Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing the Magic Line or When Gundams Get Wands ❯ Intro to Magic ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Crossing the Magic Line
When Gundams Get Wands

A/N: Yes! I’m writing…a crossover! O brave new world!…Spare me the slings and arrows, okay? I got this idea from a few successive dreams and decided to write it so that they’d get out of my damn head. BAH to those who do not see the perspective hottie-ness of the Gundam and Potter Boys in the same room. …Merph… Oh, and this is an attempt to write a non angst-driven story. It’s suppose to be humorous...with a LITTLE angst thrown in. Hey, I wouldn’t be TGP if I didn’t write angst. There will also be some romance. Woo!
Warnings: Yaoi-ness, Silly-ness, some Angsy-ness, Duo Bashing (because I hate the little bastard…Don’t. Ask,) Misuse of Magic (again, just don’t ask…,) Threesomes, Bitchy Chicks, Bad Language, the lake-squid getting some, and other Miscellaneous Bad Stuff. Heero and Harry centric.
Pairings: 1+(2x5) => 1x2x5, 3x4, HP/DM, RW/HG, SS/RL and various other minor pairings
Disclaimer: Well, Harry Potter and Gundam Wing aren’t rated NC-17 for homosexual boffing, now are they?

Chapter 2
Intro to Magic

As soon as Heero entered Harry’s house, he noted a very fat boy at the end of the hall. He looked more like a whale than a child, his beefy arms having little definition and looking like fins. The piggy little face was almost completely smashed in by the rolls of fat he possessed. Heero hadn’t known it was possible to be that large and not die of a heart attack.

He barely noted Harry behind him, but the other boy did right away. He grinned priggishly at the black haired boy before turning his attention on Heero. Apparently, he didn’t find the ex-pilot very threatening.

“So you’re Harry’s bodyguard?” the whale asked in a gruff voice, his pudgy face showing malicious mirth. “Awwww, is widdle Harrykins scared to go to the bathroom at night?”

He gave off the air of one used to getting his way. Heero really didn’t care for the idiot and didn’t dignify him with a response. Instead, he opted for ignoring the whale and stepping past him. The pig of a boy didn’t like that much. One pudgy hand grabbed Heero’s shoulder and slammed him up against the wall before he realized what was suddenly pointed at his head. He stared down the gun barrel and gave a great whimper, but didn’t move.

“Let go,” Heero snarled in a way that didn’t seem emotional at all. At once, the whale threw himself against the other wall.

“Don’t shoot the muggles!” Harry said quickly from his place near the door. Heero blinked once but before he could return the firearm to it’s holster, a horse and her behemoth of a husband rushed onto the scene. It gave Heero new targets and them something else to shout about. The horse fell to the whale’s side and hugged him, blubbering over her poor ‘Dudders.’ The behemoth chose to yell at Harry for bringing in bad company and for ‘you crazy bastard’ to drop the weapon. Heero knew Maxwell would find the whole picture hilarious.

Harry inched up towards Heero, not wanting to accidentally get shot by the strange boy. He carefully set a hand on his shoulder, making sure Heero saw the move as he did so. Cobalt eyes flickered between Harry and the behemoth.

“Don’t shoot the muggles,” Harry repeated. Slowly, Heero lowered his weapon before stowing it. Now that it was gone, the huge, mustached man let loose a loud bellowing of which Heero paid very little attention to. He stared blankly at the man until he’d blown all he was going to and settled.

“Finished?” Heero uttered finally. The behemoth looked like he was going to start again, but Heero put out his harshest glare and quickly silenced it. “I am Heero Yuy. I will be staying as bodyguard to Harry Potter.”

He felt a little like McGonagall right then, but ignored it in favor of maintaining his glare. It wasn’t enough to keep the idiot man at bay. He started to shout again, so Heero whipped out the gun and pressed the barrel to the behemoth’s forehead in a smooth, quick motion. The man was reduced to surprised stuttering in seconds.

“Do not trouble me. Is that clear?”

