Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Domo Arigatou, Mr. Roboto ❯ Chapter 1
[ A - All Readers ]
Domo Arigatou, Mr. Roboto
by Konran no Tenshi
*the glitter fades and everyone looks around*
Quatre: Um... where are we?
Konran: In the next part, of course. Angel, do your stuff.
Duo: Wait, wait! What are we supposed to do?
Konran: *sighs heavily* Go get inside your Gundams.
Quatre: But...
Konran: *Death Glare* DO IT!
Heero: Hey.
G-boys: *scatter and climb into their various Gundams*
Konran: *sigh* Angel? *blinks* Angel? Hey, where'd she go? *shrugs* Oh well. Kangeki-chan! *beckons, an evil look on her face*
Kangeki: *sweatdrops*
Konran: I need you to do me a little favor... *hands Kangeki something*
Kangeki: *sighs and holds up a sign*
Disclaimer: IT'S MINE! ALL MINE! BWAHAHAHAHA-*cough cough* ok... maybe not... *hides in a corner*
Part One: Yume no Heero-chan (Heero-chan's Dream)
The sun shone brightly, and a cool breeze wafted among the trees that stood outside the mansion. All was calm and peaceful, everything just waking up from their long night's sleep. A bird sang from a nearby branch, and a monarch butterfly drifted by-
The butterfly was shot down and instantly incinerated by the auto-tracking guns on top of the wall surrounding the mansion.
Inside, a figure lying in bed stretched and yawned. He opened his bleary Prussian blue eyes, blinking away the aftereffects of sleep. He got out of bed and walked over to the wall, where a large computer was built into it.
"Ohayo gozaimasu," the computer said in a neutral, monotonous voice. "Your mission for today, should you choose to accept it, is to train for upcoming further missions."
"Ninmu... ryoukai." Heero Yuy stepped out of the room, not bothering to do more than run a hand down his green tanktop and black spandex shorts to smooth out the worst of the wrinkles. He walked downstairs to the kitchen, where he grabbed a bagel and kept walking.
Eventually he came to a large painting of Wing Zero Custom. He slid this aside to reveal a door locked with a combination lock. He typed in his code and the door beeped and slid open.
"Welcome, Heero-sama," a computerized voice said.
"Hnn." Heero walked into the large, white-painted room and a psychotic grin spread across his face. Filling the room were shelves and shelves and shelves and shelves and SHELVES and... oh, you get the idea... of various weapons. Knives, swords, guns, rocket launchers, bazookas, small nuclear devices, and even a tank.
Heero walked down the aisles, humming a little tune as he selected his weapons. He picked up some pistols, a pair of Uzis, a couple of grenades, a hunting rifle, and the rocket launcher. Slinging the weaponry over his shoulder, he switched to whistling as he left the room and locked it behind him.
Going outside into the courtyard, he picked up the hunting rifle, aimed, and nodded. "Ready."
Several targets popped up, all resembling Relena. Heero aimed and fired, blowing the targets apart one by one. More popped up in unexpected places, and he switched weaponry every so often, saving the rocket launcher to turn the last three targets into nothing more than burned patches on the ground.
"Mission... complete," he said in monotone.
"Acknowleged," said the computer. "Your time is 9.67 seconds."
Heero sighed. "I'm getting slow."
Later, the doorbell rang. Heero switched on the monitor built into the wall and the security cameras outside showed a girl with long silver hair. "Heero-chan!" she shouted. "Let me in!"
Heero actually smiled, and opened the door, deactivating the seventeen locks, the many trip lasers that would activate alarms, and the auto-tracking defense system.
Konran bounced in and glomped him. "Heero-chan!" She grinned.
Heero, struggling to breathe, nodded. "Nice to... see you... too."
Konran released him and zipped upstairs. "I need to borrow some of your weaponry! Vertigo's getting on my nerves again!"
Heero sweatdropped. "Uhh... Konran... remember what happened LAST time you borrowed something from my stash?"
Konran poked her head back into view from upstairs and waved her hand negligently. "Oh, that was just a fluky accident. It won't happen again." She soon reappeared, carrying a bunch of weaponry. "Arigatou Heero-chan!"
Heero sweawtdropped yet again at the amount of stuff she was carrying. "Uh... no problem?"
Konran grinned and headed for the door, not noticing she had dropped something. The small bomb landed on its activator button and began to tick.
"Ja ne, Heero-chan." She headed down the path, waving.
