Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duodin, Can I show you the world? ❯ As you wish ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Duodin-Can I show you the world?
Disclaimer: Check chapter 1. My fingers are hurting.
Created: Friday, June 15, 2001
Revised: Friday, April 04, 2008
Warnings: Yaoi! Blah! Boys with boys doing such marvelous things and odd positions! Lemon, Angst, Romance, OOC, all the good stuff that makes a story proud.
Rating: There's actually a range? Wow! PG-NC17
Pairings/Groupings: 5x2x5, 6x3x4, 1xM
Notes: The Valentine fic that went awol. First of all, I was stuck until I heard Rihanna's album, this chapter is dedicated to her. Quatre is also finally making his appearance. *Everyone runs for cover while Quatre bouncing around the room like an obsessed rabbit on crack in the background *
Quatre: “I'm finally here! That's right! I'm here!
Sparky: ^^;;;; Be afraid…Be very afraid…
Quatre: *In the background doing the Snoopy dance*
Criticism or comments: Please email at, I always use flames for firewood.
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Duodin, Can I show you the world?
Chapter nine: As you wish
~***~Wufei & Duo's Bedroom~***~
I am proud of you. Adversity and faith morphs the weakest victim into a powerful weapon. With just a tiny taste of peril, you not only displayed your fighting skills but your passion for life and your survival instincts. I have a treat for you, my mighty warrior. Within a confined space, more gifts await you, worthy of a consort, to help move you forward on your journey. I also left you a great treasure…the ultimate possession one you have fought so hard to get. Please remember, you are always in my thoughts…”
Duo blushed, his toes curling in anticipation. The tiny love letters were beautiful, each helping to bring a part of the story to life. Decoding Wufei's cryptic message, Duo followed the instructions, rising elegantly from the carpet as he walked over towards the closet. Grabbing the doorknob and discovering it wasn't locked, Duo smiled as he heard the click, cracking the door an inch as he peeked inside. There, stacked in the corner within a beam of light, sat multiple boxes with numbers taped on the outside of them. The longhaired Gundam pilot pulled out one of the boxes, and he continued to pull out each one until Duo sat surrounded by boxes on the floor. Picking up Wufei's letter again, he opened the first box as per the letter's next instructions. Duo smiled, his smile illuminating his bedroom in ultimate joy…because inside the box was an exact replicate of Aladdin's enchanted lamp.
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Meanwhile, still stuck underground in the Cave of Wonder...Duodin jumped up and down, yelling at his companions consisting of an enchanted flying carpet and a pet monkey. “Shinigami,” he yelled, waving his fist at the ceiling excitedly. “At least that bitch didn't get this…“
Shinigami handed Duodin the ancient lamp. “I don't know what the hype is all about because it looks like a piece of worthless junk to me,” Duodin quietly replied, turning the old lamp over in his hands while trying to estimate its true value. “It looks like an antique. Maybe I could sell it to the junk man on Ebby Street for a small profit and a meal when I get out of here…” The young thief sighed to himself. “If I get out of here, I don't believe I fell for that. I'm usually the trickster not the vic*. My senses are never off. I just don't' understand all problems I'm facing because of a rusty old lamp.”
Duodin stopped ranting, his words pausing in mid sentence, as his purplish eyes narrowed in suspicion, focusing on something. There was writing on the front of the lamp, lettering so small the words were hard to make out. The tarnish lamp was dirty, probably caused by years of erosion or the lack of sunlight encased within the Cave of Wonders for so long. Judging from its dull appearance, the lamp just needed a little bit of buffing to be good as new. Something was off about it because Duodin felt like he was supposed to do something, “Shini, do you see what I see?”
The little monkey looked questionably at her master in confusion, “Er?”
“Can you see it?” Duodin questioned, pointing at the smudged inspiration. “Look at this! There is something written here. It's kind of hard to make out but its right there.”
Shinigami narrowed her big brown eyes, focusing on where Duodin's finger pointed nodding in agreement.
“It's so small…,” Duodin quietly exclaimed, his eyes squinting reading the inspiration, “and dirty as hell.”
