Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Devil With A Blue Dress On (Part Five of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Thirteen ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own them except for the kids!

Devil With A Blue Dress On, Epilogue

It was his last night home and he was spending it the way that he wanted. His fingers were threaded through hers as they walked along the beach. The moon was half full, but it was still a luminous night with the stars twinkling overhead. Miles looked over at his young girlfriend as she let the water from the bay lap around her ankles. "Having fun?" he asked softly as he looked down at her.

Randy smiled when she looked up at him. "Yes," she replied as she swirled her toes in the wet sand. "Are you?"

"Yes because I'm sharing it with you," he answered as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her lightly. His hands slid up and down her back. He could feel the warmth of her skin through the plain white v-neck shirt she wore. He lifted his lips from hers and couldn't help but smile again. He hadn't stopped smiling for the past two weeks. He let her hand go as she dropped her black sandals on the beach and walked out into the water up to her knees. She was wearing a khaki cargo skirt that was several inches above her knees.

She looked over her shoulder at him. She took in the sight of him. He was wearing navy cargo shorts with a deep yellow button down shirt. The slight breeze tousled his russet hair. "Going to come in?" she asked as she leaned down a little and splashed her fingers through the tepid water. She flicked them off in his direction.

"Hey!" Miles said as she splashed him a little. He went out into the water where she was standing and flicked some water back.

"Two can play this game," Randy challenged as she swept her hand through the water in his direction. She managed to soak his shorts on the one side.

He smirked as he grabbed her around the waist and carried her out into the water. He went out as high as his knees. "Keep that up, baby, I'll drop you," he said.

"You wouldn't dare," she said as she squirmed in his arms, "I'm wearing white."

Miles shrugged. "Don't think that'll stop me," he said smirking again as he removed his one arm from under her legs.

"Miles!" Randy shrieked as her arms locked about his neck. The hem of her skirt brushed the water before he caught her once again.

"But I wouldn't," he said as he smiled down at her. He could see the promise of retribution in her eyes. He carried her back to where the water was shallow before he put her down again. "See I didn't really drop you," he said cheekily.

"But I never said I wouldn't," she said as she shoved him, catching him off balance. He fell back into the water. She burst into laughter.

Miles looked at the water as it dripped off the tip of his nose. He looked up at her. "Oh you're going to get in now," he said as he got up.

Randy shrieked again and started running, but he was as quick as her brothers and caught her easily. She felt his wet shirt soak through hers and try as she might, she couldn't wriggle out of his embrace. "Let go," she laughed as she tried pushing his arm that had snaked about her waist.

"Nope," he chuckled as she struggled. "Serves you right for pushing me into the water. Your clothes should get a little soaked for what you did."

She twisted herself this way and that so she ended up facing him. Her struggles however caused them both to lose their balance and fall onto the sand. She landed on top of him. She giggled. "So now that I'm on top, I guess that means I'm winning," she teased.

Miles rolled his eyes at her. "You're an imp, you know that," he said. "But a very beautiful imp." He reached up and smoothed a lock of her silky hair away from her face. "I'm glad that I get to spend my last night at home before I go back to school with the girl that I love," he said softly as he gazed into her cobalt eyes.

Randy leaned up and pressed a brief kiss on his lips. "I am too. I'm going to miss you while you're at school with my brother." She frowned a little. "And what about the female population? Are they going to lament that you're no longer on the market?"

"Maybe, but they can lament all they want. I have a wonderful girlfriend, why would I need to look at other women? You're a handful as it is," he commented. He noticed a wry smile touch her lips.

"That's what my dad told me. He always said I was a handful. Apparently I drove him more crazy then my brothers," she said as she snuggled against his chest, unmindful now that his wet shirt was making her shirt wet.

"That I would believe. And the reason for that would be, you're his only daughter, who he encouraged to be as much of a hellion as her brothers. You're more like him then your brothers come to think of it," Miles mused. "You have his personality, his temper, that smirk of yours, and his eyes. But you look like your mother and from my standpoint, she is still a very beautiful woman, which makes you absolutely gorgeous."

"You're certainly throwing a lot of compliments my way tonight," Randy said, smirking a little. "Any particular reason?"

"Well I want to get in as many compliments as possible because I won't be here to tell you how great you look and how much I love you," he said honestly.

"You're so sweet," she said as she leaned up and kissed him again.

