Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Doomed ❯ 1 ( Prologue )

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>I'd like to thank my friend, Rick, for lending me his 'Garbage' CD
so I could write down the correct lyrics for my vidfic. I usually would
write them the way I hear them, but after a few embaressing mistakes
pointed out to me, I've decided to go safe on this one. Hey, Garbage is
a great band, and I don't want to screw up their texts. I'm saying this
so you don't think I have better hearing than you.... and I don't want
you to make an idiot of yourself when kareokeeing without knowing the
correct text. So, this one has the exact lyrics written dow, the way
Garbage MEANT for you to hear their song.
OK, so this vidfic is more than just a little weird, but I couldn't
help making it this way. Hey, it's my artistic right, right?
So, if you don't get some things, don't go complaining to me, because I
don't even understand myself. I'm just your average insane, mentally
unstable artist. Okie, do we have that covered? Okie! Let's get to da
BEEF! Heeeeeeeere's DOOMED!<


by Roxanne de Winter

It is morning, the lights are soft.
The scene is a bedroom in a high apartment building. The bedroom walls
are colored a light, rosy pink. There's a bed with a gold frame to the
wall, where a sleeping figure lies covered by a light, almost white,
pink blanket. There's a vase with pink roses by the bedstand, and a
white teddy bear by the bedpost. On the wall there are some gold-framed
pictures of modern art, all colored with differant shades of pink.
There's a make-up table near the bathroom door. It has a round mirror
with light bulbs around it. Suddenly, the wall opposite the bed is
hacked through with a wrecking ball. The figure lying in the bed wakes
up, and the music begins. The figure is Dorothy, wearing a very light
pink nightgown covered by a pink morning robe of a deeper shade of
pink. Her hair is shoulder length and slightly curled at the edges,
like most old movie stars. She closes her eyes her eyes, and stretches
her head from side to side sleepily, and starts to sing:

I just don't care anymore

Opening her eyes and taking the bedcovers off, and ignoring the broken
wall to her right as she passes it, Dorothy takes a seat at her make-up
table. She continues to sing all the while:

I've reached the end
of the road

Pulling open a drawer and taking a brush, Dorothy looks at the mirror
while continuing to sing:

I just don't care anymore

She shakes her head a bit, and begins to brush her other side:

Won't cry these tears

Putting down the brush, she stands up, and walks towards the bathroom,
going through her hair with her hand. She gives a small, weird, tired
smile, while closing her eyes for a few seconds as she sings:

Can't find it in the bible
Can't find it on TV

Going into the bathroom and removing her robe, she looks at a diamond
necklace disacrded carelessly by the sink, and shakes her head:

Can't find it in diamonds
There's something inside me
That just won't allow me to

Dorothy turns on the tub and the camra zooms into the water. As it
zooms out, the water that was bath water is now water in a park
fountain. Dorothy is dressed in a two piece pink business suite and
20's style hat, complete with the netting that partially covers the
eyes. She is also wearing a pair of sleek sunglasses, studded with
glass diamonds. She stops to listen to a pair of street musicians as
she sings:

Find it in music
Can't find it in my soul

As Dorothy walks on, police officers arrest the musicians. Dorothy
stops to look through the window of a candy shop:

Can't find it in chocolate

Dorothy turnds around and sees a mirage of a guy, done by the smoke
coming from a vent in the sidwalk:

Oh babe I can't hide it

Dorothy clenches her fists as she raises them to her breast and closes
her eyes:

I can't even find it in you

The camra zoomns into the mist, which lifts to reveal a field of
flowers where Cathrine and Relena are running circles around Dorothy
dressed in skintight gowns and are running around barefoot, waving
ribbons and silky scarves in slow motion. Dorothy, who is wearing a
crown of flowers over her hair, and it just standing where she is

I just don't care anymore
I've reached the end
of the road

She pushes through Doroty and Relena who each pose on their tiptoes
with their hands up, on either side of Dorothy.

I just don't care anymore

Relena turns away at the same time as Dorothy, both looking struck with
a fake-looking saddness. Dorothy puts her hands to her head:

Won't cry these tears

She shakes her head, and the flower field fades back into the city,
the candy shop, where Dorothy was standing.
As the remaining mist fades, revealing the guy from the mist's
illusion. Dorothy eyes him, a slightly suprised, and slightly inviting
look on her face as she walks towards him, singing:

There's no way
she can kiss you
the way that I do

Dorothy shakes her shoulders seductively, but her face loses the
seductive charm and turns solemn once again as she turns to leave:

I heard you miss me

Dorothy looks at the guy, from the corner of her eye.
She continues to walk away. As she walks by the man, he runs after her,
even as she crosses the street. He is run over by a car as he is
running to catch up with the blonde girl. Dorothy doesn't seem to
notice or care, and just walks on.

