Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Cult Characteristic ❯ Chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )
Title: Cult Characteristic 25/25
Author: Lethanon
Archive: heh… and
Warnings: Occult, Sap, nonsense, post-EW, weird crap. The usual..
Heero watched Wufei sit down, watched the way his shoulders suddenly slumped and a wince flickered across his face. Heero also noticed the fire in Wufei's eyes that said it had been worth it, and he couldn't agree more. While he had known Wufei was somewhat of a philosopher, and that he had very personal views on many things (his participation in Marimeia's little war was proof enough of that) he had never sought to understand those beliefs. Heero resolved to speak with Wufei more from now on. It was obvious his friend had much to say.
The judge was speaking, the jury shifting from their seats, filing from the room in a long solemn line. The crowd outside were hushed, sharing whispered something's as they caught glances of Wufei through the glass, little fingers pointing as they tried to understand what had been said and what it might have changed. Heero smiled to see them, this group of people who lived in such degradation yet persevered, and loved their colony. It showed a kind of strength that he had not witnessed since the war had ended. If anything, these were the people he himself had fought for even if they never realised it.
People were moving. The police were coming forward, moving o either side of the defence's desk. Heero didn't really see them, eyes focussed on Duo as he turned in his seat and smiled, trying to be strong and yet…There was that something in his eyes that said `I can't see you. I don't want to, and I don't have to.' Something old. Something broken.
A hand fell on Heero's shoulder as those cuffs fell about slender wrists and cobalt eyes turned away, almost as if they never were. Wufei didn't try to say anything, just offered comfort with that brief touch. Heero could not help wondering who he was comforting, for while the flesh was warm and alive through the fabric of his shirt, it was not the flesh he most wanted to touch.
Dorothy suddenly stood, turned toward them with a fire in her eyes Heero had not seen since the Libra. It bought back memories, unwanted ghosts, and at the same time it was terribly reassuring. There was something so ghastly about that rictus grin, something so blatantly beguiling, that Heero felt it could not fail. It reminded him of Wing Zero.
"You know Wufei," she said softly, so softly her words were almost unrecognisable as her own. "That little girl is as much a fantasy as the peace she represents." And with that said, she strode off after Duo's jailors, no doubt to tell him what would happen next. Heero felt a gentle squeeze on his shoulder and then the hand was gone. He was not surprised to find he did not miss its absence. It simply was not the flesh he desired.
"Wufei?" Heero turned to his friend, who was still looking down the small corridor between benches, watching that blonde hair swish out of view. He had the strangest look on his face. Lost, and yet found at the same time.
"I'm fine Heero," Wufei replied with only part of his attention. "I think…I think everything really is going to be okay…"
There was a silence, at once short, miniscule and non-apparent, and at the same time stretching over an eternity as they simply stood in silent camaraderie contemplating they entirety of that statement. Then someone snorted.
"For God's sake, as if there was ever any doubt!"
Both men looked down at the small blonde head, at the nose turned up in the air, the mischievous light slipping from the slithers of visible eye…Heero wanted to cry. Fiona was all too familiar, a child of the streets, a product of awful circumstance that only bettered her humanity.
"Come on….Firefly," Wufei's voice seemed choked. Heero didn't even trust himself to speak as Wufei took one fine-boned hand in his own and walked away. As simply as that.
It was not so easy for Heero. He stood before the judge's empty desk in a state of numb disbelief. The case was over. All that remained was the verdict to be read, and despite everyone's reassuring touches and platitudes Heero could not bring himself to believe that everything would be alright. He had thought it once before…
Standing by a phone that wouldn't ring. Waiting by a door that would not open. Listening for a voice that would not speak. Longing for a body that would not come. Living for a light that was burning in darkness, a flame flickering, fluttering, failing…
Heero sat back down in his chair in the front of the empty courtroom and waited. Waited as he had waited for a year, with nothing for company but memories that were all too real and spoke all too loudly. It had all started so simply. A simple argument over something that jus didn't matter; something over and done with that should have rested in its grave but did not. It all started so simply it was hard to imagine how it had come to this. And at the same time, it was all going to end just as simply. An argument over who was right and wrong and then someone would pass judgement and his life would be decided. Simple as that.
"They say misery loves company."
Heero looked up quickly and almost had to blink to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Of all the people, this was the most unexpected. The most wholly unwelcome, and yet possibly the only person capable of breaking through the last of his meagre defences.
"Doctor J."
The Doctor was quiet for a long time, just looking, taking in the changes, taking in the nuances of character that had simply never been there before.
"Heero," was all he finally said with a nod of his head.
"You're dead."
"Am I?"
Heero narrowed his gaze, studying J as he had been taught, but there was no real answer. He looked as he always had. Perhaps he was real, perhaps he was a hallucination. In the end, it didn't really matter.
"You've done well."
"Not really," Heero sighed bitterly.
"Oh I wouldn't say that." J almost sounded like he wanted to laugh, but there was something more to the expression and Heero thought that if he could just see the man's eyes he would know what it was. "You've only failed the mission Heero because you didn't know what it was to begin with. If you understood it, you would see that you haven't failed at all…"
Heero didn't understand, but was not about to admit that to this man. Instead, he sat in silence, staring at the picture of scales on the far wall. After a time he looked back at his mentor and sighed.
"Is there justice in this world?"
