Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Devil With A Blue Dress On (Part Five of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them, except for the kids!

Devil With A Blue Dress On, Part 9

Duo sat in the study later that week, thinking of what kinds of hoops that he could make Miles jump through. He tapped his fingers idly on the desktop, a wicked smile that he usually reserved for when he was up to something that he shouldn't crossed his lips. "I wonder what I could make him do," he mused.

Hilde peeked her head into the study and arched her brow when she saw the particularly evil smile cross his face. She propped her hands on her hips. "All right, mister, what are you up to?"

He looked up at Hilde, waiting for an answer. "Nothing," he said innocently, but his smile got even bigger.

"Bull shit," she replied as she shut the door behind her. She went over to him and leaned against the desk. "Spill it braid boy. I know that look. That's the smile you usually reserve for when you're bugging the hell out of Wufei. I want to know what is going on in that devil's mind of yours."

Duo gazed up at her. "You really want to know."

"Yes I want to know," Hilde said as she poked him in the chest.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. "I was thinking about how beautiful you are for a mother of four," he answered as he gave her a kiss on the nose.

"None of that," she said as she leaned away a little. "I'm on to you and don't think you can fool me with that innocent look. I've raised four hellions and I'm married to an even bigger one then they are. So spill it because you know I'll pry it out of you sooner or later."

Duo grinned up at her guilelessly. "You mean that?"

"I swear, Duo Maxwell, if you don't tell me I'll…"

"You'll what?"

"I'll…" Hilde started to say, but she stopped.

"Can't think of anything can you?" Duo said smugly.

She threw her hands up in frustration. "I don't know why I bother. You're impossible!"

"That's why you love me so much," he replied cheekily as he hugged her tight.

"I got it! I can withhold sex," Hilde said triumphantly. She gave him a smug smile. "I know that's one thing I can never get you to give up," she said when she saw him pout.

"All right, all right! I'm thinking of ways that I can get Miles to jump through hoops. And he'll do anything just to get a date with Randy," Duo replied exasperatedly.

"That isn't very nice of you," she said as she shook her head at him.

"Oh come on babe, let me have a little fun. Please?" he asked giving her a puppy dogface.

"For as many years that I've been married to you, that look still seems to work," Hilde sighed as she looped her arms about his neck. She looked him directly in the eyes. "Keep it within reason," she warned lightly, "Or else I might have to kick your ass."

"Yes, dear," Duo said as he gave her an angelic smile, which belied the thoughts going on in his head. He would keep them in reason; he was just pushing it to the border of reason. He looked into his wife's sparkling cornflower eyes. His smile turned wicked again. "The door locked?"

"What do you mean is the door loc…" she trailed off when she saw the look in his eyes. "Duo, now is not the time for…"

He kissed her thoroughly and wheeled the desk chair back across the plush oatmeal colored carpet and locked the door himself. He lifted his lips from hers. She looked back at him dazedly. "You get your way too much. And right now, it's my turn. Got that, baby," he said as he kissed her again, erasing all thoughts from her mind.

****************************************************************** ************

Randy fiddled with the dials on the receiver for the stereo system, before finding a station that suited her. She pushed back the large coffee table as a song that she liked came over the radio. It was Billy Idol's "Cradle of Love." She started dancing around the room.

Well rock the cradle of love

Rock the cradle of love

Yes the cradle of love don't rock easily it's true

Well rock the cradle of love

I rocked the cradle of love

Yes the cradle of love don't rock easily it's true

Well now

It burned like a ball of fire

When the rebel took a child bride

To tease yeah so go easy yeah

She didn't hear Carin, Vaughn, Donavon and Veronica come into the room and stand there, watching. She went into a spilt in the middle of the floor.

Cause love cuts a million ways

Shakes the devil when he misbehaves

I ain't nobody's fool

Come on shake it up

Whatever I do

Rock the cradle of love

Rock the cradle of love

Yes the cradle of love don't rock easily it's true

Sent from Heaven above that's right

To rob the cradle of love

Yes the pages of love don't talk decently it's true

Vaughn leaned over to his cousin and whispered, "Told you that she can dance better then a stripper."

Donavon glanced over at him. "And when did you see a stripper?"

Vaughn grinned guilelessly. "I have my ways," he said as he turned his attention back to Randy.

