided his hand around the screen. With her guidance he was able to make out the shape of the baby.
“Quite a sight huh?” Jacinda said. “Did you want to know the sex Alyse?”
Alyse shook her head.
“Nope, Roan and I want it to be a surprise!”
“Why is that?” Heero asked. “Wouldn't it be easier knowing if it's a boy or a girl?”
Alyse smiled as Jacinda began cleaning her and the equipment up.
“Roan and I just want to be pleasantly surprised.” Alyse said. “Besides we have a bet going. Whoever guesses the right gender has to get up with the baby in the middle of the night when its first boy. Of course Roan is hoping for a boy!”
“And you want a girl?” Heero said.
Alyse smiled.
“It'd ne nice, but I am not biased. As long as it's healthy that is all that matters to me.”
Suddenly Alyse's belly made a movement and Heero jumped back.
“Wow…oh my!” Alyse exclaimed.
Jacinda turned around.
“You okay?”
Alyse laughed.
“Someone wants to play.” She said. Jacinda smiled as she saw some skin on Alyse's belly protrude up and down. She turned to Heero and laughed.
“Oh Heero, it's okay!” She said putting her hand on his shoulder. “The baby is just kicking that's all. When they get bigger you can actually see and feel them move!”
“Painfully sometimes!” Alyse said. “Ouch…take it easy there! It's okay Heero, no need to be frightened come here!”
Jacinda pushed Heero to Alyse and Alyse took Heero's hand and put it on her belly where the baby was kicking. For a moment her stomach was stilled, but then all of a sudden Heero felt a push against his hand then it stopped…then it started again. He was amazed as the baby seemed to respond to the pressure of his hand.
Jacinda smiled.
“I think it already likes you Heero.” She said. “Can you believe there is a life in there Heero? That's how we all started out, just wanting to feel something around us; something warm, comforting, and safe. And no matter who we are or what we do, we will always crave that care.”
Heero looked at Jacinda. She knew Heero didn't truly understand what she was talking about, but Jacinda knew that Heero and the other Gundam pilots were just like that baby in Alyese's womb…vulnerable…needing and deserving of love and care that they had so desperately been denied.