Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Deuces of Blood ❯ Made of Scars ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Made of Scars
Wu Fei groggily stretched out his aching limbs before snuggling back up into the warmth that was pressed into his side. His face contorted in displeasure for a moment before he brought his knees up and curled around the thing that was so warm. He sighed in pleasure and relaxed again.
The sloe eyed man was falling in and out of a light doze when the warm thing he'd been pressed against shifted. Wu Fei's hair trigger reflexes sent him into motion before he could fully open his eyes, throwing himself away from the movement and going into a defensive stance. What the Chinese Preventer saw made him fall out of his stance.
Heero lay on his back, grinning and naked as the day he was born. Wu Fei frowned in confusion before it all came rushing back to him. With a groan, he covered his blushing face. This couldn't be happening. Pressing his fingers against his eyes, he wished that when he looked again none of this would be there and he would be in his apartment, alone.
He took his hands off of his face and everything was exactly like it had been when he'd covered his face except Heero was now frowning and starting to rise. A panicked noise rose from Wu Fei's mouth before he could stop it. Scrambling to his feet, his eyes searched for an escape. He found the door that led to the bathroom and dashed towards it.
Before Wu Fei could make it, he was tackled from behind. Yelling at Heero in anger, Wu Fei struggled, trying to get the heavier man off of his back. Before he could succeed in his plan, two hands held his shoulders down with bone crushing strength and teeth wrapped themselves around the skin on the back of his neck.
Instantly Wu Fei's body relaxed completely even as his mind shut down in panic. One part of Wu Fei's brain was detached wondering where this mindless emotion had come from. That part tried to analyze where the panic had come from, but he couldn't. It gripped him even as Heero pulled away from his neck but still sat on his back so he couldn't run.
The panic continued to run through his veins until Heero leaned down and swiped the flat of his tongue between Wu Fei's shoulder blades. The effect was instantaneous. Wu Fei started to calm down and his mind slowly came back. “Heero…” Wu Fei growled softly as he turned his head to see the other male out of the corner of his eye. “Get. Off. Of. Me.”
When Heero moved off of him, Wu Fei rolled over on his back and then sat up, curling his knees up to hide his own nude body from the other. They regarded each other for a moment, Heero's earlier good mood seeming to have vanished.
“How long have you known?” Heero asked after a moment of silence, regarding the other with open curiosity. He seemed to be perfectly at ease with the situation and his own nudity in front of the other pilot.
Wu Fei himself was desperately looking for some sort of clothing or blanket to hide his body with. “Know what?” He snapped at the other, the forced relaxation quickly wearing off now that he started thinking again.
“That you're a vampire.”
The question caught Wu Fei off guard and he dropped a piece of cloth that had once been his boxers. “How long have you known?” Wu Fei asked slowly, not sure he wanted to know the answer.
Heero tried to catch Wu Fei's eyes with his own, failing each time. “Since Duo turned me.” The Wing pilot said in that cautious tone he'd been using since they had started conversing.
An unexplained anger came over Wu Fei. Releasing a scream that was nothing put pure animalistic rage, he launched himself at Heero, meaning to strike him. Heero caught him and then they struggled to over power each other on the floor after that.
Their wrestling match was cut short by the front door slamming open. Wu Fei hadn't noticed it before, but there were heavy drapes hiding the windows in the living room where they were. When the door was open, heavy noon day sun came streaming in right onto the two.
Instinct rode over all rational thought for Wu Fei and before he knew it, he was in a totally different room, the door closed and locked behind him. A burning sensation radiated from his shoulder and back and when he looked his normally bronzed skin was beet red.
Grumbling, Wu Fei took stock of the room he was in. It was Heero's by the tidiness of it and the clothes in the closet. Snorting, Wu Fei ripped some jeans off of a hanger and pulled them on, cussing in every language he knew. A knock came at the door just as the Chinese man was pulling on a white shirt. “Who is it?” He snarled at the door, looking for a hair tie so he could pull his hair back. The one he had was probably in the living room, ripped to shreds like his clothes.
The door opened and Wu Fei turned around to give who'd ever invaded a piece of his mind. The words died on his lips when he saw Sally Po walk in, giving him a concerned look. “You look like shit.” She said bluntly, putting down a bag she'd been carrying on the chair next to the door.
Wu Fei didn't hear her. To his eyes, she seemed to glow with some light that came from inside of her. It seemed to move, closer and away from her to some unknown beat to him.