Yeah flesh for your Romeo

Ah yeah baby

I hear you moan

It's easy y' know how to please me yeah

This love starts a rollin' train

You can't stop it

It ain't that vain

I ain't nobody's fool

Come on shake it up

Whatever you do

These are the wages of love

Rock the cradle of love

These are the wages of love

Ooh yeah

Rock the cradle

Carin sighed. "If Miles saw her dancing like this he would die a happy man."

"I think if any man saw her dancing like that, they would all die happy men," Veronica whispered back.

Randy shimmied her hips in time with the music, her hair whipping around her shoulder.

Carin glanced at her brother and her cousin. "They haven't yet."

"They've seen her dance like that before," Veronica said as she looked over at them.

Well it burned like a ball on fire

When the rebel took little child bride

To tease yeah I know how to please you yeah

Well my love starts a rollin' train

You can't stop it

It ain't that vain

I ain't nobody's fool

Come on shake it up

Whatever I do

Randy slid down to the floor again, swinging her legs around to the side. Still very oblivious to the fact that she had an audience. She pushed herself up with her hands, going back into a spilt.

Rock the cradle of love

Rock the cradle of love

Sent from Heaven above

That's right

To rock the cradle of love

Rock the cradle of love

Yeah cradle of love

That's me mama

I robbed the devil of love

All right

Cradle of love

If you tease me tonight

If you sleaze me all right

If you appease me tonight

And let me ease you

Cradle of love

Randy fell back onto the floor when she heard clapping and whistling. She turned her head around and saw Donavon and Vaughn whistling and Veronica and Carin clapping. She flushed a little. "I didn't hear you guys come in," she said as she stood, turning off the radio.

"Course not, babe, you were blasting it as usual," Donavon said with a grin.

"Whom were you putting a show on for?" Vaughn asked as he came in and sat down on the couch. He dug into pocket for his wallet. He pulled out several credits. "Randy, did anyone ever tell you that you dance like a stripper?"

Randy grinned. "Well only my dance instructor when he heard I wanted to do my spring dance routine to this song," she replied as she counted the credits. She looked up at Vaughn. "Only ten credits, Winner? The dance deserves at least two hundred," she teased as she flipped his blond bangs up with her finger.

Vaughn grinned. "Well if you say so, sweetheart. That's the best damn dance I've ever seen," he said as he chucked her under the chin with his finger. He gave her a wicked grin. "I'll give you another hundred for a lap dance."

"You wish," Randy, said as she poked him in the ribs and sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

Carin smacked her cousin in the back of the head. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Vaughn," she said as she sat down next to him. She looked over at Randy. "So who was that dance for?"

"No one," Randy replied as she pushed the coffee table out with her feet.

"That's bull," Veronica said as she sat down next to her. "That dance was for Miles."

Randy flushed more. "So what if it was."

"My brother would die a happy man. Probably at the hands of your dad if he caught him staring at you while you were dancing to this," Donavon answered, leaning over and squeezing her knee affectionately.

"So how are you doing?" Carin asked as she looked over at Randy.

"Fine I guess. I miss seeing Miles, but I don't want to cause anymore trouble and make my dad all upset," Randy replied as she looked down at her hands. She studied the partially healed scars on her palms.

Donavon leaned forward and pulled her hands into his and looked at the partially healed wounds. "Do these feel better?" he asked raising his eyes to hers.

"Yes," Randy replied as he rubbed his fingers over the scabs. "They'll go away in a few more days." She looked back up at Donavon, whose brows arched a little. "What?"

"You should have just let it out, Randy, instead of holding it in," Donavon scolded gently. "You only hurt yourself this way."

Randy rolled her eyes and pulled her hands away from his. "Once a tomboy, always a tomboy. And even you know that means no tears."

"You may be a tomboy, but it doesn't mean you should hide them all the time," Vaughn said, his amethyst colored eyes, serious.

"Randy everyone knows what kind of girl you are. You don't have to be afraid to show tears," Veronica said as she regarded her friend with her sapphire eyes.

"Doesn't make the difference. Just call it a pride thing," Randy replied as she crossed her arms defensively.

'To hell with the pride, Randy. It doesn't do you any good when you hurt yourself like that," Donavon said pointedly.

