Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Day after Day (GW) ❯ One-Shot
Disclaimer: Saaa…I lay no claim to the G-Boys being mine unfortunately. Not mine, please dun sue!
Title: Day after Day (Yes, I'm aware that I wrote a Gravi poem of the same title, but it's tuff!)
Author: KK (
Archive: Anyone else, ask and you will most likely receive. ^^
Category: Angst?? Poem
Pairings: 1+2+1
Rating: None?
Labels: Angsty…not happy stuff, shonen-ai
Feedback: Please!! I'll love you forever!
Notes: Gah. I have no idea where this came from. That's what boredom does to you I guess. ^^;; Yeah… I know there's a "can't be bothered" tone to it possibly, but that's how I'm feeling about everything at the mo. ^^;; *eyes 3 week old lemon" Uurgh…
Day after Day
A GW fanpoem by Koko Kitty
What would you do, if the person you had lived happily with for the past 4 years, left you? What would you do if that special person that you'd decided you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, suddenly disappeared?
These were a few questions that I had never stopped to think about. But now that Duo had left, they were questions that were playing around in my head like a sick melody as I refused to face facts. My Duo. My wonderful, Duo. Gone.
I remember, not even a fortnight ago, he had encountered me with a rumour that he'd heard. A silly rumour that pestered at him and refused to leave his conscious. A rumour that tore us apart, and left me standing in an empty apartment that no longer hummed of his presence.
/"Listen to me!! Listen! I *love* you! More than life itself! Don't EVER let anyone else tell you differently. Ok? You hear me, Duo? I love you, ok? I always will."/
My pleadings hadn't worked then, and they hadn't worked last week. The memory of his face, twisted with disbelief and mistrust hung its dirty picture right in front of me, bright and clear. And it made me hurt inside with a painful ache that I couldn't get rid of.
One stupid rumour spread by a haggle of jealous, malicious people was all it took. Despite my innocence, there was no proof I could provide to Duo that wiped any thoughts away, any possibilities that I was sleeping with someone behind his back. And he had believed them. Their incorrect words had eaten away at him, and he left me, being too deeply hurt. My pleading eyes couldn't relay the truth to him, and nothing I did could stop him. Two weeks it had taken him. Two weeks, and constant lies from them and he'd left me. Had abruptly ended so many years of bliss because of the wounds those words had caused.
I curl up tightly, pulling myself into a small ball. The sheets are cold, and Duo's body is not here. He's not spooning our bodies together, and he's not snuggling against me or burying his face into my neck.
If Duo ever left me, would I be able to live life? What would I do if I woke up alone, day after day? What would life be like without the one thing that made it bright?
These are a few questions that I never considered, but am now painfully finding the answers to. Day after day.
>_< Dare I ask for c&c? *hides*