Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Divide and Conquer ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Category: Anime, Gundam Wing, Yaoi, AU
Warnings: violence, angst, attempted rape
Pairings: will be 1x2, 3x4
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatoumina (a) hotmail . com
Website: www . geocities . com / arigatomina

Divide and Conquer

Part 5

Just like the day before, Duo walked Quatre back to his room, but this time the other three boys went with them. For someone who'd never had much contact with people during his stay at various schools, Quatre found it odd to be escorted like that. It was as if Wufei's friends really were some sort of bodyguards, with the way they walked two steps behind Duo and him.

The others, Duo included, had roaming eyes that scanned the halls, but Quatre didn't see anything. If the Rauders had more to say, they obviously weren't going to do it around Wufei and his group.

Quatre had never really been part of a group before, and he found himself reluctant to retire for the night when they finally reached his room. Heero and Trowa bid them good night silently, merely nodding before turning and heading toward their own room. Duo was more tactile, rustling Quatre's hair until he had an insane urge to blush like a child.

He nearly did, too, when he saw Wufei's wide-eyed stare. Wufei must have been as unused to such gestures as Quatre was. With a bright smile, he left his friends for his room, locking the door behind him.

The bedroom was lonely when he entered it, the small lamp over his desk adding to the feeling. Quatre sighed and flicked on the overhead light before sitting at the desk.

He didn't even have homework to occupy himself with. It was late enough to go straight to bed, considering they'd sat in the cafeteria for hours after that unfortunate encounter.

The thought of that brought a flush to Quatre's cheeks, and he scowled, rubbing a hand over his face. He really did feel like a complete idiot not to have known what was going on. But he had nothing to prepare him for something like that.

Sure, he'd gotten interested looks before, but nothing blatant enough to be romantic interest. Then again, he was fairly sure romance had nothing to do with the Rauders. Just the thought of the tall boy who'd sat next to him made Quatre's skin crawl.

A chill scurried down his arms, and he pushed away from the desk quickly. He wasn't ready to sleep, not if it meant turning the light off.

That sentiment brought a flickering smile to his lips as he glanced over his bed. In a few days he wouldn't be sleeping in a room by himself. The only male child in a large family, Quatre had always roomed alone. And school hadn't been any different.

He didn't know how well he'd get along with Wufei once they were sharing living quarters, but he looked forward to the companionship. The Chinese boy was quiet, seemed nice enough, and he had somehow gained Duo's trust. Why his American friend was so naturally distrustful, Quatre didn't know, but he was certain Duo's trust in Wufei was strong. And that was oddly reassuring.

His gaze moved to the other bed, and he wondered what it would be like to have someone sleeping there, sharing his space. He imagined it would be comforting to hear someone breathing peacefully so close by.

With a soft sigh, Quatre shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. He really was looking forward to this far too much considering the reason for the change. But he couldn't help that any more than he could help liking Duo. He'd been drawn to the boy, and he felt the same pull from Wufei and his friends. There was something about being with them that just felt right.

Glancing at the wall that separated his room from the objects of his thoughts, Quatre kicked his shoes off. If he wasn't ready to sleep, there was no point just sitting around.

Accustomed to having his own room, he almost followed his normal routine of not bringing clothes into the bathroom with him, but he remembered the eminent change. Despite Duo's comforting words about Wufei's lack of a sexual orientation, Quatre was fairly sure the boy wouldn't appreciate him walking around in a towel.

That image brought a light blush to his cheeks, and he smiled as he gathered a clean change of clothes. It really would be something of an adjustment, living with Wufei.

The bathroom light was off when he entered the room, and he flicked the switch on his way through the door. Bright silvery eyes sparked at him and he gasped in complete surprise.

The deep breath was immediately held inside him as a hand clamped over his mouth, a painful grip jerking his head back and nearly ripping his hair out.

Despite his shock and startled terror, his hands merely twitched against the arm blocking off his oxygen. His head was pulled back so tightly he could barely see the boy, but those pale gray eyes were darker with the shadowy figure looming over him.