The man could barely articulate himself. Still glaring, Heero motioned for Harry to go up the stairs before following him. As soon as he was out of sight, he heard the three start at it, blubbering and such. It disgusted him. He followed the other teen up to another room, shutting the door behind. Harry was staring at him with wide green eyes. The boy didn’t look scared; he was more awed. And then his face split into a wide grin as he laughed.

“I can’t believe you did that! I think Dudley pissed himself!”

“Hn,” muttered Heero as he glanced around the room, apparently Harry’s. Noting a cot set up near the door, he nodded his acceptance of the position. It would make it easier to ward off attacks from the hall. Harry’s bed was under the window, which he didn’t much care for but wouldn’t be stubborn about. Sitting down on the cot, Heero emptied his pockets of his purchases, picking up one shrunken book and wondering what he would do now.

“That’s a lot of books,” murmured Harry as he came to check then out. “How come you got all of the Standard Book of Spells series?”

The cobalt eyes flickered at Harry’s close proximity, but he said nothing of it and went on to explain.

“McGonagall wants me to learn magic,” he muttered. Harry’s big, innocent eyes widened in surprise.

“You don’t know any yet?”


He gave out a laugh and plopped down beside him. “Man! I can never understand Dumbledore…Sending me a bodyguard who can’t do magic?”

“That matters?” growled Heero. Harry smiled sheepishly.

“Well, I just mean…Considering who’s after me,” he replied. Heero studied the youth before him. Harry was small and looked younger than he was. He didn’t seem dangerous and Heero could think of no reason why a young boy like him would have to fear for his life. Still, Heero knew from experience that the unassuming was usually the most dangerous.

“Why?” he wondered aloud. Harry blinked, surprise coloring him again.

“You don’t know?” At the other boy’s glare, Harry blushed a little and looked away. “Well…”

The rest of the day was spent on finding out about Harry’s past, Voldemort, the scar, and everything else. By the time they were finished, it was time for dinner. Harry and Heero were almost reluctant to go down, but did anyway. They were hungry, after all. However, it was far from a smoothly run event.

As soon as Heero appeared at the top of the stairs, Dudley let out a harsh cry and ran to hide behind his mother. By the time he and Harry had reached the bottom, Petunia was there with her big wooden spoon.

“You!” she hissed. Heero merely raised a brow. “There will be no more threatening in this house!”

The boy said nothing, as he had better things to worry about than that woman. Nodding to herself, as if she’d won, Petunia marched back into the kitchen. Harry smiled apologetically at the other teen before the two followed her. Beginning, the dinner was quiet. The Dursleys gave glances towards their new housemate as he efficiently ate his food, eyes never leaving his plate. Harry enjoyed how much his family squirmed but couldn’t he help his own curious looks.

Halfway through, Dudley decided to be brave and opened his big mouth.

“So…Where are you from to have such a weird name?”

Heero raised his cold gaze, blue eyes flickering between irritation and amusement as the whale of a child fidgeted in his seat.

“Colony L1,” he replied finally.

“A colony reject, are you?” Vernon started, mouth twisting as if the very idea offended him. Harry only blinked a little as Heero’s glare turned from Dudley to his uncle. The older man refused to bow. “Got sick of living so high and mighty, did you?”

“My presence was requested,” said Heero coldly. His eyes were narrowed.

“Don’t take that tone of voice with me, reject!” snarled Vernon. The blue eyed boy continued to glare.

“You are not my guardian, nor did I ask for one,” he replied. With that, he got up from the table and turned to Petunia. “Thank you for the meal.”

And then he was gone from the kitchen. Inside, Harry was laughing at the color purple his uncle’s face had turned. He almost didn’t mind when Dudley upturned a glass of milk and he was forced to clean it. After the rest of dinner was over, Harry cleared the table and did the dishes before returning to his bedroom. He nearly doubled over in laughter.

On his cot by the door sat Heero. His still shrunken books sat in small piles next to him and one lay in his hands. It was open and he hunched over it with a microscope in his hand. Hand over his mouth, Harry took the book from his roommate’s hand, earning him an icy glare.

“You should unshrink them first,” he said with a grin. Heero glared at him harder.

“I don’t know any magic,” he replied. The green eyed boy blinked.

