Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Crappy Poem Theater ❯ Merry Christmas Minna! ( Chapter 7 )
Crappy Poem Theater
A weak representation of the Hallelujah chorus being played on the kazoo is heard in the background. Camera zooms in on Cherry Blossom who is sitting on an ugly blue and pink couch in front of a big @ss Christmas tree crunching on a stick of pocky and checking off items on a list.
Cherry Blossom: *sings* I'm making a list, and checking it once!
Matteo: Uh…shouldn't that be twice?
Cherry Blossom: *shrugs* I'm lazy. Oh, hiyee minaa! I bet some of you are wondering why we aren't in the Official Crappy Poem Theater today.
Matteo: I bet they don't care.
Cherry Blossom: *glare* Shut up. *fake manic smile* Wellllll, we had to move our location because SOMEBODY burnt down the THEATER with a FLAMETHROWER.
Dilly: BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Buahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-
Cherry Blossom: *pointed deathglareX100*
Dilly: Ehehehe…..uh…….burn?
Cherry Blossom: Quatre's been kind enough to offer to rebuild it…
Duo: You shouldn't have done that Q-man!
Trowa: What were you thinking? We could have gotten out of reading crappy poems!!
Quatre: Well I…
Heero: *snorts* Come on guys. You know as well as I do that she'd just relocate us somewhere else. These poems thingies aren't gonna stop anytime soon.
Wufei: Unfortunately, Yuy is right.
Quatre: Yeah, so there. : p
Cherry Blossom: If I could continue?
G-Boyz: *silence*
Cherry Blossom: Thank you. Soooooooooooo…….now all of us are at MY house for our 7th episode of Crappy Poem Theater and our special Christmas Program. Yay!
Trowa: Joy.
Wufei: Rapture.
Heero: Hn…
Cherry Blossom: You guys are all grinches. Let's go straight to Reviewer's Corner! Yay!
Reviewer's Corner
Vid-cam zooms in on Cherry Blossom sitting at a desk with Matteo with a whole lot 'o letters spread around them. The G-Boyz are sitting beside the desk in comfy leather chairs stolen from Grand and To….uh….someplace.
Cherry Blossom: Did you know that I've never gotten this many reviews in my LIFE?
Wufei: Someone up there must really hate us.
Duo: Ah quit whining. Have some Christmas pocky.
Trowa: Christmas pocky?
Quatre: It's red and green. See?
Heero: Cherry how come these chairs still have price tags on them?
Cherry Blossom: Uh….Well I….'cause I want people to see how much I paid for them?
Heero: *suspiciously* Riiiiiiight.
Matteo: Can we get on with this?
Cherry Blossom: Right. Read the first review.
Matteo: TrowasGirl writes,
*Jumps on Trowa's lap, and sits there* Oh my god that poem was truly scary. How can one person decide to torture the world with that 'thing' he calls a 'poem'? *Gets an evil look in her eye*
Wufei: It's an INJUSTICE! *rants about injustices for a couple minutes*
*leans down and kisses Trowa and doesn't come up for air for hour*
Trowa: Mmph.
Cherry Blossom: *looks at watch* Guuuuys, I'd like to get this done by New Years?
Trowa: *gasps for breath* Gomen, Cherry.
Oh yeah, give the boys back their sweets, I seriously think they may wither away and die with out them. Don't be to mean to T-kun. Love ya lots Trowa, you too Matteo! Oh yeah *Hands Cherry pockey* that for all the hard work you put into the Theatre, to make the boys lives a living hell. Ok Ja!
Cherry Blossom: Pocky!! *munches pocky*
Duo: *pouts* TrowasGirl thinks we should get back our treats.
Wufei: Yeah! Why should you get pocky when I get yogurt? It's an INJUS-
Cherry Blossom: *reaches for her glaive* Say it and die.
Wufei: *shuts his mouth*
Trowa: Seriously, Cherry. You should take us off the diet. It is Christmas you know. And we're all really thin already.
Duo: Yeah! I mean, look at Quatre. He's practically anorexic!
Quatre: Hey!
Duo: Well you are Q-chan. Just look at those stick legs.
Quatre: I'm NOT anorexic!!
Cherry Blossom: Well….I suppose you could go off the diet for today. It is Christmas, after all.
G-Boyz: Yay!
Matteo: Black Tiger writes,
(slips Heero a beam cannon and whispers)your butt is the cutest hee-chan.(gives Duo a golden cross) Merry Christmas! (gives Quatre a gold tea cup)luv ya! (gives Trowa a BIG set of knives) use them well! (reluctantly gives Wufie a big sword)have fun Black tiger
Heero: *fingers beam cannon with that maniacal smile he only gets when he's blowing up something* Hmm….what do you think the range is on this thing?
Cherry Blossom: No beam cannons in the house! *zaps it away*
Heero: Smeg. *sulks* What about THEIR presents? How come THEY get to keep theirs?
Quatre: Mine's not potentially life threatening.
Duo: Oh, I dunno. Maybe if you clunked someone over the head with it…
Cherry Blossom: Good point. *zaps away all the G-Boyz presents* You can play with them later. Now, we have work to do.
G-Boyz: *grumble, grumble*
Matteo: baylisswoman writes, god. I knew Wordsworth wrote crappy poerty but I forgot about that one.... Cherry-Sama *bows* I read that one in High School...It was 6 Years ago...
Wufei: How could anyone possible forget the mystical beauty that is….The Thorn?
Trowa: Nice one, Wufei.
Wufei: *bows*
Cherry Blossom: *sweatdrops* You guys are more sarcastic than me……and I'm a teenager!
Please do more. You have made my day...I am now off to work...Oh and By the way...I LOVE CANADA!!!!!! I just had to say that....I live in
Iowa....Poor, poor pitiful me.... Canadians rule....
Heero: Noooooooo! You've started her up!!
Cherry Blossom: *sings* Christmas is almost here/Christmas is almost here/Christmas is almost here/ Aaahhhggggrrr!
G-Boyz: Aaahhhggggrrr!
Cherry Blossom: Oh are you guys joining in? We'll make it a sing-a-long ^__^
Cherry Blossom: *sings*
It's just five days till Christmas, I haven't done a thing
Don't even have a Christmas tree, I am panicking
Most lots are all sold out, I search until the night
I end up with a grubby shrub with a case of blight
Quatre: What's blight?
Duo: It's like the flu for trees.
Quatre: Oh.
Trowa: Wait, I thought it was a kind of parasite.
Wufei: *mutters* Who cares.
Matteo: Er…. Corazon del Fuego writes,
o_o utterly mind-numbing...
Cherry Blossom: *sings*
It's four days till Christmas, still have to decorate
Spend hours in the basement until I find the crate
Of lights and bulbs and popcorn strings, tangled in a knot
Then I spend the day separating what I've goooot!!!
Duo: *wincing* Yeah. I didn't know Cherry could hit high C like that. It's pretty mind-numbing.
Heero: You have no mind.
Duo: Hey!
Cherry Blossom: *still singing*
It's three days till Christmas, I spent all day writing cards
I started writing letters now I just say "best regards"
I shove 'em in a mailbox and to the mall I go
To get gifts for Jim and Jane and Tim and Uncle Joe (and aunt Mavis and Grandma and....)
Matteo: Moving along here, mandy writes,
i stumbled on to this with my agnst demon in tow (he still here damn cat)
Cherry Blossom: *stops singing* Ohhh. I used to have an angst demon. He got too depressing though. Now I have an annoying muse.
Matteo: : p
this was funny keep going. to the g boys it could be worse it could be any
poem by anonymous then you wouldn't know who to go after
Wufei: *sulks* Can't go after any of them anyway. They're all DEAD.