Carpet sat quietly looking between Duodin and Shinigami until he overheard the conversation between the two. Carpet then began bouncing up and down in anticipation as joy overcame the animated tapestry. His friends were going to release his heart, his dearest love, from his prison.
Duodin's senses began tingling as an idea sprung up in his head. Using a corner of his vest, he gently rubbed against the words of the lamp so he could read it more clearly. The dirt on the lamp slowly disappeared as Duodin continued vigorously buffing the metal clean.
All of a sudden, the entire room began trembling. Thinking he was in trouble yet again, Duodin tried to release the lamp from his grasp but the lamp refused to be let go, vibrating within his nimble hands. The lamp pulsated, glowing like a exploding star and strange smoke poured out from the spout in violent bursts, pouring out of the lamp like a water fountain and filling the surrounding area within a thick mist. The more discharge flowing from the sprout of the lamp, the calmer Duodin became as if someone softly whispered into his ear to show no fear. Regaining his courage, Duodin held the precious lamp tightly and his face set in determination. There had to be a reason that witch wanted this lamp so badly and Duodin was just the man to find out what was so special about it.
Suddenly, from deep within the midst, strange music began to trickle from the lamp. Each note began softly at first yet gained in strength as more smoke flowed from the lamp,
Sell me candy like it's summer when it's melting in my hands
I know you're around like the ice cream man
I can hear you calling, whisper something in my ear
You're sweet like sugar, tell me what I wanna hear
I'm weak by your touch and when it's melting on my lips
I run through my body when you lick my fingertips
You're selling me a fantasy that I want to explore
It sounds so good spoil me rotten to the core

Duodin blinked a couple of times, his violet orbs squinting in the darkened cavern. A silver mist drew to one area, pulling all of the smoke as a shape began to form and solidify. Soon, a shape was recognizable and in its place, a teenage boy materialized before Duodin. The young thief jumped back in shock, his violet eyes narrowing in caution as he scrutinized the newcomer by checking him out.
The young man appeared to be around Duodin's age yet you could not tell or judge a book by its cover. The stranger had a crown of very wavy hair, as golden as sunlight, glowing within the room like a homing beacon. His body was of a dancer, slender with firm muscles covering very pale skin. Though a slave garment covered the lithe frame, the stranger's ensemble did not resemble any slave garment that Duodin had ever seen before. Cloth, made of satin-like material, banded his trim torso, while the matching material clothed his groin and backside. Small jewels were weaved into the gauze while the silver gold fabric bled into intricate patterns, covering the stranger's lower torso down towards his ankles. From the look of things and judging by his clothing, this was not an ordinary slave.
The finery of his wardrobe was only a showcase for the true beauty of the strange young man. The blonde, not just handsome, but beautiful since his facial features were androgynous; much like Duodin's unusual beauty. Sunlit lashes opened and the moment Duodin connected with the stranger's eyes, he could not help but knock his knees in weakness. This beautiful vision had the most beautiful bluish-green eyes Duodin had ever seen. Duodin always envisioned what an ocean would look like, staring at the blonde newcomer, entranced and speechless until the vision spoiled the illusion by opening his mouth…
“AAAHHH”, the blonde stranger yelled, cracking his neck in pain. “I don't freaking believe this!!! Ten thousand years of entrapment and I'm finally free from my pain in the neck father!” The blonde stranger stretched his back cracking to relieve his pain, “Oh, my aching back!!!” Flawless pale skin glowed like slick oil to the point that Duodin couldn't help but stare at the irritated newcomer.
The blonde boy bended over enticingly, his rounded hips barely covered before he stood up again and walked calmly over to Duodin. “Hey, kid. Will you hold this a sec?”
Duodin blinked a second in shock as the young man handed over a little golden hat before the blonde teenager shook his platinum blonde locks free of sand particles. “I can't stand getting sand in my hair”, the blonde whined, “I'm gonna have to wash it with herbal essence, condition it for at least two hours to be close enough to my original texture and then I'm going to have to blow dry this mess for another two hours. Do you know how much time it takes just to do my hair to make it look this good?! Can we say four freaking hours for starter?”
