Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Chimaera ❯ Chapter 41 ( Chapter 41 )
Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier.
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, sap, angst, Male Pregnancy, medical themes
Pairings: 1x2x1
Summary: Set partially during the series but main bulk after the war. EW didn't take place. The Eve wars are finished and the peace retained. The pilots have all gone their own ways, Heero and Duo have made a life together both working for Preventer when Duo's world is turned upside down as his unknown past comes back to haunt him.
Dedication: To Velena who gave me the plot bunny for this little gem.
Special thanks to my wonderful beta's DBZVelena, Ryouga and Yami_Tai, I'd be lost without you guys!
Status: In progress.
~ Indicates flashbacks ~
/ thoughts /
October 2003 ShenLong
Chapter 41
Heero leant back in the chair and stretched his arms above his head, a satisfied smile played over his face as he looked at the monitor. Quatre's security system was state of the art but Heero had managed to upgrade it even further. He was pretty sure there were no flaws in the system and anyone trying to get onto the grounds or into the mansion would be detected immediately. Surveillance cameras were in strategic positions all over the grounds as well as the outside of the house itself. Motion detectors were scattered about throughout the perimeters, added to that were Heero's little adjustments and the place was as secure as it was ever going to be. The cameras ran non-stop, the data being recorded and saved on disc; the computer system had been upgraded and reprogrammed to accept only those people who would be living, working or residing at the property, anyone else would be stopped at the main gates and *interrogated* before being allowed to enter. Heero was determined to protect his partner from any unnecessary outside interference as best he could; especially the media.
"Nearly finished?"
Heero spun around to meet with Sally's gaze. "Hai. I've done everything I can with the system for now; once Duo is safely here, I can play around with it a bit more and see if there are any flaws."
"I'm sure that Duo will be only too happy to help you find any weaknesses in the system," Sally stated as she entered the room, studying the array of small monitors that adorned the wall opposite the main console.
Heero gave a rueful smile. "Of that you can be sure," he said flatly. It was a well known fact amongst the former pilots that Duo was the best of them all at stealth and infiltration. While Trowa was excellent, Duo was in a class of his own. Many times he'd managed to get in and out of seemingly impenetrable bases without so much as a mouse aware of his presence. The first anyone knew of the breech of security was usually when the place went boom. Heero had no doubts that his lover would make sure to check out the system and eagerly point out any faults with it. In one way though, Heero was glad about that, it would show where his skills were lacking and make him work harder to improve them.
"Ready to go then?" Sally asked.
"Hai. I won't be a moment." Heero returned to the keyboard and typed in a few commands before resetting the computer and leaving it to do its job. He grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair where he'd tossed it earlier and followed the doctor out and back to the main foyer where Rashid was awaiting them. "I have left the details of what I have done to upgrade the security system as well as the computer system on a disc in the surveillance room, Rashid. I trust that all I have done will sit fine with both yourself and Quatre."
"Master Quatre will have no objections to anything you have done, Master Heero. He fully appreciates your skills and knows that they will be to his benefit as well."
Heero just nodded and turned to Sally. "You have a list of what we need?"
"Yes, Heero." Sally turned to address Rashid. "I will arrange to have a certain amount of equipment delivered here tomorrow, I hope that won't inconvenience you. Heero will be here to supervise the unloading and installation of it all so there shouldn't be any disruptions to your routine."
"As you wish, Miss Po. I will expect Master Heero tomorrow then and be assured it will not inconvenience me in any way. Should there be anything else you require, please do not hesitate to let me know." Rashid bowed in respect and then shook both Heero and Sally's hands. "Good day to you both."
"Good-bye, Rashid," Sally said as she stepped outside into the sunshine.
"Arigato, Rashid." Heero followed the doctor out and unlocked the car. They both got in, and then Heero started the vehicle up and soon had them on their way back to Preventer HQ. Whilst driving he questioned Sally about the equipment. "Are we going to need much?" he asked as he changed lanes.
"There will be quite a few items we need, Heero. The study, like I said, will be perfect to use as an examination room. All the equipment can be stored neatly in there and will be at our fingertips when we need it."
"What are we going to need?"
Sally took out her notebook and flipped it open to where she had made her list. "Okay, firstly we will need to bring in an examination bed, then we will need an ultra sound unit, blood pressure, temperature and heart rate monitor, we will also need a fetal heart monitor as well as upgrading the current first aid kit. I would suggest setting up a miniature hospital first aid kit, that way we will have pretty much everything we will need, should anything arise, to cope with the problem until we can arrange transference to the hospital." Sally saw Heero's face pale a little and was quick to reassure. "Not that anything will happen but you know what they say; 'If you have everything there then you won't need it but if you don't, then you will.'"