"Well isn't that just too damn bad," Randy shot back as she glared at him. She took a deep breath. "But I knew I was courting danger when I started flirting with Miles and he started flirting back."

"Told him not to. He knew that you were jail bait and he still went after you," Carin said as she leaned forwards. She pressed her palms together in her lap. "But nothing seems to stop him from something that he wants. And what he wants is you. I think your dad will do anything to make my brother fight just to get a date with you. And he knows it."

"I asked Miles not that long ago, if I was worth his life," Randy said as she looked up at Carin. "And he said I was. So I know he'll do anything my dad asks him to do at this point."

"So Miles really does mean it. That's a first for him," Donavon said thoughtfully. "And I'll even say this, all the girls in all the families are worth dying for." His eyes went to Randy.

"Oh that's so sweet," Veronica said as she smiled at Donavon.

"That song you were dancing to fits Miles perfectly. He is rocking the cradle," Vaughn said, grinning a little.

"Oh come on. He's only three years older then me," Randy protested. "It's not like nine years. I mean your own little sister has a crush on Zach, and he's nine years older then her."

Her reply made Vaughn choke. "She better not get any ideas into her head about him. He's too old for her," he said when he regained his breath.

"I rest my case," Randy said smugly as she leaned back against the couch.

"Brat," Vaughn muttered as he narrowed his eyes at Randy. "At least I least I date women my own age," he snorted.

"That's a good thing too because you still blush like a schoolgirl," Veronica teased as she curled her legs under her on the couch.

"I do not!" Vaughn retorted indignantly as his glared over at her.

"Yes you do," Randy laughed as she got up and sat down between him and Donavon. "Especially when a girl does this," she said as she leaned over and blew on his ear.

"Stop that!" Vaughn said as a tell tale blush began to creep up his cheeks.

"And this," Veronica said as she got up and motioned for Carin to move before she sat down next to him and scratched his ears with her nails.

"Will you two stop it!" Vaughn hissed as his face got bright red. He covered his ears with his hands.

"How did you survive going into a strip club and not blush?" Donavon asked incredulously.

"Well the women were not scratching or blowing on my ears, that's for damn sure!" Vaughn snapped as he moved away from the two girls. He stood in front of the fireplace. The color was beginning to recede from his features. He glared at the two giggling girls on the couch. "Wenches," he muttered under his breath.

"Oh but you love us anyway," Randy said, still giggling as she leaned against Donavon.

"My brother is definitely going to have his hands full when he dates you," Donavon said as he laughed at his cousin's expense as well. He looked over at Vaughn. "You really should get rid of those blushes though before you get serious with a woman."

"Oh shut up, Donavon," Vaughn mumbled, glaring at his cousin now.

"What's all this noise in here?" Hilde said as she came into the family room, running her hands through her tousled hair.

"Just laughing at Vaughn's expense, mom," Randy said as she sat up. She noted her mom's appearance. "And what were you doing, mom?" she asked, arching a brow.

Hilde flushed a little. "Nothing, dear, just going over some files on the computer," she replied hastily.

"I didn't know computer files could unbutton and button up shirts and get some of them in the wrong place," Randy smirked, earning snickers from the others.

Hilde went bright red as she noted the buttons on her shirt. She sighed as she tuned away, fixing them. She turned around again. "Well, I have to go out to the grocery store. You want anything?" she asked, her cheeks still flaming.

"No, mom,. I'm fine," Randy replied, snickering a little. "And would this 'computer file' go by the name of dad?" she asked.

Hilde shook her head as she walked past them and into the kitchen. "I have to go. See you later, honey," she said over her shoulder as she picked up her purse and headed out the door.

The five teens burst out into gales of laughter.

"That was too bad of you," Carin said between bouts of laughter as she fell back onto the plush armchair.

"Man, don't your parents ever give it a rest!" Vaughn laughed as he leaned against the mantle for support.

"They don't know how and you wonder why I'm the last one!" Randy said as she almost fell off the couch laughing.

Donavon caught her before she hit the floor. He pulled her back up. "God, you got a wicked sense of humor," he chuckled as he ruffled her hair with his hand.

"I eavesdropped one time and heard my dad complain that one time, your dad and mom kept everyone awake the entire night because of…well you know," Veronica giggled as she leaned back into the corner of the couch.