The wall pressed his back moments before a hard knee shoved into his stomach, choking the breath that tried to pour out of him. He barely heard the door being pushed shut with a soft click.

His mind had centered on the burn in his lungs and stomach and he had just begun to claw at the arm when he was released. Any scream he might have given deteriorated into choked coughs.

A drumming sound gained his pain-filled attention, and he blinked bleary eyes at the shower. His vision quickly shifted to his attacker when the boy crouched in front of him, an oddly horrible smile curving the boy's lips. Quatre froze, one arm wrapped around his aching middle.

Placing a light hand over the blonde's mouth, the taller boy smiled wider, tilting his head to the side.

"Nicholas," he murmured, his lips parting to flash pale yellow teeth. "You'll need to remember my name, Cherub, because I don't say things twice. And you don't want to make me repeat myself."

Wide blue-green eyes stared at him from a pale face, and he leaned forward, rubbing his cheek against silky blonde hair. "You smell so good..."

Quatre didn't move, his panicked mind flying in circles. His hands were free. He could try hitting the boy, or the wall. If he made enough noise Duo was bound to hear him. Surely Duo and Wufei would be able to break the lock on the door, the lock that hadn't kept Nicholas out of his room...

That thought hit him just as the boy leaned back, pale gray eyes gleaming an inch from his face. Any thought of retaliation froze when a hand brushed his thigh and closed over his crotch.

It was the second time Nicholas had done that, but Quatre wasn't any more ready for it now than he'd been in the cafeteria. His face lost all hints of color, paling to a deathly white.

"You want to alert your friends," Nicholas whispered, his hand tightening in none too subtle warning. "I can see that you do. Make a sound, Cherub, just one...little...sound. And I'll twist so hard you'll be crying for days."

Very wide eyes shimmered at him, and he sighed when silvery streaks ran over Quatre's cheeks. His lips curved and he lapped one of those salty paths, his gaze a cloudy gray.

"Beautiful... I could torture you all night just to see those tears. But first, I'm going to uncover your mouth. I want to see how well you listen."

Freedom allowed him a sketchy breath, but Quatre was careful to release it as quietly as possible. Though that hold didn't tighten on him, he didn't doubt it would the second he made even the slightest sound. He could only imagine how much that would hurt.

The boy smiled at him, that same eerie smile that had frightened him a moment ago.

"So well behaved, that's very good. You won't make me hurt you, will you, Cherub...?"

Petting Quatre's cheek with his free hand, Nicholas gave the boy a light squeeze for the double benefit of his own pleasure and reinforcing his control. The blonde winced, a tiny sound not quite making it past his visibly clenched teeth.

His hand abruptly moved, fingers digging into thick blonde hair as he shifted over the boy.

"I thought I heard something," he whispered, the smile leaving his face. "But maybe I was wrong. Open your mouth before I have to try that again."

Fingers pressed him painfully, and Quatre choked, his jaw trembling as he tried to open his mouth. What was he going to do?

The question was immediately answered and he nearly gagged, Nicholas's tongue sweeping over his.

It was going to get worse, much worse. He couldn't just sit and wait for it to get worse. How badly could the boy's grip on him hurt? Would it hurt more than not acting now?

Quatre's hands curled into tight fists, his jaw threatening to snap shut.

He was going to be sick. He was going to throw up all over the boy and then he'd die. Or worse, the boy would make good on his promise.

Nicholas tasted like smoke, horridly rancid smoke that made his stomach curl into nasty lumps.

He nearly doubled over when the boy finally moved away, his gags mixed with coughs and quiet sobs. If he hadn't been looking down, he might never have known when his belt was pulled off.

Tossing the dark belt over his shoulder, Nicholas rose to a crouch, his free hand curling in the thick blonde hair on the top of Quatre's head.

"Stand up, now, slowly so I don't pull anything too hard." His gaze flicked down as he tightened his other hand, the meaning clear.

After only a slight hesitation, the slender blonde made it to shaky legs, pale hands pressing the wall behind him.