Cherry Blossom: *sings* Christmas is almost here/Christmas is almost here/Christmas is almost here/ Aaahhhggggrrr!
G-Boyz: Aaahhhggggrrr!
Quatre: Stop the singing!
Cherry Blossom: You guys are no fun.
Matteo: Ginga writes,
I read a lemon entitled 'Thorns' once...
G-Boyz: *big eyes*
but that's beside the point.
G-Boyz: *sigh of relief*
Like I said before, poor G-boys. Especially Duo. He doesn't deserve this torture. And since I feel that Wufei is so underappreciated, I'm going to dedicate this review to him. Hi Wuffy!!!!! ^_^
Wufei: Hello onna.
Duo: How do you know it's an onna?
Trowa: Silly. Everyone is an onna compared to the great Wufei.
Wufei: Why thank you, Trowa. I…wait a minute….
Duo: *snicker*
Cherry Blossom: What have I told you about sarcasm, Trowa?
Trowa: Uh…..that it's a good thing?
Cherry Blossom: *thinks a bit* Sounds right to me. Continue, Matteo dear.
Matteo: Cleckmoon writes,
Cherry.... It can't be..... Your.. your... CANADIAN!?!?!?! ::screams, runs in fear and terror:: AHHHH!!! Get the evil Canadian AWAAAAYYY!
Cherry Blossom: Fear me. For I have DONUTS!!
Quatre: What's so fearful about donuts?
Cherry Blossom: All the sprinkles are scrunched up on one side.
Heero: Oh my GOD! That is SCARY!
Cherry Blossom: Isn't it, though?
::stops running:: Hey, wait a sec, why am i running from a canadian? ::Grins, grabs a hockey stick, signed by star Redwings center Igor Larrionov, and chases Cherry-sama::
Cherry Blossom: I would like to take this opportunity to say……RED WINGS SUCK!!!!! THEYSUCKTHEYSUCKTHEYSUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!
Duo: She's not a fan.
Wufei: Noooooooooo, really?
YARR!! Fear me, CANUCK! ::sings:: OH!!!!! I wish I was BLOWING up Prince Edward Island,
Cherry Blossom: Ah, go ahead. I don't like their potatoes that much anyway…
and then move on to bomb Ontario! The destruction of Canada and all of it's culture is by far my favorite scenario!
Cherry Blossom: *zero-eyes* You….you….
Quatre: *inches away from her* Uh oh…..
Just where the hell does Canada get off sharing a border with countries far superior to them? Why ya lousy stinking phrancophonic bacon loving bastards,
Trowa: Shouldn't that be francophonic?
Wufei: Who cares?
Cherry Blossom: *in a creepy scary really soft voice* I don't eat bacon….
Duo: Whoa guys…..get ready to duck if she blows up or something.
yer country's just a GIANT PIECE OF SH... ::CM is tackled from behind by Larrionov, Flypipe, and Rudo-Chan. BunnieGunniez helps tie up Cleckmoon.:: BG: Sorry Cherry-sama! Clecky gets this way when she's allowed to insult canadians... For some odd reason, she really loves to insult them.... CM:: Through a gag:: Mrrrph! Mrrrph!!! BG: Just ignore her...
-Cleckmoon! Insulter of Canadia and all of it's residents! Also writer of the ill-fated Underground series! ((E-mail her or AOL Instant message her (SN: Cleckmoon) For more info on why the Underground may be delayed for awhile! And it's not just out of spite against Canadians...))
Cherry Blossom: *counts to ten slowly* All of you may flame Cleckmoon for her unjust treatment of Canadians everywhere. Don't hesitate to flood her mail box with obscure Canadian fact and fanalia. I know I will *evil grin*
Heero: She's only kidding.
Duo: I'm sure she didn't mean it.
Cherry Blossom: JUSTICE!!
Cherry Blossom: Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! *grabs cheese and shoves it in her mouth* Okay Clecky, you are hereby pardoned for crimes against Canada because I LOVE CHEESE!!!
Trowa: She's so weird….
Duo: It's because it's Christmas.
Cherry Blossom: Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
Matteo: Kai writes,
I would love to erect Duo's overgrown thorn...
Everybody: *turn to stare at Duo*
Duo: *blush*
Did I just say that out loud? ::Thinks:: "And I will, in one endeavour bury his poor thorn for ever" I thought I would improve on the poem! (naughty hentai)
Quatre: I'm being corrupted again.
Trowa: Ah, you weren't that innocent to begin with.
Quatre: Trowa!
Wufei: He's right. I've seen those magazines you keep under your bed.
Quatre: *turns red* I…don't know what you're talking about.
Wufei: Suuuuuuure.
Cherry Blossom: Guys? This is getting icky. Let's stop.
Quatre: Please.
Once again, Cherry Blossom, you've outdone yourself. Bravo!
Cherry Blossom: Yes, I know. I am brilliant.
Trowa: *gags*
Matteo: Toucan writes,
I hope this guy had more of a life than writing meaningless poems about thorns, but I suppose that's a helpless cause, huh? Another masterpeice, Cherry! Can't wait for next week's fic! ^^
Cherry Blossom: Unfortunately you will have to wait. My computer is misbehaving. Stupid word processor from hell.
Matteo: CLS writes,
Sorry, I forgot ta review last time *cries*
Cherry Blossom: Oh that's just shameful. Bad CLS, bad.
*gets over it* Anyhoo, HEERO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws him some pocky* This is for you just being such a hottie ^^!!
Heero: *nice smile…I know. It scares me too* Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Duo: *stares* What was in that pocky?
Matteo: Elentari writes,
*blinks* That may win the award for the worst poem EVER! This guy had major problems. I mean, what sane person would write about infants graves?! That's WRONG!! Oh well.. Great as always, I can't wait for the next one. Oh, and here. *gives Cherry boxes of pocky, pixie stix and other assorted sugar filled stuff* For writing great stuff like this.
Cherry Blossom: Wheeeeeeeeeee! PRESENTS!!! *runs amuck for a few minutes*
Sorry guys, I'd give you some, but you're supposed to be on a diet. Hey, I can give you
non-food items, though! Let's see...a brand new water gun for Heero, a nice (nonlethal so you can keep it) scythe and a Playstation for Duo, a recording of 'Silent Night' for Wufei, since he likes it so much, some different Christmas/holiday movies and a new flute for Trowa, and for Quatre, some tea, new shirts in various colors other than pink, and a gift certificate to the nearest music store. *hands items out* Merry christmas!
Duo: *playing some weird game* Buahahahahahaha!! I am Shinigami!! Fear meeeeeeeee!!!!! DIEEEE KAWASHORKIAN SPACE INVADERS!! DIEEEEEEE!!!!
Heero: *gets Trowa with the water gun*
Trowa: *sputter* Hey!
Heero: Hehehe.
Wufei: *sings along to Silent Night*
Quatre: TEA!!! Ohhhhhh….I can put this in my new teacup and……*goes into his own little tea dimension*
Cherry Blossom: Guuuys…
G-Boyz: *ignore her*
Duo: Aw, man! You made me die!
Mateo: Evil Anime Chick writes,
::blink blink:: Right...*ahem* anywho, are ya gonna have that chirstmas special? Are ya? Cuz I have gifts for the g-boys and Matteo and Dilly and, of course, Cherry Blossom.
Dilly: *perks up* Gift for me? Does it……..buuuuuuuuuuuurn?
Cherry Blossom: *glares*
Dilly: *shuts up again*
One more thing, if you guys are still debating on who has the best ass...I say Trowa has the cutest ass ever known to mankind!!!::drops a crate of beverages infront of Matteo:: Ja
Trowa: Uh huh.