Duo walked in to investigate the source of the noise since Hilde hadn't returned. He observed the teens in the family room. Vaughn was almost on the floor, still laughing. Carin was on the verge of toppling out of the chair. Veronica was holding her hands over her mouth. And his daughter and Donavon were laughing and supporting each other so they wouldn't fall off the couch. "Just what are you guys laughing at?" he asked looking at them.

Randy looked up at her dad. "Nothing," she replied as she noted her dad's rumpled shirt before she broke into a fresh peal of laughter.

Duo sighed and rolled his eyes. "Where's you mother?" he asked.

"Mom? She went to the grocery store," Randy answered as she clutched her stomach as she almost fell off the couch again and Donavon pulling her back on.

Duo sighed again. "Oh well," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I'll be in the study if you need me, all right, Randy."

"Right dad," Randy said as she clapped her hands over her mouth to keep any more laughter from escaping.

************************************************************** ****************

Duo shook his head and left the room, going back to the study. He grinned when he sat back down in the chair again, thinking of his wife. They had put the chair to good use. He shook his head, clearing his mind, trying to think of ways of making Miles jump through hoops. "Let's see. I could always make him work for me," he mused as he tapped his fingers on the edge of the desk. He heard more laughter from the family room. He chuckled to himself. "I could give him a list of tasks to complete. Or get him to fill out a questionnaire. Or I could make him wait as long as possible for an answer. Hilde said to keep it within reason." He couldn't decide which one to do. He finally decided and reached for the phone. He dialed up the Barton's number. "Hi, Middi, may I talk to Miles?"

"Sure," Middi replied, a little puzzled on why Duo wanted to talk to her son. She sighed. "Miles, someone wants to talk to you," she called up the stairs.

Miles came down the steps, curious on who was calling him. "Who is it, mom?" he asked.

"It's Duo, Miles. He wants to talk to you," she said as she held out the cordless phone to him.

He took it, wondering why Duo wanted to talk to him. He went into the living room. "Hello."

"Miles, just the person I wanted to talk to," Duo said cheerfully.

Miles felt his stomach drop. Something was up. "What do you want?" he asked hesitantly.

"You want to date my daughter don't you?" Duo asked as he propped his feet up on the desk. "Well in order for you to do so, you're going to have to prove yourself to me," he said, grinning widely, imagining the expression on the boy's face.

Miles felt his heart drop even more. But he was determined to prove himself worthy enough to date Randy. "What do you want me to do?" he asked, wincing a little at the thought of what Duo could possibly have in mind.

"Glad you asked. Here's what I want you to do. You're going to work for me at the mill for the entire week. I know you're a competent mechanic and I want you to do a complete overhaul on all the trucks and other vehicles used in the mill. Forklifts and other things like that. But at the same time, you will have to be at my beck and call throughout the day. And if you're able to survive that, you have to fill out a questionnaire. I don't know what will be on it yet. But if your answers are to my liking, then and only then, will you get a date with Randy. And even then, you will abide by several rules," Duo finished gleefully.

Miles swallowed. "Overhaul all the trucks and other vehicles? Be at his beck and call the entire day? And fill out a questionnaire? And I thought Yuys were sadistic, but Duo really takes the cake on this one." He swallowed again. He knew what he had to do. "When do you want me to start?" he asked, hoping he would live long enough to enjoy a date with Randy.

A very God of Death smirk crossed Duo's face at Miles reply. "Tomorrow morning. Be here by six thirty," he said leaning back in the chair before continuing, "And don't worry, Miles. I know you'll work your hardest. And wear clothing you don't care about."

Miles lifted his eyes heavenwards. "What did I get myself into?" "Yes, sir," he replied haltingly.

"Good. See you tomorrow, Miles," Duo said before he hung up the phone. He put his hands behind his head. "Not to bad if I do say so myself," he said as he closed his eyes.

Miles gulped when he hung up the phone. He stared at it for a minute. "The things I would do for that girl, even if it means getting me killed," he said as he flopped back onto the couch. And hopefully if he survived, he would be able to go out with Randy.

Duo put his feet back down on the floor. He would inform Randy on what he was doing. "Randy, could you come here for a moment?" he called out. He heard her footfalls come down the hall before she came into view.

