Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Childhood Reborn ❯ Little Boy Lost ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Jacinda's heart jumped into her throat as Duo jumped off Deathsycthe and went to her.
“What do you mean he's missing!?” Jacinda cried trying hard not to panic.
“I swear we have no idea how he snuck out. Trowa and I were downstairs and Heero and Wufei were in the room. I went to check on him and he wasn't there! We looked high and low for him around the house, but he was nowhere to be found!”
Quatre took a breath
“All of us are out looking for him right now.” Quatre said. “We also alerted Siero and some villagers. Trowa is seeing if Selwyn can pick up his scent.”
“How the hell could you guys lose a little kid!” Duo yelled.
Jacinda shook her head.
“Believe me Duo its not as hard you think.” She said. “Bastian can be very crafty when he wants to be, but that's not the point now. We gotta find him before he gets hurt!”
And the three set off in the direction of the village.
It had been another dinner and bedtime without Duo. Bastian was at the end of his own rope. He threw a tantrum when Jacinda said Duo couldn't come tonight.
“But I want Duo!” Bastian said stomping his little feet. He was in nothing but his underwear.
“I won't tell you again Bastian, put on your night shirt.” She said. “Duo will come back when it's the right time, but now its time for you to go to bed.”
“I don't want to go to bed.” He yelled. “I want Duo!”
“The other boys were here and spent some time with you.” She said. “You should be very happy that they did that because they are very busy. Now they need to rest and so do you.”
“But I want to go out and see Duo….right now!!” Bastian cried as Jacinda placed the nightshirt over his head finally.
“I don't think so mister.” She said. “You are going to go right to sleep. Duo too is probably getting for bed too.”
“Don't care!” Bastian said crossing his arms. “I go see him right now!”
Bastian tried to run out of the room, but Jacinda got a hold of him.
“Try that and you won't get dessert for a month.” She said. “It's bedtime now.”
“I don't wanna!!” He screamed and proceeded to cry and flail in Jacinda's arms. She just stood there as she let Bastian have his moment trying to avoid the headache that was coming on. She had been having them quite a bit lately and didn't need a new one.
“I want Duo, I want Duo!!!” Bastian cried.
Jacinda sighed and proceeded to carry Bastian to bed as he tried to fight her.
“Bastian you keep acting like this then Duo won't come home.” She said sternly. “You have to behave yourself because that is what Duo would want.”
Bastian said nothing as his tantrum eased and Jacinda put him into bed.
“Listen, Mama will do everything she can to help Duo.” She said. “And it's up to him if he wants to come back. But you have to do what you are told because that makes Duo happy.”
Bastian just pouted.
“Want me to read you a story?” She asked.
“No!” Bastian bellowed.
“How about I sing your song?”
Jacinda sighed.
“Alright young man, have it your way.” She said not wanting to cause anymore trouble. She kissed him on his forehead. “I know you are mad at mama, but she still loves you very much.”
Bastian just grunted and turned on his side as Jacinda turned off his light and walked out of the room.
Jacinda took a breath and tried to keep her composure. She had her hesitations before about seeing Duo, but after Bastian's tantrum, she couldn't keep up the charade any longer. It was now or never. Turning on her heel she approached the pilots room and knocked on their door.
“Boys can I come in for a second?”
“Of course Jacinda!” Quatre called from inside.
She opened the door to see Trowa, Wufei and Quatre were just spending some leisure time working on some of their mechanics for their Gundams
“Hey kids.” She said tiredly but with a smile. She then noticed someone was missing.
“Where's Heero?” She asked.
“Yuy decided to do some reading downstairs.” Wufei answered. “Said he wanted some time to himself.”
Jacinda giggled as she reached down to pet Selwyn who was at the foot of Trowa's bed.
“Sounds like Heero to me.” She said. “Listen I need you boys to do me a favor.”
“Anything Jacinda.” Quatre said.
“Its nothing big, just…keep an eye on Bastian for me.” She said. “I need to take care of something outside of the house and I would just appreciate it if you guys would just check in on Bastian now and then to make sure he is asleep before heading to bed.”
