Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo: Reflection on the Thing They Call Life ❯ On Sharing a Bed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Standard Disclaimer: Even if I pretended like I own GW, you wouldn't believe me. Anyway, I don't, so there.
Warnings: Duo's POV, language, a little sappiness at the end, shonen ai, 1x2x1
Beta: Gunnmsangel
A/N: This chapter is one of my personal faves. I hope you all like it. If you have any ideas for a thought segment, email me at

Duo: Reflections on the Thing They Call Life
by Solanum Dulcamara

Chapter 4: On Sharing a Bed

I know we've all read books and seen movies where the happy couple curls up to sleep every night, content in each others' arms. It's a beautiful image, and in reality Heero and I often end up sleeping cheek to cheek... yes, you've heard of thumb wars and arm wrestling, but I bring you the battle of the butts. The super cuddle image is very sweet, and everyone tries it, but it only lasts about the length of a honeymoon, and then you realize that you actually want sleep sometimes. Comfortable sleep. Sure, Heero and I are always touching while we sleep, but that usually involves our hineys touching, my leg draped over his, or his cold-ass feet on me. But, I assure you that there is a method to this madness.

For the greater portion of my life, I was bedless, sleeping in everything from streets to benches, condemned buildings to forest floors, cots to Deathscythe. The first time I slept in a real bed was at the private school that I stayed at with Heero, during the war. I remember the blissful shock with which I discovered the thing called bed. The mattress was so soft and my head sank down into the pillow... Shortly thereafter, I found out I am a bed hog. Af mess, tossing and turning bed hog. My reasoning is that my body is finding every possible comfortable position every night, to make up for the years of comfort I've missed.

Heero's sleep history isn't much better. I don't know all of the hairy details, but I know enough to conclude that Heero sleeps in a way that allows him to be prepared to defend against potential danger and death... which is why he chose to sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door... he also always faces the door.

See? Practical reasoning to explain the clusterfuck in our bed. Oh, you might be thinking that I burst your romantic little bubble... you'd be correct, and at the same time, you're completely wrong. While our somnalic habits aren't something out of a fairytale, there're real and they're tangible, and they're incredibly romantic to me. Every time I wake up during the night because a butt bumps into mine or a cold foot plasters itself against my thigh, I can feel the body next to me, and I know that I'm loved.