Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Princess ❯ Chapter 2
GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency Bandai etc.etc.
Part 3 of Dark Princess. A little blood, gore, evil propositions, nothing major.
"You don't look like any kind of doctor. How do you know about my wife?" Duo asked seemingly unshaken on the outside but on the inside he could feel himself shrinking back from the intimidating stance of the darkly clothed man before him.
A thin, sly smile grew on the pale lips of the blonde who had called himself Quatre; his blue eyes sparkled with tears as if he were about to laugh. "No, I am not a doctor, though, I have the capability of holding life and death within my hands."
Duo clenched his fist any fear he had had was slowly turning to irritable anger. "Who do you think you are, the Riddler? Do I look like Batman to you? Now tell me how you know about Hildie." The blue-eyed man's smirk turned into a smile as he closed his eyes and this time he did laugh.
"Batman? I think that would describe me more than you. A crude metamorphoses that, thank the gods is no longer necessary in this day and age."
Suddenly Quatre's eyes shot open and his breath left him as he found himself off his feet with his back slammed against the wall. He looked down to see that his latest interest, Duo Maxwell had him held by the collar and was pressing him against the wall. Little fool, he thought to himself.
Quatre then brought his hands up and closed them over Duo's. With his superior strength he easily began to pry the braided man's hands away. Duo was shocked into immobility as he found himself unable to even scream as he was now the one with his feet off the ground, being held up by only one hand of a man that only came up to his shoulders.
Somehow Duo had managed to take in several quick breaths despite the fact that Quatre's hand was around his throat squeezing lightly. "I, I know...w,who...what...are, y, you?"
Heero was kneeling beside the couch watching intently the strange girl who he had hit with his car an hour earlier. She was still unconscious but mumbling half formed words that made no sense to him. He looked over at the now dyed dark pink water that he had used to clean the blood off her brow. He was wondering about her, after all, it's not everyday you hit a girl with a car, she survives and now there's almost no trace of her injuries. A shallow moan from her tore his eyes away from the bloodstained water and back to her face; but she did not awaken.
His index finger began to trace the long mark across her forehead. What once had been quite a deep gash thirty minutes ago looked now as if was nothing more than a scratch and even that was fading. The bruising on her face and exposed body along with the various other lacerations were beginning to disappear as well.
"Are you what I think you are?" He whispered quietly more to himself then to her. "If you are, I never thought one of your kind could be so beautiful." He looked down at his open hand that had found a resting place, cupping her jaw line; his thumb smoothed against her cheek. Her skin was cool yet incredibly soft. Heero felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her and though his mind told him it was the wrong thing to do he found himself leaning over her anyway, his lips drawing closer to hers.
Relena felt herself beginning to pull out of her unconsciousness when her ears picked up the soft sound of breathing and a slight tickling on her lips from what felt like a breath. Then, the breathing and the breath were gone replaced by a light pressing against her lips that felt as if it was fire. Her mind that had been slowly waking its way back to conscious suddenly snapped to attention.
Heero was thrown back onto his haunches as she jolted upright into a sitting position. Her hair was a little wild but her eyes were wilder, practically bulging out of their sockets trying to in her surroundings.
"Where am I?"
Heero cleared his throat and positioned himself as he had been except this time he was stroking her hair. "It's okay, you're just at my place. I'm the guy that hit you with my car."
Relena looked at him, blinking rapidly his face becoming familiar, she slowed her breathing and claimed back her wits. A woman of her breeding was not supposed to show fear and uncertainty, especially in front of a mortal. The calming affect of his hand smoothing her hair was helping a great deal as well. "I remember now." Still sitting, she swung her legs off the couch and planted them on the floor purposely breaking the contact between her and Heero. Her body still ached and her skin felt like it was crawling but she could also feel her body healing.
Her eyes scanned her surroundings calmly this time, looking for a means to escape, but only, after she was strong enough to murder the very man who had helped her. Until then she would play it coyly.
"So," she began, "I guess you have some questions?" She was surprised that he still hadn't move away and instead offered her his hand.
"I'd rather know your name first. Mine is Heero Yuy." Accepting his gesture she looked back into his eyes.
"Relena Peacecraft." The same lips that had seared her mouth were now burning the back of her hand; she felt faint again but this time it was not from her injuries.
"A strange last name, don't you think, considering what you are?"
"So, if you know what I am why didn't you kill me? Didn't you even think that when I woke up I would kill you?"
Heero released her hand and then stood up. His smile was thin as if he was mocking her or amused by her threat.
"But you haven't killed me...and I don't think you will." Relena's jaw clenched her lustful passion turning to passionate anger at the smugness to his statement. But then, he didn't realize who she was.
She shook off her dizziness and rose to her feet as well, standing firm against him and not backing down despite the fact that he was a good head taller then her. "Your kindness means nothing to me. I'll still kill you." Heero turned from her and started to head into the small kitchenette.