"Yes, dad?" Randy asked as she closed the door behind her. She could see definite smile on his face.

"I just wanted to inform you that I just talked to Miles," he replied as he moved to the loveseat in the study. He motioned her towards it.

She sat down next to him. "Why did you talk to Miles for?" she asked, curious.

"I wanted to tell you that I have informed him about what he has to do in order to get my permission to date you," Duo said simply. He grasped her hands in his and looked down at the partially healed wounds.

"Dad, you weren't unreasonable, were you?" Randy asked warningly.

"I was reasonable. And he agreed to them."

"What are you making him do?"

"He's going to work for me," Duo stated, watching and waiting for his daughter's reaction.

"Work for you?" Randy repeated, looking at him with wide eyes. "You're not making him do anything dangerous are you?"

"No, no," he said shaking his head. "I have him working on stuff that isn't that dangerous. Don't worry, baby, I won't kill him."

She arched a brow at him. "I hope so," she said slowly. "Will you tell me what he's actually doing or you going to keep it a secret?"

"You'll figure it out soon enough," Duo said as he pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Now go back out there and spend time with your friends."

"All right dad," Randy said as she stood. She looked down at him. "Nothing dangerous, you promise?" she asked.

"Promise," Duo replied giving her a warm smile. "Go on," he said nodding his head.

"Sure," she said as she turned and left the room. She walked back down the hall towards the family room. "He was way too cheerful for him to be that innocent. I wonder what he's going to make Miles do?" she mused to herself as she went back to the family room.

Duo watched her go. He propped his feet up on the plush cushions. "And these are the days I love being a dad," he chuckled.

************************************************************** ****************

Randy sat back down on the couch next to Donavon. She tapped her nails thoughtfully against her lips.

Donavon noted her pensive expression. "What is it, Randy?" he asked.

She looked up into his green gray eyes. "My dad has just made a slave out of your brother," she replied. "And Miles has agreed to work for my dad so he has a chance to go out with me."

His eyes widened. "Miles agreed? He's not going to live through the entire day."

"I'll hand it to your dad, Randy, he really knows how to make a guy's life difficult," Vaughn interjected as he glanced over at her. "Wonder why he's never made my life or Donavon's difficult?"

"Because neither of you have reputations. Miles does. Case in point," Veronica stated as she put a pillow behind her head.

"Vaughn does have one as a flirt, but he doesn't go around sleeping with women. He still blushes," Donavon smirked.

Vaughn glared at his cousin. "And you've been dancing with her since you were eleven and she was ten. Duo knows you well enough that you're the complete opposite of Miles. Which brings me to ask, why don't you date?"

Donavon shrugged. "Don't have an interest really. Haven't found any girl that's worth dating," he replied.

"He has high expectations," Carin said as she rolled her eyes.

"But that's his business," Randy said, flashing him a smile. "Just because he doesn't chase after girls like Miles did or like my brothers doesn't mean he won't ever date. Some guys like to wait for the right woman."

"Sounds like Jet and my brother," Vaughn muttered. "Jet is too much like Wufei, calling women silly onnas and Damien is the perfect gentlemen. And you never hear about Zach and Thad. They keep their mouths shut about the women they date."

"So, how long is my brother going to work for your dad?" Donavon asked, leaning forward.

"I don't know, I'm guessing a week at the most," Randy answered as she frowned a little. "And I know my dad will have him working hard. And this Saturday night is the End of Summer festival in the town square. I was hoping my dad would have made up his mind by now and Miles would take me."

Donavon pondered that for a moment. "Why don't you come with me? I know I'm not my brother, but I'd want you to have fun. Miles would be there in case your dad makes up his mind."

Randy gave him a genuine smile. "Thank you for offering. I would like it very much to go with one of my closest friend," she said giving him a hug. She leaned back and looked up at him. "You know, a girl would be very lucky to have a sweetheart like you."

"You flatter me," Donavon said smiling back. "My brother will be a lucky guy if he survives your dad."

"And who said Donavon didn't have a thing for the ladies," Vaughn mumbled under his breath as he watched his cousin give Randy another hug.

Author's Note: What is Duo going to make Miles do for him? And will Miles survive the week being Duo's slave? And will Miles get his answer on the night of the festival? It's all coming up, so stay tuned for more!