"I never thought you'd be so docile," he smiled, his hand running up the boy's arm to press on Quatre's shoulder. "Now turn around, Cherub, slowly...wouldn’t want to hurt you too soon..."

He was going to fight, his entire being was ready to try anything that would keep him from having that boy at his back, but one hard squeeze had him turning just as docilely as Nicholas had said.

Quatre's blurry eyes closed in shame, his legs shaking so his forehead bumped lightly against the wall.

"Hush," Nicholas smiled, rubbing against the boy's back as he squeezed him almost gently. "I'm not going to rape you tonight, Cherub. Just be good and that can wait until the second lesson."

A slight tremor went through the boy, and he rubbed his face over Quatre's shoulder, his teeth barely pressing through the light shirt. "Put your hands behind your back."

Just the feel of the small boy submissive before him made his body shiver against that slender back. "You don't want to make me wait..."

It was over. Quatre slumped against the wall, his hot eyes closing tight. Whether he obeyed or not, it didn't matter anymore. He could feel the hardness pressed against the back of his thighs. The boy had to be lying. Either way the pain was the same.

The hand twisted, just a bit, and he choked on a sharp cry, swallowing the sound. That alone hurt more than anything he'd ever known...

His chest seemed to tighten as he moved his arms back, cool leather circling his wrists. And for a moment he was given relief. The horrible grip left him, rising to cover his mouth.

"I expected more fight from you," Nicholas whispered, moving his mouth so his lips brushed the pale boy's ear. "But you are a good boy, aren't you. As a reward, I'm going to let you have your bath."

Wide damply bright eyes met his when he turned Quatre, his hand still pressed over the boy's mouth. Those eyes were so haunted he let out a low sound, pressing close to the blonde.

It would be so very easy to take him now, to drown his cries. But that was far too easy. Nicholas curled a hand and buried it in the slender boy's stomach, muffling the choked sound as he caught him around the waist.

Quatre didn't have the breath to struggle, gasping when he was lifted and carried to the bathtub. His pain and tear-fogged eyes registered the closed drain a second before he was lowered into the water, the shower-head making the surface shimmer above him.

Terror shot through him as he pushed with his bound arms, struggling to reach the air just above him. But the hand left his mouth to press on his forehead until Nicholas lifted a leg, a heavy shoe digging into Quatre's stomach and holding him down.

Time slowed until he could feel his lungs burning as he tried to thrash against the weight. Air touched his damp forehead, but remained just beyond his reach.

Counting the seconds, Nicholas smiled when he reached the limit he'd chosen. He shifted his foot aside and pulled the blonde up, one hand covering the boy's mouth as Quatre breathed harshly through his nose.

"Not bad," he whispered, his voice almost drowned out by the shower on the tub of water. "You'll need to hold your breath longer than that, though. Once I get started I tend to forget that cherubs need to breathe..."

The boy's eyes were narrow and shot with red from the warm water, but they focused on him when he pushed the boy back again. Slender shoulders rocked desperately, but he held him down with his foot, digging his heel into the boy's stomach.

His hands were quick as he undid his pants and readied himself before raising the boy again.

He couldn't get enough air with his mouth covered, and Quatre wavered, only the hold in his hair keeping him from falling back in the water again. His face was turned, and his frantic breaths caught in his throat, his burning eyes widening.

The hand left his mouth to curl under his chin, tilting his head back so he was facing Nicholas's smiling gaze.

"Do you know what to do with this...?" Nicholas asked slowly, petting himself with his free hand, the other one making similar motions on the boy's soft lips.

Quatre's breathing hitched into action again, and he smiled at the ragged sound, squeezing the boy's chin. "Don't worry, I'll teach you..."

Possibilities ran through his mind faster than he'd ever thought himself capable of, and Quatre drew a deep steadying breath. Dusty gray eyes glinted at him and he lunged to the side suddenly, his scream echoing through the bathroom.

A low curse barely registered before something hard slammed into the back of his head and he slumped in the tub. His forehead struck the wall, but his eyes were already falling closed when the water swamped over him.

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