Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ Just Like That Old Movie ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shi-chan: Okay, let's get back at this.
Quatre: Did I mention how much I didn't like the way this fic is going?
Shi-chan: Yeah, you did say something...
Trowa: Neither do I.
Duo: Gee, well that's understandable!
Shi-chan: Oro...

Death Becomes Him
~By Shimegami-chan
Part 3
Duo woke up again still enfolded in Heero's arms. The Japanese pilot shifted a little bit. He's waking up...

Duo speculated whether it would be wise for Heero to come to and find himself clutching Quatre like his long-lost sweetheart. Unfortunately Heero's stiff fingers didn't seem to intend to let Duo go, so several seconds later the colbalt-blue eyes fluttered open and Duo braced for impact. Maybe if I try and roll I won't break anything...

Heero spent a small eternity gaping at the blond boy he was holding so tightly. "Quatre..."

The brown-haired boy didn't throw Duo across the room as he had been expecting. Instead he just sat and looked into Duo's eyes. Duo couldn't pull himself away from his lover's piercing ice-blue gaze.

"I'm sorry..." Duo apologized, trying to sound like the little Arab. "Heero..."

Heero grunted. "I should be the one to apologize. I...I was having the oddest dream. I shouldn't have acted like I did."

Duo was only semi-horrified. "You...Heero, how much of what just happened do you actually remember?"

"All of it. I'm sorry, Quatre."

"Aiya..." Duo slipped out from under the blankets and stretched. "Daijobu, Heero-kun. So...when do I get an explanation of what happened right before that?"

Heero looked stricken. "How did I get here?"

"Uh...we went looking for you, and found you unconscious by the cliff. You were lucky you didn't get yourself killed," he accused.

"Oh." Heero looked slightly disappointed. Duo felt a small pang of regret that he had caused his friend such pain.

"Heero...I want you to promise me that you won't try that again." Duo tried his best to look staern and caring at the same time, something he used to be so talented at.

Regardless of the conversation they had just had, Heero didn't looked surprised that Quatre knew about the suicide attempt. "I don't know if I can do that."

Duo almost broke down then and there. "Heero, please! Duo wouldn't want you to do this to yourself!"

"And what do you know?" Heero spat. "You never knew what happened between us! I can't do this without him!"

"Heero..." Duo knelt back down and gave Heero a hug, and then a quick kiss on the lips before Heero knew what was happening. "Trust me. I know more than you imagine."

Then, with a wink and a smile, he turned and left the room.


Duo ambled upstairs and into Quatre's room where he could have minute to himself. Sitting down on the soft bed, he left Quatre's body and was pleased to find that he seemed to be back to normal temperature...whatever that was. Quatre, on the other hand, fell back on the bed with his eyes closed.

Belatedly Duo wondered if his 'possession,' idea had any side effects, and feverantly hoped that his little Arabian friend wasn't dead or had his soul sucked out of him or something. "Quatre?"

The blond boy stirred, much to Duo's relief. "Oh, thank Kami, Q-man! I was worried!"

"Hey, Duo." Quatre yawned and sat up. "Gomen, I fell asleep. What happened with Heero?"

"Um." Duo bit his lip. "Nothing, really..."

Quatre reached out with his index finger and poked Duo's wrist.

"Oro?" Duo looked at the limb worriedly, which seemed fine to him. "What's up?"

"Duo...I can see you."

Duo had barely noticed that he didn't have a body anymore. "Wait, you can? Is that supposed to happen?"

"I don't know," Quatre confessed. "I don't even know what you are. A ghost? Your own spirit?"

"I'm having a little trouble figuring that one out myself," said Duo. "I didn't think anyone could see me, but I pulled Heero out of the water without any trouble. It's not like I'm having a hard time holding onto things, and--he checked his wounded leg--and I'm, uh, bleeding. I should actually put something on that. couldn't see me, and Heero didn't hear me calling to him. I really don't get it."

"It's like an out-of-body experience, almost," said Quatre thoughtfully. "Only...I'm pretty sure you really are...uh..." the little pilot trailed off and left the sentence hanging.

"I was thinking about what you said, Q-man. About me becoming Death." Duo flopped over on the bed. "but that wouldn't make sense, since I woke up just to see Heero about to kill himself. So does that make me some kind of guardian, or something?"

Quatre gave this concept some thought. "Maybe you're supposed to be watching over Heero to make sure he doesn't die."

"Maybe it's like that old movie!" Duo turned over onto his stomach and he was glad to feel the familiar weight of his chestnut braid slung across his back. "Unfinished buisness and all that."

"It doesn't seem plausible, but then again neither does your very existance." The smaller boy let a pleased smile decorate his porcelain features. "Did I mention how glad I am to see you again?"

"No, you forgot that!" Duo laughed. "but I assumed it anyway!"

"You're full of yourself!" smiled Quatre. "but that's okay!"

The two pilots' merry laughter brought light to the room, and once more Duo felt whole again.


Heero sat beside the blazing fire, still trying to comprehend what had happened.

Had Quatre just made advances on him? It didn't make sense. The little Arab wasn't usually so bold, and his demeanor and speech had seemed out of character. Heero couldn't quite put his finger on it. He wondered if Duo's death had been affecting Quatre as much as it had affected himself.

The Japanese boy got to his feet and belatedly noticed that instead of his customary green tanktop he was wearing one of Duo's black longsleeved shirts. Why hadn't he noticed that when he and Quatre had been lying together by the fire, and he had imagined...

That was what it was, of course, his imagination. Those pale fingers and fine blonde hair weren't what the illusion had been, it was of callused hands and long, chestnut-brown hair. The long braid had pooled on Heero's chest, those strong hands had caressed Heero's face, those ruby lips had drank from Heero's thirsting mouth. Where had Quatre come into the picture? Heero's addled brain didn't seem to be working straight. He ran his fingers along the velvety sleeves of Duo's shirt and wondered whether it was real, whether any of this was real.

He had dreamed he held Duo in his arms, just like before. But if it was a dream, why had everything felt so real? Was he still dreaming?

What if he wasn't?

Shi-chan: More coming soon! The plot thickens!