Duo: *snorts* Just 'cause he wears those tight pants…
Matteo: Drinks…….*falls on the beverages and worships Evil Anime Chick*
Cherry Blossom: Uh…seeing how Matteo's busy at the moment…
Matteo: *guzzles down cherry-coke like there's no tomorrow*
Cherry Blossom: I'll read the next one. SaiyanGrrrl666 writes,
hehehe............ welp, there's one thing I learned from all of this...... the guy is obsessed with moss and thorns. Poor Poor G-boys *sigh* they are being tortured soo bad.....meaning...keep up the good work cherry!! I hope that Shinigami over there is not eating too much sweets, they are bad for you
Duo: *wipes the chocolate off his face guiltily*
Cherry Blossom:
...but who cares. DON'T give Heero the gun... I know he wants it back, but imagine all the property damage you would do Hee-chan, especially the body count!! *Shivers*
Heero: *creepy smile* Yeah….just imagine….
Quatre: *inches away from Heero*
Cherry Blossom:
Anywhoo...give Duo and Wu-chan a kiss from me. OK!! Keep on writing! JA!! P.S. I need Treize (the hampster) really bad...when you are done can you lend him to ME?!!
Duo: Noooooooooooo!! Don't bring the evil hamster BACK!
Cherry Blossom: Trieze is green-chan's little buddy so you'll have to ask HER if you can borrow her killing machine ^__^ Actually I invited them over for Christmas dinner tonight.
Duo: *weeps* But he biiiiiiites!! My poor kawaii buuuuuuutttttttt!!!!
Cherry Blossom: *watches Matteo polish off the rest of the drinks* You finished?
Matteo: *burp* Uh…excuse me. Yeah. Shinigami no Kamikaze writes,
Patriotic today, aren't we Cherry? ^_^
Cherry Blossom: I'm patriotic EVERYDAY!
Heero: You're psycotic everyday.
Cherry Blossom: : p
Aaanyway, sowwy if I mead you feel bad *makes big sad eyes, and hands over Pocky to her with a pretty little bow on it* Aww.. but Wufei and Duo are sooo kewl.. *gives them more pocky, too, Duo's having a Deathscythe Hell Custom keychain hanging off of it.. just 'cause she has about 3* hmmm... *looks at the other g boys* Well... *slips Heero a taser and whispers 'I know it's not a gun, but maybe you can slip it by Cherry'..
Cherry Blossom: *takes taser away* Nope.
Heero: Smeg.
then looks at Quatre and Trowa* Umm... uhhh.... sorry, you guys. After you had to suffer that overly redundant poem, too... Well.. hiliarious eps., Cherry. Gotta run *disappears to write a couple of essays for evil teachers who all assigned essays at once*
Trowa: Hey, don't you have an English ISU due tomorrow?
Cherry Blossom: Um….I'm working on it.
Wufei: Suuuuuuure.
Matteo: Shinimegami Winner writes, I have to say... that was incredibly s t u p i d ... whew... Wordsworth...shudder... I'm utterly speechless with the stupidity of that poem...
Wufei: Yeah. I'll never be able to look at a thorn the same way again…
Matteo: for Duo... You owe me a pizza!!!!!!!!! That was my breakfast!!!!!! Grrr...
Quatre: Ewwwwwww. Pizza for breakfast?
Duo: Nothing better.
Cherry Blossom: Obviously you were never a starving student. Pizza is the breakfast of champions. And popcorn is a staple food group.
Matteo: Caro-chan says,
Heeheeheeheehee!! ^_^ They just get better and better! That has got to be the most pointless poem I've ever read. Smeg.
Cherry Blossom: She said smeg!! You win a prize!!!
Heero: What's the prize?
Cherry Blossom: Here, have a Sandrock plushie *hands over kawaii stuffed doll*
Oh, and I found some pocky for ya, Cherry-sama! (chucks her a few boxes)
Cherry Blossom: Arigato Caro-chan!
Matteo: Thanks for the chocolate, Wu-man, it was yummy! Don't ever stop writing, Cherry-sama! And, oh yeah, you still rule. (Bows deeply, waves at Dilly-sama, and blows more kisses to Duo-sama) P.S. I'm from Wisconsin, that's not too far off from
Canada, is it? ^_^
Trowa: Um…isn't that the place with lots of cheese?
Cherry Blossom: *perks up* Cheese! I LOVE CHEESE!!! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Matteo: chibi-chan^_~* writes,
chibi-chan: O.o it seems that guy was *really* in touch with nature... maybe a lil' too much! a poem about moss... and he actually got this published?
Wufei: Guess so.
::glomps Quatre:: Q-KUN!! ::hands him tons of almond pocky
Quatre: Mmm…almonds.
Duo: *sings* Sometimes you feel like a nut…
Heero: You're always a nut.
Duo: Hey! *pouts*
Matteo: Dariana Night writes,
(pulls out Katana) whoever makes fun of Wu-Koi must Die!!!!! Oh and Koibito your ass is definently the hottest of all the Gundam pilots ^_^
Wufei: *smirks*
Quatre: Would you guys give up the hottest ass thing already?
Cherry Blossom: I still say that sexy Zechsy has the hottest ass. Why is no one agreeing with me?
Matteo: Lucky Yuy and Chetiche Barton write,
Chetiche:~cocks eyebrow~And why would she want to write this till she dies?
Lucky: Cos I SAID SO! Language Arts Teacher, she's real cool and all but she likes William Shakespeare. Actually, she took it in collage and she told me her teacher was a hunk so I guess thats why...that was about*couts*50 or 60 years ago.*shrug*I still say he sucks.
Cherry Blossom: She had the hots for her TEACHER? Ick…
Chetiche:Go jump off a cliff.
Lucky:Why would I do that?Oh and (for some odd reason)it reminds me...a very big apology is in order for Wufei...I'm really sorry about the way I treated you in My anime Awrds Part I fic.
Wufei: *sniff* Well you should be.
I'm just really sorry but my friend wanted to beat you up so I let her.In part II I'll try and not to bash you*snickers*RELENA GOT WORST EVERYTHING! MWAHAHAHA!!
~runs away to find Ken and squeeze him and Wormmon to death~
Chetiche:Yeah...listen Keep writin and all the other stuff and CANADA RULES!Well,I don't live in Canada but I visited once and it ruled!
Cherry Blossom: CANA-
G-Boyz: NO!
Cherry Blossom: *pouts*
Lucky:*comes back*Oh I 4got to give Presents,Duo you get a lifetime's supply of chocolate pocky...*checks watch*It should be coming soon,Heero,since I really like you,you will get a Nerf Gun and a Super Soaker 2500,Trowa,umm a 100$ gift certificate to Barnes and Noble,Quatre,200$ worth of Blue,and White Polo shirts,Wufei...a golden Katana,Matteo...a gift certificate to the movies and Cherry...A book of Crappy Poems,A BRAND NEW CAR and a Laptop!JA!
Cherry Blossom: Whoo hoo!! A car!! And not just any car. It's a………WINNIBAGO!! (hehe see Clecky. I got one too)
Matteo: Hilde says,
Wow! That was a .... stupid..... poem! I agree, obsession with moss and thorns. This guys has WAY too much free time.
Duo: Hey Hilde! You came back! I was sure you went home after Cherry kicked you out last time.
Yes, I did come back. Hey, Duo, remember, we're going to the beach tonight... I'm sure it will MORE than make up for this "cruel and unusual" torture.... heeheehee. I'll be waiting. *seriously kisses Duo before she leaves* Bye!
Duo: *dreamy look*
Cherry Blossom: *clears throat*
Duo: Huh? Oh..uh….yeah….