Heero just shook his head.
"Then we will need the usual basic stuff, hospital gowns, gloves, you know, the odds and ends."
Heero nodded. "And just where is all this stuff coming from? Not to mention how much is it going to cost?" Heero wasn't trying to penny pinch here, he would do anything for his lover and blow the expense, but it didn't hurt to have an idea of whether or not he needed to get a second job or rob a bank.
Sally laughed. "Don't worry about it, Heero. I need to upgrade and replace a few things in the hospital so things like the bed and the ultra sound unit, Preventer can loan to you. The first aid supplies though will have to be purchased and that will be the biggest expense. I'm sure I can rent a fetal monitor so you needn't worry about that either."
"Thank you, Sally."
"Don't mention it, Heero."
They pulled into the parking area and got out, walking towards the elevator. "I'll let you know what time the equipment will be delivered tomorrow so as you can be there for it." Sally said as they stepped into the small lift.
"I'll make sure I am there," Heero replied. "I have to start to take Duo's and my things over there so I will make the run to coincide with the delivery."
// Always the efficient one. // Sally thought to herself and then looked at her watch. "It's nearly the end of lunch time, Heero. Why don't you grab a bite to eat and then pop up to be with Duo. I have a few things to do but will stop by later this afternoon and bring you both up to date with the researching that G and I have done so far."
"Okay." Heero's stomach grumbled at the thought of food and the Japanese man took himself off to the cafeteria, picking up a couple of sandwiches and a few other *things* to take with him to Duo's room. He smiled to himself as he paid for the purchases. Pretty soon he would have Duo back with him. He could hardly wait.
~ * ~
Duo lay back staring at the ceiling, one hand behind his head while the other gently caressed his lower abdomen. He was feeling quite... sappy. Duo smiled at the use of the word but it seemed to fit with what he was experiencing. This was the first time he'd actually given real thought to the life growing within him. Continuing to rub softly over his belly he wondered again about the miracle that was growing within him. Would it be a boy or a girl? What color eyes would it have? Would it be more like him or Heero? Would it have two of everything it should have? Would it be healthy? Would it be normal...? Duo shuddered and tried to rein his thoughts back from following that line of thought. Sally had assured him that from what she had seen on the ultra sounds, the baby was developing at the right rate and looked like any other eight week old fetus. Duo still thought it looked like a blob of fuzzy lines and how the hell could you tell anything from that? But then who was he to question a doctor's knowledge?
That brought another thought to mind. Supposing he survived this pregnancy and all was well with both himself and the child, what was he going to do about his female parts? Would he still keep them and risk another pregnancy? Although that little problem could be solved if Heero was willing to be uke all the time. Either that or they used condoms; or maybe he could take the contraceptive pill.
Duo snickered at that thought. He could just picture himself standing in the chemist asking for a prescription for the pill to be filled and the pharmacist finding out it was for him! He rubbed his temple; a headache was beginning to nag at him telling him all this thinking wasn't doing him any good. Still, he had to look at all the possibilities and try to work out what would be the best thing for not only himself and Heero, but their little addition as well. In one way Duo would be reluctant to part with any of his 'bits', on the other hand this whole pregnancy deal was a bit daunting and if he kept his bits and fell pregnant again; would he be able to handle it a second time around?
"What do you think, little one?" he asked his stomach.
There was no reply.
"Going to be the strong, silent type, huh? Just like your daddy." Duo smiled as an image of Heero's face sprang to mind. God, how he ached to hold Heero and snuggle up with him again in their bed, to feel the heat of Heero's body against his, to share the cooking, cleaning, washing and shopping, to feel those soft lips kiss all over his skin, burning a trail of fire wherever they touched...
"Thinking about me?" Heero's voice permeated the room and Duo jumped. Heero smiled as he walked over. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"That's okay. What was it you said? I was a million miles away." Duo replied, the smile traveling all the way to his eyes.
"I asked if you were thinking about me."
"Oh, and why would you think that I would be?" Duo teased.
Heero nodded towards the thin sheet that covered Duo's reclining form... and the tent that appeared in it. "That."
Blushing furiously and wishing the bed would open up and swallow him, Duo did his best to will his erection away. "Errr... Ummm... Sorry about that," he stammered nervously.
"You don't have to apologize, in fact, I'm flattered." Heero gave his lover a lustful smirk and leant close to him, brushing his lips over Duo's as he spoke softly. "If I knew we wouldn't be disturbed I'd take care of that for you."
"Shit, Yuy. I've only just managed to get it to go down and you start saying things like that," Duo groaned with frustration, looking pointedly down at where the sheet had once more arisen to the occasion.
