Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eagle In Flight ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is a disclaimer. Please note the dis before claimer. As in, I make no claim. In other words, the characters in this work are not my own. I'd like to think the storyline at least somewhat original, any similarity to other works, fiction or non-fiction is entirely unintentional.
Eagle in Flight
Chapter 4
It took almost twenty minutes to get the ship taken care of and catch a ride to the medical center. By the time they walked into the emergency wing Heero was frustrated and worried beyond belief. Walking up to the desk with Duo trailing behind him, he inquired after his friends.
“They're being processed right now,” he was told. “The duty physician will contact us when they are done. If they need any surgery it could be a bit. In the mean time if you could fill out some paperwork . . .” The nurse handed him a clipboard and two packets of papers. “I'll call you as soon as I receive word on their conditions.”
Grumbling softly under his breath Heero walked over to the seating area, zooming in on two empty chairs placed next to each other. Taking one, he gestured for Duo to take the one next to him. He filled out the paperwork quickly and meticulously then tapped it once and stood to take it to the desk. When he returned to his seat he closed his eyes and waiting patiently for the call.
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“Persons for Trowa Barton?” The call came from one of the doorways, where an emergency room nurse was standing.
Heero stood and grabbed Duo's hand. “Here,” he said, walking over to the doorway, Duo trailing behind him like a lost puppy.
“He's through now. We've placed him a room and you can go back now.” The nurse gestured down the hallway, which lead into the hospital proper. “Elevators are at the end of the hall way, on the left. Mr. Barton is in room 307. He may only have one visitor for now please.
Heero nodded, “Thank you. Do you know anything about the young man that was brought in with him, Quatre Winner?”
The nurse shook his head, “No, would you like me to find out?” he pointed toward the emergency room reception desk, “I can leave a message at the desk for you.”
“Thank You.” Heero turned to Duo, tugging slightly at his hand. “Let's go. You can wait outside the room.”
“Or I could wait here. It would be just as easy.” Duo tried to unclasp his hand from Heero's, meeting with only minimal success. “It's really not necessary that I follow you everywhere.”
Heero growled, “You are not going out of my sight. It's not that I don't trust you, but right now . . .” He tugged once more at Duo's hand. “Come on. I want to see him.”
Duo shrugged, tilting his head to the side. “All right then,” he finally freed his hand from Heero's grip and stuck it in his pocket, “Lead the way.”
Heero took off down the hall, Duo trailing behind, head down, and hands in pockets.
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Once they got up to the third floor, locating Trowa's room was accomplished without to much hassle, thanks to clearly labeled signs posted at each corridor intersection. Once they arrived, Duo took up a stance just to the left of the door, leaning against a wall, while Heero went in.
Heero walked into the room. Looking around he discovered it was a double, with Trowa being in the bed farthest from the door, and the other bed currently unoccupied. Walking up to Trowa's bed he smiled, “Hi Trowa.”
Trowa's eyes flickered open, blinking at the light in the room, “Hey Heero, any news on Quatre?”
Heero shook his head, “None yet. I am hoping to hear something once we go back down. I'll try to get him transferred to your room, okay?” He smiled.
Trowa blinked again. “That would be great. I guess I'll see you then.” He yawned, “Now shoo. I need my beauty sleep.”
Heero shook his head and walked out of the room. Collecting Duo he headed back towards the elevator and the first floor.
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When they came back down from visiting Trowa Wufei was waiting for them in the lobby of the emergency section. Heero made sure Duo was seated, then nodded to Wufei and gestured him over to a corner where they could talk somewhat privately.
“Any luck?” Heero whispered, placing a hand on Wufei's shoulder.
Wufei growled softly, and shook his head. “No. Unfortunately I was unable to track the shooter beyond the outer doors of the spaceport. I am sorry”
Heero sighed, “It's alright. Go take a seat; I need to see what the report is on Quatre.” He gestured Wufei into a seat beside Duo, then walked over to the desk
The note at the desk revealed that Quatre was in surgery to remove the bullet from his hip and would likely be done in twenty minutes or so. It was time stamped from 10 minutes ago, and the nurse at the desk informed him that Quatre would likely be in recovery for an additional half an hour after surgery was finished. After receiving this information, Heero walked back over to Wufei and Duo.
Wufei looked up at him. “Well?”
Heero frowned, “It will likely be another forty minutes before he is ready to be moved to a room. Some one needs to go and inform the Ganymede offices of the delay.”
Wufei stared at him. “You haven't called them yet? You, our own dear Mr. Efficiency haven't called to report what has happened?”
Heero snarled. “I've been busy, okay?”
Wufei nodded, “Fine. I'll go report in, and you can see to Quatre. Is it possible to have him and Trowa in the same room?”
Heero shrugged “I hope so.”