"Your healing process may have stopped your bleeding but it hasn't taken away the dried blood on your cloths and skin. The bath is down the hall, first right. In the spare room's some old cloths of mine, maybe something will fit you."
"No your lordship. We've not seen Princess Relena since early this evening."
Milliardo's eyes narrowed as he placed his elbows on his desk and laced his fingers together in front of him. Even from over a view phone he was an intimidating figure. "You and Wufei find her. I fear she might be in some type of danger. This is not a request."
"Of course your lordship. The princess is a dear friend of ours'. We will make sure nothing has happened to her." Trowa shrank back somewhat from the threatening smirk upon Milliardo's lips.
"Yes. I'm well aware of the two of you being her "friends". Just be glad that I have come to accept my sister's free spirited ways."
"So, you're a vampire. And you want me and in return you will give us both immortality." Duo sank to his knees and closed his eyes, having several minutes ago been released from Quatre's vice-like grip. He didn't even flinch when Quatre knelt down in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I realize it's not a decision you make in haste, but, your wife only has so long. I would say maybe an hour left, thirty minutes more if she is lucky."
Duo's eyes shot open and he jerked his head up to look into Quatre's sky blue eyes. "Only an hour? But, how?"
Quatre smiled patronizingly down at Duo and brushed his cheek with his fingertips. "Have you forgotten what I am already? I can smell death. And the stench of it on your wife's body grows stronger by the minute. I do hate to rush your decision but it is amazing how quickly minutes turn into hours, or in your case hour."
Tears welled up in Duo's eyes as he began to sob like a child. "But, I, can't betray her with you...I, I, I've taken vows...I've made an eternal promise." Growing impatient Quatre clutched Duo's face between the hand that had just seconds ago been caressing it. His jaw was clenched and his tone was seething as if he was using every bit of his self-control to not rip Duo to pieces from his rage.
"Vows? Yes, your vows include the words until death do you part and they are eternal but only until death itself breaks them. If it makes you feel better we'll simply wait until she dies and then there won't be any vows for you to break will there? Either way you will be mine. Whether she lives or dies matters not to me. I'm just simply trying to be a nice guy here."
" Don't...let her die. I love...her. Please." Quatre eased his grasp on Duo and once again was stroking his cheek.
"I need to here you say it Duo." Quatre's voice was soft and gentle once again as he smoothed away the long fallen tresses of hair that had loosened from his braid off of his neck. "Will you pledge yourself to me?"
"So this must be what it's like to sell your soul to the Devil." Duo whispered as he closed his eyes. Quatre smirked but suppressed his chuckle.
"You flatter me, but, no, not him. Just an ancestor of one of his minions left over from the beginning of life itself. Now, you were about to say..."
"Y, yes. I, pledge myself to you." He immediately held his breath waiting for the pain that he knew would come.
"Such, beautiful hair." Quatre breathed lightly as he plunged his head down pricking Duo's flesh with his fangs before sinking them deeper into his jugular.
********************************************************************** **
Relena pulled on denim shorts and a white t-shirt that brandished a popular sports logo. They were the only cloths Relena had found that fit her decently. She could feel that her body had returned almost back to its full strength all she needed now was fresh blood.
So why are you hesitating. She told herself. Just go out there and kill the bastard. He won't be the first and definitely won't be the last. She turned the knob of the door and opened it slowly. The easiest way to kill was to not let your prey know you were stalking it.
She looked down the hall and from around the corner. She could see him pouring some dark liquid into a mug on the counter and he was singing quietly, her ears being able to pick up the faintest of whispers. She leaned back against the wall just listening to his melodious tenor voice. Her eyes worked their way over his body, which she noted was very well built and defined.
"He's so beautiful." If she had not heard the words breath out of her mouth she would not have believed she had ever spoken them. He was strong and incredibly sexy for a human. But she had seen sexy human males before, so why was this one so different. What was it about him that made her want to love him rather than kill him. She remembered the feel of his lips pressing against hers. It had been quite a chaste kiss, very soft and gentle. He had kissed her as if she had been some type of china doll that would have broken if handled to roughly. She had never been kissed in such a way before, so purely.
Heero looked up at her and took a sip of his coffee, momentarily stunned by her. He had found her beautiful even when she had been a bloody and broken mess, but now, as she stood before him, with her freshly washed hair and skin, he found her breath taking despite the somewhat baggy clothing. His heart began to flutter as it had when he had stolen a kiss from her.
"Why did you kiss me?"
Heero was taken aback somewhat by her question. It was as if she was reading his mind, perhaps she was. "I would not have taken it any further than a kiss, Relena, I'm not that kinda guy. I apologize if it was upsetting to you. I just, couldn't resist. I, think you're beautiful."