Matteo: Hawk writes,
Let me Restate myself.. Relena MUST Die!!!! Oh hey Merry Christmas guys! *Hawk gives CHRISTmas stockings to all the pilots and Cherry Blossom. ( Cherry-sama gets ice cream and pocky and earmuffs,
Cherry Blossom: Aw, thanks Hawk. I needed these. *puts on earmuffs and starts to dip the pocky in the ice cream*
another gun for Heero buried underneath detailed plans on the massacre of Relena that is being hosted next week,
Cherry Blossom: *zaps the gun away* Nuh uh. Not in MY house, buddy.
Heero: Grr…
Duo gets Dr. Pepper and chocolate and a kiss from Hawks friend EvA,
Duo: *blushes* Is it just me or is there an excessive amount of misletow going around?
Wufei: It's just you.
Trowa gets a new mask, and a cook book,
Trowa: Hmm… to cook for 500 maguanacs…..
A boquet of Flowers with a gun in them for Quatre,
Quatre: *sniffs the flowers* What a nice gift *hides gun in his vest*
Cherry Blossom: I saw that. Give it here.
Quatre: Aw, smeg.
Cherry Blossom: They don't call me omnipotent for nothing,
Heero: They don't call you omnipotent at all.
Cherry Blossom: Spoil my fun…
and for Wu-Man, a set of Kantanas dating back to 8th century A.D. Oh, hey Quatre, where you insulting me or Wu-man?
Quatre: Wu-
Wufei: *glares at Quatre*
Quatre: Uh…I can't remember.
Wufei: *smirks and nods*
Luv you guys!! * Hawk leaves Matteo a bottle of Aspirin.
Matteo: Oh. My. GOD! You have NO idea how much I needed this. *takes bottle of aspirin and kisses it. Then grovels at Hawk's feet* Thankyouthankyouthankyou ^__^
Cherry Blossom: Next letter, please.
Matteo: Starblade a.k.a. Goddess of Death writes,
Those were great!!! ^-^ Not the poems but the torture fics in general..heheh. VERY funny!! An excellent read. You know, you really should give Matteo a break. He's been doing SUCH a great job. You don't give him enough credit. Maybe give him a vacation?
Cherry Blossom: Hhmph.
Matteo: Y' know I've heard that the Bahamas are nice this time of year…
Cherry Blossom: Don't be silly Teo-chan. We don't have that kind of money.
Matteo: *sigh* I know, I know.
Just a suggestion. *gives Matteo a box of pocky with many different flavors* Anyway, I think you should have Duo sing again. He's just so great ^-^ Love ya Shinigami-chan! ~.^ *gives him 10 boxes of pocky and pixie stix each* That'll keep ya busy for a while... *gives Quatre 2 boxes of pixies cuz she pities the poor blonde* I'm not giving Heero, Trowa, and Wufei anything cuz..well.. I just don't like them...I would have said something else but I read the warnings on the bashing so...
Cherry Blossom: Finally, SOMEONE reads the warnings!
Heero/Trowa/Wufei: *wounded look* Hey.
Wufei: Well I don't like you either.
heheh ^-^* Anyway, I got a couple poems for torture but I can't find them...they're in my drawer.. um.. somewhere... I'll fish 'em out later. Keep up the great work! *hands her many boxes of pixies, pocky, and other assorted candies and sugar* You're a great authoress!! Keep writing!! C-ya! *blows a kiss to Duo* Later koibito.. *disappears in a flash of black light*
Heero: And again I have no supporters.
Duo: Aw, Heero that's not true. Clecky likes you and so does Black Tiger and a whole bunch of other people.
Cherry Blossom: Don't forget meeeeeeeeee. All bow down to psycho spandex boy!
Heero: Thanks……I think.
Matteo: Juliana Kintobor writes,
GO CHERRY BLOSSOM! My GOD that was the STUPIDEST poem! And, and if you do a Holiday episode, inculde some Hannukah poems, pweeeeeease? [shiny eyes] For moi and all them Jewish peeps out there???
Cherry Blossom: Juliana-chan this is YOUR lucky day! I just HAPPEN to have a kickass Jewish Hannukah song with me annnnnnnnnnnd the G-Boyz are gonna help me sing it!
G-Boyz: *groan*
Cherry Blossom: ENTHUSIASM! Don't make me get Treize…
G-Boyz: *biiiiiiig scary smiles*
Cherry Blossom: Cue the music, Matteo!
Matteo: Cueing music………now!Quatre: *clears throat and sings*
Put on your yalmulka, here comes Hanukkah
Its so much fun-akkah to celebrate Hanukkah,
Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights,
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights.
Cherry Blossom:
When you feel like the only kid in town without
a Xmas tree,
Heres a list of people who are Jewish, just like
you and me:
Quatre: I'm Arabic.
Duo: I'm Catholic.
Wufei: I worship Nataku.
Heero: Hn…
Cherry Blossom: Shut up! You'll ruin the song.
David Lee Roth lights the menorrah,
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late
Dinah Shore-ah
Wufei: Who?
Guess who eats together at the Karnickey Deli,
Bowzer from Sha-na-na, and Arthur
Fonzerrelli.Duo: Mmmmm….deli meat *drools*
Cherry Blossom:
Paul Newmans half Jewish; Goldie Hawns half too,
Put them together--what a fine lookin Jew!Quatre: How old is Goldie Hawn anyway? Heero: That question must never be answered.
You don't need Deck the Halls or Jingle Bell Rock
Cause you can spin the dreidl with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock--both
Wufei: Trekkies!! Noooooooooooo! The horror!!
Put on your yalmulka, its time for
The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs
celebrates Hanukkah.
Quatre: Really?
Duo: *shrugs* I'm a Hornet's fan myself…
O.J. Simpson not a Jew!
But guess who is...Hall of Famer--Rod
Carew--(he converted!)Wufei: I am NOT singing, onna. It's humiliating.
Cherry Blossom: *takes a deep breath* TREIZE-
Wufei: Okay, okay! Sheesh. *sings*
We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear
Abby, Harrison Fords a quarter Jewish-- not too shabby!
Some people think that Ebeneezer Scrooge is,
Well, he's not, but guess who is: All three stooges.
Cherry Blossom: I didn't know that….
Duo: I did!
Heero: You would.
Duo: And just what is _that_ supposed to mean?
Heero: Hn…
Cherry Blossom:
So many Jews are in show biz--
Tom Cruise isn¹t, but I heard his agent is.
Tell your friend Veronica, its time you celebrate Hanukkah
I hope I get a harmonica, on this lovely,
lovely Hanukkah.
Duo: Harmonica? Who writes this stuff?
Wufei: Adam Sandler.
Heero: That explains it.
So drink your gin-and-tonic-ah, and
smoke your marajuanic-ah,
Cherry Blossom: Aahah! You can't mention THAT! It's illegal!
Trowa: So?
If you really, really wanna-kah, Have a
happy, happy, happy, happy Hanukkah!!!!!!!
Heero: I'm glad that's over.
Cherry Blossom: You're such a Scrooge.
Heero: Huh?
Matteo: Valwen Isilme writes,
*blinks* Is it just me or are these poems getting worse?
Wufei: It's not just you. Trust me.
*gives everyone a new box of Pixi Stix, even Cherry and Matteo too* These don't have many calories actually ^^ But really, that poem! Oo At least it isn't the Fairie Queen that has entire Volumes of stanzas Oo Another great job guys! ^^ P.S. If you must speak of cute butts, Duo's is the most kawaii of kawaiiness!!!! ^^v
Duo: Yeah! I have the kawaiiest butt!
Trowa: I don't think kawaiiest is a word…
Cherry Blossom: I STILL say that Zechsy has the cutest butt. Doesn't ANYBODY agree with me?
