Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death Becomes Him ❯ Solid ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gundam Wing is copyright...Sotsu, I think it is, and I can't think of a more clever disclaimer...



Shi-chan: 16 coming up...


Death Becomes Him

~By Shimegami-chan

Part 16


When he was sure Heero was sleeping peacefully again, Duo dropped through the floor and ended up in the kitchen, where Quatre was busily cleaning up. "Q-man."

"Hey, Duo." Quatre stacked away the last of the plates and dried his hands on a towel. "How are you?"

"Not good, I'm afraid." Duo looked down at his transparent body. "Um...I'm having a little trouble getting back to normal here."

"What? What do you mean?" Quatre looked Duo up and down. The black-clad boy was barely even visible against the white kitchen walls. His limbs were glowing blue and sparkling.

Duo tried to touch the nearest wall, without much success. "I can't un-phase. It's not that I can't concentrate, but nothing's happening."

"Oh, Allah..." Quatre walked closer and passed his left arm through Duo's chest. Warmth fizzled through the little Arab and he withdrew. "You're absolutely sure you can't get back to normal?"

"Definitely. I was upstairs talking to Heero--well, I was about to--and I didn't want him to freak went he saw me, and I thought the ghostly look was a little less threatening, so I phased, and now I can't get back...and there's something really wrong with Heero, too. He can't remember fighting with me last night."

What was going on? Quatre didn't know what to say. "But...why would he..."

"Yuy's calling out for Maxwell up there." Wufei had appeared in the doorframe. "I didn't notice you coming out..."

"I went through the floor." Duo grimaced.

"What happened? He's calling your name and he sounds pretty frantic." Wufei gestured at the ceiling.

Heero Yuy shoved his way through the door. "Duo! Where'd you go?"

"See what I mean?" Wufei said dryly.

Duo walked over to his lover. "I'm right here. You were sleeping."

Heero looked like he wasn't sure whether to be angry or relieved. "You said you wouldn't leave me!"

"Heero, I just came down to talk to Quatre..."

Heero's face relaxed. "Oh..."

Duo shot Quatre an I-told-you-so look.

Wufei looked at Duo, confused. "So you made up?"

"From what?" asked Heero.


"Fei-kun...let's leave them alone awhile..." Quatre took the Chinese boy by the wrist and pulled him out of the kitchen.

Worried as he was, Duo couldn't help feeling a little relieved at be left for a minute to deal with what was happening. Heero sat down at the table. Duo stood by the counter.

"Duo...I can't tell you how happy I am, just to see you again...are you really okay?"

"Well...I'm dead...but other than that..." Duo cracked a smile.

Heero returned it sadly. "Duo, my love...did it hurt? I'm sorry I couldn't be with you..."

"It only hurt when I realized I wouldn't have you anymore, Hee-chan. Are you all right?"

"Saa, I'm fine...although these last days have been a blur." Duo didn't like the rather blank look in Heero's colbalt eyes.

The American pilot was more than a little worried now. "Heero..."

"Duo, you look just like an angel. Is that why you're here?"

Duo was stumped. "Um...actually I'm not sure why I'm here..."

"Either way, I'm glad." The Japanese pilot smiled brightly.

Something is definitely wrong here...


"What do you think, Trowa?" Quatre whispered.

"Did he hit his head or something?" wondered Wufei.

Trowa leaned closer to the door to make out the muffled voices. "Could be."

Suddenly Duo's glowing chestnut head poked through the door. "Guys, I'm really worried. He's grinning like an idiot and he can't remember seeing me at all since...since before."

Wufei jumped back in surprise. "Maxwell, don't do that."

"Well, I can't get the door open." he defended himself.

"Oh. Of course." Wufei opened the door and the three pilots streamed in.

"Heero, I'm sorry, but I have things I have to do. How about you talk to the others awhile?" Duo grinned charmingly.

"Hurry back..." Heero pleaded.

Duo turned his back on the group and disappeared.



Did I mention that he's being really possessive?

Heero was brooding to himself already. Wufei pulled up a chair. "Yuy, is something wrong?"

"Duo..." Heero said wistfully. Suddenly something in his expression changed drastically. "No. I must not miss him."

"Yuy?" Wufei said curiously.

"What?" Heero growled.

"Weren't you going to say something?"

His eyes hardened. "What are you talking about?"

Wufei looked puzzled. "What about Duo?"

"Don't say that name." Heero said coldly.

Quatre gasped. /Did I miss something?/

"But you were just about to..."

"SHUT UP! He's DEAD, leave me alone already!" Heero leapt to his feet and ran out the door.

Duo immediately got out of Quatre's body. "I think something important just happened."

"No kidding."

"Split personality." Trowa said quietly.

All three pilots turned to the unibanged boy. "You think so?" asked Duo.

"I'm almost sure. He's got symptoms and a cause."

"Well, shit." Duo kicked the wall absently and was surprised to feel pain in his foot. "What the hell...?"

Trowa observed, "Your body's gone back to normal."

"I noticed." Duo hopped up and down on his good foot. "We should probably go after Heero..."

"He went upstairs," Wufei pointed out.

"Got it." The three boys ran off in hot pursuit of their friend.


Shi-chan: I'm gonna write a songfic now, I think.

Duo: Ooh, yes. Take me away from this story for a while.

Shi-chan: Come know you like it...

Duo: What's to like!? I'm dead and Heero has split personalities! I don't like this at all!