Miles slipped his arms about her waist and held her tight as he took control of the kiss. He traced her lower lip with his tongue before her lips parted, letting his tongue slip inside and stroke hers. She tasted sweet like honey. He strummed her spine with his fingers.

Randy loved his kisses. They had a drugging effect on her. Her fingers curled in the wet fabric of his shirt. She could feel his heart pounding against hers.

He didn't even notice that the water was lapping around his ankles. He was too caught up in her. She was innocence seasoned with sensuality. But she was a virgin and she was to stay that way until she was married. He knew that she wore the ring to prove it. And everywhere her body was touching him now was making his body go crazy. He tore his lips away from hers. "Randy, we have to stop," he said, almost short of breath.

She tilted her head to one side and regarded him knowingly. "I understand," she said as she pushed herself up and away from him. She sighed inwardly, knowing that he could take so much. Her age and her chastity ring was what made him stop. Those two things and her father. But she promised she wouldn't and she didn't break her promises. She stood brushing the caked sand from her legs. She held her hand out to him and helped him stand. "You look like a mess," she snickered.

The corners of his mouth quirked up a little. "And you're the one responsible for that," Miles said as he brushed the sand off of him. He shook his head, sending the grain like particles to the ground. "And the front of your shirt is wet too," he said, smirking.

Randy arched a brow, but she didn't blush. "Oh so you noticed," she drawled, pulling the white shirt away from her skin. The lacy edging of her bra was visible through the white cotton.

He flushed a little, but then grinned at her roguishly. "Did you want me to notice?"

"Maybe," she replied flirtatiously as she picked up her sandals and started walking away.

Miles shook his head and raced after her, pulling her into his arms again and kissing her. His fingers grasped her hips gently as he pulled her higher and tighter against him.

Randy locked her arms around his neck as his tongue explored her mouth. She could feel his fingers inching lower on her hips. She could feel intense heat radiating off of him through his wet clothes.

His fingers inched lower until they reached the hem of her skirt. He could feel the soft smooth skin of her thighs as she arched herself against him, molding herself to the contours of his body. Of their own accord, his fingers slipped under the hem of her skirt, but with a whimper from her, he realized what he was doing and yanked his hands away and took a step away from her. He was breathing rapidly and his heart was thundering in his ears. "I think it's time I took you home," he said as he started walking.

She followed behind him, her legs quaking a little. She knew he was turned on. There was no mistaking what she felt against her lower abdomen. She sighed a little as he held the door open for her. She slid into the seat and glanced over at him as he got in the other side.

Miles could feel her eyes on him, but he didn't look at her. He couldn't and not want to kiss her and touch her all over. Each touch and each kiss made it hard for him to restrain himself. But Duo stood in the back of his mind, glaringly. And since Duo had let him date Randy, he hadn't done anything that would make him change his mind. He drove through the silent streets until he drove down the curving driveway to her home. He stopped the car and went around to the other side. He grasped her hand and helped her out. Like he had been taught, he walked her to the door while she opened it. He followed her into the kitchen. He could hear the sounds of the television in the family room. He checked his watch. He had her home by eleven, just like Duo wanted. "Well, I guess I should say good night now," he said softly to her.

Randy turned and looked up at his face. "Do you have to?" she asked.

"Yeah, I have to. I have to get some sleep before my flight tomorrow at eight in the morning," he replied on a sigh.

"I want to see you off," she said impulsively.

Miles shook his head. "No, I want you to stay home. I much rather remember what you look like right now. I want to see you smiling. I don't want to see you upset. Besides I might not leave if you do come."

"All right," Randy agreed. She threw her arms about his neck. "I love you, Miles."

"I love you too, Randy," he said as he hugged her as tight as he could. "I promise I'll try to call, write, e-mail, anything like that."

"I promise too," she said against the cloth of his shirt.

Miles closed his eyes briefly as he pulled away and pressed a loving kiss on her forehead. "If I kiss you on the lips I won't leave." He looked deep into her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too," Randy said as she tightened her grip on his hands.

He pulled away from her reluctantly and walked towards the kitchen door. He smiled at her over his shoulder. "I'll hopefully see you soon, baby," he said softly as he opened the door and walked out into the night.