Duodin's mouth dropped open in disbelief, shocked by the attitude of the beautiful boy.
With his hair suitability cleaned to his expectations, large aquamarine orbs focused on the teenager holding his lamp or his prison if you really thought about it, “Oy!”
Duodin blinked bewildered, looking from side to side before looking back at the stranger.
The blonde teenager rolled his oceanic eyes before bluish-green orbs focused back on Duodin, “Yes, you, pretty one! What's your name?”
“Uh…,” Duodin stuttered, not wanting to answer the questions but also not wanting to be rude, “Duo…Duodin….”
“Duodin…,” The blonde boy purred, each syllabus pronounced with a husky undertone and a gentle sway of hips as he slowly approached the brunette. “Duodin…,” The strange blonde repeated the name again imprinting it to his memory, “So I can call you Ducy, right?”
Violet orbs widened, Duodin's heart-shaped face reddened by the seconds embarrassed, “Uh! No! My name is Duodin and I prefer to be called Duodin!” For some reason, this guy was making Duodin feel very uncomfortable all of a sudden.
The blonde beauty smiled seductively at his prey, “Ducy-chan is what I prefer because you are so cute!”
Like an ice shard melting on a summer day, something clicked as the frozen illusion cracked Duodin's eyes. Rather than take that statement for a compliment, Duodin got annoyed by the stranger's odd behavior. “No, don't call me Ducy or Ducy-chan! My name is Duodin!” Duodin shook his head in confusion not believe he was having an argument about his name, “I think I must have hit my head a little too hard.”
The blonde teenager just smiled beautifully white teetn gleaming in the darkness. “Okay, how about a compromise!” Aquamarine eyes dancing happily because human were so gullible and easy to tease.
Shinigami screeched in annoyance while the stranger giggled, amused at his results. His eyes twinkled when he spotted the monkey, “Oh look! You have a monkey! She's just adorable!”
Just as Duodin ante up for his tirade at the bubble headed blonde, something strange happened. All of a sudden, Carpet flew by, pushing Duodin and Shinigami out of the way and tackled the stranger! “Hey,” The little blonde exclaimed, his pale arms flinging in every direction, fighting to get the thing off of him. Erratic movements soon slowed; and weird sounds began coming from underneath the carpet. Duodin blushed at the odd gestures, flushing to the roots of his chestnut hair since he had heard those sounds before, recognizing those heaving breaths anywhere.
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~*Winner Mansion, in a secret room underground*~
Quatre stared at Wufei like an insane man while Heero and Trowa fell to the floor laughing their heads off. “Chang Wufei, what the heck is this?”
Wufei smirked, his dark brown eyes twinkling in amusement, “What? You don't like your introduction, Quatre?”
The look on Quatre's face was priceless. Dumbfounded, he stared at Wufei like an asylum was too good for the Chinese teenager. “Are you kidding me,” Quatre yelled, “Please, tell me this is a joke. How could you turned me into a superficial blonde, Wufei? I'm nothing like that? When do you see me ever act like that? Really? Now, about my hair…I do not care about my hair like that!”
“Well...,” Trowa began, trying to breathe from underneath Heero. “You do act like that sometimes. Not all the time but only when you are on your period.”
Aquamarine narrowed in indignation, about to issue the swift bat of justice at his enemies before he was interrupted by the creator of the story. “Quatre…Quatre…Quatre, you have nothing to worry about. You're going to change,” Wufei calmly replied trying to reassure the irate blonde, “Remember it is only a story. When everything is done, you're going to enjoy the end product.”
Quatre crossed his arms over his chest while he pouted, tapping his foot in anger. He couldn't stay mad at Wufei for long after Wufei spent so much of time preparing the gift for Duo. The least Quatre could do was be patient and wait it out. With the issue resolved, Quatre narrowed his eyes again, sighing in surrender. “What is up with that carpet? Why was it molesting my character,” Quatre questioned, changing the subject back to the story.