“Oh, that’s right…”

So, Heero got his first lesson in magic. Since Harry couldn’t do any magic of his own, being an underage wizard, it took a little while for them to get it but Heero prevailed. After unshrinking all his books and piling them neatly next to the cot, Heero began his study with A Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1.


Harry awoke to an odd sound. He rolled over on his soft bed and looked curiously at what his roommate was doing. Heero was upside down, blue eyes trained on him. Waking up a little more, Harry realized with a sudden flush of color that the other teen was shirtless, and boy was he built… Harry sat up quickly, bashing himself mentally for trailing his eyes over the perfect chest and abs. Heero looked at him with a raised, or lowered in this instant, brow.

“You’ve gone red,” he noted blatantly. Harry only went redder.

“What are you doing?”

“Exercising.” Harry looked up to see a metal bar hanging from thin air and Heero’s boxer clad legs were holding him up by it. Getting back to his workout, Heero easily pulled his upper body upward and continued. Harry watched for a while, amazed by how strong his companion was, before he noted the time on the clock. It was already seven! Harry jumped out of bed, grabbed a change of clothes, and went off to the bathroom to shower. Heero glanced after him, curious about the hurry, but decided it wasn’t his business.

After his work out, Heero noted that the other teen didn’t return to the bedroom. He banished the bar, pulled on some jeans, and looked into the hall. The bathroom door was open, so he wasn’t in there any more. From downstairs, Heero heard the voices of the Dursleys. He heard Vernon give a snide remark and then a quieter voice muttering something back. Harry’s, he decided. Frowning, Heero slipped into the bathroom to clean off his sweat. Harry would be fine.

Once he was finished, he got dressed, grabbed A Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1, and went downstairs. The Dursleys were already finished with breakfast and flitting around getting ready for the day. Petunia was gushing over her ‘perfect little Duddy-kins’ as she got him ready for summer school. Vernon was straightening his tie in the hallway mirror and yelled at Harry to not mess up the house. Harry was still in the kitchen. However, all activity stopped when Heero reached the end of the stair. The three pairs of Durlsey eyes locked on him. Moving in front of her son, Petunia gave him a nasty glare.

“We’ll all be out today, so don’t mess up the house!” she ordered. Vernon sneered at Heero’s reflection in the mirror.

“Mrs. Figg is busy today, or you’d be with her,” he grumbled.

Heero merely stared back at them, his face blank and eyes cold. He watched as they finished themselves and all three piled into their car. Vernon was off to work, Dudley to school, and Petunia to a friend’s for a day of shopping. When they were gone, Harry stepped out of the kitchen and grinned at him.

“Breakfast’s here if you want it.”

Thus began the odd friendship of Harry Potter and Heero Yuy.


The first month of their stay at the Dursleys was mostly peaceful. Heero helped Harry with his chores and Harry helped Heero with his magic. Their days were sometimes paused when Heero’s owl, which he called Owl to Harry’s dismay, escaped her cage. The smart little thing had learned to undo the latch and loved to fly around the house, making the boys chase her. Everytime, Heero glared at Owl so hard that Harry just knew she would blow up, but she never did.

Harry was amazed by the speed Heero learned. How the other boy could store such information was beyond him. On his side, Heero had been impressed by Harry’s perseverance with his chores, no matter what the Dursleys did to make them worse. Still, they weren’t any closer than they had been the first day. Heero didn’t talk much and Harry didn’t want to press him for information. So, they stayed on a strictly impersonal level.

That is, until they had a visitor.

Petunia was rarely home, as she preferred to spend time with her friends. That left Harry and Heero on their own most of the time. Heero was up in their room studying when Harry heard a knock at the door. He had been working on his summer homework. Leaving it on the living room table, he went to the door. There stood a teenager boy with angled black eyes and long black hair. His hair was pulled into a tight tail and his face had a distinctly Asian look to it, far more so than Heero’s. The boy was dressed in full white that contrasted greatly with his tanned skin.

“Hello,” said the boy. His voice had little inflection, Asian, English, or otherwise. “I am here to see Heero Yuy.”

“Who are you?” Harry asked curiously. The boy frowned a little.

