Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Closeted ❯ Closeted ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Closeted
Author: phemonoe
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 6x1 (Zechs x Heero)
Rating: T
Warnings: My own skewed sense of humour, possible OOC on the parts of both Heero and Zechs, implied boys love, vaguely post-EW timeline, no discernable plot. Also, very short one-shot piece, you dig?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Gundam Wing boys. My soul weeps.
Summary: Heero finds himself in a closet. He is not amused.

“This could all be resolved,” Zechs said, “if only you'd admit that you are in love with me.”
If it had been any other day, and the situation that he had found himself in any less bizarre, Heero Yuy would have dismissed the statement as temporary madness on the part of his former enemy, or a somewhat weak attempt at good-natured ribbing. After the morning he'd had however, he wasn't so inclined.
“But I'm not.” Heero replied, realizing that he sounded all of five years old and not caring a whit.
“You did seem rather obsessed with me during the war…” The older man trailed off, index finger pressed to his chin. Heero fancied it was meant to exude an air of thoughtfulness. In reality, it made Merquise seem even more a prat than usual.
His nerves, already frayed, stretched ever farther towards their limit, and Heero balled his fists tightly. He occupied himself momentarily with thoughts of what he would do to Duo when he escaped this prison, when the braided moron wouldn't know what hit him. Then…he felt his knuckles crack…then they'd see who'd have the last laugh.
“I wonder how long they plan to keep us in here.” Merquise's voice broke through his pleasant little daydream of beating Maxwell over the head with his own stapler, then choking him with his braid. He'd always hated that damn braid.
“You could always break down the door.”
`I'd much rather break your face,' Heero thought nastily, rising to his feet as the urge to throttle the former pilot grew. “This is ridiculous. I've a pile of reports on my desk that need to be filed…”
Zechs' low chuckle interrupted him - dammit - once again. “You've got to learn to relax Yuy. I'm sure that Lady Une will understand when we tell her that Maxwell was ah, involved.”
“Plus,” Zechs continued, “you've the added bonus of being able to spend time with me, hmm?”
Heero snapped.
“Oh, that's it. I give up.”
With that, he wrapped his arms about Zechs' neck and smashed their lips together in his best approximation of a kiss, all things considered.
Surprisingly, the blond didn't complain.