“All questions will be answered, all in due time, Winner,” Wufei calmly replied. He turned back to the monitors and admired his beautiful lover. Sitting on the carpet, Duo wore violet-blue vest and balloon pants that matched his Prussian stained eyes to a tee. Just one of the many costumes left in his Aladdin kit. Wufei sighed, enjoying his show. This interactive story was coming out better than he originally thought it would.
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~***Back underground, Cave of Wonders***~
Duodin continued staring at the gyrating carpet, his arms crossed over his chest with one finger tapping against his chin as he thought about his given situation. “What the heck is with this guy,” He mentally thought, shaking his head in confusion. “First, I had to lamp but I find a magic carpet first and then I find a beat up lamp. Cleaned the dirty damn thing, thinking I might make a profit… and what happens? A weird kid oozes out of the damn thing. Here's the kicker though, to top this all of this off…the carpet is molesting the guy…” Duodin covered his eyes. “This scene is getting weirder and weirder by the seconds and I want off this carpet ride! Can I click my heels three times and everything returns back to normal?” ”
The sounds from underneath the carpet grew in intensity until a high pitch squeal echoig throughout the entire cavern. Duodin just blanked out, clearing his mind of the violation to his innocence…okay his semi-innocent mind, as he just wanted to walk away from this insane couple. “I guess not.”
The blonde teenager crawled out from underneath the carpet; exhausted yet satisfied as he fixed his frazzled hair before snapping his fingers. A lit cigarette appeared out of nowhere between those fingers and the stranger calmly puffed away at the cigarette like a pro, sitting on the ground while reclining on his elbows. Languidly, Carpet curled around the young man like an overcoat.
Annoyed by his current situation, a chestnut eyebrow arched while pale lithe arms crossed over Duodin's battered chest, “Uh, guys…Not to intrude on your little reunion but what was that all about?
A lonely tear slid down the stranger's left eye, sliding along a sculptured cheekbone before the blonde rose to his hands and knees bowing before Duodin, “Thank you, Duodin! A thousand thank yous!”
“Okay…,” Duodin responded, totally confused.
The blonde teenager rose from his knees, standing before Duodin, “You are so humble, my beautiful master.” He bowed his head in shame. “Now I am ashamed for teasing you so…“
“Master,” Duodin yelled in shock, wondering what this guy was talking about.
“That's right, master Duo-chan,” The blonde happily exclaimed, “I've been trapped within that lamp since my father the king had an evil sorcerer imprison me and my lovers because of my behavior but I know differently. The bastard did it out of revenge because I refused his advances. My father was an idiot listening to that evil man. Now my poor lovers must suffer their fate along with me. Trowa and Millardo have already suffered ten thousand years without my presence.”
“Ten thousand years without your lover?” Duodin relented, taking pity on the blonde. “That's really messed up. So you and your lovers are separated from each other, have you seen them lately?”
“Yes…,” the blonde whispered before pointing over his shoulder at Carpet, “Do you see this beautiful carpet over here?”
Purple orbs widened in total shock from that revelation. Now Duodin understood why Carpet became frantic because of the blonde's presence, acting like it had lost its mind. Two people inhabiting its form, two minds within a single entity-the poor thing had multiple personality disorder!
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~***~Wufei & Duo's Bedroom~***~
Duo fell off the carpet, laughing his butt off. The imitation lamp rolled from his lap over his thigh and off to side of the carpet. Tears drizzled down Duo's high cheekbones and he held his sides in pain. He just couldn't wait to be with his lover. Wufei was going to get a good treat when he got back from his trip.
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Innocently, Aquamarine eyes blinked curiously of his master reactions, “I can only gain a true orgasm from my destined lovers. I have been asleep for so long, Master. I wasn't even thinking about sex until Carpet attacked me.” The blonde looked at his current master, liking the chestnut haired human more and more each second. You're a lot smaller than my last master, but you're also cuter than him too.”
Duodin blushed to the tips of his toes, “Er…”
“Well you are,” the blonde teenager giggled, “I don't tell everyone that.” Aquamarine glanced at Carpet. “No one can be as beautiful as my Trowa and Millardo. I care deeply for both of them for they are my husbands and I am theirs.”
