Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Diaries ❯ Duo ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Same as before

Pairings: Same as before

Notes: this is Duo's turn to shine...

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When I first met him, I hated him. Maybe it was the way he was prepared to kill her, like a mindless drone. Maybe it was his eyes, those flat emotionless orbs that extinguished all the light.

I just think I hadn't gotten to know him. I hate almost everyone until they prove themselves worthy of my trust. That's probably why I still hate her. She never proved herself to me.

Anyway, after he set his own leg, I almost liked him, even though he squicked me out, but when he stole part from my Gundam, he was on my shit list. But then I was forced to work with him, and he stopped trying to kill her and stopped yelling at me, sort of. Why just the other day he... ahem. Anyway, he got me to trust him, and I got to know him- well as much as he'd let me. Hey, I didn't let him in on my sordid past either.

Well, we met up with the other three, and Quarter didn't have to earn my trust. He's just so open and innocent that it made me waive my usual waiting period after barfing from the sweetness. Although now I wouldn't count him among the innocents in the world. The things we've seen... they'd make any man bitter. But Quatre, he just let it roll off like water.

Now Trowa, he was a strange one. He earned my trust by not asking questions, and sticking with the short story he had. That took guts.

Wufei was one bitter young man when I met him, and I didn't much like him. Then I found out that he was the sole survivor of that Colony explosion, and I connected with him, me being a sole survivor too, and all. I was actually amazed that he'd been so- well, normal. As normal as a soldier who's barely fifteen can be, that is.

But I never trusted any of them like him. Especially after the war. When I disappeared, he came looking for me. Just like the time he got Wufei and me out of that OZ base. I was hiding out on L2, picking pockets and living in the church ruins. That was how he found me. They came to put up a memorial, and I was unconscious from malnutrition and sleep depravation. He took me to L4 where Ahkeem, Quatre's doctor, patched me up.

After that, he forced me to live with him and get a job with the Preventers. That was twelve years ago. I'm one of the top operatives they've got, and one of the bigwigs to boot.

Anyway, after a year I got my own place and expected him to marry her. Another year went by, and he stayed single. I don't think he knew what he liked at that point. I've had girlfriends, I've had boyfriends. More boys than girls, but a fair spread.

I introduced him to one of my ex-girlfriends, and they went out a few times, but she told me just didn't seem interested. So I introduced him to one of my ex-boyfriends, and it went a little better. They were together a year and a half before he broke it off. Mike left the relationship with a smile, and he did, too.

About a month later, he asked me out. I'd thought about it, of course, but never really figured it would happen. Of course, I accepted. That was eight years ago. We were married five years ago.

We actually have a kid. Her name's Jane Keiko, and she just turned three. Quatre set us up with the fertility clinic he and Trowa used. They have three of their own. Bo just turned ten, Sunny, she's seven, and Kahlil, he's five. They'll have another little girl next year, and we might have a boy. I'd probably call him Solo. Maybe Ryuji Solo. Yeah, that sounds nice.

Enough about that, let's move on.

Yeah, he asked me out, and then two years later told me he loved me. That had to be the best day of my life. I couldn't believe it. He loved me. Look at me, I'm tearing up. It's so girly, crying, but on our wedding day, he was complaining one hell of a lot about the dust that kept getting in his eyes.

I fell in love with him on July 28, AC 201. He'd just let me drag him to a Carnival, and I knew he wasn't having much fun. Although, we had fun freaking everybody out on the Gravitron by walking on the seats and dancing to the music. Incidentally, Quatre and Trowa just opened a new amusement park. All five of us planted a camera on the Gravitron and ran around on it and laughed our asses off at the video.

Getting back on track, that day I fell in love with him because he didn't protest once, and actually tried to to get the enjoyment out of it that I did. He tried, and that clinched it.

I sound so sappy, and corny, but it's true. I love him. God, how I love him.

I'm serious, Solo. You and Heero would get along so well. Well, maybe not that good, because of that whole, “If you were alive I wouldn't be married to him but to you'' thing. I still love you, but it's like Wu and his first wife, Meiran. I held onto your memory, to you, as long as I could. But you're gone now, and Heero's here. I think I might love him even more now because I'm finally letting you go. I think that's best.

Goodbye, Solo.

/... Goodbye, Duo. And good luck.../