Wufei: No.
Quatre: *pouts* How come no one ever mentions MY butt?
Cherry Blossom: 'Cause we're to busy gazing into your kawaii eyes.
Quatre: *blushes* Oh.
Matteo: mandy writes,
Duo: Hey! No fair! She already reviewed!!!
yes i am reviewing again get over it boys i finished reading the rest of this series this is going to sound gross but the hentai one was my favorite so far i couldn't stop laughing. oh yeah if you decided to do crappy song theater there are two songs that you should do Indepentent Woman by Destany's Child, and Arms Wide Open by Creed That song is so over played and written its not even funny oh well later
Cherry Blossom: I like Creed. But you're right. They overplay that song sooooooooooo much. Plus it gets in your head and you can't NOT sing it.
Matteo: Little green writes,
Weeeeeh!!! Treize wants dietetic carrot sticks tooooo!! O r else he will all slaughter you... Hehehehe.... (Evil smirk, with an eye bigger than the other and all)
Duo: I can do that. *tries to copy evil smirk and ends up making a weird, constipated face*
Wufei: *bursts out laughing*
Duo: What?
Wufei: *still laughing*
BTW, more crappy!! We want it!!! Treize sez he thought The GW boyz tasted good and he'd like to bite them agaiiinn!!! :p :p :p And me?? I just say I want the crappy PT 7!!! Yayay!!!
Cherry Blossom: Well here it is…aren't you proud of me?
Heero: No.
Trowa: : p
Matteo: TrowaGirl writes,
Duo: Hey! She reviewed already too!!
Heero: What's with all the two time reviewers? Isn't supposed to stop that from happening?
Trowa: *shrug*
Oh forgot to say If you are doing a Holiday special you should give Matteo a break! I would be even willing to do it. Well have to go the store ran out of pocky! Ja! *Winks at Trowa* See you after the show!
Trowa: Uh….bye?
Matteo: Can I have a break? Please?
Cherry Blossom: Well…..since TrowaGirl says she'll take over for you……okay. It's Christmas after all. *zaps TrowaGirl into the fic*
TrowaGirl: Hey! How did I get here?
Cherry Blossom: Magical zapping power. Welcom to Crappy Poem Theater…well….my house, actually.
Cherry Blossom: Yep.
TrowaGirl: I thought you'd be taller…
Trowa: Can we get on with this?
TrowaGirl: *eyes go wide* Trowa! *glomps him*
Trowa: Urgh.
Cherry Blossom: Umm….I hate to interrupt but you DID say that you'd do the letters for Matteo-chan.
TrowaGirl: *releases Trowa reluctantly* All right. Umm…..Hawk writes,
Quatre: The madness has GOT to stop.
* Hawk sneaks back in, and brings Quatre a set of Old navy pull overs, and turtle neck sweaters and frost free vest. Gives Duo a Playstation, and a Playstation 2, and a DVD player, and Pocky, She brings in 2 more beamcannons, disguised as toys, for the Wu-man and Heero, and for Heero a Relena detector, so he can avoid her, and that Relena protective spray. Hawk gives Trowa a collection of violent video games, and a playstation so he doesn't have to watch crappy holiday movies! * Ja Ne, Merry Christmas, from Hawk!!!
Cherry Blossom: After. *zaps them to the present room….which just so happens to be her bedroom*
G-Boyz: *pout*
TrowaGirl: White Blaze Wannabe writes,
Poor g-boys. Those poems are cruel and unusual punishment. And what's with that guy and moss? I thought it was going to hentai! EEP! And Duo! Get your mind outta the gutter!
Duo: *whines* Whaaaaaaat?
Cherry Blossom: Men…
But anyways...keep it up. This series rocks!
Cherry Blossom: *smug grin* It does, doesn't it?
G-Boyz: NO!
TrowaGirl: Meg Uchuno ( glares at Trowa ) Sarcasim is MY thing! Go back to being a quiet clown!
Trowa: : p
::sigh:: I'd really like to know what that poet was smoking. Whatever it is, it should be made illegal. Well, these CPT's just keep getting better and better! You, Blossom-san, have a talent for this. An odd talent, I grant you, but still its a talent. Its just so bloody funny to see you people other then me getting tourtured. Note to self, must kill my sister, Carrie, for making me miss anime. THATS PAST THE REALM OF TOUTURE! ITS JUST PLAIN EVIL! Injustice...
Wufei: *opens mouth*
Heero: *deathglareX20* Don't say it…
Wufei: *closes mouth*
::smiles evily:: anyway, my faithful and brave gundam pilots, I have gifts for you. ::see's Blossom-san giving her a nasty look:: Iie, there not guns! For you, Duo, the grand Shinigami, the great destroyer, a scthye. Heero, the perfect solder ::struggles to keep a straight face::, i give you a sword. Trowa, you get a crossbow! Wufei, you get a triton, and last but not least, Quatre! you get these two scikles! There the weapon's on your gundams, only mid-evil, kinda... Use them well, like getting your pocky-loving selves outta there!
Cherry Blossom: No pointy objects. *takes the gifts away* We don't want people getting hurt.
Wufei: Yes we do…
BTW- what in the name of Kami-sama does 'smeg' mean?!
Cherry Blossom: What does smeg mean? What does smeg mean?! It means…….it's just………SMEG! It's like when you just finished a really long and important english assignment on the computer and you're just about to save it and the power goes out and you go………SMEG! And proceed to blow up your computer.
Matteo: She's INSANE!
Cherry Blossom: Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! YES!!!!
:: hears her sister coming up behind her:: HOLY KAMI-SAMA! Save me! She's come to steal my laptop to look up evil make-up websites! ::grabs her glave and jumps into the fic, much to the surprise of everyone:: Can I...anou... hide out here?
Cherry Blossom: Uh…I guess so. Can you sing?
Matteo: What's wrong with your sister?
Meg: She's evil I tell you! SHE MADE ME MISS MY ANIME! I hope... I don't get in you way, honorable Blossom-san, honorable Mattoe-san. I'll endure crappy poems over being toutured by Carrie. ::holds glave tightly and mutters:: stupied make-up loving freak! Her and her stupied cosmicitics. Onna's who wear make-up are evil! too bad i can't use my glave on her! she's just make it disapper like she did to my last one. ::sigh:: Well, i'll just stay here and hope to Kami-sama you let me stay. Being around her when she's putting on make-up and singing Christina Agulara ::shudders:: is horrid. Oi! By jove! This review is getting really long. ::pulls up a chair, inbetween Duo and Wufei:: I'll just sit here, relax, and hope you G-guys enjoy my weapons.
Duo: Got anymore? Cherry took the other ones away.
Quatre: With all the weapons she's taken away from us, Cherry's got to have quite the arsenal by now.
Trowa: What are you going to do with all those explosives?
Cherry Blossom: *evil grin* Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That's for me to know and you to live in fear with.
TrowaGirl: Mistress of Death writes,
It just gets funnier and funnier... ROFTLMAO!!
Duo: Don't hurt yourself laughing.
Wufei: You'd know about that wouldn't you?
Duo: : P
TrowaGirl: Dark Heart says,
Great, as usual! I honostly don't see how you could write 23 parts about... a *thorn*. And all those people bashing Shakespeare should read either A Midsummer Night's Dream, or Much Ado About Nothing. They're funny, they (mostly) make sense, and they aren't tragic. ^_^
Cherry Blossom: Yeah, Much Ado About Nothing is good. Have you seen the movie with-
Wufei: We don't care.
Cherry Blossom: *pouts*
And if I can't give anybody guns, then I can give them something almost as good. *drumroll* BLOW POPS! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
Quatre: So…how many licks does it take to get to the center?