“That's very interesting, um…,” Duodin paused not knowing what to call the being. “Uh, I'm still a little confused. You called me your master?”
Giggling like a five year old, Quatre turned around, as if speaking to someone behind his back, “There's a mind up, girls. He can be taught!” The blonde stranger turned back around, bending low and bowing yet again before Duodin. “I am Quatre Raberba Winner blah blah blah. My name is really long so I shortened this way. I am the only boy born of thirty children and saying it 5 times exhausted me. Anyway, what do you wish of me?”
Large expressive violet-blue eyes widened in shock. Speechless, Duodin couldn't utter one word before Quatre spoke again, “But just so you know I can never be duplicated, “As Quatre spoke, nine versions of him multiplied in the room scaring the daylights out of Duodin. Another Quatre popped up right behind Duodin, wrapping willowy arms around the young thief's neck affectionately. Quatre softly whispered in Duodin's ear, “Genie…of… the…lamp.”
Shivering, Duodin ducked from underneath the genie's arms. The flirtatious genie took the hint, sashaying hips, bouncing on his tiptoes and then rocked on his heels while he waited patiently for Duodin to come back to his senses.
Meanwhile, Duodin processed all of this chaos in a rational manner. Shaking his chestnut locks a couple of times; he rubbed his eyes, muttering couple of words not appropriate for the situation.
Quatre grinned, smile beaming at his new master before he finally walked over to Duodin. He stood calming, watching the muttering chestnut haired teenager rant to himself…before he smirked, punching Duodin in his right arm.
“Ouch,” Duodin yelled, in surprise and his left hand rubbed the pain away, “What did you do that for?”
Smiling dreamily, Quatre responded while looking at his nails, “To prove a point, Master. This is not an illusion and you are not in a dream. You are wide-awake. I am right here in bright, bold and Technicolor. I'm always willing and able…,” He purred seductively, his aquamarine glinting like ice, “for your every whim and future wish fulfillment.”
Violet eye bunged out of their sockets as Duodin tried to change the subject, his voice cracking in the process, “What's this about future wish fulfillment?”
“Three wishes, no more, no less.” Quatre emphasized with casual gestures of his hands. He then pointed a finger at Duodin, a blonde eyebrow arched cautiously. “And don't even wish for more wishes. This is a straight and simple contract, with no subs, x's or funds.”
A chestnut eyebrow arched in confusion, “What, what and what?”
Quatre blushed adorably; a slender hand delicately covered his puckered lips. “Oops! I apologize, Master, I abbreviate important words to educate my masters. It also saves time for my daily transactions because I want to be a lawyer someday.”
Duodin looked at Quatre oddly as if he belonged in a mental institution but then he really thought about it. This genie had the perfect poker face.
“That's substitutions, exchanges and re-funds.” Quatre quietly reiterated.
“Now I know I'm dreaming,” Duodin sighed, petting Shinigami who finally crawled into her master's arms.
“But I pinched you,” Quatre replied tapping him on the shoulder. His master must think he's crazy. Smiling, Quatre came up with a brilliant plan. “I think I'll give you a wakeup call. It's always works for me.”
Quatre waved his left hand causally and a golden baton mysteriously materialized in his left hand. His aquamarine eyes twinkled with mischievousness. “I think I'll play my music box again. “Spreading out both his arms, Quatre tapped the baton in the air, waving it around like a conductor in charge of a mighty orchestra. Five tapping sounds reverberated from the end of the baton and one lone voice sung words dripping of honey. “Sell me candy like it's summer when it's melting in my hands, I know you're around like the ice cream man.” The words drummed in Duodin's ears, vibrating throughout the room.
Quatre smiled, waving his baton and creating the beat for the beautiful voice.
Suddenly, a golden arm slithered from behind Quatre's back on his right side. The owner of said arm, a beautiful redhead with bouncing red curls flowing down her back, swung her hips seductively ran in front of Quatre, lowering herself to the floor as she recited the strange lyrics. I can hear you calling, whisper something in my ear, You're sweet like sugar, tell me what I wanna hear.” The red-haired maiden was dressed similarly to Quatre except her colors were pale red-gold instead of the silver gold of Quatre's attire.

