Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ That Bitch is Dead! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
A/N: This was inspired by the cute little girl that came to visit while I was in Guidance Aide at my school. She was sooooo little. A real live chibi, if I do say so myself.
Thank you for the reviews:
Mysticalunicorn: Thank you for the review!
Emerald eyes: Thank you and you're right. They are fun. The girl is……whoops ran out of time. You'll have to guess. ^_~
Chapter 2: That Bitch Is Dead!
Duo skidded around the corner. His eyes were too preoccupied to seeing how far back Heero was to see that a rather large leg was in his path. He crashed into the jean clad limb and landed on the merciless wooden floor.
“Hello, what do we have here?” Quatre looked down from his cookbook at the feeling of something hitting his leg. His eyes grew wide and a smile graced his lips.
Duo sniffled and wiped at the tears welling up at the corner of his eyes. He glared up at his best friend and inwardly cursed the blonde for being there at that particular time. Just then Heero walked in the room.
The Sandrock pilot knelt and picked up the still sniffling pilot and stared at him. “Duo?”
“Quatwe, don't let Heewo get me!” Duo cried and buried his head in 03's sky blue t-shirt. “He's gone all Pewfect Stuff Animal Junkie and won't leave me awone.”
Quatre looked from Duo to Heero. “What happened?”
“He was shot with some type of weapon and was turned into that.” Heero reported mechanically. His eyes never left the adorable bundle in the Arabian's arms. “Now, if you'll hand him over, I want to—,”
“No! I weally don't want to go with him! He's nuts!” The mini Shinigami wailed. His tiny limbs flailed as he spoke.
“What is all the noise in here?” Wufei said as he made an appearance. Trowa followed soon after. Quatre politely greeted them both.
“Good Morning,”
“Wufei, Twowa, I am so happy to see you. You have to help me!” Duo called frantically. The two pilots stared at the flapping mass of limbs and raised an eyebrow.
“What did you call Trowa?” Wufei said. He was obviously fighting against the urge to laugh. Duo glared/pouted and crossed his arms.
“You heawd what I call him.”
“Sing `row row your boat'.” Trowa said calming. The braided chibi stared at him and sighed heavily.
“Wow wow wow your boat, gently down the stweam, mawwrily mawwily mawwily mawrrily, life it but a dweam.” To finish, Duo stuck out his tongue and began to sulk. By the end of the nursery rhyme Quatre and Heero were making starry eyes at the teen.
“Now, if you're done?” Heero said persistently. Quatre took a step back and shook his head.
“He doesn't want to go with you.”
“Omae o korosu”
Hiding in the trees, the culprit to the events watched the scene play out. She smiled again under her mask and looked out to find a certain Gundam. Her trusty `super soaker' was clutched in one hand as she jumped from the tree limb.
The fun was just about to start.
Crashes and shouts could be heard as Heero tore through the house after Quatre. The blonde clutched the shocked chibi-Duo close to his chest as he jumped and dodged yet another projectile.
Everything stopped when a bright blue light coming from the forest flashed through the house. Duo twisted around as the light slowly receded. That looked to have come from the lake where he had hidden Deathscythe.
“That bitch is dead!” He shouted and pulled himself from Quatre's grip. He tumbled and rolled out of the way of the blonde's legs and took off towards the door. How was he supposed to get out?
The masked figure cooed affectionately over the chibi Gundam. The scythe wielding mecha stared at her and cocked his head cutely. His big green eyes blinked owlishly.

”Where am I?” The seven year old voice sounded. His eyes widened. “I can talk?”
“You sure can cutey.” The woman answered. “Now, go to the house and talk to Duo. He's the little chibi in the safe house not too far from here.”
The waist high chibi saluted and took off through the trees.
“Now it's a party!”
A/N: This is kinda short. Only two pages. I'll have to make it up to you in the next chap. Let me know what you think!eHe