She stepped closer to him until she was standing beside him behind the kitchen counter. I'll only play with him a little, she told herself, and then, he will be no more. "Upsetting? No..." She bowed her head to avert her eyes from his, "though, it's hard to believe you, a human, think of me as beautiful."
She raised her hand to his temple and ran her fingers through his hair. She tilted up her head to look into his eyes but found she couldn't look into them and instead she looked past him. Damn what is happening to me, her mind screamed at her. It would be so easy to rid myself of him.
He crooked an index finger under her chin; she did not resist his touch nor did she pull away her head as he brought it up so he could see her face. She closed her eyes, however, still refusing to meet his gaze. She found herself wanting him to want her because he wanted her. Not because she could control his mind to do so. So instead, she focused on his words.
"I see great beauty in you Relena. I do not believe you to be as evil as what you may think you are."
As she digested his words they brought with them a certain pain in her chest that she had never felt before. The ache was wrenching yet it was an ache she found she did not want to rid herself of. Behind her closed eyes she could feel a mild burning and then moisture that began to seep through her lashes creating a wet trail down her cheek. Damn it. He was making her cry. She had not cried in literally hundreds of years.
"You're a fool Heero Yuy. You know nothing about me."
He leaned into her, his arms tight around her, holding her close as he bent his head to kiss away her tears with his lips and soothing words.
"Then...allow me to learn...everything there know about you, Relena. Open your eyes...please...look at me." Relena found herself unable to deny him. She opened her watery eyes and looked into his Prussian blue depths and, for the first time in her life she knew what it must have been like to be hypnotized. He kissed her cheek again, as if to reassure her. "No one controls me Relena. I will love you of my own free will."
"I swear I will kill you, human."
He smiled gently down at her and whispered. "Then at least I'll die with the memory of your taste on my lips."
He then closed his own eyes as he pressed his mouth down against hers once more, but this time the kiss was far from chaste.
**************************************************** *******************
Quatre had allowed Duo to borrow his coat, and while it was too small for his frame the high collar served the purpose of covering up the fang marks that were now crusted with blood.
"Mr. Maxwell?"
Duo froze right outside of Hildie's room at the sound of the nurse's voice.
"Sir, who is the gentleman with you? Visiting hours for non-family members have been over for hours."
"I'm Hildie's step-brother, Alan." Quatre extended his hand to the nurse and properly kissed the back of it when she accepted it. His head was bent but his eyes were raised catching the redhead's. "Pleased to me such a charming woman. I thank you for the great care you've given my sister."
Duo watched in amazement, as Irene's eyes seemed to glaze over and a blush creep up in her cheeks.
"Go right ahead sir. It was nice to meet you, Alan."
Quatre's smile was charmingly sexy. "Likewise. Now why don't you run along and file something." Irene's smile grew goofy as she nodded her head, turned and left. He looked over at Duo who stood still in mild befuddlement. The blonde vampire smirked.
"Your wife, Duo. She only has fifteen minutes." Duo snapped back to reality and shook slightly. He had never felt so weak in his life yet so revitalized at the same time as he opened the door to Hildie's room. Quatre just about flew past him almost knocking him over and went straight to the bedside of Duo's wife. "Miscalculation. She only has seven minutes."
Duo sprinted over to him and once again slammed him against the wall. "Then hurry up and do it! I gave you the first half of my pledge. Now keep your end of the bargain."
Quatre huffed somewhat and rolled his eyes. "As evil as you may think me, I am a creature of my word, but, it would be easier to change her if a particular someone wasn't holding me against the wall." Duo automatically let go and Quatre took his position once again beside Hildie's bed.
Quatre peered down upon the sleep young woman and wiped the sweat from her left jaw and side of her neck. "Pretty girl. I can see why it is you don't wish to part from her." Duo looked at the clock; there were three minutes remaining.
"Hurry up will you? Before it's to late."
"You really must work on your patience Duo, you now have eternity to accomplish things."
"Quatre. Please stop talking and bite her."
Quatre narrowed his eyes and smiled thinly getting pleasure from extending Duo's pain. "She has a minute and a half."
"Damn you!" Duo lunged at Quatre and tried to force his head down to Hildie's throat. The older vampire snarled and with one hand easily pushed Duo across the room where he slammed against the wall; Quatre smiled evilly again.
"All you had to do was ask." Quatre then ducked down his head, his blonde bangs covering his eyes. Duo could only watch wide-eyed in fear as he saw the other man's fangs sink into the delicate flesh of his beloved. He rose from the floor and fought the urge to run to his wife when her eyes flew open and she inhaled a violently deep breath. He heard her try to scream but knew it was impossible for her to do so. Her eyes then closed again and her body went limp on the bed.
Quatre tore his mouth away from Hildie's jugular and yelled above the sound of the blaring monitors for Duo to open the window; he complied with lightening speed.
Several seconds later when the medical staff reached Room 311 all they found was an empty bed and sheets that were barely warm.