Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Deeper than That ❯ Deeper than That ( Prologue )
Deeper than That
A/N: Just a small teaser for you because I'm mean like that. It appeared in my mind as I was listening to random songs such as My December by Linkin Park, X-Files by Mike Oldfield and Baker Street by Gerry Raferty so it's not really a songfic I just think it goes well with them all. So just a little story for you to read and enjoy (maybe even review *cheeky wink*). If you want me to continue then I might, only if you ask nicely though.
Another year and then you'll be happy, but you're crying, you're crying now
Duo rocked in his chair and then looked to the stranger opposite him. His long brown hair no longer had any life to it, it was flat and dry and the braid was loose.
When you wake up it's a new morning, you're going, and you're going home.
All his time spent in this place had never been brilliant, it was like saying it was the worst time of his life, but politely. Duo blinked his eyes and a tear rolled down.
"I know why I'm here." Duo said and he closed his eyes. "Please, I'll just go back to my room, I can't bare to hear my punishment." The man in the chair shook his head.
"No Maxwell, that's not why I called you here. I wanted to talk to you, about what you did and I want to tell you something but first, in your own words, tell me why you want to get out." Duo opened his eyes and looked up. Taking in a breath he began to talk.
"I have to get out, I have to go back and save someone." The man in the chair nodded. Duo continued rocking. "Please, I don't want to, just let me go back to my room and I'll stay quiet, you won't hear from me." The man shifted in his chair as he tried to work out what Duo wanted, after what he said just made no sense. He then sighed and stood up.
"You will want to get out of here, don't be so hard on yourself, you are here of your own free will now, we had to keep you in for six months after the state you were in but no you can go. We all admire you staying because you thought you'd do something stupid but we all agree that you are okay now. You've had enough of it here, we all know you have, you are just like any other normal twenty year old, go out and live your life. You can go." Duo looked up.
"But…I was bad, I…" Duo stopped. The man shook his head.
"You've been on medication, you've improved, you can go, Maxwell, it would be for the best." Duo shook his head.
"I was bad, I need punishing." Duo then looked frantically around the room, trying to find any object that could cause damage. He reached for an ashtray and hit his arm. The man reached forward and Duo lashed out with the ask tray, hitting the man over the head causing blood to flow freely almost instantly. The man fell to the floor and then reached for a button desk. He found it and pressed it and two men came in and grabbed the ask tray from Duo's shaking hand. He looked down at the man and started to shake violently.
"I can't be good, I'm a bad, bad person." Duo said and he walked out the room, escorted by one of the men, the other tended to the man with blood on his head.
Trowa sat and impatiently tapped his finger against the table he was sitting at. The doctor had said that Duo would be out today, he maybe a little nervous but he would be out of that hospital and okay with his life. He was late.
Trowa looked around the room and sighed loudly. A man walked past stopped and looked at Trowa.
"Are you here for Maxwell?" Trowa stood up.
"Where is he? The doctor said he would be out." The man sighed.
"I'm afraid you are going to have to wait until there is an all clear from the hospital. Maxwell lashed out on his new doctor." Trowa hung his head. His new doctor. He had had so many doctors in the last year. Trowa hoped that that would be his last doctor but he would need another doctor's approval to be let out. He would need two doctors' approval as his new one certainly wasn't going to let him out. Poor Duo. He had changed so much but not in a good way. Someone he had never seen before took him in to hospital after he tried to kill himself by taking an overdose. He had physical and psychological scars and no longer had the wit and humour that he used to have. Ever since someone very special died, he was sure it was his entire fault and couldn't live with it any more.
Trowa tried to understand but couldn't understand why Duo couldn't cope with this death. He still visited Duo every weekend, trying to convince him that it wasn't his fault. Duo wouldn't listen and every week Trowa went back to visit Duo, Duo had one more scar on his wrist or cut on his neck. His face was untouched, the beauty was still in his face but the smile was long gone and instead there was a tired and depressed face. Trowa didn't understand why the doctors would let Duo have these objects to hurt himself but they all claimed that they didn't know how he kept getting them.
It wasn't Duo's fault; it just seemed that way to him. There was nothing he could have done to save Quatre; he was too far away at the time. Maybe one more step and he would have been saved but he was about four metres away from Duo.
Duo couldn't cope, he hurt so much to see a best friend die in front of him and he was sure it was his entire fault. One more step and maybe he could have saved Quatre but that was a big maybe and there was only a short space of time. Quatre was gone. Trowa had learned to live with it but Duo fell apart. It wasn't his fault, Quatre would probably of died anyway and Duo couldn't help but think it was his fault.
Trowa was sure there was more to it and when Duo came out of hospital, in time he would find it out.