Oh you should be careful
of you keep talking to

Dorothy stops for a brief moment, then walks on:

Long nights without you

Dorothy pauses to look at a women, who is crying as a young man walks
away from her. Dorothy raises and eyebrow:

have taught me to be strong

=================== ===========
I've cut all my losses
Think no more about it

The camra zooms out as Doroth, her legs open, her arms at her side, her
head up, looking at the sky.

cause I couldn't find it
in you

The camra goes through some clouds, where Relena and Cathrine, dressed
as maids of honor, are throwing flowers out of baskets while gaily
turning around.

I just don't care anymore

The camra zooms back to reveal Dorothy, now dressed in
a white wedding gown, is at the alter with another guy, and a preacher
is saying words that cannot be heard. Dorothy is singing:

I've reached the end
of the road

As she's about to say 'I do', a trap door opens on the alter and the
groom falls through. Dorothy says nothing, and reacts only by turning
around, closing her eyes, and singing:

I just don't care anymore

The scene changes to Cathrine, who is playing a note on a golden harp.
Cathrine sings:

Won't cry these tears anymore

Suddenly, the lights go one and off, and as they flicker on, a new
scene is revealed.
The scene is a small, dark, run down old room, with an open widow where
a cold, chilling wind comes in, blowing the torn cutains. A lightbulb
in dangling from the ceiling, and the wallpaper is torn. The centeriece
of the room is a bed pushed to the wall. The bed has dark, dusty grey
blankets and a rusty steel bedframe.
On the bed a figure sits, dressed in a black hooded sweater and long
black skirt, her head covered partially by the sweater's hood.
The figure is Dorothy.
Her head is lowered, and she is hugging her knees. Her long hair covers
her face like a waterfall on both sides, but her mouth can be seen
moving as she sings:

There was time
I thought I'd die

The camera zooms into Dorothy's face, her eyes open in a scared,
manical way. Her mouth is the only thing moving.

If you should ever leave me
high and dry
Now you don't want me
It's time to settle the

Dorothy looks up, holding a large bustcher's knife and smiling
She stand up, and walks out of the room, into the narrow hall, holding
the knife, ready to stab anyone in her way. She is smiling all the

(musical break)

She comes to a room, where the is a figure lying in a bed, covered
partially by a blanket. Silently she creeps in. As she nears the bed,
the figure, a young man, suddenly wakes up. His eyes wide, he tries to
push Dorothy away. But Dorothy pushes him onto the bed, trying to stab
him, but missing the man's body. The camra zooms into the sadows, where
you see Dorothy hold the dagger hight up, and stab down onto her victim
with one quick blow, followed by several others as the room goes black
and the scene changes to Dorothy's apartment, the walls are now
wrecked, and only the floor and some furniture remains. Dorothy doesn't
seem to notice as she sits down on the bed and looks at the city's
skyline. The brutal murder was in Dorothy's imagination. Dorothy sings:

I just don't care

The wrecking ball swings to demolish some of the wall left, narrowly
missing Dorothy's head.

Dorothy continues to sing:

I've reached the end
of my tether

Dorothy stands up, her hair blowing in the wind:

I've torn all your letters

The wrecking ball swinmgs again, missing Dorothy as she narrowly
escapes by turning around in a circle.

I just don't care anymore
Won't cry these tears

The wrecking ball swings again, missing Dorothy's head, because she
turned the other way. She's still singing:

I just don't care

The wrecking ball swings once more, again almost hitting Dorothy, who
is oblivious of its presence.

I've reached the end
of my rope
And it's time that I
told you so
I just don't care
Won't cry these tears

As the music fades out Dorothy walks to the edge of her demolished
apartment, and, looking up, she spreads her arms and jumps, saying her
last words:

It's time to settle the score

The video ends.


>Wooooo! YEEEAAAAH!!!! I LOVE it when I get to kill everyone!
(dances a little jig) What-a-justified-end! La la la!
OK, this wasn't my best work. But it sure as Hell was fun!
Ha ha! Take that, weepy romances! Death and destruction is the BEST
coupling! HAHAHAHA!!!!
(sobs) I love a sad ending.
OK, I'm sound all un-optimistic, and I bet I'm discouraging you from
ever being in a happy relationship that doesn't end with death.
(snorts) Pardon me for being honest.
OK, I'm not being honest. Not all realationships end unhappily.... just
99.9% do. Why is that?
(pulls down chart showing a groom running away from his bride waiting
at the alter)

Roxanne (in Freud voice): It is due to lack of commitment! Yah!
But dat does not mean you have to zump off a
cliff or vatever! Zo do not try dis a home,
evar! OK, children? Gutte!<