"Good bye, Miles," Randy whispered as she sniffled a little. She took a deep breath as she kept her eyes on his as he closed the door. She stood there silently. She could hear the clock ticking on the wall behind her. She sighed and went up the stairs to her room. She knew she was going to miss him immensely. "I hope vacation gets here soon," she said to herself as she started getting ready for bed.

******************************************************************* ***********

Duo heard the door close and Randy go up the stairs. He let out a sigh of his own.

"That was very good Duo," Hilde said as she looked up from her pillow that she had rested her head on as he rubbed her feet. "You managed not to get up and spy on them."

He grinned sheepishly. "I know. But I'm only a dad who worries about his daughter, nothing more, nothing less."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Well, Miles even leaves tomorrow with Jonathon. She won't really be seeing him until their fall holiday in late October."

"I know that too. But the time will fly, believe me. Our kids are growing up fast babe," Duo said as he lifted her feet from his lap. "All three of our sons are in college now and Randy's a junior at Saint Augustines."

"It seems like only yesterday that they were all little running around like little hellions," Hilde sighed as she stood up. She was already dressed for bed in a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and a slim strapped black tank top. "And to make matters worse, they still run around like little hellions, only bigger."

Her comment made him chuckle. "Well didn't you say I was still one?"

"Yes, You're definitely still a hellion, Duo," Hilde replied as she grinned at him.

"Would you have me any other way," Duo answered as he switched off the lights and the television in the family room. He followed his wife into the kitchen.

"No, I wouldn't have you any other way," she said over her shoulder, as she made sure the door was locked.

He smirked at her and picked her up in his arms. "I'm glad you think so," he said as he started up the back stairs. He walked her down the hall to their room. He noticed Hilde's obvious yawn. "Tired, baby?"

"A little," Hilde admitted.

Duo smiled slightly and laid her down on the bed before stripping off his pants until he was left only in his boxers and muscle shirt. He crawled into bed next to her before pulling her close to him. He felt her cuddle up to him. "Love you, Hilde," he said faintly.

"Love you too, Duo," she said sleepily as she slid her arm about his waist. She was asleep almost instantly.

"Lights out," he called softly and the lights automatically went out. He put his arm around her, stroking her back lightly. He thought about Randy. His daughter was the happiest he had seen her in a while. He knew it was because of Miles. And it made him feel better that she was happy, but there was one thing that he still kept in the back of his mind. Donavon. Miles's little brother was in love with Randy as well. It was true that he would have preferred him over Miles, but that wasn't to be. "But changes are always possible." With that thought, he gradually fell asleep as well.

************************************************************ ********************

The next morning came fast. Light streamed in through Randy's bedroom windows, casting muted stripes across the bed though the sheer curtains. A slight breeze ruffled them, bringing in the late summer air. He regarded her silently as he climbed through the window. He wanted to see her one last time. Miles smiled at the way her silky raven hair tumbled over the white pillow and the way that her one hand was curled up in a loose fist. She looked so breathtakingly beautiful. He heard her slight whimper as she rolled over, burrowing her face in her pillow as she lay on her stomach. He grinned and went over to the bed, looking down at his sleeping angel. "I love you Randy," he whispered as he laid a bouquet of sterling silver and white roses on the bedside table. And with one last look at her, he climbed out the window again. He looked over his shoulder once again at her. "Be good Randy. I'll miss you," he said and hurriedly left the premises.

Randy woke up slowly, stretching her arms over her head. She grasped the rails of her wrought iron headboard and arched her back, cracking it. She stared up at the ceiling and then lifted her arm up and looked at her watch. "Nine. Miles already left," she sighed as she started to close her eyes again, but she caught something out of the corner of her eye. She looked at her bedside table and saw the two dozen roses tied with a silver ribbon. She sat up and grasped the bouquet. She sniffed the roses, inhaling their sweet scent. She saw a card dangling from the silver ribbon. She laid the roses down on the blue gray linen comforter and untied it. She opened the gilt edged card. She felt her heart swell with love.


I'll miss you while I'm gone and know that I will be thinking about you constantly. I know you'll be thinking of me too. I love you always.

With love,


Randy sniffled a bit, but she smiled. "What a guy," she sighed happily as she fell back against the pillows once again. She closed her eyes. "I've just fallen in love all over again. He's definitely going to be the one."

Author's Note: It's the end? I know it's true, but sadly enough it is. But don't despair, there will definitely be a sequel to this. And who knows what can happen in a sequel! XOXOX!