Wufei: 62.
Trowa: You counted?
Duo: Only takes me one *crunch……pop*
Cherry Blossom: You guys are hopeless.
TrowaGirl: Nightheart writes,
*grins* I like this! (short, sweet, and to the point.) I like this!
Cherry Blossom: I like it too.
Heero: I don't.
Cherry Blossom: Quit whining.
TrowaGirl: Matteo's Koi writes,
Matteo: *blinks* My…..koi? *gulps*
HIYAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ::glomps Matteo! and says in a sexy voice:: Hello lover. How you doing? I just looooooooooved the episode with you in the tight sheakspere clothes! ::giggles:: KAWAIIIIIIIIIIII! I can't wait to see you in episode 7! ::huggs tighter::
Matteo: Urgh…..need to….breathe….
I just love you and your awsome hair and pretty eyes! GIVE MATTEO HIS OWN SHOW CHER!
Cherry Blossom: I'll think about it.
Matteo, meet at at Chez Piere tonight at 7. Dress nice and bring a ton of yen, it's a very expensive resurant for absorded lovers! ::giggles!:: I just LOVE Matteo! Oh, I just love you! IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIlove! ::eyes get all sparkly:: ohhhhhhh! I know! Lets get married! ::huggs tighter::
Matteo: *big eyes* Uh….married? Maybe we should…I dunno…go out on a date first?
Duo: *snicker*
Lets see.... ::pulls out a planner:: I'm free next tuesday! Lets do it then! We'll be as happy as can be! We be'll a wonderful couple! Just like Heero and the brilliant Relena, Duo and the smart Hilde, Quatre and the beautiful Dorothy, Trowa and the absorded Midii, and Wufei and the strong Sally! ::lightbulb goes off above head:: Hey! Lets all share a wedding! We'll do it on Tuesday! We can have a six-way wedding!
Matteo: *panicking* Uh….
Wufei: You sure are articulate, aren't you.
Quatre: I'm NOT marrying Dorothy. She stabbed me!
Imagine, Me, getting hitched to the dreamy Matteo with the gundam pilots! ::huggs tighter:: WOW! KAWAII! Oh I love it! I can't wait until Tuesday! ::blows kisses at Matteo:: See ya then koi! I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Matteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo!
Matteo: *dazed*
Duo: Don't worry, man. We'll organize the bachelor party on Moday!
Matteo: I'm NOT getting married.
Trowa: Suuuuuuuure.
Matteo: Well if I'm getting married then you are getting married with me.
Duo: Nuh uh. I like bachelor life, thank you.
Cherry Blossom: Guuuuuuuys, the reviews? I don't have all night, you know.
Quatre: Yes you do.
Cherry Blossom: ……
TrowaGirl: Trieze (No, still not the hamster), Zechs, Noin, and Lady Une writes,
(Treize): *looking slightly miffed* Again, quite entertaining, my lady Cherry *hands her a white rose*,
Cherry Blossom: *takes rose with a dreamy look on her face and makes stupid girly cooing noises*
however, please inform Wufei-san that he needs not act like it is some sort of horrible misdeed, and the rest of you should heed that same advice. (Saint Une): *Comes up behind Trieze and puts her arms around him* *purrs* I don't know, Treize-sama, you're wild enough to make any one a bit sore...However, these poems would probably hurt more, and not in the good way, either *wince* poor Wufei.
Quatre: *blinks* I'm not sure…but I think that I'm being corrupted again.
Heero: Oh shut up.
(Zechs): I actually wrote my own poem about this! It's a limer...something...(Treize): Limerick, Miri-chan, Limerick. (Zechs): Ah yes, that's it!
Everybody: O_o
Trowa: Zechs made a limerick.
Quatre: About Crappy Poem Theater.
Cherry Blossom: Quiet! Sexy Zechsy is speaking!
*Clears throat* Ahem..."These poems are among the most heinous of curses. However, my own attempts are worses. Please release our dear Dragon, for at night when we're shaggin', he tends to shout out the horrible verses."
G-Boyz: O_o
Quatre: Heeeeeeeelp.
Heero: Omeo o korosu!
Cherry Blossom: *star eyes* That was WONDERFUL Zechsy! But…would you mind turning around for a minute?
Matteo: She wants to check out your butt.
Cherry Blossom: *blushes* Matteo! Omeo o korosu!!
Matteo: But it's true!
(All): *applaud politely* (Noin): Yes, and that reminds me of another thing...Wufei, can you try and stop yelling out Duo's name? I know you're in love with him, but really, it reminds me of when I sleep with're the same way! Why don't the two of you _share_ him?
Wufei and Duo: *blush*
(Zechs): Yeah! Don't be ashamed of your size, Wufei, you're bigger than Heero _EVER_ was!
Wufei and Heero: *blush*
Cherry Blossom: Hmm….I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to put the rating of this fic up. It's getting hentai.
(Saint Une): And how would you know this, Milliardo? (Zechs): Uh...*sweatdrops* I heard it from my sister? (Trieze): *Shakes head* Nevertheless, it was good...but please, Cherry dear, consider releasing Wufei from this torture? *Hands her another rose*
Cherry Blossom: *sighs and sniffs the roses* Mmm….I love flowers…..
Wufei: Does this mean you'll let me go?
Cherry Blossom: *now nuzzling the roses* Flowers………hmm? Oh…sure Wufei.
Duo: You can't let Wufei go! It's not fair!!
Trowa: Yeah. You can't just let him go because Trieze gave you flowers.
Cherry Blossom: *sigh* I suppose you're right. Sorry Fei-chan. You stay.
Wufei: *pouts*
(Saint Une): *Changes into Colonel Une* Treize! I thought you promised to only give roses to me! Looks like you'll have to make it up to me somehow...*takes him and forces him into the closet with her* (Noin): Anyway, good job! Keep it up!
Cherry Blossom: Will do!
TrowaGirl: Desperate Angel writes,
Hi again. I know y'all are really tired of me by not but, hey, I just can't stay away from the G-Boys..or the masterpiece that is CPT. Can't believe y'all don't know what Nilla is. That' I mean, it's only the most deilicious cookie/cracker/snack/thing ever invented. Sheesh.
Cherry Blossom: Maybe it's not available in Canada. Do you guys get……..NUTTER BUTTERS? MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! *runs amuck for a bit*
Duo: YEAH! NUTTER BUTTERS!!! *runs amuck with Cherry*
As for shinola..well...that...that must remain a secret for reasons that I can't divulge *Sei-chan poofs in, munching on Nilla as always* It's cos she doesn't know, you know? *Des grrs and thwonks him good with a mdh* It's NOT true! I know perfectly well what it is, damn BAKA muse-type person! *coughs, grins innocently and hides the mdh behind her back* Oh yeah, be nicer to Hee-chan. I mean, yeah he acts like a cold bastard, but I bet he's a sweet, soft cuddly bear on the inside, ne Hee-chan? *gives a big hug*
Heero: Er…..*blushes*
Erm..I'd better go now! *offers Duo a HUGE bad of Choco Kisses, gives the rest Pocky since no one knows or likes Nilla. Gives Cherry her own BIG mecha-industrial sized box* Merry Christmas, Minna!
Cherry Blossom: Merry Christmas! Happy Hannaka! Kawaii Kwanza! Gundams Greetings!
TrowaGirl: The_Wise_Insane_one writes,
**stands next to a flaming Christmas tree** Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care. This is cool.
G-Boyz: O_o
Trowa: Er…yeah.
Cherry Blossom: *deathglareX100*
Dilly: Uh……burn?