“Try. Explain the situation to the hospital; I'll be back in an hour to stand guard over Quatre.” Wufei walked out of the medical center, heading towards the railway. The offices were actually pretty close, but he needed to save time wherever possible.
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Wufei arrived in one hour on the dot, just as visiting hours closed for the night. Heero had already explained the situation to the hospital staff, who had agreed to place Quatre and Trowa in the same room, and to allow Wufei to stand guard. Unfortunately, by the time Wufei arrived in a Ganymede chauffeured car, Heero was barely hanging on. His senses were all over the place, and he clung tightly to Duo. This continued all through the ride across the colony to the Ganymede offices; Heero taking even, measured breaths with his eyes tightly closed. By the time they arrived he was mostly back to himself, walking up to the door unaided and reporting to the front desk that he had arrived. He had barely done so when an odd figure walked through the doors of the reception area.
"Heero my boy we have been expecting you. And this is your Guide of course; I believe Wufei said his name is Duo?"
Heero started, blinking once and reaching back to grab Duo's hand. “Doctor J. I was not aware you were on this colony.”
“G and I were nearby and decided to come over when we heard you would be stopping here in case you needed him. You've always responded well to his mind touch.”
Heero bobbed his head in agreement. “Thank you for that consideration; I had been having some difficulties but if you've talked to Wufei you know that. As for the other . . . Yes, this is my Guide, Duo. Duo, this is the senior sentinel trainer at Ganymede. We call him Dr. J."
J's craggy face broke into a grin, “Well Duo it is a pleasure to meet you. Who was your training master? You weren't one of G's or I would recognize you.”
Duo starred at him, eyes wide, unblinking.
J looked at him, mouth twitching into a frown, “Well boy, speak up.”
Duo glared at him, "What's it to you?” He growled softly at the back of his throat.
Heero walked up to him, placing his arms on his shoulders. “Mine, calm down. J doesn't mean anything by it; it is a fairly standard question . . .”
Duo shifted his glare to point at Heero. “Yours? Since when am I yours? I may have agreed to sit down and listed and you explain yourselves, and even to testing if you insist, but that doesn't make me yours.”
Heero frowned. “You are my Guide. I can't change that. I thought you had accepted it. You brought me around, and you've been allowing me . . .”
“As upset as you were, I wasn't going to leave you alone. You needed help and I could provide it. That doesn't grant you some indelible right to my personage.” Duo's glare intensified, and his lips were forming a definite frown.
Heero sighed. “Okay. Look, why don't you let them take you to a room. I need to talk to J for a bit. In the morning you can talk to G, who is in charge of specialized Guide training. He can test you and arrange for training. Will you allow at least that much?”
Duo sighed. “Okay, fine.” He crossed his arms. “As long as it's clear that I'm not agreeing to anything.” He sighed again. “I guess I will see you in the morning.”
Duo turned to the front desk where the secretary nodded to him and gestured to a door. “Room 257, up one level and to the right,” he said.
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Heero closed his eyes for a second and tracked Duo as he moved across the second floor. He sighed softly and then opened his eyes.
J looked as his pupil softly. "He is untrained?"
"Untrained? Yes and as you saw, resistant to the entire idea that he is a Guide, much less my Guide.” Heero shook his head, “At least he has agreed to receive training now. Before, he was refusing even that intrusion on his life." Heero stared at the ceiling, tracking his Guide's movement through the quarters he had been assigned. "I just have to hope now."
J rested his real hand gently on Heero's shoulder, "He'll come around. He likes you."
Heero shook his head, "Gods I hope so. And I'm not telling him about the connecting door, or even that my being next door is anything but coincidence."
J smiled and shook his head. "I'll tell G he has a new student."
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Duo walked down the hallway of the second floor, stopping when he reached room 257. Looking at the door he could see not visible lock. Frowning he reached out and twisted the handle.
"Hello resident. Please clearly state your name for voiceprint lock."
Duo blinked. That was interesting, but he supposed . . . "Duo Maxwell."
The door clicked open beneath his hand, as the voice announced, "Voiceprint registered. To gain access to this room for the duration of your stay, state your name to unlock the door."
Duo nodded absentmindedly and walked in. Looking around the room he found it looked like a very nice hotel room. The main room held a sofa and television and behind a wall screen there was a double bed and a small table. A doorway to the side led to a small kitchenette with a bar overlooking the room. Another door led to the bathroom while the third was locked. He sighed and walked over to the bed to collapse.
Lying on his back, Duo thought back over the events of the day. From meeting his new clients, to the sudden shooting, and now here he was, relaxing in a room at a Ganymede office after being declared a Guide. He had even agreed to meet with a Guide trainer. He wasn't sure what was happening but Heero had asked and damn it, he liked the guy.
Sighing, he rolled over onto his stomach and pulled one pillow over his head. He would think about it in the morning.