Heero snickered. "Sorry."
"You'll be sorry all right, Heero. I'll make sure you're sorry once I get out of this place and have you all alone."
"Oh, making threats you can't keep?"
"Who said I can't keep it and it's not a threat, it's a promise."
"I don't think so, Duo. Not in your condition."
"What do you mean? My fucking condition?" Duo was starting to get a little riled.
"Well, it was fucking that led to your condition if I remember correctly," Heero continued to tease his lover.
Duo didn't have an answer for that one. In fact, he was quite stunned. Heero, his usually quiet, calm, no-sense-of-humor partner was actually stirring him up? Suddenly Duo laughed, the mirth coming from deep in his gut and Duo had to hold himself around his middle so as not to aggravate his wounds. "Oh, Heero. Never thought I would see the day when you would give as good as you got. Come here and give me a proper kiss."
Heero was only too happy to oblige, settling himself on the bed next to his lover and taking him in his arms, Heero proceeded to kiss Duo senseless. When they finally broke apart, Heero turned to the paper bag and two Styrofoam cups he'd dropped to the bed side table upon his arrival. He picked up one of the cups and handed it to Duo who took it, quirking an eyebrow in question. "Thought it might cheer you up a little."
Duo lifted the plastic lid and stifled the whoop of joy. "Have I told you how much I love you, Heero?" the braided man said as the aroma of coffee hit his olfactory system.. Greedily he brought the cup to his lips and took a swallow. His eyes closed in bliss. "Ahhh... perfect."
Heero smiled and opened his own cup, sipping at the contents. It didn't take much to keep his lover happy. While Duo went into rapture over his much needed caffeine fix so Heero fished around in the bag and withdrew his lunch. He opened the plastic wrapping and pulled out a sandwich, taking a bite and continuing to watch Duo sipping on his coffee.
The caffeine hit his system and Duo immediately felt better. He cradled the cup in his hands and savored the taste. "Thanks, Heero. Two treats in one day, wow, what have I done to earn this?" Duo teased.
Heero continued to eat his sandwich. "Just don't get caught," he said in-between mouthfuls. "I don't fancy tangling with that nurse of yours."
"I don't believe that Heero Yuy, savior of the earth, Gundam pilot elite, trained assassin and now Preventer agent is scared of a mere nurse." Duo sniggered.
"Oh, I'm not scared of her, Duo."
"You're not?" Duo queried. "Could have fooled me."
"Actually, I'm bloody well terrified of her."
Duo nearly spilt his coffee as the laughter shook his form. Heero grinned; happy he could make his lover laugh again. Footsteps echoed in the hallway. "Fuck!" Duo stated and quickly swallowed the remainder of his coffee, dumping the empty cup into the small paper bag hooked on the side of his bed side table that served as his rubbish bin. He flopped back against the pillow, an innocent look spreading across his face as the figure of Nurse Brown appeared.
Instantly she was on alert. The look on her patient's face warning her that something was up. Her eyes swept the room but couldn't find anything amiss. She frowned and proceeded to the side of the bed, pulling the blood pressure monitor unit with her. "How are you, Mr. Yuy?" she asked as she wrapped the inflatable cuff around Duo's biceps.
"I"m fine, thank you. How about you?" Heero returned politely as he finished off the last of his sandwich and tossed the rubbish into the paper waste bag, concealing the empty Styrofoam cup.
"As well as can be expected," the nurse replied. She waited while the cuff filled with air and then began its slow release. She picked up the chart and frowned as she noted down the numbers. She took Duo's temperature next and then his heart and breathing rate, the line between her brows deepening as she wrote down the numbers.
"Is there something wrong?" Duo asked, noticing the nurse's concentration.
"No, not really," she replied absently. "Your heart rate and blood pressure seem to be a little elevated." She turned and looked Duo square in the eye. Her gaze flicked to Heero and the cup he held in his hand. "You haven't given him any of that, have you?" she asked, the voice demanding instant respect.
"No." Heero replied without hesitation. He looked the nurse in the eye as he answered.
"Hmmm... You sure?"
"Hai. He has not taken so much as a sip from this cup."
"Ever thought the elevation might be due to the fact that my lover has come to sit with me?" Duo interrupted, the tone light and teasing. "I mean, just look at him, he's so hot it's enough to raise anyone's blood pressure." Duo winked.
Heero began to blush and nearly choked on his mouthful of coffee with Duo's blatant words but the nurse never faltered. She turned back to the injured man. "Well, if that's the case then I may have to see about having his visits restricted somewhat, if this is what his presence does to you."