As he was staring, he took an unconscious step forward. He wanted to know what that rhythm was, he wanted to bask in the light of her and steal it all for himself. His mind did not process Sally asking him what was wrong, her voice full of concern. He was captivated by that light she gave off. He wanted it all for himself. She didn't deserve to have it. As Wu Fei reached out to grab the woman, he instead found himself being pushed backwards by a strong body. His eyes were ripped away from that beautiful light and he came eye to eye with angry ocean blue eyes. Heero.
There were the sounds of arguing yelling and a door slamming but Wu Fei didn't hear it. He was caught up in a new pulsating light. Its rhythm was Heero's heart beat. Wu Fei wanted it bad, he wanted it more then anything he'd ever wanted before; and he knew it was his for the taking. Blue eyes went half mast and the other pilot leaned his head to the side, bearing his neck.
Mewling in pleasure, Wu Fei tilted his head fore ward and opened his mouth wide, sinking his teeth into the delicate looking neck that had been offered to him like a feast. Blood flooded Wu Fei's mouth and the Chinese pilot closed his lips around the wounds so that none of the crimson nectar would be wasted.
He felt the light of the other male engulf him and the beat vibrate his tongue. It was addicting. Pulling Heero tighter against him, Wu Fei turned them around and then backed the Japanese pilot against the wall. Heero was growling and moaning as Wu Fei continued to feed from him. Wu Fei moaned into the blood as the other pilot hesitantly thrusted against him once. Growling when Heero stopped, Wu Fei lowered himself slightly while his mouth was still connected to Heero's neck and pulled the other up with his hips.
Wu Fei felt more then saw that Heero was still naked, so pulling his mouth from the other Preventer's neck and looking down at their bodies, he smirked and started disrobing himself. The shirt was easy to take off, but Heero was in the way of getting off his pants and there was no way he was going to put the other pilot down. Grunting in annoyance, Wu Fei reached between their bodies and popped the button off of the jeans he was wearing. The zipper was easy to pull apart and Wu Fei gave a triumphant bloody smile to Heero.
Said person was watching the proceedings with an amused smile on his face. Wu Fei shifted his hips against the other's grumbling in his chest. Heero, who's feet weren't touching the floor anyway, brought up his legs and wrapped them around Wu Fei's waist in admission.
With a happy growl, Wu Fei positioned himself at Heero's entrance and carefully slid in. He was not himself, but he had enough of a mind to know that a rough entrance would not be pleasurable for his mate. Heero threw his head back and groaned loudly as he was penetrated carefully, he could feel the thickness intruding his virgin muscles, opening them wide.
Wu Fei grunted in the exertion and he brought up his right hand to the wall, looking for something to hold on to. When he found nothing, he gave an irritated grumble before pulling back his hand and straightening his fingers. Before either of them could blink, Wu Fei's fingers had gone through the plaster of the wall and were gripping the edge of the hole tightly.
With the new leverage, Wu Fei thrusted up carefully, watching his mate's face intently for any sign of discomfort. There was a little, but that was to be expected from penetration without stretching. With a nod of readiness from Heero, Wufei held Heero up with a hand under his thigh as he pulled out and then pushed back in. He was still going slow, hyper aware of the muscles gripping his throbbing cock.
Heero cried out in pleasure, his head thrown back and his neck bared again. Wu Fei could see two bite marks on either side of the other pilot's head. One looked old and half healed, his from last night, and the one from a moment ago, not bleeding anymore but not healed yet. Leaning his head forward, Wu Fei licked the older bite first before switching sides and licking the new one. Another cry of pleasure came from Heero, this time quieter. Pulling back and smirking at his mate, Wu Fei pulled out again and then waited for a second, watching as Heero started squirming. Releasing the hand that held Heero up, he watched as gravity went to work and Heero slammed down onto his dick. The blue eyed one's back arched off of the wall, eyes wide and his mouth open in a little circle of surprise and ecstasy.
Wu Fei's mind started going numb as Heero moved his hips in a circle, tightening the muscles around his erection teasingly. Making another hole in the wall higher above the first one, Wu Fei gripped the edges of that hole with his other hand and started to pound into that tight heat.
Heero's nails raked Wu Fei's back, leaving bloody trails. The Chinese man hardly even grunted as he continued to slam into Heero's body. Wu Fei was the first one to lose control, pushing into the other male as far as he could and completely going rigid as he came. He didn't stay idle for long, reaching between their bodies, Wu Fei gripped Heero's still throbbing erection and jacking him off quickly.
Heero groaned loudly, head falling back against the wall as he came. To coated their bellies and Wu Fei's chest with stark white. They stood their and just caught there breath for a moment. As the adrenalin started to wear off, Wu Fei started to slide to his knees, his legs unable to hold them both up.