“I am Chang Wufei. Is Yuy here?”

“Yes, come on in.”

Wufei followed him into the living room and waited there while Harry went to get Heero. The other boy met him at the door, his book laying open on the bed.

“Who was it, Potter?” he asked gruffly. Harry wasn’t put off by the tone; it was normal for him.

“A boy named Chang Wufei,” he replied. Something flickered in the other boy’s eyes before Heero pushed past him and quickly went downstairs. Harry blinked after him. What was it that he had seen in the blue gaze? He went to the top of the stairs, staying back to keep from being seen as he peeked around the bend. Heero stood at the end of the stair, hand resting on the rail, as Wufei got up.

“Yuy, it’s nice to see you again,” said the darker of the two. Heero barely inclined his head.

“Why did come?” he asked. Wufei folded his arms over his chest.

“You haven’t given an update to us in a month. Winner got worried.”

At that, Heero shook his head a little and went to sit on the couch. Wufei followed suit, leaning to set his elbows on his knees.

“Why are you here?” he asked the other boy. Heero frowned.

“I was asked to guard the boy that met you at the door.”

“That scrawny thing? From what?”

“You’d never believe me if I told you.”

“Now you have to.”

At that, Harry came down. Both sets of eyes settled on him. It was unnerving how alike the two were. Harry felt a lump in his throat as he turned to Heero.

“You can’t tell him,” he said. One of Wufei’s brows shot up.

“And why not?”

Heero scowled at Harry. “He won’t reveal you, Potter.”

“He’s a muggle!”

And then it fell quiet. Wufei stared at the green eyed boy, Heero frowned, and Harry wondered why he was such an idiot. The ebony eyed boy suddenly turned on Heero with a glare.

“You’re wrapped up in the Magical World and didn’t tell us?”

Harry’s eyes shot wide while Heero only frowned harder.

“I’ve been busy learning how to cast spells.”

Wufei scowled. “I could have helped if I’d known, Yuy.”

“I didn’t know myself,” replied Heero. He gave Wufei a narrow look. “You’re magical?”

“It runs in the family,” Wufei said offhandedly. “I had tutors and such before…Anyway, I suspect Barton as well, but I don’t know about the other pilots.”

Harry blinked at them both. “Pilots?”

The two sets of Asian eyes hit him again and Harry blanched.

“Excitable, isn’t he?” Wufei murmured.

Heero gave an affirmative grunt.

“Will you two stop that?!” Harry cried as he threw out his hands. Wufei smirked and got up, stepping close to look over the boy.

“Well, he does look to need some protection, doesn’t he?” Wufei said as he folded his arms once more. Harry glared at him, but the boy only smirked wider. “Don’t take it personally …What is your name, anyway?”

“Harry,” he replied with a frown. “Harry Potter.”

Wufei blinked. “…The Harry Potter?”

‘Not again,’ Harry thought miserably. “Yes…Boy-Who-Lived and all that.”

“Well,” said Wufei with a more impressed voice. “I can certainly see why you’d need Yuy around.”

He turned to look at the other pilot. “How much magic do you know now, anyway?”

“I’ve read through the Standard Book of Spells series and half of the other books McGonagall required me to get,” Heero said with a frown, as if hating to admit he hadn’t know anything before. Wufei frowned.

“Those won’t help much, I’m afraid,” he murmured quietly. He as quiet a moment before nodding as if he had decided something. “I will teach you.”

Heero frowned. “I don’t need your help.”

“Then I shall simply stay here and annoy you until you admit it,” remarked the Chinese youth with a mocking smirk. Harry watched both closely, eyes switching from one to the other and back again. It seemed like eternity before Heero’s scowl deepened.

“Fine,” muttered Heero finally. Wufei’s smirk gained a smug tone. He then turned to Harry.

“I will teach you as well,” he said. Harry blinked.

“Teach me what?”

“Muggle defense.”

“How can that possibly help me?”

Wufei gave him a weighing stare. Harry shivered. It felt as if the other boy could look right through him. Slowly, Wufei leaned forward until they were nearly nose to nose. Harry felt his cheeks flushing with the close quarters.