Duo promptly shut up, not doubting the nurse's words for a minute. Heero however was finding it harder and harder to keep a straight face. Fortunately Sally chose that moment to enter and the moment passed. Nurse Brown nodded to Sally and replaced the chart in the holder before putting the machine back in its place and leaving the doctor alone with the patient and his partner.
"Good, you're both still here," Sally said as she pulled up a chair.
"And where else might I possibly be?" Duo asked.
Sally gave him a *look* and then made herself comfortable. "I have a few things I need to discuss with you both, mainly about some of the things you can expect to happen during this pregnancy." Sally paused and drew a breath. "Firstly, as you already know there will be morning sickness, mood swings and cravings."
"Yup, yup and yup." Duo replied, ticking each one off on his fingers.
Sally ignored him and continued. "The morning sickness we can control with mild anti nausea drugs if it gets too much. You will have noticed I've included a vitamin supplement to your iron and penicillin tablets. This is to make sure that the baby receives enough of the vital nutrients whilst you're coming to grips with the nausea. As the child grows and develops it will obviously take up more room in your abdomen which means that the other organs are going to have to give way. Things may become a little uncomfortable for you in the latter stages. We are predicting that the organs will move and relocate in a manner similar to those of a female."
"Well, I kinda gathered I was going to get a bit of a belly on me," Duo quipped.
"It will more than a bit of a belly I'm afraid, Duo." Sally smiled. "The fetus will grow and exert pressure on your digestive system which may cause you heartburn; the little buggers also have a tendency to use your bladder as a punching bag as well."
"Oh, great!" Duo rolled his eyes.
"Given the location of your womb there is a much greater chance of the baby resting on your bladder, oh, and it's right by your prostate too so it may decide to have a go at that as well."
"Wonderful, just wonderful. Not only is this little creature going to make me want to piss all the time but it's gonna make me as horny as hell too!" Duo moaned.
"Don't worry, Duo. I'll take care of you," Heero sympathized. "I won't let you suffer alone."
Violet eyes turned towards his lover and narrowed. "It's because of you and your taking care of me that I'm in this situation, Yuy," Duo growled out.
Heero looked suitably offended. "It took two to tango, Duo," he huffed.
Seeing Duo about to open his mouth again Sally quickly intervened. "These mood swings will eventually settle down. It's just the fluctuating hormones that cause it."
Duo gave Heero a sheepish grin. "Sorry."
"I will need to keep a constant watch on your womb, Duo. It's not as well formed as it should be, so I need to keep an eye on it and make sure it expands properly to accommodate the growing baby. Not to mention when it gets close to your delivery date. I don't need you going into latter stages of labor as there is no way in hell that a baby will fit through the passages you have." Sally leafed through her notes. "Oh, I need to do another blood test too. I have your blood groups listed as A, for you, Duo and O for Heero, but I need to determine the Rhesus factor."
"The what?" Duo asked.
"Rhesus factor. [1] I need to know if you are positive or negative."
"Why?" Heero's curiosity was aroused.
"If Duo is A positive and You are O positive then there isn't a problem. If Duo is A negative and you are O positive then there could be a problem."
"What sort of problem?" Duo's hand reflexively went to his abdomen.
"Put simply if you're negative, Heero's positive then the chances of the baby being positive are much greater. If the child is positive then there is a possibility that your body's immune system will attack the child's blood cells which can lead to life threatening complications."
Both Heero and Duo looked rather stunned at this news. "Shit!"
"It's not as bad as it sounds and very rarely happens in first pregnancies. Fortunately there is a vaccine like injection we can give you called a Rhogram which will prevent your body from producing the antibodies that cause the damage." [2]
"When did you want to do the test, Sally?" Duo asked, his face had turned rather pale.
"I'll do it now and should have an answer for you both in an hour's time."
"Then go ahead. I think the sooner we get this done the better." Duo turned his worried eyes towards Heero who enveloped his lover in his strong arms.
Sally produced two needles and quickly drew the blood she needed. "I'll take these through to the lab myself and do the tests straight away. I will be back very shortly gentlemen."
Heero and Duo watched as the doctor left the room. Turning to snuggle closer to Heero, Duo whispered. "It's going to be all right, isn't it, Heero?"
Heero ran a hand over the crown of Duo's head as he soothed his worried lover. "Yes, Duo. Everything is going to be fine. Sally won't let anything happen to you or our baby. You heard what she said, there is a vaccine thing available that will prevent this from happening should the test results not be in our favor."
While Heero's words gave him a small measure of comfort, Duo still couldn't help the small ball of fear that gathered in his stomach.
~ * ~
Foot notes. For the information on the Rhesus factor and the possible complications it can cause, the information was obtained from these two web sites.
[1] s_rhesus_factor_problems.asp