Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Death ❯ Why Death? ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Standing here I see
That dark cloud hanging over me
Each drop of rain it sheds
Are seconds of my life
Why am I Death?

A drop of blood drips
From my scythe
My dark robe
Torn and Shattered
Demon wings shield me
Why am I Death?

I have the power
To take life
As I wish.....
I was what I was
Breed to do.
It's what I am
But why?
Why does ever life
my scythe take
scars my heart?

I don't want this anymore!
I don't want to see their faces
When they see Death
When the see me
How will I cope
If the next life
Death takes
Is the life of someone
He loves

Death Loves
Death Kills
But can Death kill his loved....?
Can Death cope it?
Can Death pierce his scythe
Into his sweat angel?

I'd rather die!
Let Death kill Death!
Let Death strangle his throat!
Let death tear and rip his owns wings
With his own claws!
Death would rather die
Than kill his sweat angel......

copyright: Gundam Wing and Duo Maxwell are copyright Bandai and anyone else who works on it. Plot is copyright: Adrianne Masling.

who's his sweat angel? I'll let you figure that out ^^