"Ja ne." Heero closed the door and went back inside. He looked down, frowning, as his foot hit something. "What the..." He picked it up. His eyes widened. "Oh shhh-"
The house went up in flames as Konran looked back and sweatdropped. "Oopsie?"
Back in the Gundam hangar, Heero blinked and came out of his drug-induced stupor. "Huh... what the... ARGH! KNT!"
Watching the whole thing on a little monitor, Zechs giggled insanely. "Hee hee hee... I can't WAIT to see what happens to the others..."
<~*End Part One*~>
Konran: *sweatdrops* Eh heh heh... sorry?
Kangeki: *shakes his head* Sorry. Sorry, she says.
Konran: *fwaps her muse* HEY! You're supposed to be on MY side!
Kangeki: *holds his head* @.@ Oww...
Zechs: *laughs a bit* Heh... I'm starting to like my role. This is kind of funny. *gets Death Glares from all five G-boys* Ulp! Okmaybeit'snotsofunnyafterall...
Konran: *gets a thoughtful look* Hmm... who's next...
All G-boys minus Heero and Zechs: *slink back into the shadows hoping not to be noticed*
Konran: *snaps her fingers* I know! It's cliche, but since I started with Heero, we might as well go in order. Oh Duuuuuuuuoooooooo... *calls sweetly*
Duo: *hiding somewhere* Eep!
Konran: *sighs* If you don't come out RIGHT NOW... *nods to Kangeki*
Kangeki: *holds the scaled-down thermal scythe over the hole to Hell again* I think I'm beginning to like this job.
Duo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *leaps out to save the scythe*
Konran: *catches him* Gotcha!
Duo: Damn.
Quatre: *hopefully* Well, I really think you should stop this pointlessness. I mean, who actually READS this 'fic, anyways?
Konran: *opens her review list* Hmm. Kaori...
Kangeki: *perks up at the mention of his former keeper* <Maybe she'll take me BACK...>
Konran: Jaden Flare-girl Maxwell, Wildwolf, Lady Aika, and Sam.
Heero: I will kill you all.
Wufei: This is INJUSTICE! You are WEAK!
Konran: *fwaps Wufei* No insulting the readers!
Wufei: *winces* Ittai...
Konran: Now. Come along, Duo! On to Part Two! *swipes her moon staff across the scene and glitter falls everywhere*
by Konran no Tenshi
*the glitter fades and everyone looks around*
Quatre: Um... where are we?
Konran: In the next part, of course. Angel, do your stuff.
Duo: Wait, wait! What are we supposed to do?
Konran: *sighs heavily* Go get inside your Gundams.
Quatre: But...
Konran: *Death Glare* DO IT!
Heero: Hey.
G-boys: *scatter and climb into their various Gundams*
Konran: *sigh* Angel? *blinks* Angel? Hey, where'd she go? *shrugs* Oh well. Kangeki-chan! *beckons, an evil look on her face*
Kangeki: *sweatdrops*
Konran: I need you to do me a little favor... *hands Kangeki something*
Kangeki: *sighs and holds up a sign*
Disclaimer: IT'S MINE! ALL MINE! BWAHAHAHAHA-*cough cough* ok... maybe not... *hides in a corner*
Part One: Yume no Heero-chan (Heero-chan's Dream)
The sun shone brightly, and a cool breeze wafted among the trees that stood outside the mansion. All was calm and peaceful, everything just waking up from their long night's sleep. A bird sang from a nearby branch, and a monarch butterfly drifted by-
The butterfly was shot down and instantly incinerated by the auto-tracking guns on top of the wall surrounding the mansion.
Inside, a figure lying in bed stretched and yawned. He opened his bleary Prussian blue eyes, blinking away the aftereffects of sleep. He got out of bed and walked over to the wall, where a large computer was built into it.
"Ohayo gozaimasu," the computer said in a neutral, monotonous voice. "Your mission for today, should you choose to accept it, is to train for upcoming further missions."
"Ninmu... ryoukai." Heero Yuy stepped out of the room, not bothering to do more than run a hand down his green tanktop and black spandex shorts to smooth out the worst of the wrinkles. He walked downstairs to the kitchen, where he grabbed a bagel and kept walking.
Eventually he came to a large painting of Wing Zero Custom. He slid this aside to reveal a door locked with a combination lock. He typed in his code and the door beeped and slid open.
"Welcome, Heero-sama," a computerized voice said.