All of a sudden, another arm slithered from the other side of Quatre's, his left side, as another girl joined the first maiden's voice. I'm weak by your touch and when it's melting on my lips; I run through my body when you lick my fingertips…”
The second girl had thick-burnt auburn hair flowing down her back. She had a curly bang covering her forehead and feathered haired flowing down the sides to hug her heart-shaped face. Both girls looked related. Quickly, both girls danced to the front of Quatre, with the straight haired girl kneeled behind her sister as they continuing singing their song. Quatre then began swaying with the girls, joining them in their song. You're selling me a fantasy that I want to explore; it sounds so good spoil me rotten to the core….”
Both girls sung to Duodin, each trying to seduce him to their will as their voices weaved their spells. Unfortunately, for the girls, Duodin's mind was elsewhere, his heart aching for his lost lover. The bridge of the song echoed throughout the cavern as more maidens appeared from out of thin air from behind Quatre's back until the cavern filled with a rainbow of magical maidens, each one more beautiful than the next and singing the bridge in harmony.
Talk to me
Take care of my dreams
All I need
Is you beside me
It's destiny
Just let it be
If words can speak
Then baby sell it to me

Duodin smiled, amused by the presentation. He knew the girls were trying to seduce him but it was already too late for him, his heart already promised to a crowned prince. Quatre smiled, amused the gods chose a wise master for him. More girls appeared from behind Quatre until Duodin stood surrounded by beautiful maidens singing and dancing. The redhead and her auburn sister led the others in the chorus with arms spread wide, Sell me candy, sell me love, sell me heaven, sell me doves; What's the charge? What's the cost? (I'm the daddy)… you the boss.
Every girl blended her voice in harmony, each maiden chanting her words to entice Duodin. Duodin didn't take anything seriously yet he smiled wider as he danced with the maidens, learning new dances moves to incorporate in his style. Taking everything in stride, Quatre soon joined Duodin in his merriment and everyone was singing and dancing within the cavern, turning the fiasco into a party. “This is my music box, master.” Quatre shouted, turning one of the sisters in a spin. “I told you it was not a dream.”
You could be a professional, boy you make a sale
I try to resist but every time I fail
The one temptation that I gotta endure
The running through my body now you're knocking at my door
A thin little kiss and your call is really sweet
But the shawty that you're rocking is nothing like me
You're selling me a fantasy that I want to explore
It sounds so good spoil me rotten to the core (you know…)
The two girls danced, swirling and twirling in happiness accompanied by all the maidens Quatre and Duodin joined in as they sung the second verse of the song.
Talk to me
Take care of my dreams
All I need
Is you beside me
It's destiny
Just let it be
If words can speak
Then baby sell it to me

Sell me candy, sell me love, sell me heaven, sell me doves
What's the charge? What's the cost?
(I'm the daddy)… you the boss.”
All the girls quieted as Quatre did the next part, grabbing a hold of Carpet as he serenaded the tapestry. “I wanna play… more than you know, so don't you leave… and don't you go. I want it all… until time falls. His arms…I want to roam. I want to love… give him my trust, I want to live… for both of us, I want to breathe you… lay on your shoulder, I want to warm you… when nights get colder. I want love… love… love, I want love… love… love
Everyone joined in the song again, feeling sorry for the troubled genie and his transformed lovers, singing the chorus along with their master.
Talk to me, Take care of my dreams
All I need, Is you beside me
It's destiny, Just let it be
If words can speak, then baby sell it to me
Sell me candy, sell me love, sell me heaven, sell me doves
What's the charge? What's the cost?
(I'm the daddy)… you the boss.”
The music whined down and the dancing finally ended. Quatre swirled his baton into a circle until a doorway appeared and the girls disappeared walking calmly behind until there was only just Quatre, Duodin, Carpet and Shinigami left in the cavern. “That was fantastic, Quatre.” Duodin exclaimed.
