Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo no Kawaii ❯ Chaos...Nita-sama? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Duo no Kawaii
Genre: cuteness, randomness, minor self insertion, OOC, slight yaoi
Rating: G PG-13
Summary: Oops, I did it again!
Disclaimers: I don't own them. Forgot to tell you in the last chap.
A/N: Hi! This took more time to get around to than I thought. Well, here it is!
D_K joy: Thank you for the review and I'm happy you like it.
Chapter 7:
“Say Cheese.” MC said dangerously calm. In her hand was an electric pink gun labeled `The Reject' in big black letters. It was different from the other guns having a second miniature barrel on top of another. The gun was impossibly big compared to the female chibi's size.
Relena paused long enough in her fruitless attempt to remove the black furred menace from her rear to see a platinum colored laser shoot her way. The blonde pacifist spun around and covered her head with her arms. The discharged hit her attacker then Relena.
Once again, dust was kicked up around them. When it cleared there was a furry being along with a full grown being.
The furry being was covered in disgustingly pink fur equipped with puff balls around its ankles and tail and hanging from its ears. A French Poodle…
The full grown being was a long legged but petite young man with long black hair that rivaled Duo's. His eyes were wide but slanted giving away that he may be mixed with some Asian blood and American. His skin was a bronzy olive color.
“Chaos?” MC said softly. The boy looked down at the chibi and cocked his head. His icy blue eyes bore into hazel. “Chaos!”
“What the hell did you do to me?!” The pink poodle shrieked.
“You are a poodle.” Duo said matter of factly. He was hovering over the canine looking down at it curiously.
“I am *not* a poodle! I am Relena Darlian Peacecraft!” The puff ball wailed.
“She has a very annoying voice.” The boy MC called Chaos said. His voice was very smooth and had a pleasant timbre.
“You can stick her in one of the rooms.” Heero said dryly. He glared at the Relena poodle as it began to make goo-goo eyes at him. Chaos nodded curtly and picked the irritant up by the back of her neck.
Relena yelped and drew up her four legs. The two disappeared from the room.
“Chaos?” Quatre, along with the others, looked at MC skeptically.
“Mischief's brother.” MC said as if that would explain everything. “His real name was Mike. He's Chinese-American and oh so cute.”
“You have a crush on him?” Heero asked.
“You would think that but, he's like an older brother to me.” MC sighed as if the fact pained her. “Now if you'd excuse me, I have a gun to fix.” The troublemaker skipped off leaving the other five alone with their thoughts and each other.

”Why did you attack Relena?” Heero asked turning to Duo. Duo sweat dropped and looked sheepishly towards his Japanese companion.

”Um…just helping you out, Hee-buddy.”
Heero frowned. Duo only called his by those atrocious nicknames when he was nervous or deliberately trying to annoy him. He sensed it was the former.
“You were jealous.” A statement not a question sounded in the general direction that MC ran off to. Duo glared in that direction despite the warm crimson hue adorning his cheeks.

”I was not.” He huffed indignantly.
“You were.” This time Chaos countered as he walked in. He had found a pair of Trowa's jeans and a tank top while he was back with Relena. “Nita-sama is good at telling these things.”
“Nita-sama?” Wufei questioned.
“Yes?” MC poked her head from around the corner of one of the chairs.
“Your name is Nita-sama?”
MC blushed. “Um….my real name is Shenita, Nita for short and Nita-sama is just a nickname Mike gave me.”
Mike winced at the use of his real name. He glared icily at the chibi. “Chaos.”
Nita-sama smirked. “Diablo.” She said confidently and pointed to the horns on her head.
Chaos nodded along with Diablo. All five Gundam pilots sweat dropped.
“Alright, we have Diablo, Mischief, Chaos….are there anymore we should know about?” Trowa said calmly. Inside he was mentally cheering at his ability of pronouncing r's and l's. No all he needed was his normal voice back.
“Rage, but he's in my head.” Nita-sama pointed to her temple and pulled her head back out of the other's line of vision. “He's not a real person. More like an OC.”
“Original Character.” Chaos informed. Everyone nodded. “He's coming though.”
“Why?” MC's brow knitted. Her head appeared yet again to stare at her friend.
“He finished all the chocolate you left him.”
“Shimatta….” Nita-sama pulled her head back again. This time the movement was followed by more clattering. “You guys should run while you still can.” She yelled out to them.
“A hyper person like him isn't a good thing.” Chaos said. He didn't seem too worried about Rage at all.
A/N: There another chap. I don't know why I turn Chaos into a human. I just felt like it. Review and I'll post as soon as possible.