When the Chinese pilot was sitting on the ground with the other in his lap, Heero raised his head and took stock of their position, an amused smile on his face. Wu Fei just grumbled slightly. “You're heavy Yuy.”
Heero snorted and rolled his eyes before pulling his legs under him and standing up. He didn't seem to have any problems moving. The Wing Pilot turned his back on Wu Fei and walked off towards the bathroom. Wu Fei had to smirk at the imprint of jeans on the other's ass.
Just as Wu Fei had decided to get up and tuck himself back into the ruined pants, the door slammed open, Sally and Une flying in. Wu Fei just looked at them, in the process of pulling on another one of Heero's many white shirts.
Both women looked around with the intent of trained killers, probably wondering where Heero was. They looked surprised when the shower switched on. Wu Fei's eyes went passed his superior officer and doctor and looked to Dr. Raugust who was in the door way, looking extremely hassled.
Instantly understanding, Wu Fei pulled on the shirt and looked the Vampire Doctor in the eyes. “Excuse me for my Superior Officer.” He said respectfully, holding himself back for bowing. “She has a tendency to think that she is a select few of her Preventer's mother and anything that comes between her and them undoubtedly….pays.”
Wu Fei hid a smirk as he caught Une's `you're dead' look from the corner of his eye. The male doctor seemed to pull himself together. “I…understand.” He said simply. “But me, you and your….Agent Yuy will have to have a private discussion immediately.” Dr. Raugust said seriously, giving Wu Fei a look that broached no argument. The Chinese Preventer merely nodded, giving into the inevitable. There were obviously things he needed to know.
Sally huffed in irritation at being ignored. She stomped closer to Wu Fei and then put her hands on her hips. “So spill!” She demanded hotly. “First you start acting weird at work, and then when this happens, this guy!” She practically yelled, waving a hand at Dr. Raugust. “Says that we cannot go and help you! Even though we can HEAR you and Yuy making all kinds of noises of pain.”
Wu Fei was surprised at the tears in the other woman's eyes, taken back by the fact that she seemed to care so much. “And then!” She said stronger then how she started, making a fierce face as if to fight back the tears. “You go all loopy on me, looking like you want to eat me and Heero pulls you away all of a sudden then Une and I aren't allowed to see you and Heero again! What the hell were you doing in here? Having sex?!”
Sally was gathering her breath for another round, not expecting Wu Fei to actually answer her last question. When a flat “Yes” came from Chang's lips, the air died in her lungs and she gaped at Wu Fei like a fish on land.
“I am a Vampire Sally…” Wu Fei started, forcing his `I don't care' mask to stay on so they wouldn't see how unsure and torn he was about this. “There are going to be some things I do that you probably won't understand or seem `weird' to you. I suppose I shall have to share what I find out about myself with you so that you don't freak out if you see something.”
Wu Fei was tense as he said this, straining to keep his mask on. Arms wrapped around his waist, silently giving him support. Wu Fei was surprised that he didn't jump, instead he relaxed and leaned into Heero who was behind him. Sally gave him an odd look and Une's face was just blank. Dr. Raugust looked very pleased.
“I think…” The Vampire Doctor said slowly, stepping forward. “That Mr. Yuy and Mr. Chang should talk alone for a moment.” He said, raising an arm to usher the two women out. “I shall explain to you the best I can about the change that is going on between these two.”
Une gave him a look as if saying `you better explain, and in lots of detail.' Sally gave him a look that same the exact same thing. Dr. Raugust didn't even bat an eyelash as he followed the two women out and then shut the door behind him.
Wu Fei stayed in Heero's arms for a moment before pulling out of the other arm's firmly. Turning around, he let his mask crumble so that Heero could see the emotions he was feeling. The Wing Pilot nodded his head and sat down on the bed. “I think we do need to talk.” He said, watching Wu Fei with his almost glowing blue eyes.
New Chapter! I hope it was worth the wait.
Thank you for the reviews, both on MM.Org and G-W Universe. I kind of recall some people wanted to know a little bit more about Dr. Raugust, it will come soon. Hopefully. Wu Fei and Heero have to get into terms with each other first. As for Duo…..umm…. He is somewhere… or another. He shall appear…not soon. But he will appear! I promise.
Oh! There is also going to be a sequel. I have already started writing it, kind of. Duo will be in it….the whole time. -grins- And some kids….and some people who don't like Vampires….Yes. It is all going to be there.
Please Review! It will make me happy! And I'll give you guys cookies…and something you guys want like another scene like the beginning of this chapter!
Ja! Oriya-Chan