Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gundam Wing is copyright...Sotsu, I think it is, and a few other important companies and people, and I obviously don't own these wonderful bishounen.


Duo: Starting early tonight?
Shi-chan: Yeah, I'll see how many chapters I can write before DBZ...
Duo: Oi...maybe this means I can get some sleep tonight...
Heero: Hn...
Duo: ....or not. *Mischevious giggle*


Death Becomes Him
~By Shimegami-chan
Part 7

"I don't undertsand." Trowa said simply.

Duo, playing on the swingset, looked up at the unibanged pilot. "Um. You're not alone."

Quatre was seated on the bench beside Trowa. "I can't seem to puzzle it out. One minute Duo's in my head, the next he's standing in front of me. Have I completely lost it?"

Quatre had barely heard Trowa say so many words in one sentence before. "I can understand why you thought I needed a therapist."

"Hn." Trowa sighed. "Perhaps I need one too. This is impossible."

Duo swung back and forth. "Hell, yes. It's insane, it's impossible, and it's happening. So now what?"

"I think I may have noticed a pattern in this." Quatre said uneasily.

"What?" asked Trowa.

"Well, I didn't see Duo at all the first night he arrived, until he came into my head and talked to me. Then you saw him after he was in you. Maybe that's the key to this."

"What, you mean that after Duo...possesses...someone, they're able to acknowledge his presence?" Trowa looked thoughtful. "That could be it."

"I already thought of that." Duo heaved a sigh and used the metal pole to kick himself into swinging sidways. "It'd be a great theory only it's already been proven wrong."

"How so?" Quatre inquired.

"I kind of borrowed Heero's body for a while the night I came back. You didn't think he managed to walk all the way back from the cliff himself, did you?"

"I wondered about that actually. So you've been in Heero, but he still can't see you?" Quatre's face scrunched in concentration.

"Nope. I followed him around a bit while you were making breakfast the other day, walked in front of him a few times. He didn't bat an eye." Duo's beautiful eyes took on that wistful look again. "I wish..."

Quatre moved over to the swings and put an arm over Heero's shoulder. "Daijobu, Duo-kun. We'll get this figured out eventually."

Duo bit his lip. "I can't stand to be around him! To know that he's so close I could touch him, I could kiss him, I could hold him in my arms...and I can't! I slept on the couch last night. I can't look at him and know he's in pain because of me."

"Oh, Duo..." Quatre began to play with the end of Duo's braid. "There has to be a reason why all this is happening, it's just a matter of kinding out what. Maybe that's what it will take for Heero to see."

"Or that might get me yanked back to the afterlife, or whatever."

"What was it like?" Trowa asked bluntly.

Duo shrugged. "I don't know, I don't think I ever actually got there. The stuff with Heero happened too fast."

"What was that stuff you were saying about 'unfinished buisness' the other night?" Quatre wondered.

"Oh, that was just a theory. Like that old movie, ya know? The hero dies and can't get to heaven--or possibly hell, in my case--because there's something on Earth that he still needs to do. In which case when I actually *do* this thing I cease to exist, yet again." Duo's gloomy face was enough to depress Quatre furthur. "On the other hand, I was also thinking about another possibility." He perked up.

"I'm pretty sure that the reason I came back anyway was to stop Heero from killing himself. If that was the duty I was supposed to do, then it's already done and I haven't left yet right? I was thinking that maybe I'm supposed to stay here and protect Heero. Then again, maybe I was right about the 'becoming death' thing and I'm supposed to wait till he kills himself and then take his soul. But I don't want to think about that possibility." The braided pilot grimaced. "Or maybe I'm supposed to kill him myself. But I could never bring myself to do that. And I'm leaning heavily towards the 'shinigami' idea."

Quatre thought he saw a flash of doubt in Duo's violet eyes. "Why do you say that?"

Duo got off the swings. "I wasn't gonna show you this, but it seems we're all in for the ride in this adventure. Let's go someplace more private."

The American boy led Quatre and Trowa to a secluded clump of trees at the edge of the park. Quatre hoped Duo wasn't going to turn into a demon or something, the grim look on his face was unsettling. Duo turned to face the other pilots. "When I saved Heero that night, something really odd happened to me--besides waking up from being dead, that is." He closed his eyes and grimaced in pain, and suddenly the sunlight pouring down of them way cut off by the appearance of two monsterous-looking leathery wings poking out of Duo's back. Quatre gasped.

Trowa actually looked surprised. "That's impressive, Duo."

"Yeah, I know." the smaller boy fought to keep his balance with the added weight. "They really freak me out. They just...appeared, and then when I borrowed Heero for a new mode of transportation they disappeared. Now I can kind of make them go away or come back just by thinking about it. In case you were wondering, Trowa, I can also control how solid my body is. But I've been pretty much just staying solid all the time, or else I can't interact with things."

"He looks like an angel. He shimmers." Quatre stated. "Show him, Duo."

Duo obliged, letting his concentration go until his entire body was transluscent and glowing. Quatre expected him to slip right through the earth and disappear, but Duo used the ethereal wings to boost himself a few inches off the ground and just hung there.

Trowa was gaping. "It's hard to beleive that you might be the embodiment of Death when you look like that."

"Yeah...kind of..." Duo folded his legs indian-style, still floating. "But the wings add kind of a hellish cast to the picture."

The leathery wings did offset the look, Trowa thought. "Impressive, Duo. You can control this appearance at will?"

"Sort of." Duo rose a little higher and he lost a little of the blue glow. "I can control the wings, and I can control what I call my 'phasing.'" Suddenly the little pilot was sitting on his behind on the hard ground, solid once again and looking like the Duo Maxwell he knew. A second later the wings disappeared as well.

Duo stood up and rubbed his backside. "Oops, gained too much weight too fast."

Quatre was awed. "Wow."

Duo gave him his usual grin and swung his arms up behind his head. "I don't do that much. It puts holes in my shirts."

"I see." Trowa said carefully. "This is quite a mystery. What are we going to do about you?"

Duo cast his eyes downward. "I don't know, Trowa. I really don't know."

Quatre fiddled with the end of his vest. "We should get beck to the house and check on Heero soon, you know. He wasn't even up when I locked the door."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's get back to the house." Duo offered Quatre a careful smile, but the little Arab could still see the pain in his eyes at the mention of Heero's name. "I'd kill for a little rest and relaxation, and maybe some ice cream. Your couch is horribly uncomfortable you know."

"I'll try and make it up to you," Quatre laughed. "Ice cream it is."

Duo perked up momentarily, but Quatre still wondered how long it would last.

At this rate, neither he nor Heero could hold on much longer.

Shi-chan: More in a few minutes, or hours. But I'll get more done tonight.
Duo: I need sleep!
Shi-chan: Take a nap! It's only 7:30!
Wufei: Onna, why do you always talk to yourself before and after your fics?
Shi-chan: I'm *discussing* them with my wonderful staff. Duo here is my muse, aren't you Duo?
Duo: I'm what?
Trowa: *nudges him* You're her sex toy.
Duo: Oh.
Shi-chan: .....
Heero: .....
Duo: Oi, sorry Hee-chan...just kidding...
Wufei: Injustice!