“Is anything wrong?” Trowa asked.
“Nothing that I can't handle.” She said. “I am just going to be out for awhile.”
“You're going to talk to that idiot aren't you?” Wufei said not looking up.
Jacinda bit her lip. Who was she kidding, she could never get anything past Wufei.
“I am hoping to.” She said. “But it may take some time.”
“We'll be glad to watch Bastian, Jacinda.” Quatre said. “I'm glad you are going to try to help Duo.”
“Though be careful.” Trowa said. “He is quite stubborn with a thick skull.”
Jacinda laughed.
“Sounds like a few people I know…including myself.” She said. “Thanks guys. Good night!”
“'Night.” They all said as Jacinda closed the door. Then she headed downstairs hoping she wasn't too late in catching Heero.
When she walked into the living room she was relieved to see him on her couch indeed taking sometime to just sit and reflect on what had happened with Duo just the other night. His thoughts were spinning in his head, but they were thoughts that made him feel warm and happy inside.
`I won't let you leave me.' He remembered Duo saying. “No matter where you are I will find you.”
Heero touched his lips gently remembering the kisses they had shared.
“That is probably the first time I have really seen you smile.” A voice said. Heero turned to see Jacinda leaning over the couch with her chin on top of her crossed hands.
“And if I do say so, it is quite a nice smile that I wish I saw more often.”
Heero just blushed lightly and turned from her.
“I just wanted sometime to myself.” He said.
Jacinda smiled and reached out and stroked his hair motherly.
“Penny for those thoughts?” She asked.
Heero once again felt hot, but strangely did not push Jacinda's hand away as she continued to stroke his hair.
Heero just grunted.
“Okay none of my beeswax.” Jacinda said with a laugh. “Listen sweetheart, I need to ask something of you and you probably won't like it. I would like you to stay home tonight instead of meeting Duo.”
Heero gulped lightly.
“I don't go out to see him.” He said with a slight shake. “What gave you that idea?”
Jacinda smiled and walked over to the couch and sat down next to him.
“I have a confession.” She said. “I saw you leaving the house these last couple of nights.”
“I couldn't sleep.” Heero argued.
“With Duo's dinner plate?” Jacinda asked. “And why I heard you come back inside at maybe three, four, or five o'clock in the morning? Unless you really enjoy nature and midnight snacks that much, you wouldn't be outside for that long.”
“So you were spying on me?” He asked. “You have no right.”
“In my house I do.” Jacinda said. “But yes you are not my son and I can't tell you what to do like I can with Bastian. That's why I am asking you. I want to have time alone with Duo so he and I can try to work things out. I know its asking a lot, but I would really appreciate it.”
Heero knew that as much as he wanted to, he couldn't say no.
“Do what you want.” He mumbled.
Jacinda smiled and placed her arms around him giving him a little hug.
“Thanks sweetheart.” She said. “This means a lot to me.”
Heero just froze, unsure what to do. He had never really received a hug of this kind of…maternal nature before.
Jacinda released him, patted his leg then off she went. No more stalling, it was talk time.
Back in Bastian's room…
The little boy was in bed still fighting off tears as he clutched his stuffed rabbit tightly.
“Mama says Duo isn't mad at me.” Bastian said looking at his bunny. “So why won't he come back?”
Of course the bunny couldn't answer, except in Bastian's imagination.
“Maybe Duo needs more help!” Bastian said. “Mama said Duo is fixing something important and is having trouble. It's just cuz it's nighttime and everyone is sleeping and no one is around to help him! But I can!”
Bastian hopped out of bed and proceeded to run to his toy box and dig through it.
“Duo will probably need more tools.” Bastian said hunting through the box. “He can use mine!” He pulled out a plastic toolbox containing a screwdriver, some screws, a hammer, and a fake wooden board all in different colors made out of plastic. It had been a Christmas present from Siero.