TrowaGirl: Arcanite writes,
**appears out of nowhere in her human form, is attemting(and failing miserably) to hide her laughter** Poor G-boys! **Glares at William Wordsworth** HOW DARE YOU WRITE SUCH AN AWFUL POEM! **switches to her Arcanite form and flamethrowers Willy until he's several kabillion assorted atoms, then changes back to human** By the way, tell the G-boys that I'll get them out if they will go on dates with me(at least 5, one for each of 'em cause I can't decide which one I like most!). Arcanite out!**Grins idiotically and teleports out**
Trowa: What do you guys think?
Wufei: Anything to get out of here.
Cherry Blossom: Oh no ya don't. I've got big plans for you guys. We need to keep going until at least the tenth episode.
Quatre: Booooooooooooooooooooooooooh ;_;
TrowaGirl: Sage, Mistress of Magic says,
That was funny. I feel sorry for the Gundam Pilots. Hey Heero, here.*hands him a gun* Cherry, you're a good writer, but the guys don't deserve listening to these CRAPPY poems. Even I write better poems then these people, and my poems are sh*t. Love ya Gundam Guys!!! ^_~
Quatre: We love you too.
Heero: Hn…
Wufei: Weak onna…
Trowa: ………..
Matteo: *sweatdrops*
Cherry Blossom: *sweatdrops*
TrowaGirl: *sweatdrops* Tyleet writes,
OMG!!! VERY FUNNY!! TOTAL NONSENSE!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! ::shouts:: Look cherry!!! behind you!!!
Cherry Blossom: Where? *looks*
::gives heero another gun while cherry looks behind her:: ::whispers:: Hide it quick heero!! anyway, love it!!! I don't know what pocky is, but since this was so good you can have some! ::gives everyone in the fic pocky:: Yep, you too cherry! Bye! Love it!!
Cherry Blossom: I still don't see what you're-Heero! Is that a gun in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
Heero: I'm happy to see you.
Cherry Blossom: I don't think so. Give me the gun.
Heero: Smeg. *gives Cherry the gun*
TrowaGirl: Kimbo writes,
Good. Hope u get my poem b4 u do the next 1. Sry Chang, but this is to good an oppertunity to torture the others.
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cherry Blossom: I don't know if I got your poem or not. My e-mail thingie has been acting up lately. Stupid modern technology…
TrowaGirl: GeminiTiger writes,
Yogurt....*Shudders* I'd eat yogurt if they made it pocky flavored...Then again, I've never HAD pocky before, so Duo, you can quit whining when no one gives you pocky. Unless someone's willing to share.
G-Boyz: *stare*
Heero: She's never had pocky…
Duo: Well for God's sake I'll SEND you some pocky! Sheesh. The poor thing's depraved. Here, have some complimentary Christmas Pocky.
*Sighs* I'd give you a gun, Heero, but I'm more into swords and sharp pointy objects. *Evil laugh* Since you poor cute bishounen can't have pocky anymore (glares at Cherry Blossom)
Cherry Blossom: *shrugs* They were getting fat.
you can have....Eggnog!! Yay!! Don't worry, it's not spiked or anything. Meri kurisumasu, minna!! Ja ne!!! *Hugs Wufei, then runs off laughing*
Duo: Hmm…..I'll just have to spike it for you then…
Cherry Blossom: Never mind.
Duo: But-
Cherry Blossom: Never. Mind.
TrowaGirl: Tsuki Yuuki writes,
another HILARIOUS torture session for the G-Boyz! GO CHERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wufei: *looks down at eggnog* Duo….
Duo: I didn't spike it. I SWEAR. I didn't have time.
Matteo: Relax. It's just the after effects of the twelve gingerbread cookies she had before you came.
*whips out chocolate pocky* have some pocky, everyone!!!!!! *throws pocky to all, including Cherry, Matteo, Dilly, and Treize the security hamster* i didn't leave you out, Cherry!
Duo: *panicks* Trieze is here? *looks around*
Trieze: *looks up from his pocky* Hehehehe….*flys over to bite the G-Boyz in the butt*
Quatre: Boooooooooooooooooooooooh ;_;
Trowa: *opens mouth*
Cherry Blossom: Ratings!
Trowa: *closes mouth*
Heero: Omeo korosu!!
Matteo Ah ha! I didn't get bit this time.
Trieze: *grins…then goes over and bites Matteo too*
Matteo: OW!!
Cherry Blossom: Teach you to be cocky. Hey green-chan! I didn't hear you come in.
Little-green: Your mom let me in.
Cherry Blossom: Oh. Well, pull up a stol-borrowed chair and have some pocky and eggnog.
Little-green: Don't mind if I do. *plops down in the chair beside Trowa* Hi Tro-chan!
Trowa: …….
Little-green: I thought you'd say that.
*takes out flamethrower* OI!!! Heero! have a flamethrower!!! *pleadingly* please let him keep it, Cherry? pretty please!!!
Cherry Blossom: Oh noooooooo. This is MY house. If this burns down my mom will KILL me. No flamethrowers. *zaps flamethrower away*
BTW, I'M A CANUCK TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cherry Blossom: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G-Boyz: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cherry Blossom: Sorry, didn't hear you. I had my earmuff on. CANADA!! I think we need to hear the rant.
G-Boyz: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cher ry Blossom: C'mon out here Joe.Joe: *clears throat*
I am not a lumberjack or a fur trader.
I do not live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dog sled.
I do not know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, but I
am sure they are really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President.
I speak English and French, NOT American. And I pronounce it
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peace
keeping, NOT policing. DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation,
Cherry Blossom: *wild cheering* Yeah! You tell 'em Joe!
Trowa: *sigh*
im gonna send you some poems to MST. eventually. gotta go, i have authors to see and fics to read! ~Tsuki-chan p.s. keep going!!!! its so fun seeing the kawaii G-Boyz tortured!!! p.p.s. I love ALL of their asses!!!!!!
Cherry Blossom: Yeah…I suppose it wouldn't be fair to choose between all those kawaii butts. You guys all have cute asses.
TrowaGirl: And last but certainly not least…..Corra Mereel writes,
Me again *smiles and waves*!!!! That was TOO good!!! Where do you find such crappy poems?
Cherry Blossom: Well, school. And would you believe that there's an actual site on the net?
Quatre: Oh Allah, no!
Amazing yet again, keep it up. Luv ya Duo, and don't worry, I'll find you a way out! Byyeee!! *;-}
Quatre: Finally!
Wufei: How many reviews was that?Heero: 44
Wufei: Too many.
Trowa: No kidding.
Cherry Blossom: You can never have too many reviews. I hoping that this hits fifty next time.
Matteo: You DO realize that you've wasted 79 pages just doing the reviews?
Cherry Blossom: Whoa. No wonder it took me three days to get through all of this. Oh well. Thanks for reading TrowaGirl. It was nice of you to give Matteo a break.
Matteo: Yeah. Thanks so much. My throat was getting sore.
Cherry Blossom: Have some eggnog and we'll go to the poem section.
Little-green: Yeah!
Trieze: *grin*
G-Boyz: *groan*
Cherry Blossom: Right.
Crappy Poem Theater (for real this time)
Scene…doesn't change at all since we aren't actually in a theater and Cherry Blossom's got a kick @ss home entertainment system.
Cherry Blossom: Well….that was a trip.
Duo: Got any more eggnog?
Cherry Blossom: No.
Quatre: Here. Have some tea.
Duo: *makes face* I hate tea. It's so……icky.
Quatre: *starts to tear up* You…don't like tea? Boooooooooooooooooooooooh ;_;
Trowa: *glares at Duo* Shh. It's okay, little one. I'm sure he didn't mean it.
Cherry Blossom: Er…yeah. Today we will be MSTing a classic Christmas poem.