Quatre looked at his fingers, wincing. “Woo, I need a manicure really bad.” He looked down at his toe, “Maybe a pedicure too.” Looking up, he simple replied, “So now that it is not a dream and you finally believe me, what's it's gonna be, master?”
A lone chestnut eyebrow arched, “You're gonna grant any three weeks any three wishes I want?”
Exasperated, Quatre rolled his eyes, “Technically, there are a few provisos, just a couple of little rules…:”
“Like,” Duodin questioned, knowing there was always a catch to something.
Quatre started counted off the various stipulations for lamp/master contracts:”Rule number one, I can't kill anybody. So don't ask me; Rule two, I can't make anyone fall in love with you or anyone else; Rule number three. I can't bring people back from the dead. Truly, it is not a pretty picture. I do have a reputation you know. Besides, it's against my religion. Follow my simple rules and you can have anything from the above menu.”
Duodin looked at Shinigami, the wheel turning in this mind. “Provisos? Another abbreviation, huh Quatre? I'm thinking that means limitations…Limitation on wishes?” Duodin looked at Quatre, then at Shinigami and then back at Quatre. “Now I heard genies are all powerful but that must be a whole lot of bull from what you are telling me. Can't bring people back, a whole lot of conditions, I don't know Shinigami, Kitty Kat over here can't even get us out of this cave. From what he just said, I know he can't. We're gonna have to find another way out of here.
Just as they started to leave, a huge hand smacked Duodin upside his head. “I know you didn't go there. You rubbed my lamp the right way, work me up from a ten thousand year old nap, I didn't even try to molest you yet….” Duodin stepped back after that remark. Quatre continued to rant, “You woke me up, not the other way around now you're gonna walk out on me?” Aquamarine sharpened to blocks of ice. “Oh no! No boy walks out on Quatre Raberta Winner Blah Blah Blah” Quatre whistled toward Carpet, “Hey Carpet, Come here a sec?”
Carpet glided over to its lover, his body caressing Quatre's form before settling on its lower tassels at attention. A hand grabbed Duodin and Shinigami, throwing them on Carpet. With a wave of his hands, Quatre changed his attire to that of a stewardess, shouting, “Please keep all arms in front view hold on tight, boys..” Nodding to Shinigimi he corrected himself, “and milady. Time for a bumping ride and away we go!”
Higher and higher, the carpet lifted off the ground, gaining speed the higher it flew until as it punched a hole though the sand, flying free into the moonlight. Duodin was finally free from his trap.
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~***~Wufei & Duo's Bedroom~***~
Duo bounced on the carpet, screaming at the top of his lungs as the character escaped their sandy prison. Objects fell to the wayside; a stuffed monkey fell to the ground with a panda bear sitting on Duo's left while the replicate of Aladdin's lamp was position right in his lap. Now that heroes escaped their prisons, what perils did they expect? Duo looked at the clock; half the day was already gone. He decided to stop where he was at and goes downstairs to get some lunch but he would return. He had to know what happened next.
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Author notes: *Abbreviation for Victim.
I have to say I have some great fans. I want to thank inlalaland and Pandora's Shadow for her lovely reviews. Inlalaland got me writing again and I am totally loving her story 'Kick in the crotch'
Now about my being absence for so long, blame that on real life. That's right. Reality bites and really messes up my creative juices. The good thing has been I've been reading again and the bad thing is I'm reading again. ^_^ I do check my stories though. I know I'm not the greatest grammatical writer in the world, because each chapter is a learning experience for me but all the creativity comes from me. I hope you enjoy my crazy carpet ride. I enjoy sharing my wacky worlds with you. Now that that is out of the way…let's see what is up in the next chapter…
Duodin is out of one frying pan into another. He's got a genie, 3 wishes and a broken heart. What's a boy to do when you are lovesick and have all the magic in the world? Even genies have problems! There is only one way to debate a problem of this magnitude-fight fire with a bigger flame!! Stay tuned for the next crazy chapter of Duodin as our hero sees life on the other side of the coin in “Her imperial Majesty, Princess Kismet or Princess 101.