“Never let anyone get this close, Potter,” the Chinese boy murmured in a near purr that made shivers run down Harry’s spine. A minute later, he found himself on the ground in intense pain. He gasped and tried to relieve the pressure of his arm, but found he was unable to move. He turned his head and tried to see Wufei, only to find the boy leaned over him.

“There are times when you will find you cannot use your wand, whether it be because of muggles or because you are incapacitated,” murmured Wufei in a serious tone. “You cannot be left unprotected in any situation.”

Harry bit his lip, using every trick he knew not to disgrace himself by whimpering at all.

“I will teach you,” Wufei said, finishing the argument as he let go. Harry got up and rubbed his arm, frowning. To their side, Heero was having difficulty restraining a laugh.

Thus Wufei entered the happy friendship.


Wufei was not quickly accepted by the Dursleys. Vernon fought him all the way, but in the end, the boy’s patience was far stronger than his. Petunia was slightly easier. She liked his politeness and the way he spoke to her, though Harry and Heero knew far better his opinion of her. Dudley verbally attacked the Chinese teen whenever they were in the same room, but Wufei never rose to it. Petunia even commented that her perfect little boy could learn a little from their second visitor. That was always met with a temper tantrum. After a week, Vernon still grumbled about ‘that damn squatter that sat down on my couch and never left.’ Only the fact that Wufei paid, unasked, a rent fee soothed the man’s anger.

One morning, four days after his arrival and just before dawn, Wufei woke Harry up. Ignoring the English boy’s protests, he dragged him out of bed, made him dress, then took him out to the back yard. Harry yawned and watched as Wufei turned to him and smirked.

“Time to start training.”

“Training? At this hour?” asked Harry incredulously. “Are you mad?”

“I find that it readies me for the day,” Wufei replied. “Now, stretch with me or you’ll be far too sore to move tomorrow morning.”

“We’re going to do this every morning?!”

“Of course.” Wufei smirked. “How else am I to have time to train you?”

Harry simply knew he would die. By the time they were finished, the day had come in fully and he felt ready to fall apart. Wufei said he had expected worse and looked rather optimistic, in that odd, I’m-better-than-you-but-won’t-say-it sort of way.

When they returned inside, the Dursleys were readying to leave for the day. Petunia handed Harry a long list of chores and off they went. With Wufei, Heero, and Harry working together, they finished with most of the day left over. Harry got out his school things (with a bit of help from Heero. Apparently, lock picking was in his repertoire of skills) and began on his summer homework. Heero sat studying in a chair across from him, going through his current book at a speed Harry decided was insane. Wufei left after they were done to fetch some things and wouldn’t be back until late. When the silence that fell over them became too much, Harry decided to break it.

“How long have you known Wufei?”

Heero paused in the act of turning a page and glanced over at him. “Two years.”

“Only that long?” Harry was genuinely surprised. “You two seemed to understand each other so much, I figured you’d been friends since you were kids.”

“Iie,” muttered Heero as he turned back to the book. “We were fifteen. The understanding was born from necessity.”

“What do you mean?”

The Japanese boy didn’t answer. Frowning, Harry tried again.

“When he first got here,” he ignored the indignant blue gaze, “he said that someone got worried. Who was that?”

“Winner,” replied the other boy.

“Who’s that?”

Heero’s eyes narrowed. “I ask nothing about your nightmares. Don’t ask about mine.”

Harry shrank back a little. The look in Heero’s gaze, though his face with expressionless, reminded him far too much of Professor Snape to be comfortable. He left it at that but wondered if Wufei would be as unresponsive.


A/N: Yay for Wufei! Ah, smell the strawberries in the air...

Story Notes:
3. To the Dursleys dislike of Colony borns: In Gundam Wing, there is a clear distinction between the Colonies and the Earth Sphere, right? Why wouldn’t the Dursleys want to keep this split with their discrimination, as they do with magic?
4. Heero’s owl Owl was not named that because I was lazy. I figured Heero to be the type to name things with purpose. So, she is called Owl, as she is, in fact, an owl. Isn’t “Owl” much better than “messenger-servant with no will of her own”?