Cherry Blossom: Hehehe…'tis the season to be evil, fa, la, la, la, laaaaaaaa, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Wufei: This is injustice.
Duo: Whatever Wu-man.
Cherry Blossom: Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?
Matteo: Uh….disclaimer?
Cherry Blossom: Ohhhhh, right! Cue the disclaimer!!
Disclaimer: *sings to the tune of We Wish you A Merry Christmas* We don't own Gundam Wiiing, we don't own other thiings, we don't have any money so please don't sue uuuuuuuus!
G-Boyz: *blink*
Matteo: I like it!
Cherry Blossom: Very nice. Let's move on.
Matteo: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas or Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas
Duo: Just pick a title and stick with it. Sheesh.
by Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863)
Wufei: Clement? *snorts* What a stupid name.
Trowa: I wouldn't talk Wuffie.
Wufei: Wuffei? KISAMA!
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a
Duo: Politician!
Heero: Hairstylist!
Trowa: Zombie!
Quatre: Maguanac!
Wufei: Musicion!
Cherry Blossom: Pocky!
G-Boyz: O_o
Cherry Blossom: What?
Everybody: Oh.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
Duo: Because only St. Nicholas, the patron saint of socks, could cure their horrible affliction of Athleat's Foot.
Quatre: Eww…
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions ofDuo: Lady Une doing the Funky Chicken danced in their head.
Trowa: You're disturbed.
Duo: Oh, come on, Trowa. I know you've dreamed about that before.
Trowa: ……..
sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
Heero: 'Cause after the wild orgy the night before, we were too to move until Spring.
Everybody else: O_o
Heero: Hn…
Duo: What is in this eggnog?
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Wufei: Damn neighbors are always having their stupid parties when everyone else is trying to sleep.
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Quatre: And immediately tripped over the coffee table, cracked my skull open and died, the end.
Duo: Owch.
Trowa: Quatre!
Cherry Blossom: Don't be so depressing. It's Christmas!
Heero: Yay.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Duo: It's Flash Gordon!
Cherry Blossom: Where?
Heero: *sigh*
Tore open the shutters and threw up
Everybody: Ewwwww!
Wufei: Too much eggnog.
the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Duo: *opens mouth*
Cherry Blossom: NO BAKA HENTAI!!
Duo: *closes mouth*
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Wufei: Some annoying Salesmen!
Duo: Godzilla!
Heero: Wing-Zero!
Cherry Blossom: An Alien!
Quatre: The end of this poem!
Trowa: I wish…
a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
Cherry Blossom: Their travel-size for your conveniance ^__^
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be
Heero: Regis Philman.
Duo: The Soup Nazi.
Trowa: Elvis.
Quatre: Uh……Stockwell Day?
Cherry Blossom: Eep! Noooooooooooooo! That guy scares meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them
Trowa: A cab because they had had a little too much to drink at the staff Christmas Party.
Cherry Blossom: Don't drink and drive! ^__^by name;
"Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!Duo: Hmm…..vixen…. Everyone: NO BAKA HENTAI!!!!
Quatre: What about Rudolph?
Wufei: Baka. Rudolph isn't a real reindeer.
Quatre: *lower lip trembles* Boooooooooooooooooooh ;_;
Cherry Blossom: *whaps Wufei in the back of the head*
Wufei: Itai!
Cherry Blossom: It's okay Quatre. Wufei is wrong. Rudlph is a real reinderr, he just……..joined the group after this poem was made.
Quatre: *brightens* Oh.
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
Heero: Right. *gets up to leave*
Cherry Blossom: and what do you think _you're_ doing?
Heero: I'm dashing away.
Cherry Blossom: Sit. Down.
Heero: Smeg.
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
Trowa: Huh?
Cherry Blossom: You know, I've always wondered about that part of the poem. I mean, why stick that in like that? It doesn't make any sense.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
Duo: Who cares about St.Nicholas? I just want the toys.
Wufei: Greedy.
Duo: : P
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.Quatre: And then the crash as the reindeer fell through the roof, crushing me to death, the end. Cherry Blossom: What's gotten into you Quatre? You're not usually this dark.
Duo: It's gotta be the eggnog.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
Wufei: Breaking and entering is a criminal offence.
Trowa: But he didn't break anything.
Wufei: Okay…just entering then.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
Cherry Blossom: Animal rights activists aren't going to be happy about that.
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
Trowa: *as Santa* You're getting my dry-cleaning bill.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled!
Heero: Drugs!
his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,Duo: Maaaaaan, that is one weird looking guy.
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;Quatre: Smoking is bad for you. Wufei: These riffs are weak. Cherry Blossom: I know…but this really isn't a crappy poem. I just wanted something seasonal.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
Duo: Santa's had a little too much pocky.
Trowa: Jenny Craig!He was chubby and plump, Wufei: I think that was established by the whole jello-belly thing. a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
Duo: Huh?
Cherry Blossom: Exactly.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,Duo: Hey Wu-man! I didn't know you were in this poem! Wufei: KISAMA! *tries to strangle Duo with his braid* Cherry Blossom: Guys! Peace on Earth, goodwill to man! Trowa: Whatever.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Trowa: Why "Happy Christmas"? Why not "Merry Christmas"?
Heero: Who knows.
Quatre: Is that the end?
Cherry Blossom: Yep.
Duo: All right! Time to PARTY!
<doorbell rings>
Cherry Blossom: I wonder who that could be? *opens door*
Dorothy: Hello!
Quatre: Aaargh! What is SHE doing here?
Dorothy: *in creepy demented voice* Quatre Raberba Winner.
Cherry Blossom: I invited her. She has a song to sing for us.
Trowa: Sing?
Wufei: Nataku save us!
Dorothy: Shall I start now, Miss Cherry?
Cherry Blossom: Sure.
Dorothy: *clears throat and sings to the tune of Angels We Have Heard On High*
Gundam we have seen on high,
Flying quickly o'er the flames
As the OZ troops in reply
Echo in their screams of pain,
War is so beautiful
War is so beautifuuuuuuuul!!!Everyone: *sweatdrops*
Cherry Blossom: Uh…thanks Dorothy. That was very…
Duo: Weird.
Cherry Blossom: Have some eggnog.
Dorothy: Don't mind if I do.
<doorbell rings again>
Cherry Blossom: Smeg. Who is it now? *opens door*
<camera zooms in on two groups of carolers who are presently glaring at eachother>
Cherry Blossom: Uh…hello?
Caroler from group #1: *smiles at Cherry* Hi! I'm Cindy of the Anti-Relena Club. We're out doing some caroling to raise enough money to hire a professional assassin to kill her off.
Caroler from Group #2: I'm Brittany from the We Love Relena Club and we're caroling to raise enough money to build her a shrine.
Cindy: Get lost! We were her first!
Brittany: No you get lost!
Cherry Blossom: Uh…why don't you BOTH sing a carol for us.
Cindy: Okaaaaaaay……. *music from Hallelujah chorus plays*
Group #1: *sings*
Group #1:
Group #2:
Group #1:
Group #2:
Group #1:
KILL RELENA!! KILL RELENA!! KILL RELENA!! KILL RELENA!!<both choirs get into a fist fight. The G-Boyz and Cherry all watch with interest>
Trowa: Fascinating.
Duo: I'm betting the Anit-Relena's will win.
Quatre: I'll take that bet.
Heero: Hn…
Cherry Blossom: Uh…I'm going to go inside and cook the turkey, kay?
Everybody Else: *watching the fight with dazed looks in their faces* Uh huh.
Cherry Blossom: Yeah. Well….I guess that concludes this week's episode. Merry Christmas everyone! ^__^