"Your friend, Mr. Chang, seems to think so."
"That's not what I asked."
"No, it isn't. I suppose, Heero, it depends on what you consider justice."
"What do you consider to be justice?"
Doctor J actually smiled, though it was hard to tell if he was being serious. Heero had never learnt the difference. J was to obeyed, wether he was being serious or not.
"Justice is like peace, Heero. You would do better to seek balance."
He stood, pulled his walking stick from somewhere to his other side and began hobbling from the room. An old man. Perhaps. Or a figment of an unhinged imagination. Heero looked from his retreating back to the scales on the wall once more and smiled. Balance, perhaps, was not so hard to find.
The small television screen was not what she was accustomed to, but she was not about to complain. It was more than enough to witness this final part in the saga that had become her life, and had marked its end. Relena let a tear slip from her left eye as she stilled to watch the last chapter.
A gentle hand came down on her shoulder and she allowed one of her own to rise to cover it.
"You don't have to watch this, Relena."
"Yes, Milliardo, I do."
She heard a sigh, then the shuffling of furniture. She did not need to turn to know Milliardo and Noin had taken up seats to either side of her own, eyes affixed to the screen. None were sure what outcome they desired, but that didn't lessen the need to know.
Milliardo had transferred from his position in the Preventers to one as Relena's guard. Noin had transferred right along with him. They were a family of sorts, as twisted and wronged as any other and yet still at peace. In the end, Relena supposed the verdict didn't really matter. It would not change her lot. But maybe, just maybe…
Maybe if the trial went well, if Duo was free, Heero might one day, in some small corner of his heart, find it within himself to forgive her. That would, after all, be the only part of himself he would ever give her. Relena was amazed to discover that it would be enough.
The camera swung past the front row and she caught a brief glimpse of all too familiar faces, pale and strained with nervousness. All but one. That little girl.
Fiona stared right through the camera, seemingly right at her, Relena, and waved, a knowing little smile on her face. Noin actually gasped. Then the camera swung to the jury filing in and silence reigned as the leading jurors little voice came out of the speakers.
"Of the charge of disruption of the peace and malicious intent to destroy a colony, we the jury find the defendant…"
A pause that was at once only a brief moment and at the same time eternity in a bottle.
"Not guilty."
Relena leant forward in her chair was Heero threw himself over the banister and his arms enveloped the shivering form at the defence's desk. Dororthy was leaning over, shaking Wufei's hand, telling him something that the camera could not hear over the jubilated cries Relena knew were coming from outside.
Relena eventually sat back in her chair and switched the television off, but the happy cries remained in her mind. One final tear escaped her.
"Relena, are you alright?"
No. Relena nodded, stood, and left the room, left the cries behind, left the tears that would not fall. Left her dream of peace.
Her dream was finally dead. And she knew it.
"Duo, Duo, Duo Duo Duo Duo!!!"
Heero looked up as Duo's head lifted from the place it had been nestled under his chin and bleary but clear eyes looked out into the sunlight and fastened themselves on Fiona. The small girl was standing not far from Sally, Wufei sitting on the veranda steps as he watched the two fawn over…something…
Fiona sprinted across the yard and bounded past Wufei, halting just before the pair on the lounge. Heero glared, bemused at the small black kitten in the girls now slightly chubby hands.
"Look what Sally gave me!"
Sally. Not mummy. Heero wondered how she felt about that, but when he looked over at Fiona's new parents there was only delight on their faces.
It had taken only a few weeks for Sally and Wufei to give in to Fiona's former parent's request. Fiona simply was not at home with them. Happy, yes, but not at home. She belonged with people who understood her. And so the adoption papers had been passed on to Sally and Wufei, and Harry and Louise had adopted twins who were orphaned in Duo's attack on L2.
And Fiona had come to live with them, in the mansion, with Sally who loved her as if she were her own, Wufei who adored her, Duo who understood her, and Heero, Quatre and Trowa, who just thought she was damn cute, which was apparently enough. And then there was Sally's latest gift….
Fiona was holding a completely black, tiny hairball that looked something like a cat…
"Let me guess," Heero said dryly, as Duo once again blinked as if unable to comprehend what was being shoved in his face, "you're going to call it Shini."
Fiona looked from the kitten to Heero in confusion, mouth twitching as she bit the inside of her cheek in thought.
"No, that's Duo's name…" Fiona replied as if this were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Damn straight it is, Firefly!" Duo finally quipped and Fiona actually wiggled her butt at them as if wiggling her wings. Then she grinned and leant in close, conspiratorially.
"Nope, his name is Wuffles!"
"WHAT!" Wufei suddenly leapt up from his stairs and glared at Fiona, then deciding he was not going to get repentance from her he glared at Sally. She only laughed and it was obvious she had suggested the name.
"Don't worry about him, Wuffles," Fiona whispered to the kitten. "He's juse jealous coz your hair is darker."
Heero snorted and Duo hid his face in Heero's shirt to hide his snickering as Fiona skipped off yelling "Quatre, Quatre, Quatre, Quatre, Quatre!!!"
Duo eventually looked up, eyes clear, body healthy where it rested against Heero's, no sign of a bruise in sight and no sign of fear.
Heero felt…blanaced.
Omg, its over!....LOL. Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for sticking with it, etc etc etc. kkls, Leth.