“There.” He said throwing his bunny in the box he proceeded to walk out the room when he then heard the sounds of footsteps.
“Uh oh.” Bastian said aloud. Immediately he ran back to his bed. He knew his Mama would stop him if he left the room.
Soon enough the door opened. Bastian turned on his side with his back to the door.
Bastian recognized the voice as Quatre, but resisted the urge to turn over and say hi.
“Looks like he is asleep.” That of course was Trowa as Quatre shut the door.
“Thank Nataku for that.” Wufei said.
“Why did all of us decide to check on Bastian at the same time?” Quatre asked.
“Back up in case he was awake and unwilling to go to bed?” Trowa answered.
“That's the last thing we need.” Heero said.
“Well since that is unnecessary, I am going downstairs for some tea.” Quatre said.
“I'll join you.” Trowa said. “I need a break and I am sure Selwyn would like a treat too.”
The dog of course followed Trowa wherever he went.
“Wufei, Heero care to join us?” Quatre asked.
Wufei shook his head.
“I'm going to do some kata practice in our room.” He said. “It's been way too long since my leg broke.”
“I'm just going to work on some parts.” Heero uttered and with that the four went off in separate directions.
Of course none of them knew that Bastian was indeed awake. When he heard the footsteps walk away from his door, he hopped back out of bed and grabbed his tool kit. He was about to reach for the door when he then realized that he wasn't supposed to go outside without his shoes. But he couldn't put on his sneakers because he didn't know how to tie his shoes. Jacinda had always unlaced them when he took them off. So he opted for the next best thing. He sat on the floor and put on his little blue slippers then proceeded to leave.
Jacinda had not been lying when she said that Bastian was a crafty little boy. He was good at sneaking about especially when he was just being watched by a babysitter. He had been known to find ways of getting into cookie jars undetected, discover hidden birthday and Christmas presents, and worst of all, sneak outside when he wasn't supposed to. Jacinda and occasionally Siero were the only ones who could catch him in the act. So, when he peeked in to the pilots room and saw Heero and Wufei doing their work, then peeked over the railing banister to see Trowa and Quatre on the couch listening to the radio with Selwyn happily gnawing on a bone at their feet he knew he had to be very quiet. Tiptoeing as quietly as he could down the stairs, he slipped through a large space in the railing. Then as fast as his little legs could carry him, he charged into the downstairs bathroom. Having done this before, Bastian slipped the window open and within seconds was outside and heading down the dirt road with no one being the wiser. Within minutes he was already nearing the edge of the woods.
“Don't worry Bunny.” Bastian said as he bounced his toolbox at his side. “Mama won't be mad. She'll be glad I helped Duo.”
And with that Bastian entered the deep woods.
As they sped along in the truck, Quatre told them how they had discovered Bastian was missing.
“I had used the downstairs bathroom and saw that the window was open.” He said. “I closed it then decided to check on Bastian. “That's when I found he was gone!”
Quatre looked so guilty and so worried. Jacinda patted his shoulder.
“It's alright sweetheart.” She said. “It's not anyone's fault, but mine. I have been meaning to replace that window for that exact reason, but hadn't gotten around to doing so.”
Neither Quatre nor Duo could respond to that answer, but they both felt extremely guilty.
When they got back they found the pilots, Siero, and Russini waiting for them.
Siero immediately ran to Jacinda as she got out of the car.
“I checked Rasha's, but he isn't there!” He said.
“He wouldn't have gone there anyway.” Jacinda said walking past him. “It was Duo he wanted so that is where he trying to go.”
We are going to get him back.” He said catching up to her and placing his hands on her shoulders comfortingly.
“I know…I know.” She said. “But we are going to need help.”
“Please forgive us Ms. Jacinda.” Wufei said. “We should have been more careful.”
“Now is not the time for apologies.” Jacinda said. “But here is the plan, we are going to split up into teams of two and scour the woods. That's most likely where he ran off to.”
With the plan in place everyone did as was told and headed for the woods praying that Bastian wasn't too far out.