"Hnn." Heero walked into the large, white-painted room and a psychotic grin spread across his face. Filling the room were shelves and shelves and shelves and shelves and SHELVES and... oh, you get the idea... of various weapons. Knives, swords, guns, rocket launchers, bazookas, small nuclear devices, and even a tank.
Heero walked down the aisles, humming a little tune as he selected his weapons. He picked up some pistols, a pair of Uzis, a couple of grenades, a hunting rifle, and the rocket launcher. Slinging the weaponry over his shoulder, he switched to whistling as he left the room and locked it behind him.
Going outside into the courtyard, he picked up the hunting rifle, aimed, and nodded. "Ready."
Several targets popped up, all resembling Relena. Heero aimed and fired, blowing the targets apart one by one. More popped up in unexpected places, and he switched weaponry every so often, saving the rocket launcher to turn the last three targets into nothing more than burned patches on the ground.
"Mission... complete," he said in monotone.
"Acknowleged," said the computer. "Your time is 9.67 seconds."
Heero sighed. "I'm getting slow."
Later, the doorbell rang. Heero switched on the monitor built into the wall and the security cameras outside showed a girl with long silver hair. "Heero-chan!" she shouted. "Let me in!"
Heero actually smiled, and opened the door, deactivating the seventeen locks, the many trip lasers that would activate alarms, and the auto-tracking defense system.
Konran bounced in and glomped him. "Heero-chan!" She grinned.
Heero, struggling to breathe, nodded. "Nice to... see you... too."
Konran released him and zipped upstairs. "I need to borrow some of your weaponry! Vertigo's getting on my nerves again!"
Heero sweatdropped. "Uhh... Konran... remember what happened LAST time you borrowed something from my stash?"
Konran poked her head back into view from upstairs and waved her hand negligently. "Oh, that was just a fluky accident. It won't happen again." She soon reappeared, carrying a bunch of weaponry. "Arigatou Heero-chan!"
Heero sweawtdropped yet again at the amount of stuff she was carrying. "Uh... no problem?"
Konran grinned and headed for the door, not noticing she had dropped something. The small bomb landed on its activator button and began to tick.
"Ja ne, Heero-chan." She headed down the path, waving.
"Ja ne." Heero closed the door and went back inside. He looked down, frowning, as his foot hit something. "What the..." He picked it up. His eyes widened. "Oh shhh-"
The house went up in flames as Konran looked back and sweatdropped. "Oopsie?"
Back in the Gundam hangar, Heero blinked and came out of his drug-induced stupor. "Huh... what the... ARGH! KNT!"
Watching the whole thing on a little monitor, Zechs giggled insanely. "Hee hee hee... I can't WAIT to see what happens to the others..."
<~*End Part One*~>
Konran: *sweatdrops* Eh heh heh... sorry?
Kangeki: *shakes his head* Sorry. Sorry, she says.
Konran: *fwaps her muse* HEY! You're supposed to be on MY side!
Kangeki: *holds his head* @.@ Oww...
Zechs: *laughs a bit* Heh... I'm starting to like my role. This is kind of funny. *gets Death Glares from all five G-boys* Ulp! Okmaybeit'snotsofunnyafterall...
Konran: *gets a thoughtful look* Hmm... who's next...
All G-boys minus Heero and Zechs: *slink back into the shadows hoping not to be noticed*
Konran: *snaps her fingers* I know! It's cliche, but since I started with Heero, we might as well go in order. Oh Duuuuuuuuoooooooo... *calls sweetly*
Duo: *hiding somewhere* Eep!
Konran: *sighs* If you don't come out RIGHT NOW... *nods to Kangeki*
Kangeki: *holds the scaled-down thermal scythe over the hole to Hell again* I think I'm beginning to like this job.
Duo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *leaps out to save the scythe*
Konran: *catches him* Gotcha!
Duo: Damn.
Quatre: *hopefully* Well, I really think you should stop this pointlessness. I mean, who actually READS this 'fic, anyways?
Konran: *opens her review list* Hmm. Kaori...
Kangeki: *perks up at the mention of his former keeper* <Maybe she'll take me BACK...>
Konran: Jaden Flare-girl Maxwell, Wildwolf, Lady Aika, and Sam.
Heero: I will kill you all.
Wufei: This is INJUSTICE! You are WEAK!
Konran: *fwaps Wufei* No insulting the readers!
Wufei: *winces* Ittai...
Konran: Now. Come along, Duo! On to Part Two! *swipes her moon staff across the scene and glitter falls everywhere*